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Beast Planet 2: Captive Salvation

Page 5

by Angela Castle

  Yells and the sound of weapons firing carried in the wind. The attack had begun. I shifted back and pressed against the cave wall, listening for more sounds. The distinct battle cry of the Zakiu warriors made me turn my head in that direction.

  I desperately wanted to do something, but what could I do even if I could see? It was my job to protect Morrdrook’s baby. My stomach churned, and I rubbed the back of my neck as helplessness swamped me.

  I felt Lucky crawl back into my lap and scooped the little Wuzzle closer. Stroking him gently, he purred in his chirpy little way. He helped to ease the tension making my shoulders ache.

  “They had better win. I don’t want to be stuck out here on my own.” What would I do if they failed? I’d have to find my own food and shelter. Should I stay around the barrier just waiting for the Druel to return? “No, I won’t think about that now.”

  I guess it was the trait of my race, to always imagine the worst case scenario. Visions of Morrdrook’s bloody body lying on the ground, made me whimper. I rejected it, shoving it out of my mind. Forcing myself to see him charging, battling with his blade and at last, standing victorious over the Druel machines.

  “They’re gonna win, we have to stay positive. He’ll come for us Lucky.” I stroked my fingers a little faster through Lucky’s soft fur, knowing it was going to be a long night.

  Moments later, everything fell silent. The soft sounds of the night and my own hurried breathing were the only things I could hear. Had they done it? Were they free?

  I licked my dry lips, trying to gather enough moisture to swallow. “Please let them be the winners, please.” My whisper was swallowed by the night. I rocked back and forth, my eyes stared into the darkness, waiting…waiting until I saw darkness begin to fade, the shadows of the land around me appearing in the early morning light.

  My body ached from the hours of rigid tension. My eyes burned from keeping them open for so long. I wanted nothing more than to have a hot shower and sink into the furs with my husband’s warm body wrapped around mine. Safe, secure and happy.

  The cold harsh light of morning greeted me. Now able to see my way, I set a sleeping Lucky onto my shoulder and stood up. Agonizingly slow, I picked my way back down the side of the hill, back towards the barrier.

  I saw the mound of large boulders, heading towards them pausing at where I knew the invisible wall stood. My heart pounding in my chest as I reached out and hit the wall.

  “Oh God.” My breath seized in my lungs as fear gripped me.

  They had failed, but where was Morrdrook? Had he fallen? Swamped with dizziness, I sat down on the same rock I had the day before and drew my knees up to my chest as far as I could without crushing the swell of my stomach and waited.

  Chapter Seven


  My head shot up at the sound of Abby’s voice. Her red hair shone like a beacon, in the morning sun. Her face pale, I saw the tracks of her tears. Nular and Killiu followed closely behind.

  Nula’s left arm was in a sling and his shoulder bandaged. I climbed to my feet, facing the trio.

  Panic swelled deep within my chest, making it feel tight.

  “Morrdrook! Oh God, please don’t tell me…”

  “No,” Abby shook her head quickly. “He’s hurt. His right leg was broken in two places and he had a pretty bad blow to the head, but will recover in a few days. The Zakiu heal remarkably fast.”

  “Oh, thank God,” He was still alive, that was the main thing. “But…” I touched the Druel wall again. “The attack didn’t work.”

  “There were simply too many.” Nular spoke. “We destroyed many more than we have before, but their weapons too much. It was either withdraw or all be destroyed.”

  “Was anyone… “

  “We lost two Zakiu, neither of them mated.” Fresh tears rolled down Abby’s cheeks. Nular put his arm around his wife.

  A new panic hit me. My chest suddenly tightened and I struggled to breathe. I felt lightheaded and dizzy.

  “Anna, calm down, take slow deep breaths.” Abby’s voice was steady and calm. Obeying, slowly my breathing steadied. I touched the barrier again.

  “What am I going to do? I’m out here alone. I’ve got no food, no warm clothes. I’m going to die if I stay where I am.”

  Killiu stepped forward. “No Aunna, there is something you can do. Listen carefully to my words. Once the Zakiu were a numerous people, we had many vast, wonderful cities. My father told me of these cities before he was taken by the Druel.”

  I stared at Killiu. “Well, I’m sure that’s nice, but how does it help me?”

  “My father told me that if you travel beyond these mountains and follow the line of the morning sun for three days, you will find one of our great cities. I believe if you go and find this city, you will also find what you need to survive. The Druel came after us as a people and not our lands. I am sure you will have clothing shelter and food.”

  “Three days following the sun.”

  “Yes, you can do this. Morrdrook chose to fight for you. He saw the strength you have inside. I know you want to do this for him and your bud growing within your body.”

  I rubbed my hand over my stomach. It wasn’t just me to think of. I had to take care of myself in order to care for our child.

  I didn’t want to leave Morrdrook, but what choice did I have? I promised Morrdrook no matter what I would live.

  Think Anna. Think, what is best for all three of you. I rubbed my belly again.

  “Are you sure this city will have food, shelter, blankets?” I met the older Zakiu’s gaze.

  “Yes, the sooner you leave the sooner you will find the city. Remember as long as you follow the line of the morning sun, it will not lead you astray.”

  Well that was easy for him to say. “And Morrdrook? You know he’s not going to like this.”

  “You have to do this, Anna. Morrdrook wouldn’t want you to suffer out here alone. He might not like it, but he’ll know it’s the best decision for you and the baby.” Abby put in. “I don’t want to lose you either. You’re my best friend. But we have to put our personal feelings aside and do what we have to do to survive. You know this. All of us do.”

  She was right; I’d always done what was necessary to survive so far. I had to trust my instincts.

  If there was a way for me to return, to break them free from the Druel, maybe this lost city held the answers. I had to leave. I had to find a way.

  My lower lip trembled and my eyes stung as they filled with salty tears. I swiped at them as they slid down my cheeks.

  “Tell Morrdrook I love him, and will do my best to keep us both alive. Nular and Killiu, please look after him and make sure he doesn’t do anything foolish. I know he’s going to try to get through the barrier somehow. I…I…just…keep him safe okay.”

  I willed myself to take a step back.

  “I will swear to you, Morrdrook’s Aunna.” Nular stood tall and proud, his right hand going across his chest in a salute.

  Leave now before you break down completely. I swallowed, turned and walked away. I sniffed, swiping at the stubborn tears, not knowing if I’d ever see Morrdrook again.

  * * * *

  Over the mountains and follow the sun, the words echoed in my head over and over as the day wore on. My feet grew sore and my body weary to the bone. Hunger gnawed at my stomach, I stopped to drink as much water as I could from a stream, before pressing on.

  Lucky fed on blue grass tufts, while I rested under a shady tree. The higher I climbed the mountains, the less vegetation there was.

  “We can do this, can’t we Lucky?” I was more than grateful to have my little Wuzzle on this journey to a place that may or may not exist.

  “C’mon then, we’d better find a place to sleep for the night.”

  * * * *

  By the third day, I was so weak and so damn hungry. The sharp rocks were brutal on my feet, small cuts left the soles bruised and tender. I had made shoes by using moss, leaves and tor
n strips off my skirt, bound tightly. Thankfully, water was plentiful; I regularly came across small streams and little ponds. But I could only drink so much, I needed food. I groaned in relief when at last I saw the vast open fields before me. It meant I could dig up some parppa root and maybe find some inkleberry bushes.

  “You’re damn lucky I haven’t eaten you yet, Lucky.” I licked my dry cracked lips.

  Lucky chirped and scrambled ahead of me, as he’d done many times these past few days. I got the strange feeling the Wuzzle knew where we were going, and was keeping me on the right path.

  “Lucky, think you can help me find some roots and berries?”

  Lucky chirped again and scuttled down the hill, his fur now a pale purple matching the surrounding rocks, we passed. I was now convinced of my Wuzzle’s intelligence. He always seemed to understand my words and anticipate my needs. I was more grateful for the creature’s company than anything else.

  I leaned on the long narrow tree branch I’d acquired along the way. Thank goodness I wasn’t a total stranger to hiking and knew how to fashion a walking stick from fallen branches. I’d done it many times with my brother and father out in the Australian bush. Our country home was nestled up in the bush land of a small country town, quite a few miles from Melbourne.

  I’d thought about my family during my days of walking. I also thought a lot about Morrdrook, wondering if he was okay, if his injuries were healing well. I tried not to think how frantic he would be not being able to protect and care for me. Always so damn sweet.

  I was glad to reach the base of the mountains and from the sun behind me, I knew darkness would fall in a few hours.

  Lucky was already digging around in the field ahead of me. The softer grass was kinder on my sore feet. I walked more slowly, aware of just how weak I was, as I reached my pet and sank down onto my knees. Sure enough, Lucky had found a parppa flower, its bright yellow petals a beacon among the carpet of violet blue grass and green bushes. Lucky was scuttling about in the ground trying to dig the root out. I leaned forward using my fingers and nails to shift the soil. Seeing the top of the pink root, I almost wept for joy.

  With shaking hands, I hurriedly yanked it out of the ground, dusted it off as best I could, and bit into the sweet root.

  It crunched like an apple but tasted starchy, exactly like a raw potato. Hell, I didn’t care…it was food and that’s all that mattered. I chewed, trying not to choke it down in my hungry desperation.

  I tore bits off with my teeth and handed them to Lucky, smiling as his little head popped out and nibbled much like a rabbit would until the strip of parppa root vanished.

  My meal finished, I stood up, bone weary. My mind wanted to go on, but my body oh so tired. “I need to find a place to sleep, Lucky.” Taking a step, I winced at the tenderness in my feet.

  My gaze swept over the long field and line of trees, the gleam of water reflected in the distance.

  “I guess I could do a little more walking down to the water. I could do with a bath as well as sleep.”

  I scooped Lucky up and kept going, thankful for the flat downhill slope and short soft grass, making the walk a little easier.

  The sound of the wind in the line of trees made my heart ache. I missed my Morrdrook so much. I knelt down at the water’s edge and scooped up handfuls of water, drinking my fill. I wept in silence. The water rippled as my tears fell, breaking the smooth surface of the pond.

  “I miss him, Lucky. I miss them all. It sucks being alone. What’s going to happen if we find this lost city anyway?” I leaned back, got to my feet and stumbled towards the trees. “We’ll still be alone.”

  I decided to rest now and bathe in the morning as I curled up under the low hanging branches of the tree. I sniffed back my tears and closed my eyes. Oh so weary…it didn’t take long for me to fall into a deep sleep.

  * * * *

  Days blurred into each other but I kept on walking, passing many long grassy fields, down into ravines and crossing slow-moving streams. I passed grazing lumbering beasts, which looked more like elephant seals with legs. They eyed me, but seemed more intent on grazing on the grass.

  I had spent half a day collecting parppa roots. I whooped with joy when I came across several drooping blue inkleberry bushes. Like a pig I stuffed myself, moaning as their sweet juices ran down my throat. I devoured as much as my stomach would hold and carried the parppa roots in a small sack I’d made from more of my clothing. There was not much of it left. It looked more like a tattered red mini dress than the lovely thing Morrdrook had given me.

  Bless my sweet little Wuzzle, he stayed with me and never strayed far. It seemed I was more following after the little creature as I tried to follow Killiu’s directions too. I was sure I’d walked for more than three days. I could’ve sworn it was five. But then again…that could be a three day journey to a tall Zakiu. They would surely have covered a far greater distance than my small feet.

  Now, Lucky and I stood on a windswept hill. Looking into the distance, I saw large mountain ranges.

  “Where is this city, Lucky? We should’ve reached it by now. How much further do we have to walk? Maybe we did go in the wrong direction.”

  I wasn’t sure I wanted to go any further. Every step forward was a battle—a battle not to turn around and head back. Except, I’d come so far already. The need to see Morrdrook, even if I couldn’t touch him, grew stronger with every labored step.

  Despair hit, I wanted to curl up and cry again. “I can’t go on living like a wild beast, even if we are on a strange beast planet.”

  Lucky chirped, scrambling off my shoulder and down over the swell of my breasts. The Wuzzle had an amazing agility. He leapt off me, landing easily on his furry little feet, and scuttled off.

  “Where you going this time?” Not wanting to lose my only friend, I hurried after him as fast as my sore feet would carry me, following the crest of the hill. It would devastate me if I lost Lucky. Then I really would be alone.

  Four strange-looking boulders stuck out of the ground in a square. Lucky stopped in the middle and bounced franticly up and down.

  “What is it, boy? You find something?” I snorted and laughed at myself, sounding like a kid from a Lassie movie. “I am losing my mind.”

  I sat down on one of the moss-covered boulders, only to realize it was perfectly square. I stood and turned to examine it. Scraping off the dirt from the top, I gasped when I saw the same swirling pattern which the Zakiu had all over their bodies.

  I felt giddy as excitement bubbled up. Either that or it was lack of food that made me feel slightly woozy. I hurried over to another stone and cleared it off. Sure enough, it too was marked. I cleared off all four markers.

  “Okay, so now what?” I joined Lucky in the center of the stone squares. I turned slowly, scanning the surrounding area, hoping to spot more stones or any sign of a city. There was nothing but mountains, hills and fields as far as my eyes could see.

  Lucky continued to bounce at my feet. I frowned, looking down at the Wuzzle. “What is wrong with you? There is nothing here but some stone markers. Where the hell is the Zakiu city! It’s not like they—”

  The ground suddenly rumbled under my feet. A loud crack and hiss made me shriek. The creaking and rumbling grew louder. I screamed, falling backwards onto my ass. The soil and grass fell down as a huge hole opened up under me. A sudden bright piercing light burst from the ground, surrounding me, forcing me to squeeze my eyes shut. Blind panic struck as I scrambled for something to hold onto but my body was being gripped so tightly I struggled to breath. I screamed for Morrdrook before blacking out completely.

  Chapter Eight

  Warmth surrounded me. Oh, it felt so good. I shifted on the soft bed, rolling over.

  “Morrdrook?” I reached for him, but came up empty-handed. I opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep from them.

  “Female of unknown origin, DNA is mixed with Zakiu, female carries a Zakiu bud.” The unknown male voice made me blink and sit u

  “Female is malnourished and must take in nutrients. Preparing food.”

  Zakiu pattern’s adorned the white walls as they stretched up to meet the high ceiling. A blue light sparkled above my head.

  I frowned in confusion. “Who’s there? Where am I?”

  “Welcome to Morradi City Prime of Zakiu. Essence is the central core program.” The same deep smooth voice answered.

  “Essence, you’re a program?” I pushed off the blanket and stood up, wincing at my tender feet. My stomach growled in complaint.

  “Correct, please remain resting. I have assessed your injuries. Your body requires rest and nutrients.”

  I could hardly believe it. I’d made it to the city. “Are there any other Zakiu in the city?”

  “There are no Zakiu in Morradi City Prime.”

  “So…you’re some kind of computer program looking after things?”

  “Word computer is not understood. Please rephrase your question.”

  “Am I talking to an automated machine?”

  “Essence is the central core program of Morradi City Prime.” The voice repeated.

  Okay. “Essence, what is your primary function?”

  “Essence has been programmed to maintain and care for Morradi City Prime and its inhabitants.”

  “But there is no one here.”

  “Negative. There are now two inhabitants of Morradi City Prime.”

  “Two?” I could only guess I was one. But was there another?


  “Who is the other one?”

  “The Zakiu bud within female body.”

  “Oh.” I rubbed my belly and smiled, liking how the computer counted us both. “How did I get into this room if there is no one here?”

  “Essence used an anti-gravity platform, to move you from the city’s shield dome, to the healing center.”

  I remembered the beam of light and something gripping me before I passed out.

  “Just how long have you been guardian of Morradi City Prime?

  “Eight thousand six hundred and fifty two cycles.”


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