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Tangled: A New Adult Romance Boxed Set (12 Book Bundle of Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Royalty)

Page 150

by Lakes, Krista

  Chapter Eighteen

  As the semester came to an end, exams were in full swing. Philippe and I studied together, usually at the kitchen table together with books and notes everywhere, the stress of finals finally getting to us both. It was three weeks of study, study, write exams. When I had a look at a few of Philippe’s textbooks, I had to admit that his medical degree stuff made mine look easy. Still, as I struggled through statistics and economics, I couldn’t help but think my degree wasn’t a cakewalk either. Noelle’s soccer team canceled practice for a few weeks as everybody on the team was at the University as well, and no one was going to be able to either practice or play. It was funny, I had actually begun enjoying soccer, and a part of me wished Noelle’s team played in the winter so she could have invited me to play with them earlier. Maybe when I got back to San Francisco I’d be able to find an intramural soccer team to join. No, I wasn’t going to think about being back in America. I pretended for as long as I could that I was still going to stay in France, that Philippe and I would be together forever.

  At the end of April it seemed like the semester would never end, but the second week of May, and the end of exams, came faster than I could’ve ever expected. Just as quickly as it started, the semester ended. My student visa expired, I was now on a tourist visa for three months. I had three months to enjoy with Philippe before I had to go back home to America.

  Philippe and I both had our last exam on the same day. When it was finally finished, and I could forget everything I knew about economics, accounting and marketing for a few months, we went out with Noelle, Claire and two of Philippe’s friends, Olivier and Julien to celebrate.

  Of course, this being France, the wine flowed plentifully at the bar and restaurant where we had made our reservations to celebrate. When Philippe ordered us two vanilla milkshakes instead, both our sets of friends looked at us.

  “It’s become a tradition for Sophie and I,” Philippe explained as an answer to their looks. “Sophie is allergic to alcohol (I told him the lie I had already told Claire and Noelle in the past) and one day I accidentally brought a bottle of wine on one of our dates. When Sophie told me she couldn’t drink it, I went and got us some milkshakes, and that’s been our little tradition ever since.”

  I was so thankful for Philippe’s explanation. I also loved the fact that he refused to drink around me as well. It was so respectful, so kind of him to really consider the fact that I was terrified of becoming an alcoholic one day and to do whatever he could to make me feel comfortable around him, even if that meant never drinking himself.

  The weird drink orders were soon forgotten as we all got into the wine and bread brought to us by the waitress.

  “Finally! Only a few more years of this and we will be graduated!” Noelle exclaimed as we clinked glasses.

  “Yes, you chose well not to go into medicine. It feels like we have been in school our whole lives, and we are almost twenty six,” Julien replied, downing his wine with a single gulp.

  “And we still have three years to go,” Olivier added glumly. “Oh well, at least next year is the externat, so at least we’ll get to feel like we’re doctors, even if we don’t have the diploma yet.”

  “Yeah, we’ll finally get hospital experience, so that should be good,” Philippe continued.

  “Fuck it. No more talking about that. Now, we are on vacation. We don’t need to care about learning until September,” Claire chimed in, and everyone had another sip of their drink as we all toasted the fact that school was over yet again.

  “Are you looking forward to going back home? I’m looking forward to you leaving,” Noelle joked, “because I can finally steal Philippe for myself.”

  “Thanks Noelle, you’re a great friend,” I retorted as the whole table laughed. The others were definitely getting tipsy, the noise level coming from our table getting louder and louder.

  “I’m sorry Noelle, Sophie is the only girl for me,” Philippe replied. “We are going to try and make our relationship last long distance.”

  “Oh, my sister tried that once with her boyfriend when he moved to Berlin for work,” Olivier started. “Eventually they broke up because they were so far apart, and also he had a second girlfriend he hadn’t told her about.”

  “Well, I promise you Sophie, I don’t have another girlfriend. We might be a world apart, but I’ll never stop loving you.”

  “Awwwwwww,” came the chorus from the rest of the group as my face went crimson.

  “See? How could I possibly let go of a man so sweet, even if we can’t be together?” I asked everyone, taking hold of Philippe’s arm and resting my head against his shoulder.

  “What are you girls doing fawning over Philippe?” Olivier asked. “Julien and I are perfectly handsome, young, single men.”

  “It’s part of that wanting what you cannot have, of course,” Noelle replied. “But look Claire, we have been so blind. They are right. We must claim these two for ourselves, which one do you want?”

  “Well, I’m sitting next to Julien, so he is mine now. Olivier is all yours.”

  “Ladies, ladies!” I laughed. “They are men, not something you pick off the supermarket shelf, choosing the one which best suits your fancy!”

  “No, I have to say I’m pretty happy with the way this went,” Olivier argued. The whole table laughed as Julien signalled to the waitress to bring another bottle of wine.

  The night continued until finally the restaurant was closing and we were unceremoniously kicked out. The other four were all well and truly past the “buzzed” stage.

  “Hey, Julien, should we go back to my place?” Claire asked, clinging onto her new date’s arm.

  “I think that’s a great idea,” he replied, winking at Philippe.

  “Don’t think you’re the only one getting action tonight, I have roommates but Olivier I’m sure your place is wonderful.”

  “Oh you have no idea, Noelle,” Olivier replied, a huge grin on his face.

  As our party split up, the others heading towards a night of passion, Philippe and I giggled.

  “It’s funny being the only sober ones around drunk people, I’ve found,” I told him.

  “Yes, it definitely makes you think twice about drinking yourself. I hope I don’t look that silly when I do it.”

  “Well, who knows, we may have inadvertently set up a few lovely relationships tonight,” I replied. “But I don’t want them to be the only ones getting action tonight,” I continued, lowering my voice seductively.

  “Are you sure? I mean, I’m still happy to take it slow.”

  “I’m sure. I think that milkshake went to my head,” I added with a grin, and Philippe took my arm.

  “Well, let’s go home then. I’ve wanted to do this to you for so long, I can barely wait.”

  We barely made it inside the door before Philippe and I were all over each other. I was so wet, my panties were completely soaked by the time we got in the door. I had wanted this for so long. I needed Philippe, I needed him more than I had ever needed anything before.

  He pressed me against the wall in the entranceway. A framed photo of somewhere in Italy fell to the floor, but we both ignored it. His hands made their way to my face and my hair, stroking me with a loving, yet passionate touch, a paradox that turned me on more than I could have possibly imagined.

  “Let me know if you want me to stop, if you need time,” Philippe let me know before his mouth was on mine. He kissed me with a passion, a ferocity I could have never imagined. It was like Philippe was dying, and I was the medicine. I was the only thing that could save him.

  “I don’t want you to stop. I don’t ever want you to stop,” I whispered, pulling away from him for a second before diving back in for more, which he instantly gave.

  I wasn’t a virgin, and yet, as we began to make out in the entrance of Philippe’s apartment, I felt like one again. All of the nerves, all of the sensations running through me, it all felt so new. It had been so long since I’d done thi
s, but more than that, I had never done this with a man that brought out this kind of intensity of feeling in me, this absolute need to have him.

  My heart pounded in my chest as Philippe’s mouth moved over mine. His kisses were wonderful, perfect, and I moaned my appreciation as he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

  I pressed myself against Philippe. I could feel my breasts pressing against his chest, my nipples hard and painful as they, along with every other cell in my body, were desperate for his touch.

  I could feel his own arousal and I knew I wasn’t alone with my feelings. His shaft pressed against me, harder and harder, getting bigger and stiffer as he pressed one of his legs in between my own, moving his hands from my hair down to my body.

  Philippe’s breathing became as deep and ragged as my own. He pulled away for a moment and we stood there, neither of us moving. The sound of our breath was the only thing we could hear. Suddenly, with a low almost growl, Philippe moved in on my ear, nibbling my earlobe while his hands found the hem of my shirt.

  With a swift motion he moved it up and over my head. Every inch the fabric moved along my skin drove me wild.

  “I want you so bad,” I murmured as Philippe reached behind me and unclipped my bra with one hand, letting the fabric fall to the floor, revealing my breasts to him.

  “I want you too, and I’m going to have you,” Philippe growled into my ear before moving his mouth down to my nipple.

  My nipples already hard and painful with desire, his mouth on me sent ripples of pleasure coursing through my body.

  “Oh, God!” I exclaimed, throwing my head back against the wall as pure bliss overtook me. Philippe’s hot mouth felt so good, his tongue tweaked my nipple gently, flicking it, teasing it until I didn’t think I could take any more.

  “Do me. Do me right now,” I ordered, my body wanting him more than anything.

  “Patience, Sophie,” Philippe murmured as he moved his mouth from one nipple to the other. “Good things come to those who wait.”

  I didn’t want to wait. I wanted him now. My panties were soaking wet, my body getting ready for the grand finale that it had been dreaming about for so long. I felt weak, I felt like I was going to sink to the floor.

  Philippe made me so high, we hadn’t even gotten into the bedroom yet and I already felt like I was going to faint. His tongue tweaked my other nipple, and I clutched at his hair, my hands needing to hold onto him, as though for dear life.

  With a single quick motion, Philippe moved his mouth off my nipple, grabbed my ass and hoisted me up towards him. My legs instinctively wrapped around his hips and I clung to his shoulders as he carried me towards the bedroom.

  I was soaking wet with desire. I wanted Philippe so bad. He dropped me onto the edge of the bed, letting my legs fall loosely against the side, and as I sunk into the mattress, a moan of pleasure escaped my lips.

  Philippe undid the zipper on the side of my skirt and slipped it off me, leaving me wearing only the thin panties covering my most sensitive areas.

  I wanted his hands to touch me, I wanted him to discover my body, and that’s what he did. His soft fingers found my curves, moving up and down my body, slowly moving around my breasts and down the soft curve of my waist until he found the hem of my panties.

  Philippe paused for a minute as my breath caught in my throat, the anticipation of having him undress me completely almost overwhelming. Tingles ran through my entire body as I waited with bated breath for him to finally slip the panties off me.

  Then he did it, sliding them slowly down my legs, eliciting even more sounds of pleasure from my lips. His hands moved up towards my sex, and my thighs quivered with pleasure as his fingers roamed up them, closer and closer to my nether regions.

  “Oh look at you, you’re so wet,” Philippe murmured as his fingers found the folds of my pussy. “You’re so hot, so sexy,” he murmured, his fingers quickly coated in my juices. I couldn’t take it anymore. I threw my head back against the mattress, my hands clutching at the blanket covering the bed.

  His fingers roamed my sex for a while before pulling away. I let out a cry of disappointment as he moved his fingers away. I wanted that release, I wanted Philippe to give me the ultimate pleasure.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll enjoy this so much more,” Philippe said in reply before moving his tongue towards my sex.

  As soon as his tongue touched my skin, my body was on fire. It was so wet, lapping up my juices, slowly moving in between my folds, before finding my clit. Philippe was a master with his tongue, slowly lapping at my engorged red nub, bringing me closer and closer to orgasm with every stroke.

  “Oh my God!” I cried into nothingness as I felt pressure building inside of me. I was like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any second. Slowly, Philippe moved his tongue from my clit towards the moist folds leading to my entrance. He pressed his tongue up against my slit for an instant before sliding it inside of me.

  I inhaled sharply, my breath catching as Philippe’s tongue entered me for the first time. He slowly slid it in and out of me, lapping up my juices. I spread my legs further apart to give him better access. His tongue was so flexible, as it flicked around, seeming to know every little spot to touch, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to take much more of this. I was so close now, so close to the edge of ultimate pleasure, there was no stopping me.

  “I’m going... oh Philippe, I’m going to come!” I exclaimed, the words trailing off into moans as the orgasm overtook me completely.

  My body shuddered with pleasure as I felt a bliss unlike anything I had ever experienced in my life. It felt like my body was being rocked by an earthquake, like the entire world was going to crumble around me as spasms wracked my body.

  Pleasure shot through my veins, it was like an adrenaline rush multiplied a hundred times over. My blood was boiling, my head was thrown back, and I felt like if I didn’t cry out the pure sensations running through me were going to rip me apart.

  My moans of pleasure resonated across the room, but I didn’t hear them. I didn’t hear anything. I couldn’t see anything. My eyes squeezed shut as my body focused entirely, one hundred percent on squeezing every last ounce of pleasure from my body.

  When I finally came back down to earth, I realized how heavily I was breathing. The walls of my sex would still spasm from time to time, and slowly the sensations of pleasure faded and I was overtaken by a sense of calm, of happiness.

  “Oh shit, you’re amazing,” I whispered, unable to speak normally.

  “And that was just the appetizer,” Philippe replied, coming up from between my legs with a grin.

  Standing up, I watched as Philippe tore off his shirt, revealing those hard muscles underneath. Despite just having came, I instantly felt the moisture forming in between my legs once more. I wanted him so badly, I was turned on at just the sight of his topless body.

  He watched me, grinning, knowing just how much I was enjoying the show as he undid his pants and let them fall to the ground. He wore only his boxers now, and his desire was evident. They quickly fell to the floor as well, and I gasped as I got my first look at Philippe’s sex.

  His shaft was long and thick, and I wanted it inside of me. Oh, how I wanted it in me.

  Philippe moved over to where I lay on the bed. All I could hear was our breathing, both of us panting hard, wanting this. I could feel my chest heaving up and down, the anticipation driving me insane. I wanted Philippe inside of me so badly, when he climbed on top of me, nestling his legs in between mine, I felt like I was going to die with pleasure.

  “I’m going to make you mine, Sophie,” he whispered into my ear, and the raw passion in his voice sent juices flowing out of me. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening.

  “Oh yes, take me right now,” I murmured back as he pressed himself inside of me.

  My heart stopped beating as Philippe slid inside of me with a single long, powerful stroke. It was like time stood still. He filled me completely, the walls of m
y sex stretching to accommodate his large manhood. He held me, one arm on either side of me, his touch so caring, it made my heart melt.

  As he began to slide in and out of me, however, I was reminded just how strong and powerful Philippe was. His movements were deliberate and passionate, strong and forceful, as my body got used to his size.

  Philippe was definitely way bigger than Mike had been. I shifted as my body got used to his size, as the initial slight discomfort that reminded me of the pain I felt when I lost my virginity passed. I threw back my head and moaned. I had wanted this so badly, and it was everything I had hoped for and more.

  He stroked my hair as he slid in and out of me, every stroke of his shaft bringing me to even greater realms of pleasure. His movements were so slow, deliberate that it felt like he was teasing me on purpose, while I mewled with a combination of pleasure and desperation, begging for more.

  I soon got what I wanted, Philippe picking up the pace. I clutched at his back, my nails clutching at his skin, wanting more. Always more. He slid in and out of me so hard I felt like I was on a boat at sea, moving to and fro. I could feel his shaft pulsating inside of me, even as I felt my own orgasm coming on. I couldn’t help it. I was just too turned on, Philippe was just making me feel so much.

  Pleasure shot through my body, and I knew I was close.

  “I’m gonna come again. Oh God, I’m going to come again!” I exclaimed, my voice getting breathless as I was brought closer and closer to the edge. Philippe grunted something, I wasn’t sure what, and all of a sudden we exploded together.

  I could feel him shuddering inside of me, his hot seed spurting deep inside my sex. I convulsed, spasms rocking my body as I lay on the bed. I clutched at Philippe even harder than before, pulling him to me as we were one.

  Philippe continued to move slowly in and out of me as our orgasms passed before collapsing next to me on the bed.


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