Beast Planet 2: Captive Salvation

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Beast Planet 2: Captive Salvation Page 8

by Angela Castle

  A murmur of agreement came from each Zakiu male. “We have better advanced weapons and ships.” Makkiu said, “I have been viewing the inventory of weapons in the armory.”

  “Yes, we have those now, but even then, we are still greatly outnumbered against the force of the Druel drone army.” Morrdrook glanced at me, placing his hand over mine.

  I smiled in encouragement. Morrdrook’s gaze lifted to the blue ball.

  “Essence, is there a way to defend our city against the Druel?”

  “Affirmative, Shah Morrdrook.”


  “Scientist Galvan was working on plans for a planetary defense shield, to protect Zakiu from all outside invaders.”

  My curiosity spiked. “Was working on it? Was the shield completed?”

  “Negative. Galvan placed himself into stasis to avoid detection from the Druel.”

  Morrdrook frowned, “What is stasis?”

  “I don’t know about Zakiu science, but back on earth it was the process of putting living matter or people into a state of stasis or sleep, preserving them, so they can be re-awakened at another time. But it was mostly science fiction not fact,” I said.

  “Yeah, and so were aliens.” Abby’s sarcastic wit was not lost on me.

  “E, can you wake up this Galvan scientist?” I glanced back at Morrdrook.

  “Only on the authority of a Shah of Zakiu.”

  “Am I not a Shah? I command you to awaken Galvan.” Morrdrook’s deep commanding tone, made my stomach drop and send erotic shivers down my spine.

  I stared up at him in awe and licked my lips. Next time we were alone, I would—

  “Compliance, Shah Morrdrook, activating Stasis chamber six, six, one.” E interrupted my wayward thoughts. I glanced up at Morrdrook with a grin.

  I could see the questions in his eyes, but he was wise enough not to voice them in a public setting.

  “Furthermore Essence, you will respond to any and all commands my Aunna makes to you. She is my mate and a part of the royal family.”

  “Affirmative, Shah Morrdrook.”

  My lips twitched at Morrdrook’s words but fell quickly when I realized what Essence had said. “Essence, you are activating Stasis chamber six, six, one?”

  “Affirmative, Shahess Anna.”

  “Tell me. Are there any other Zakiu in stasis?”

  “Affirmative, Shahess Anna.” I gripped Morrdrook’s hand as the realization sank in, not just for me but everyone around the table. Many of the men audibly gasped.

  “How many?” Morrdrook’s hand tightened on mine.

  “Six hundred Zakiu are currently being held in stasis.”

  “E, when I was here alone, you told me there were no other people in the city. Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

  “I was not authorized to give you such information.”

  I hummed my disapproval, but there was nothing I could do about it now. What was done, was done.

  Judging by the wide-eyed expressions of those at the table, this was not what the fighting Zakiu had expected to discover.

  “We are not alone. Oh by the gods of the moons!” Killiu stood up. “We must wake them!”

  “No, wait.” I slipped off Morrdrook’s lap to stand at his side. I faced Killiu. “I think we should wait and talk to this Galvan first. A Druel virus killed most of your people, we have no idea if any of the Zakiu in stasis has the virus. Even if they don’t, waking up six hundred Zakiu at once will cause a lot of confusion and panic. It’s something we don’t need.”

  “Aunna is right, we will talk to this scientist first. Then decide our next steps.” Morrdrook again took charge. “Essence, are any of the Zakiu in stasis infected with the Druel virus?”

  “Negative, Shah Morrdrook, the city was cleansed. All Zakiu in cryostasis are free from the biological entity.”

  My shoulders sagged in relief. One less thing to worry about.

  “You do not need all of us for this. I need to take care of my female. My bud growing within is making her weak and tired.” Bular said from his seat half way down the table. A few of the other men with women on their laps agreed.

  “No, Bular, taking care of our females is most important. Any of you with mates should go and tend your duties. Essence will keep you informed of our progress and if we need you at any time. All other able Zakiu, go explore our lost city and report back your findings later today.”

  “I will stay with you, my Shah,” Killiu inclined his head.

  Morrdrook nodded and I grinned at my man. He was obviously taking well to his role as the new Zakiu king.

  Everyone but Abby, Nular, Joan, Makkiu and Killiu, rose and left the table.

  “I will stay if my Abby can rest here in the palace,” said Nular. “You will need palace guard.”

  “I will stay also,” Makkiu join in. “My Joan will also need a place to rest.”

  “Are you kidding, this place is huge, there are plenty of rooms.” I stretched, feeling a tightening in my lower back.

  “I’m not resting yet, I want to meet this Zakiu scientist.” Abby slid off Nular’s lap.

  “How long until Galvan is out of stasis?” I saw the worried look in Morrdrook’s eye as he glanced over me.

  “Fifteen minutes, Shah Morrdrook,” E responded.

  “Are you alright, Aunna? Do you need rest?”

  Like hell I was going to let a little bit of fatigue stand in my way. I’d come too far and done too much to be left behind now. “I am fine, love. Let’s go meet this Galvan.”

  “Very well, but I shall carry you.”

  I smiled and sure wasn’t going to argue with him. I loved being in Morrdrook’s arms.

  “Essence, tell us how to get to the stasis chamber.”

  Ah, there was that commanding voice again. I hid my grin. My thoughts would really have to wait for later.

  “Affirmative, Shah Morrdrook.”

  * * * *

  “Oh, I feel so queasy.” Abby expressed how I felt. Even Joan looked pale and shaky. The tube-like elevator we’d stepped into shot down into the planet at a rapid speed.

  “You need to return to the palace?” Nular’s voice sounded concerned as he brushed wisps of red hair out of Abby’s face.

  “No, no, I’ll be okay. If I have to go back up into that thing so soon, I know I’ll hurl.”

  I rubbed my own stomach. Morrdrook looked down at me in concern, his hand rubbing comforting circles on my back.

  “Do you need to rest, Aunna?”

  I drew in a few deep breaths. “I’m okay. We’d better hurry.”

  Morrdrook picked me up again. Makkiu already had Joan nestled in his arms. Our Zakiu men carried us down the long corridor, which seemed a perfectly normal thing to do.

  We reached the entrance, which was at least fifteen feet high and arched in semi-circle. Whatever the door was made of, it looked thick, heavy and impenetrable.

  Morrdrook set me on my feet, leaving me next to Nular. He walked to the right of the door, finding the panel just as E had described. Morrdrook’s muscles bunched and flexed as he pushed the heavy lid across, revealing a dark hole. I swallowed in fear, knowing what Morrdrook had to do. I’d seen horror movies where victims had placed their hands into dark holes, only to have horrible things happen to them.

  I almost jumped out of my skin when Abby laid a hand on my shoulder. I hadn’t even noticed Nular had put her down.

  “Hey,” Abby whispered, in the cavernous room. “It’s gonna be okay. Don’t wimp out on me now.”

  I swallowed and nodded, although I still couldn’t help but hold my breath when Morrdrook placed his fist into the hole.

  “I am Shah Morrdrook, blood descendant of Shah Dorrkiu.”

  A low hum sounded, before I felt the ground under my feet vibrate.

  “Genetic match, Shah Identity confirmed. Welcome home, Shah Morrdrook. Stasis chamber opening.”

  The sounds of clicks echoed in the huge chamber as the vault opened.

Morrdrook pulled out his hand. He turned and I could see his cocky grin as he approached. He held out his hand to beckon me forward. Without hesitation I put mine into his, letting out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

  We both turned to watch the large door open, slowly lifting from deep in the ground. It seemed the Zakiu had designed this chamber to be impenetrable.

  Morrdrook didn’t wait for the door to open all the way. He tugged me forward, ducking his head under the door after it had opened a good five feet. As we passed under it, I noticed it was about three feet thick.

  “There ain’t nobody getting in here,” said Abby, as she and Nular followed with Joan and Makkiu behind them.

  “I think that was the idea. What I don’t understand is why it wasn’t used when the Druel started abducting the Zakiu?” Joan spoke up.

  “You saw the records. It all happened in a matter of days. There was mass panic. I’m just glad someone was levelheaded enough to save who they could.”

  “Without the virus, Zakiu armies would have fought the Druel had they tried to take us.” Morrdrook said.

  The walls in the tunnel grew smaller the further we walked down.

  “It was a sneaky underhanded way to attack another civilization. They must have studied your weakness before spreading the virus. The Druel themselves are small and pathetic, but they hide behind their technology. Cowards, deriving pleasure from the pain of others.” I could almost taste the bitterness in my mouth as I spoke the words in distaste.

  Morrdrook paused. The tunnel was now only big enough to fit two Zakiu side by side. He set me down as he examined the door. It was simple and black with another DNA scanner, much like the first. Without hesitation he inserted his hand into the hole by the side of the door.

  A green light suddenly flashed, moving over all those present, before vanishing. The door gave a series of click, hissing as it opened outward.

  He glanced back at me. “Wait.”

  I pursed my lips, folded my arms and watched as he walked through the door into the darkness.

  Everyone jumped as a bright light suddenly flooded the tunnel entranceway. I was forced to cover my eyes with my hand, before stumbling blindly forward.


  “I am here, my Aunna.” I felt his hand band around my arm, guiding me forward. I blinked rapidly as my eyes adjusted to the brightness.

  I gasped, when my gaze fell upon row after row of long coffin-like stasis chambers. Each one hooked up to a long tube running down from the ceiling. Stark white walls enhanced the deep glowing of the crystal blue coffin-like stasis chambers. We could easily see the Zakiu laying within through the clear walls of the chambers.

  “Wow.” Abby and Nular came in behind us.

  Mikkiu moved between the rows, peering into the chambers through the transparent blue crystal. “There are female Zakiu here.”

  Silence fell as we slowly walked past the row of chambers, peering into each one.

  “Does that mean you won’t want us anymore?” Everyone turned to glance at Joan. She shifted nervously, her gaze fixed on Mikkiu. I saw the apprehension in her eyes. “You told me to always be honest with you. My ex-husband cheated on me with another woman. Will you do the same? Abandon me now you have your own women?” She gestured towards one of the female Zakiu in the stasis chamber.

  “My Joan, I would not have fought so hard to win you if I did not wish to keep you for the rest of our lives. Everything I am, belongs to you as everything you are, belongs to me. Never will I leave you for another, no matter the species.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat, as the same thought passed through my mind. But dismissed it as quickly, I knew Morrdrook would never abandon me.

  Mikkiu tugged Joan into his arms, lifting her up and sealing his lips over hers, in a passionate moment. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks and turned away from the couple, only to see Morrdrook arch an eyebrow at me, his lips quirked in an amused smile.

  Morrdrook moved in, his hands sweeping over my pale orange top, over the defined bump of my lower stomach. He leaned down, whispering in my ear, “When you become ours, you are always ours.”

  Goosebumps rose over my skin and I met his gaze, reaching up to trace the smooth skin of his cheek with my fingertips.

  “I know.” I smiled, my love for him making my heart swell with pride.

  “Come then, let us find the scientist.” Gently, he guided me away from Mikkiu and Joan. Abby and Nular followed behind. “Down there.” He pointed down along the long rows and I spotted what he had—one of the chamber lids was open.

  “That has to be Galvan. Let’s go meet him.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Hands shaking, Galvan tried to raise the cup to drink the warm liquid. E informed us that, after stasis, his body wouldn’t be able to process solid foods for a few days.

  Concerned and wanting to help, I stepped forward, gaining a suspicious look from the older Zakiu man. I smiled warmly and wrapped my hands around his, helping raise his cup.

  His gaze never left mine as he drained the cup.

  It had been a few hours since Morrdrook and Nular had carried the man back to the surface into the palace. He had remained silent when Morrdrook had explained what the Druel had been doing to their people for the past century. He outlined our recent freedom from the compound. I felt my cheeks heat under his praise.

  “Gratitude,” Galvan mumbled.

  I gave him another smile. “You’re welcome. Have you had enough?”

  He nodded, his gaze diverting from mine to Morrdrook standing behind me. I set the cup down and moved to sit by his side, his hand closing over mine in a possessive gesture.

  “Do you feel any better, Galvan?”

  He cleared his throat. “Yes. Stasis was never meant for… this amount of time.”

  I noted Morrdrook still studying the man with a stern expression.

  “Essence told us you were working on plans for a planetary defense system.” Morrdrook cut right to the heart of the matter.

  “Yes, the Guardian Shield.” He shook his head. “I was forced to put myself into stasis, before Druel returned to sweep the city again. The plans are complete. I barely had enough time to complete the Essence program. I was unable to build the shield.”

  “We have less than seven weeks before the Druel come out of hibernation and return. No doubt they will know we have broken free of the compound and will come after us. Can you get this Guardian Shield up and running before they return?”

  Galvan frowned. “It may be possible, but we will need to awaken everyone. I calculated the shield needed to be powerful enough to absorb any impact of enemy weapons and needed the direct power of the crystal core of our planet. It is a relief to awaken and know at least they have not discovered the core’s vast power.”

  “Why didn’t you have this kind of shield before the Druel attack?”

  Galvan glanced at me in surprise, before his gaze swing to Morrdrook, who folded his arms.

  “Answer her question. Aunna, is my Shahess.”

  “You cannot take a different species as mate, it is against planet laws. A non-Zakiu female cannot be a Shahess! They were given to you by the Druel, how can you trust them?”

  I could feel the rigid tension rolling off Morrdrook as he rose to his feet to tower over the scientist. Makkiu and Nular also rose, taking a stance behind Morrdrook.

  Galvan’s eyes widened as he realized just the kind of trouble he was in for blurting out something so discriminatory. I could see the smaller man tremble in fear. Still ever the fighter was my man.

  “Oh, not a smart thing to say.” Abby folded her arms, a fierce glare in her green gaze.

  “You will respect every human mate here. They have not only saved our lives, but have changed the fate of our planet. I am Shah of all of Zakiu, my word is law. Aunna is my Shahess. She carries my bud and she can speak for me if she wishes. If you do not care for it, then scientist or not, it will be a very painful death for you.�

  “I…I apologize, my Shah, of course. I did not mean. It has been a long time…I am unaccustomed…” The man trembled, under an imposing force of three Zakiu gladiators, very willing to rip even one of their own apart to defend their women. Heck if I was him, I’d be trembling in fear too. God, I loved my Zakiu.

  “Just quit while you’re ahead,” Joan advised.

  Abby snorted and I rolled my eyes as I stood up to skirt around the men and put my hand on Morrdrook’s arm.

  “Can we just focus on getting this shield up and running, please?”

  “Yes, forgive me, my Shahess.” Galvan, shifted forward, tumbling out of his chair and onto his knees before me.

  I turned to glance down at him, feeling only compassion for what he must have been through witnessing the death and destruction of his people.

  “It’s okay, please get up. We’re all in this together, Zakiu and humans, and if we can’t work together, we might as well just sit on the city steps and wait for the Druel to arrive.”

  “We were peaceful but proud people and many other nations from around the galaxy species came to us to trade. Through our arrogance, we thought nothing could harm us, until the Druel came and deceived everyone.” Galvan drew in a deep breath, his gaze on mine as he continued. “Once the attack started, we focused on saving as many as we could from the biological entity destroying the people. Then the Druel started stealing the Zakiu from the streets. I knew we needed more defense than just against the sickness, so Essence and I started designing the Guardian Shield. I managed to finish the plans but could not build it by myself. The Druel were doing regular sweeps of the city, searching for living Zakiu to take. If they found me or any of those I’d put into stasis, I knew all would be lost, forever.”

  “You did what you had to do, but now we must focus on building this Guardian Shield and not squabble over differences in species.”

  “You are right, my Aunna.” Morrdrook’s arms slid around me. “You must tell us what needs to be done to build the shield. This is our last chance for a life free from Druel. This is our last chance to save our people.”

  Nular stepped forward to grip the scientist’s arm, hauling him to his feet.


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