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Tangled: A New Adult Romance Boxed Set (12 Book Bundle of Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Royalty)

Page 80

by Lakes, Krista

  We showered and redressed and went to collect my things. Steel smoothed things over with the owner of the place, and gave him money to cover my leaving. I’d still be working there, so it’s not like Phil’s was out of my life. Besides, I liked working there. My customers knew me, and nobody wanted to talk all day long. They let me be as long as I kept their drinks coming and the shots refilled.

  Moving into his place felt weird yet incredibly rewarding. I put my few things in a back bedroom that had a bathroom attached to it. The thought of having my own bathroom again excited me as much as anything. It was clean and I could take long, hot showers. I knew I couldn’t stay here forever, but after finally accepting his gracious offer, I felt relief wash through me.

  I’d sleep without fear, not hear people slamming down the hallway, not have to barricade myself in the bathroom, and not have to wash in a nasty, dirty bathroom. I felt like a thrown away teddy-bear that had been picked up and cherished after being found on the side of the road.

  I knew I’d probably sleep in Steel’s bed as often as I slept in my own, but I didn’t want to push things, or even know where this relationship was going. I felt safe calling it a relationship now that we’d consummated it, but it felt odd. I’d been alone for so long.

  The news came while I was at work the following day. He’d been charged with disorderly conduct and while that was handled with a fine, my step-brother was pressing charges. With so many witnesses, my asshole step-monster knew he had a solid case. He was unprovoked; Steel started it by breaking both his nose and shattering part of his cheekbone.

  I didn’t know about it until I walked in and found Steel with his head buried at the table. He’d been drinking, but not his usual choice of brew. “My life is ruined. This is going to hit the news, I’ve been warned, and my contract may be dissolved.”

  I stood looking at him. This man of confidence, strong and powerful was crushed under the blow of the legalities staring him in the face. The Red Hawks didn’t like the bad publicity, and if this went to court and became a spectacle, they’d kick him off the team. He’d lose his lucrative contract.

  “We’ll get through this,” I said, resting my hand on his shoulder.

  “You realize the rape will come out, you have to press charges. I was defending your honor.”

  “I didn’t ask you to attack him,” I said in a moment of panic. “I can’t go back and revisit the past like that.”

  “My team appointed me a lawyer. She’ll want to know all of the details. I’m not going to lie.”

  The color drained from my face. Dropping into one of the kitchen chairs, “I can’t do this.”

  “You have to, Avery. It’s coming out whether you want it to or not.”

  I stared at the big man before me. No, no, no, no, I don’t want this.

  Steel lifted his head and looked at me. “There’s no going back. The allegations are on the table, and what we’ll need from you is your details. They’ll say I was protecting you from your former rapist.”

  “I can’t,” I whispered. “I don’t want to talk about it.” Standing, I paced back and forth, feeling like a trapped rat.

  “You have to.”

  “It will tear the wound open again, and my parents, my asshole step-monster will be in my face.”

  “I’ll be there, I’ll protect you.”

  “How, by jumping on him again?” My anger shot out, unapologetically.

  “I did it for you,” he growled.

  “I didn’t ask you to.”

  “You’re unbelievable, you know that? What do you want from me?”

  “What do you want from me,” I challenged.

  “To have my back, like I had yours.” His glare said it all.

  I dropped my head, the shame of the words kicking me in the gut. Nodding, “Okay,” I sat back down, not having a clue what I was going to do, or how I was going to get through this, but I’d do it to help him – like he was trying to help me. He shouldn’t suffer for my mistakes, my reactions, and my life that I thrust on him. I should have never told him, it’s my fault.

  “My sister’s flying in later this week; she’ll be staying in the other spare room. I called her and she wants to be here.”

  Great, somebody else who will have an opinion about my life.

  Chapter 12

  When she arrived, she wasn’t what I was expecting. Kira stood all of five foot two inches, but she was a spitfire. I expected her to be frail from how he’d described what she went through being broken, but if anything she was strong, feisty, and independent.

  Her rounded curves filled her jeans with new weight she complained of putting on. Her brother only teased the slightest bit and all in good fun. She adored him, that was obvious, but she didn’t like his ribbing her about that.

  “Kira,” he finally told her, “you’re beautiful. Don’t you get that, whether you weigh one hundred pounds or two hundred pounds, you’re beautiful sis. Don’t let it bother you. Any guy that can’t see how special you are doesn’t deserve you.”

  I watched their dynamic as they reconnected.

  Steel introduced us and then explained the full story. He only told her pieces of it before she declared she’d be on the next plane heading east. She’d be there for him, just like he was there for her.

  “You should stay for good, I’ve got plenty of room,” he offered. “There’s nothing left in Seattle for you anyway.”

  I couldn’t see the three of us living here, and I was pretty sure I’d be pushed out of the picture pretty quickly. She didn’t have a warm spot for me quite as easily. I could feel her sizing me up, questioning my intentions. Her brother was a big time football star, and who was I but somebody that brought trouble into his life already.

  He came to life on seeing her, and I knew immediately where I stood. It’s like I barely existed the moment she stepped in the picture. I might as well pack my things, I’d convinced myself.

  “So this is Avery,” he started.

  “So I’ve heard,” she motioned with her hand, and eyed me up.

  “Be nice, sis, she means a lot to me.”

  “She’s gotten your ass in trouble already.”

  I wanted to tell her to fuck off, but I bit my tongue, saying nothing. I didn’t need to defend myself against some stranger.

  I didn’t know it was jealousy, I thought it was anger. Only as time wore on, I grew to see she didn’t like other women holding his attention. It’s not that she wanted him for herself, not in that way, but she wasn’t used to sharing. He’d been her savior, her protector for so long; she had a hard time seeing him dote on another woman.

  In truth, Kira wanted him to be happy, to find love and move on. It was just hard knowing she wouldn’t always be the most important woman in the world to him. She accepted that it would happen one day, but she wasn’t ready just yet. And if I wasn’t in the picture, he wouldn’t be in trouble.

  Dropping her bag in the spare bedroom, Steel rejoined us in the living room. “Thanks for coming, Kira,” he added before falling to the sofa. Watching him take space, he owned it, stretched out, and didn’t apologize for his presence.

  “Okay, so what do we know so far, and what’s next?”

  “Her step-brother is pressing charges like I told you, and what I need is for Avery to tell her side of the story to show just cause.”

  “Of course,” she said, agreeing.

  “It’s not that easy,” I started.

  Kira stared at me like I had two heads. “Why not?”

  “I don’t want to dig up the past,” I started, feeling weak.

  “Digging up the past? That’s what you call it? If he raped you, he deserves what he gets,” her voice was hardened. Softening just a little bit, “Listen, I know what it’s like, but you can’t let them win.”

  I watched her face, seeing her flinch mentioning bits and pieces of her past.

  “I don’t think I can,” I said quietly.

  “So you’re willing to let Steel fall,
without trying to save him?” Her demeanor changed.

  “I didn’t say that,” I quickly defended.

  “You didn’t say you’re stepping up to help him either,” she pointed out.

  “It’s complicated,” I fumbled.

  She was annoyed. “Look, I don’t know what you went through in your situation, but for me letting go of the shame and taking my power back was huge. I can’t promise it would be the same for you, but you can’t turn your back on my brother.”

  I looked away. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want Steel to have trouble because of me, but couldn’t a fancy, expensive lawyer get him out of this mess? And couldn’t he just pay him off, and slide it under the table – then we could all put it behind us.

  “Steel can’t have another notch against him,” she said, trying to find my soft spot. “After what happened in Seattle, this could destroy him if it came down hard against him. He’s got a promising future; don’t make him give up his career.”

  Steel watched us talk, and finally stepped in. “It will all work out,” he said trying to make us all feel better.

  I looked over at the man that had shattered my wall, broken through, pulled down brick after brick, and finally caved. “I’ll do it for you.”

  They both turned to look at me. Kira spoke first, “You won’t regret it, I promise. We’ll both stand by your side.”

  That surprised me. I expected she’d be a thorn in my side, but it turns out she was about to turn into a very good friend, something I hadn’t had in ages.

  A collective sigh went through the room. I was terrified, but I wasn’t alone.

  Digging up the past was going to be ugly, and without proof and my word against his own, it may get nowhere – but when it came down to it, it could save Steel’s career from collapsing. Surely they’d see he was protecting my honor, not some violent criminal who attacked people for no reason, the way they were going to try to do it – damn, sleazy lawyers.

  Only my asshole step-monster was willing to accept a settlement to let it all rest quickly and quietly. Money to buy him off and to keep his mouth shut. Steel took the deal, but thought I should still press charges. Without the pressure on him anymore, I changed my mind and decided to let it drop. If I’d been smart and reported it immediately, there would have been proof, proof between my legs, but I didn’t. Now it was only my words, with absolutely no evidence, no prior police report, no nothing - only digging up bones.

  Kira decided to stay, and I decided to move into Steel’s room. We were sleeping together regularly, and each time I curled into him, I felt stronger, safer, and more confident. I think it was being cared for, cared about, and truly wanted.

  It was when Kira decided she was taking issue with our growing bond that things got ugly. She was fine with me being his girl until the point that he said he loved me. The moment it came out, things changed.

  I heard that he loved me through her raised voice, not from him telling me. I was half asleep, still waking up.

  “You love her, but you barely know her,” she lamented, her pitch too loud.

  “Shhh, keep it down, she’s sleeping.”

  “Have you told her?”

  I stayed in bed eavesdropping. I knew it was wrong, listening in like this, but it was too hard to tune out. Hearing that Steel loved me blew me away. I felt warm and wonderful, though reeled at her reaction.

  “She’s not good enough for you, Steel, she’ll hold you back.”

  “What makes you an expert?” He was getting annoyed with his little sister questioning his choices.

  “She works at some dive bar, Steel. You’re a professional ball player; you need somebody more high profile, less white trash.”

  “Holy shit, did you just call her trash?”

  “Come on, I didn’t mean it that way.”

  “I expected more out of you,” he swatted with his words, almost spitting them out.

  “Steel, that’s not fair. You know I’m just looking out for you. How do you know she’s not a gold digger looking to strike it rich?”

  “You know nothing about her, not where she comes from, not how I found her – and what we have is real.” He was firm, direct, and strong. He wasn’t letting his sister second guess his choices.

  “I’m sorry, okay,” she said, trying to pacify him. “It’s just that I’m trying to watch your back.”

  “Don’t bother, if you’re going to tear Avery down.”

  “You’re making a mistake,” she finally shot out, and then stomped down the hallway, slamming her door shut.

  I quickly closed my eyes in case he came into the room. My heart was racing at hearing the words. He loves me – he loves me. Wow, that’s huge. I mean, I know he cares, but he loves me.

  She was less than happy, and apparently had stronger opinions of me than I realized. I was horrified she’d even think to classify me as a gold digger, but would I have thought any differently if I was his sister? He’s a professional football player that just came into a lot of money with his new contract. Maybe she thought I staked him out and weaseled my way into his life. Isn’t that a laugh? I kept trying to push him away – but she doesn’t know that. Either way, he loves me. A small smile spread across my lips.

  I found him in the kitchen later, kicked back and lost in thought.

  “Hey,” I said, padding in, a long t-shirt covering my cotton panties. I wasn’t a fancy lingerie kind of girl, and I wasn’t going to pretend to be one now that I had a boyfriend.

  “Hey,” he said, pushing his mug back and slouching onto the table.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just a stupid argument with my sister.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Not really.”

  “Okay,” I said, pulling the juice from the fridge.

  “How’s your final paper coming?”

  I shrugged, “I don’t know. I’m not feeling it, but it’s almost finished.” I dropped across from him onto a kitchen chair. “I have no idea what to do with myself,” I confessed. “If I graduate, there’s no reason I can’t start applying for different jobs with a degree in tow. I’m feeling kind of lost.”

  “You’ll figure it out,” he said. “Listen, I need to go out for a bit today. Do you mind hanging with my sister? Also, I was thinking we could go away when you wrap your classes. With training camp coming up, my schedule will be tighter, and I won’t have as much free time. Football season can be pretty intense.”

  “Sure,” I said, my insides tight, knowing his sister had grittier feelings for me than I first realized.

  I loved the sound of his voice, it was deep and solid. There was something sexy and masculine about it that ran through me in delight.

  I tested him, maybe it was out of line, but I said it, waiting to see if he’d say it back. “I’m going to grab a shower, love you,” I laid out casually, watching my tone.

  “Okay,” he answered. No “love you” came back, even though I know he felt it. He barely flinched when I said it, but I wondered if I was out of line. Would he know I heard his conversation earlier?

  I waited and waited, and he still didn’t say it. I think his sister’s opinion held more weight than I wanted it to.

  Chapter 13

  It was at my graduation than he finally said the words to me. Soft and warm, he whispered them close, telling me he was proud of what I’d accomplished.

  “Congratulations,” he said quietly, his hot breath at my ear, “I love you.”

  Pulling back to look at him, his eyes were watching my reaction. “I love you too,” I answered and then accepted a small kiss. We were in public and controlled stronger urges.

  “I got you something,” he said pulling out a small, velvet jewelry box.

  On opening it, the diamond earrings sparkled brilliantly. I caught my breath, “Wow, they’re gorgeous. I can’t accept these, Steel. These must have cost you a fortune.” They weren’t tiny diamond studs, but large pear shaped ones that easily cost
more than I could fathom.

  “They’re not too much for the girl I love,” he corrected.

  I blushed, and accepted the gift as graciously as I could. I didn’t know what to say or what to do, they felt extravagant and more than I deserved.

  “Kira helped me pick them out,” he laughed.


  “Well, she pointed to a smaller pair, so I knew to upsize because she’d be stingy and isn’t in love with you like I am,” he grinned.

  Only it became a tipping point. I didn’t need to be rescued anymore. He didn’t need to save me, and something changed.

  Training camp was approaching, and as the men reported for duty, I saw Steel harden. He was preparing himself to be in a new environment. He was focused and driven. He loved football, but there was a lot of pressure. The Red Hawks paid a lot of money to bring him in, and he didn’t want to let them down. He’d already brought them some bad publicity.

  “Listen,” he warned. “I’m not quite the same during football season. I know we met during that time, but this is different. I’m in the game now, and I get more intense during the season.”

  “I can handle intense,” I said, stroking his shoulder, my head resting on my pillow.

  He was turned toward me, about to go to sleep. Only his hands started to roam and one thing led to another. Pulling me onto him, I straddled his thighs, feeling his massive hardness within me. When he was inside of me, I felt complete. We’d be just fine, or so I thought.

  The problem was that his focus had changed; his job of fixing me was finished. His main goal would be to get through the season and impress his new team. He had tunnel vision, only being able to pull one thing into focus at a time.

  It wasn’t until his sister needed saving again that I recognized what was going on in our relationship. I saw his need to swoop in and be the hero, the savior. I wondered if what we had together was really me being a stray he took in, and now he didn’t know what to do with me since the job was complete. Was that all I was, somebody to rescue?


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