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More Than You Know

Page 9

by Jennifer Gracen

  “Tell me a little about our boss,” she said, striving for casual nonchalance.

  Tonio gave her a sideways look. “Dane? What about him?”

  “I don’t know,” Julia said. “You’ve worked for him for a while. Tell me something I don’t know. Something interesting.”

  “Uh . . .” Tonio chewed a few more fries while he thought. Then a big, wicked grin spread across his face. “He likes gorgeous redheads.”

  Julia burst out laughing. “Shut up!”

  “It’s true!”

  “He goes through women like I go through bottles of water, doesn’t he?”

  “I dunno,” Tonio said with a heavy shrug of his huge shoulders. “And I don’t care. I don’t keep up with his social life.”

  “Come on,” Julia scoffed. “His ladies’ man status is kind of legendary.”

  Tonio’s gaze narrowed. “How do you know? Done some homework?”

  Julia felt color bloom on her cheeks, but said quickly, “Maybe a little. I wanted to know about who I’m working for. That’s what seems to come up a lot where he’s concerned.”

  Tonio leaned in on his meaty forearms and lowered his voice. “Who you’re working for is a good man. Dane Harrison isn’t your typical rich boy. Money like his, you’d think he’d be a dick, but he’s not. He’s cool. He likes to have fun, he’s generous, and he’s fair. He works hard. He keeps his word.” His eyes held hers as he added, “Dane doesn’t treat me like some lower-class guy, or just a bartender, none of that. He treats me like an equal. He treats everyone well, no matter if they’re the mayor or one of his busboys. You’ll never hear anyone who knows him say a bad word about him. That’s who you’re working for.”

  Julia took in the sober look on Tonio’s face as she absorbed the information. She pushed around the food on her plate with her fork and nodded. “Good to know. Thanks.”

  “How’s it going?” Dane asked with a grin. He slid onto a seat at the bar.

  “Going great,” Tonio answered. “Busy tonight. What can I get ya?”

  “Uh . . . dark beer, whatever’s on tap.”

  “Got Sam Adams, Beck’s Dark, or Guinness.”


  As Tonio turned away to get the beer, the crowd in the lounge started applauding. Dane craned his head to see, and caught Julia walking onto the small stage. Her red hair was down in loose, sexy waves, and her charcoal gray beaded gown hugged her curvy body like a glove. Kelvin, in his usual black Armani suit, was already seated at the piano. He started right in with a rousing romp on the keys, playing a few bars of true old-time jazz. Julia took a sip of water and set the bottle aside on a stool before getting back to the mic. When she did, Kelvin changed the tune, morphing from ragtime into the sweeter opening bars of an Alicia Keys song. Julia’s eyes slipped closed as she hummed a few measures, then cradled the mic with one hand, opened her eyes to look out at the audience, and began to sing. Her rich voice suited the yearning song well. The song was almost over when Dane realized Tonio had placed an open beer in front of him at some point. He must’ve gone to help another customer, because he returned to Dane now.

  “You want anything to eat?” Tonio asked.

  “No, I’m good, thanks.” Dane took a long swig of beer. “She’s something else, isn’t she?”

  “Who, Julia?” Tonio nodded. “Yup. That girl sure can sing.”

  Dane shot him a grin before turning his gaze back to her. He could stare at her easily from farther back in the room, and he was enjoying the view. “She’s fucking beautiful.”

  “That she is,” Tonio agreed. “She had dinner with me tonight. It was interesting.”

  Dane felt a tiny flare of jealousy burn in his chest, but ignored it. “Really.”

  “Yeah. She got here early, I was about to eat, so we ate together.” Tonio leaned against the bar, glancing at Julia before adding to Dane, “Aww, don’t get jealous. We’re just two friendly coworkers. Actually, she asked me about you.”

  Dane’s head swerved back to him. “She did?”

  “Yeah.” Tonio grinned at the look on Dane’s face.

  “What?” Dane asked with a touch of defensiveness.

  Tonio shook his head, trying to hide his grin. “Nothin’. Nothin’ at all.” He straightened and said, “For what it’s worth? I think she’s cool. She’s good people.”

  Dane only nodded.

  “And the chemistry between you two is crazy,” Tonio added. “So good luck.”

  Shooting him a stunned glance, Dane reached for his beer and took a hard gulp.

  Julia stretched out on one couch, Kelvin stretched out on the other, and they both sighed.

  “You rocked it, baby,” Kelvin said.

  “You rocked it, my dear,” Julia replied.

  “We both rocked,” Kelvin pronounced. “And now, I. Am. Tired.”

  “I’m not tired,” she said, surprised to realize it was true. “I just needed to lie down for a few minutes. I’m actually kind of wired.”

  “You always are after a gig,” he said, loosening his black-and-gray striped tie. “Me, I’m always ready to collapse and sleep for a week.”

  “That’s because you’re old,” she teased.

  “Oooh, beeyotch!” he huffed. “You’re only three months younger than me, you just watch yourself.”

  They grinned at each other over their long-running joke.

  “You’re going home, then?” she asked.

  “Yup.” Kelvin yawned and sat up. “What about you?”

  “I think I’m going to have a drink at the bar, then head home,” she said. She’d seen Dane at the bar tonight, watching her. He’d stayed for both sets, but hadn’t tried to talk to her on the break in between. At the end of the second set, he’d been staring at her so intently she could feel the heat in those blazing blues from across the room. It had set her heart racing against her will. She wanted to see if he was out there, at the bar. She wanted to have a drink, and nurse her secret, dirty fantasies about him. . . .

  Someone knocked on the door. Julia and Kelvin looked at each other.

  “You expecting someone?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  Kelvin rose from his sofa to open the door. Standing there was Dane Harrison.

  Julia watched the men shake hands in greeting and exchange a few words as she looked her boss over. Damn, he looked especially good tonight. He wore a navy suit, white shirt, and a tie with several hues of blue that brought out his already amazing eyes. A day’s worth of scruff covered his jaw, it was after one in the morning, and the man still looked like he’d just stepped freshly out of a GQ photo shoot.

  Someone that handsome shouldn’t be allowed out at night, she thought to herself. He’s too dangerous. Sexy, handsome, and dangerous.

  She realized her mouth had gone dry and grabbed her nearby water bottle for a few sips.

  “I came to see you, Red,” Dane said, moving farther into the room. “Got a few minutes?”

  The air crackled with sudden electricity and their eyes locked as she murmured, “Sure.”

  “I’m gonna get going,” Kelvin said, heading toward the closet to retrieve his messenger bag. He undid his tie, shoved it into the bag, and slung the wide strap over his shoulder.

  “You don’t have to leave on my account,” Dane said, flicking a friendly glance his way.

  “Oh, I’m not,” Kelvin lied. “I was heading out anyway.” He leaned down to kiss Julia’s cheek and whispered in her ear, “Careful, girl.”

  She smiled up at him from where she sat. “See you tomorrow, babe.”

  “You bet.” Kelvin shook Dane’s hand and they exchanged good-byes.

  When they were alone, Dane sat on the sofa Kelvin had vacated, directly across from her.

  “So . . .” Suddenly edgy, her heart rate picking up speed, Julia fidgeted with the cap of her water bottle. Even as she did, she tried to be cool, calm, and collected. “Why’d you want to see me? Everything okay, Boss?”

Not exactly.” Dane leaned in, his elbows on his knees, and pinned her with his stare. “Thing is . . . I can’t get you out of my mind lately. This . . . there’s a draw between us. Something. Chemistry, just lust, I don’t know. But it’s not going away. It’s only getting stronger.” His eyes dropped briefly to her mouth. “So I thought . . .” His gaze raised to hold hers again. “. . . maybe it was time I do something about that.”

  She felt her eyes widen and her heart rate skyrocket, but carefully schooled her features into neutrality. Her chin lifted just a notch as she stared back at him. She said nothing. She didn’t know what to say, so she waited for him to play out his hand.

  A slow smile of intent spread across Dane’s face. His eyes seemed to blaze fire as he said in a low, seductive tone, “I’ll bet I can shatter that prized self-control of yours with one hot kiss. I’m here to find out.”

  Chapter Seven

  “I told you,” Julia said, trying to catch her breath and sound flip, “that when I wanted you to kiss me again, I’d let you know.”

  “You’ve been letting me know,” Dane murmured. “You just won’t own up to it.”

  She swallowed hard, but locked her gaze with his. Her mouth went dry and her heart dropped to her stomach before taking off like a racehorse. Before she could respond, a knock came on the door, and he rose to answer it. She watched him, wondering what he was up to. Keep cool, she warned herself, even as her blood pulsed and need tugged at her.

  One of the busboys handed Dane a bottle and two short glasses. Dane thanked him, closed the door, and strode back to Julia with a cavalier smile. “You always drink vodka. Thought maybe you’d like this.” He didn’t sit on the opposite sofa this time, but planted himself beside her as he set the bottle of Armadale and glasses on the table.

  “Never had this brand. I’ll try it,” she said, shifting over slightly to make more room for him.

  “Atta girl.” He opened the bottle and poured a shot’s worth into each glass.

  “You trying to get me drunk, Boss?”

  He smirked. “No. But am I trying to get you to loosen up a bit? Yes.” He handed her a glass and angled himself to face her. “I don’t need to get a woman drunk to get her into my arms.” And clinked his glass to hers before swallowing his vodka in one gulp.

  Danger, Will Robinson, Danger! flashed in her head like a neon sign. She sipped her shot slowly to taste it. “Mmm.” She took another sip.

  “You like it?” He grinned. “I hoped you would.”

  She finished her shot, feeling it burn through her. “Strong stuff.”

  “Of course it is. You’re drinking straight vodka.” He poured another shot into her glass, then his own.

  “You are so trying to get me drunk!” She couldn’t help but laugh.

  His grin widened into a smile. “I’m not! Don’t want you sloppy, Red.” He eased back into the cushions and let his eyes wander over her. “You’re so beautiful, Julia. You’re sexy, and sharp, and you’re interesting. But I really enjoy looking at you. That’s why I do it whenever I can.”

  Surprised by his brazen statements, she murmured thanks and took another sip of her drink. Between the vodka, his close proximity, his words, and the intent she saw in his eyes, her head was floating. She felt warmth flood her body and her senses, a heady sensation, both thrilling and fearsome. She liked to stay in control. Needed to. Nurse this drink, dummy, she chided herself.

  “Tell me again,” he said, swirling the clear alcohol around in his glass. “No boyfriend, right? No one to come barreling in, looking to kick my ass?”

  She laughed. “Nope. Just Kelvin, and he won’t kick your ass because you’re his boss.”

  “Even if he came in here and found me kissing you within an inch of your life?”

  A shiver skittered over her. “Maybe then. He’s very protective of me.”

  “I’ve noticed. It’s . . . endearing.”

  “It is that,” she said, and sipped her drink. “No girlfriend for a catch like you?”

  His eyes lit up. “Am I a catch?” he asked coyly.

  “To most women, I’m sure you are.”

  “But not to you, though.” His gaze narrowed on her, scrutinizing.

  “Don’t take it personally,” she said. “I don’t do relationships. Especially with billionaire playboys. I’m not the notch-on-a-sterling-silver-bedpost type.”

  Dane felt his blood heat, but now it wasn’t from the vodka, lust, or the gorgeous woman next to him. It was from irritation. “My bedposts aren’t sterling, sweetheart. And while I also am not the relationship type, I’m not that sleazy stereotype either.”

  She pressed her lips together and nodded, but said nothing.

  Her silences infuriated him. They were meant to incite a reaction. And dammit, they worked on him exactly as she intended. “You don’t believe me.” He stared at her, his jaw tightening. “I’ve never treated you with anything less than respect. Have I dated a lot? Yes. Nothing to apologize for. Do I have a string of endless women coming in and out of my bedroom? Hell no.” He scowled and sat up, spearing her with a look. “If you think that about me, it’s because you believe stupid gossip pages and trashy Web sites. I thought you were smarter than that.”

  Her eyes flared. “You don’t have to insult me.”

  “Oh, but what you said wasn’t insulting to me?” he retorted.

  Color bloomed on her pale cheeks. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s easier for you to write me off as a douchebag than to admit you’re attracted to me,” he said, knowing he was pushing now and not caring.

  “I don’t think you’re a douchebag,” she said, unable to hide the hint of a grin.

  He stared at her and said quietly, “Admit you want me.”

  “Fine. I want you,” she said, almost flip. “I want to grab you and do all sorts of wild things to you. I don’t know what this is between us either, but it’s there. Just crazy chemistry, probably. But none of that matters. You’re my boss. I love this job. That’s what matters most.”

  Stunned by her honesty, he knocked back the rest of his vodka in one swallow before conceding, “I know.”

  They sat in silence for a minute. Different scenarios went through his mind. He wanted her so bad it ached sometimes. Physically, they were definitely walking the same path to oblivion. But she didn’t trust him . . . and yeah, he was her boss. He knew he’d never fire her over the demise of any relations between them, but she didn’t know that. She was right to be wary; he understood it and respected it.

  So how could he convince her that a purely physical relationship would work for both of them if they kept it light? And it’d be hot, and maybe even fun? “All sorts of wild things, huh? Can you give me a hint? Sounds really hot.”

  She laughed, and they both relaxed. He felt the negative tension leave his shoulders, but the sexual tension was thick as could be.

  “You want me bad,” she finally drawled in a teasing tone.

  A surprised laugh burst from him. “Yeah. You’re right. I do.”

  Smiling, she took a small sip of her drink.

  “You want me too,” he said.

  She shrugged. “Covered that.”

  “So . . . what do we do about it?”

  “I have a few ideas. . . .”

  Dane leaned in closer, intoxicated by her, lured by her face. The curve of her lips was a seductive smirk. Her bedroom eyes . . . those gorgeous hazel eyes reflected confidence, power, and a hint of outright wickedness. She was playing with him now. Toying. At the moment, she held the cards. She knew she had the upper hand. And man, she was relishing it.

  “You know why I’m a dream girl for a guy like you?” she asked, her brows lifting. Her eyes sparkled as she teased him.

  “Because you’re fucking beautiful?” He didn’t ask it, he offered it. Their eyes locked and his heart started to pound in heavy, thick beats.

  She smiled softly and said, “Thank you, but no. It’s because I don’t want a thing f
rom you.” She raised her glass to her mouth and took a longer sip of her vodka, making him wait as she finished it. When she lowered the glass back to the table, her tongue flicked out and dragged sensually along her lips.

  Dane’s cock swelled. But he kept it cool on the outside. “Sure about that?” His grin was slow and wolfish. “That there’s not . . . anything you want from me?”

  “Heh. Maybe one thing . . .” she admitted coyly, raking her eyes down his body.

  He could barely breathe. Holy crap, what this woman did to him.

  His gaze roamed over her features, searching. So much going on behind those gorgeous hazel eyes.

  But right now, he was just concentrating on not grabbing her, pushing her onto her back, and kissing her until they were both breathless. Until they couldn’t remember their names, until he had her dress hiked up to her waist and beneath him, until he was inside her to the damn hilt and she was screaming for more. Just the thought of it had him rock hard.

  “So . . . what are you looking for, Julia?” His voice pitched low and his eyes stayed on hers. “What do you believe in?”

  Her smirk changed to a provocative smile. “I’m not looking for anything. But if I was? It’d be sex.” His heart stuttered in his chest, and she continued, “Just sex. I have needs, like anyone else.” She’d cast a spell, she must have. He felt hypnotized and frozen in place. She leaned in close enough for him to feel her warm breath against his mouth. “But with no ties. That’s my rule.” She licked her lips slowly, then added in a husky purr, “What I believe in . . . is great sex. Really hot, passionate sex. With no strings.”

  Dane’s heart almost stopped in his damn chest and his mouth went dry. For maybe the first time in his life, he was speechless. He had no smooth comeback, no words at all. And at that moment, he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted any woman in his entire life.

  He’d never been with a woman quite so open about her wants. She was unapologetic in her sexuality, in the no-holds-barred way she discussed her desires.


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