Beast Planet 2: Captive Salvation

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Beast Planet 2: Captive Salvation Page 9

by Angela Castle

  “First we must start waking the others. We are going to need many hands to work.”

  Morrdrook nodded towards Nular and Mikkiu.

  “I will call the others and begin. Abby, you will go rest. I see how weary you are.”

  “I’m okay honey, there’s no need…”

  “Abby.” Nular’s stern tone made her falter.

  “The same goes for you, Joan. You have done too much already,” Mikkiu added.

  Joan smiled at her guy.

  “Aunna, take your friends to a comfortable room. You will rest too.” It was a command and one I wasn’t going to argue over.

  I sighed. I didn’t want to admit how tired I really was, but then again Morrdrook always seemed to know.

  I twisted in his arms, going up on tiptoes. He lowered his head meeting my lips half way in a brief, yet tender kiss.

  “Okay, I’ll rest, but you please be careful.”

  He gently stroked the side of my face, the love shone in his pale eyes. “I will, my Aunna.” He released me and I pulled from his arms to walk towards the door where the other women waited. I smiled at them.

  “Before our nap, I’ve got to show you the royal pool.”

  * * * *

  “Once the poles are built they must be taken to the other cities on our planet.”

  Galvan pointed to the four different places on the holographic map of the planet.

  “Each already has circuits connected to the plant’s liquid crystal core, the crystal heart is what provides unlimited power and resources to all the cities. Each city has a power control center in which the parts need to be installed. It is a delicate process. Once properly installed, we can operate the shield from the main control panel here, in Morradi City Prime.”

  “We are fast running out of time,” Morrdrook pressed. I watched him study the map, his arms folded across his chest, hand on his chin and mind obviously at work.

  I sat in a comfortable chair in the main council room chambers. My pregnancy had been making me so very tired lately. Sometimes, I would just nod off without realizing it until Morrdrook picked me up and carried me back to our chambers.

  It wasn’t the only problem plaguing me. I found myself having quite regular mood swings and more often than not, found myself feeling overwhelmed and bursting into tears over nothing at all. This made Morrdrook worry over me more than he should, especially since there was so much to be done.

  “I already have the teams working in shifts day and night.” Galvan shut down the map and brought out the semantics of the shield components being built by the newly awakened Zakiu. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that a lot of the Zakiu women were also scientist and doctors. The females were tall and elegant with lean attractive features. Some had long hair, kept in a long plait down their backs, while others had shorter bobbed hair. The Zakiu doctors preferred to be called Attenders.

  I closed my eyes as my sleepy mind wandered back over the past few days.

  Attender Angurra, head of the health center, showed her understanding and acceptance of the human women, even if many of the other Zakiu arisen from the stasis chambers had their suspicions. But at least their men were fiercely protective.

  Angurra was happy to explain to my friends and I the dynamics of females in the Zakiu society.

  Before the Druel, the only thing females didn’t do was fight as soldiers. When a female decided to take a mate, they would cease their jobs, cut their hair as a sign, then did nothing but focus on their pregnancy and raising their buds. When their child was old enough to take on a role of their own, the females would go back to whatever job they had done before.

  I smiled and ran my hand over my belly, remembering the scans Angurra and her staff had done, not just on me, but all the pregnant human women, checking up on the health of the women and our babies.

  Morrdrook and I had watched the 3D screen showing us our baby within my belly. I was thrilled to see our precious bud had all five little fingers and toes on each hand and foot. Angurra had helpfully pointed out the sex of our baby.

  Morrdrook wobbled on his feet before he’d steadied himself. A huge grin spread from ear to ear, the pride and love showing in his eyes as he’d gazed down at my stomach in awe.

  “Is not our son perfect, my Aunna?”

  “Just like his daddy.” I couldn’t keep from smiling as I’d felt surrounded in Morrdrook’s joy. He’d leaned over the exam table to plant a kiss on my lips.

  He’d pulled away, straightened and turned to Angurra. “If I make love to my mate, will it harm the bud?”

  Augurra’s laughter filled the room.

  “Not at all, but my examinations have shown humans to be more fragile than Zakiu, so just be gentle.”

  He’d let out a breath and his shoulders had sagged in relief, prompting me to burst into laughter. “He was worried about that before, but I told him we humans are more resilient than he thinks.”

  “You will need a higher nutrient intake, so eat more than you are now. Zakiu buds take a lot from our bodies.”

  “Of course, thank you, Attender Augarra, I would like you to keep a close watch on my Aunna and our bud.”

  “Of course, Shah Morrdrook. I will monitor the bud’s growth carefully.” Augurra met my gaze. “If you feel any discomfort or pain, let me know immediately.”

  “I will, thank you.”

  Morrdrook helped me to sit up on the table and smoothed my top down over my stomach. I liked the new clothes Morrdrook had gotten made for me. Soft blouses in shiny reflective colors, the skirts flowed elegantly around my feet, along with soft slipper-like shoes for my feet. I felt like a pampered princess. Not that I was about to complain.

  The dress of the Zakiu was relatively simple, but looked very good. They wore long pale, v-shaped tops bound around their waist with a sash. While most of the clothing was dark blue or black, each Zakiu seemed to prefer brightly colored sashes wrapped around their waist.

  A sudden fluttering within my belly snapped my mind back to the present. I gasped when the fluttering happened again, a little stronger. All the men in the room turned to stare at me.

  “Aunna, are you alright?” Morrdrook crossed the room, squatting down in front of me.

  I smiled. “I’m fine, I just felt our baby move.”


  I took his hand placing it over my stomach, he waited a moment and his brows knit in concentration. The fluttering came back and his brows shot up in surprise.

  “Does it hurt? Are you in pain?”

  I laughed. “No, no, it feels like a little tickle inside, nothing more. You worry too much about me.”

  “How can I not?” I stared into his eyes, wondering how I ever had survived before this wonderful alien man walked into my life. Damn it, I was getting all emotional again. Tears blurred my vision before spilling over my cheeks.

  “Oh my Aunna, I did not mean to upset you.” He gently pulled me into his arms.

  “No, I’m okay, just, well you know…” I sniffed, “I just love you so much.”

  “I love you too, my Aunna, please do not cry.”

  “It’s just hormones, nothing more. Go back to work, they need you.”

  I peered over Morrdrook’s large shoulder to see Galvan and the others waiting.

  “Abby says mood swings are a normal part of human pregnancy,” Nular offered, with a shrug.

  Morrdrook gently kissed away a few of my tears. “We will talk later.”

  “Fine, just let me know when it’s time to go back to our room.”

  With a woefully brief kiss on my lips, he rose to his feet. I knew my mind should be more focused on the task at hand, but I could only concentrate on half the conversation. Wiping the tears from my face, I yawned sleepily, tucked my legs up under me and rested my head on my arm.

  I sighed, my eyes drifting closed. I drew a small measure of comfort from the fact I would only be pregnant for a few months more…if we survived.

  Chapter Thirteen

bsp; “Where are we going?”

  “Shh, you will know when we arrive.” Morrdrook kept one steadying hand on my waist and the other on my arm as he led me through the maze of palace corridors. I could hear the drumming of my heartbeat in my ears, my breathing became more rapid the moment he placed a blindfold over my eyes. Leaning down he whispered, “Trust me.”

  The anticipation and various scenarios flashed through my mind of just what my alien husband was up to.

  Time was fast running out, we only had a few weeks, maybe even less than that, before the Druel returned. Everything was being put into place. Galvan was confident the Guardian Shield would be complete and ready to activate in the next few days.

  Morrdrook had put Makkiu and Nular in charge of overseeing the team of workers needed to install the newly built shield parts in the other Zakiu cities. With Abby and Joan gone, I was pining for their company even though we talked on the communication feeds.

  Morrdrook worked so hard he was hardly around, but he always had a sixth sense when it came to my moods. I rarely had to tell him anything. Everyone had been busy, but Morrdrook held the extra burden of being Shah of Zakiu.

  Everyone was looking to him to ensure the survival and future of the Zakiu people. He worked long hard hours and often came back to our chambers expressing his fear of failing his people. I did my best to soothe him and show him just how wonderful he was.

  “I don’t like surprises. Tell me where we’re going, please?”

  Morrdrook snorted at my lie. “You will be pleased with this. Now hush.”

  I clamped my lips shut, grinning behind my blindfold. I felt him bend, his strong arm hooked around the back of my legs, lifting me off my feet. I slid my hands up over his chest and hooked them around his neck, before resting my head into the crook of his shoulder, breathing in his delicious spicy masculine scent.

  It didn’t seem to matter where we were or what we had done, his smell alone was a heady aphrodisiac.

  A low groan rumbled from his throat as I continued to take lingering breaths through my nose. “Aunna, if you keep doing that we may not make our destination.”

  “But you smell so good.” I may not be able to see him, but I knew his marking would be glowing very brightly. Feeling the rigid tension in his body only helped confirm his aroused state.

  My own body was screaming for his more intimate touch, my lower stomach already clenching in eager anticipation of feeling his hard cock filling me so deeply.

  Between Morrdrook working day and night for weeks and my pregnancy fatigue, we hadn’t made love in almost a week. That didn’t stop him from curling his large body around mine at every chance he got.

  My grin widened. I turned my head and licked his skin, loving the burst of salty flavor.

  “Humm…and you taste so good.”

  His steady feet never faltered, he stepped up and onto something. I heard the clang of his boots on metal. Whatever he’d stepped on, shot up into the air at an alarming rate, making me tighten my grip on his neck. I knew we were on the anti-gravity platform on the top of the city’s dome. It was an easy bet, he was taking me outside the protection of the city dome.

  “Will you not be silent for even a moment?” I knew from his light tone he teased.

  “Make me.”

  He answered the challenge, by slanting his lips over mine, his tongue, slid along my lips demanding entrance to my mouth.

  I moaned softly, opening, giving him anything he wanted. His tongue swept in, drawing out mine and sucking it into his, every heated stroke made my body respond, my breasts grew achingly heavy, my pussy leaked with juices and my head spun, dizzy with need.

  He broke the kiss and I whimpered in protest, trying to tug him back, wanting his mouth on mine again.

  The sound of his husky chuckle in my ear made me growl in frustration.

  “I want you, Morrdrook. No more games. Please, take us back to our rooms and make love to me.”

  “I want you just as much, but you must wait.”

  Something hissed from above us. I drew in a lungful of fresh night air and felt a gentle cool breeze against my heated skin.

  Morrdrook started to walk again. From what I could tell with the blindfold on, he moved around objects and we seemed to go downhill. I heard the gentle lapping of water being stirred by the breeze.

  Ducking once, he came to a halt. I waited feeling his lungs expanding, drawing in a deep breath. He bent forward to lower me to the ground…only, my bare feet touched something soft and silken. He released a gusty sigh and moved in around behind me. The heat of his front pressed into my back. I could feel his arousal nudging my lower back as he pulled me tightly against him.

  “I know you have been feeling sad and are missing your friends. But I needed to send Makkiu and Nular to oversee the projects in the other cities, and you know they would not be without their mates.”

  “I know that, my love. We all have to do what we can to get this shield on line. Everything else can sort itself out after we are safe.”

  His large hands slid around my waist caressing my stomach, before sliding up to cup my swollen breasts. His fingers kneaded them gently through the fabric of my blouse. “But you still haven’t told me where we are or why.” I melted into his touch.

  One hand left my breast to tug at the blindfold, sliding it from my eyes. I blinked rapidly before taking in the sight around me.

  “Oh my!” Someone had gone to a lot of trouble to carry up blankets and pillows, and arrange them on the grass. Strung up over an arching tree, were soft glowing lights. And overhead, drowning out the stars, were three Zakiu moons, each in a different phase. The one nearest in pale pink, the pale blue one on the horizon a crescent, and the silver one in the middle of the sky a full moon . Each one shone down on us, adding to the shadowy beauty and soft ambiance of the place he’d created.

  “As we no longer have our special lagoon, I wanted to find a new place to make our own and leave the rest of the galaxy behind. Here, there is only us. Here, I can remind you just how important you are to me. You are my life and my center. Before you I did not exist. I can never lose you, my Aunna.”

  How did he always manage to turn me into an emotional, quivering mess? I blinked back the tears swimming in my eyes, turned in his arms and tilted my head back to meet his gaze in the soft light around us. The universe really did vanish from existence when he looked at me with such yearning and adoration, making me giddy.

  “Oh Morrdrook, thank you, this is wonderful. I love you so much.”

  He gently stroked his hand down the side of my face.

  “Everything I am, my love, I give freely to you.”

  Never looking away, I pulled from his arms, gripped the hem of my blouse, drawing it up over my head.

  I smiled at Morrdrook’s sharp intake of breath, his gaze dropped to my black lace covered breasts.

  A few nights ago, Augurra had shown me how to use the clothing replicator and how to design any type of clothing I wanted. With a grin and much to Augurra’s confusion, I made myself some sexy bras and panties.

  “What is this?” He stepped in closer, reached out to trace the swell of my breast, where the bra pushed them into a deep cleavage.

  I giggled. “You like it? On earth we call it lingerie.”

  “Oh my Aunna, I may insist you wear only this to display your bountiful gifts, but as beautifully as it holds them, it hinders my need to touch.”

  I pushed down the skirt and he growled low in his throat. I’d forgotten just how fast he could move, sweeping me off my feet in one instant and laying me down on the pillows the next.

  “You drive me beyond reason, my love.” He sat back on his heels, so that he could slide the panties down my legs and toss them aside. The touch of his gaze, prickled my skin. He leaned down, placing a reverent kiss on my lower belly, and working hot, wet, opened mouth kisses up to the line of the bra. He caught the little front hook between his teeth and it sprung open. My breasts flowed free of the co

  My breasts had grown slightly larger in the past few weeks and the areoles had darkened but the nipples remained a dusty pink.

  “Humm, so beautiful. If being with bud does this to your body, I may wish to keep you pregnant.”

  My unlady-like snort made him chuckle as he took both mounds in his hands, plumping them between his fingers. “I adore how soft you are.”

  “I think I gained back the weight I lost after my wanderings.”

  “Good, I want you to stay soft, always.” He lowered his head to take a taut nipple into his mouth. My head arched back and all thought scattered in the breeze. My fingers slid into his hair, groaning as he sucked hard. He nipped at it lightly, making me gasp, before soothing the sting with his tongue.

  My passage clenched and unclenched with each tug of his mouth, each sting, and edge of burning pain. Oh God, he always knew how to drive me wild.

  I tugged at his hair in my urgency. “Please Morrdrook, I need you inside me!”

  He lifted his head, delivered another lick to the tip of my nipple and chuckled.

  “More pleasure if you wait.”

  He produced a silken scarf from under the pile of pillows. My eyes widened when he took one of my wrists and wrapped the scarf around it.

  “Do you think it escaped my notice the way your body reacts, to certain things I do and say? How you gain more pleasure when I hold you down to fuck you.”

  My stomach pitched and my body trembled with anticipation. I gave no resistance as he lifted my hands above my head, tying them off to something I couldn’t see.

  “When you get all bossy and commanding, I really like it.” It was more difficult to admit than I’d thought. “I don’t know if it’s wrong, but I love your strength and power over me when we are intimate. Yet you always make me feel safe and cherished.”

  “I would never hurt you, or let anyone else harm you, and no, it is not wrong to feel this way. While our minds tell us one thing, our hearts and bodies never lie.” He traced his fingertips down over my arms.

  I gave my bonds an experimental tug. They were firm, but not too tight, knowing I couldn’t escape and that anything he could do to me would only made me burn hotter.


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