Desert Prince: Modern and Erotic Version of The Arabian Nights: New Fairy Tales Series - Book One

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Desert Prince: Modern and Erotic Version of The Arabian Nights: New Fairy Tales Series - Book One Page 4

by Jones, Sarah

  "Since you are alone and unprotected in my kingdom, I have a duty to protect you, madam." And, in my opinion, you will be safe only if you stay in my palace, "he explained slowly.

  "Are you telling me you will not let me go?" Louise asked perplexedly.

  The Sheik's smile returned, and he got up, down the steps, to her. Louise thought of running, but her legs stopped working, then just stood there, watching the tall, strong man approaching her.

  - Exactly. She stopped a few inches from where she was. "I'll make it clearer to you. From now on you will be my slave.

  - You can only be kidding me! She said, pointing at his chest.

  Said gripped Louise's wrist tightly, but then relaxed her grip.

  - It is the truth. I want you in my bed, attending to my wishes, and you will not hesitate even a second when I order it. The Sheik's eyes seemed to make lightning against Louise, who did not cringe as he imagined.

  - You're crazy! He shouted, trying to break free. - Let me go!

  He did, and she seized the moment to run toward the door, desperate to get away from that insane man. Before she could pass the threshold, however, two guards stood in front of her, and a large hand gripped her arm, almost knocking her to the ground. She screamed, thrashing, clawing at the Sheik's arms, but it was useless. He was bigger and stronger.

  - Stop arguing. You will get hurt! He rasped, holding her against his strong chest, making her lose air. Louise's feet were off the ground, swaying in the air, and her face was crushed against the man's body. She gave up, with no strength to fight. "You'll have to control your temper, slave." Said cupped Louise's face and made her look into his eyes.

  "I am not your slave!" She yelled, trying to bite it in his hand.

  - She's a sexy cat. He laughed, dazzled by her genius. "It will be fun to train her."

  To train? What was the damn saying?

  "I'm telling you, sir. Release me and let me go, or you'll regret it, "she threatened, narrowing her eyes.

  The Sheik smirked.

  "And what will happen to me if I do not do what you're ordering?" He asked wryly.

  She licked her lips, thinking of a quick answer.

  "I'll report it to the consulate," she said at last.

  He tilted his head back and laughed, as if he'd found what he'd just heard.

  "Forget that it is in my palace, under my power, in my kingdom, that the laws are made by me, and no one can contradict them," he said.

  Louise withered, desperate. What else could I do? Crying was not a good option, at least not now.

  "I will not obey your orders," she mumbled.

  - Yes, you will. Said returned to hold his face and this time he lowered to her, putting his lips next to her ear. "You will wait for me in my bed, on my knees, ready to satisfy me. And if you are good at it, I give you my word that I will give you pleasure, the greatest pleasure you have ever felt in your life.

  Louise gasped, startled by her body's reaction to the man. She tried to pull away, pushing him away, but he did not budge.

  "I will not lie down with you. I'd rather be trampled by a dozen dromedaries! She snapped and cursed, turning her face to the other side.

  Said was irritated and made her look at him.

  "That is what will happen if you disobey me." My men are ready to carry out any of my orders and let me warn you, my lady, that my punishments can be terrible. I'm giving you the chance to choose. Be punished without mercy, or serve me and have all the perks that none of the best concubines ever had, "he said frankly, hoping to finally end the discussion.

  Louise's eyes filled with tears. She had no choice! Or had she? Should he be strong enough to subject her to punishment? She was alone in that country and would be punished without mercy, day after day.

  When he saw that she did not question him, Said was sure of which choice she had made.

  "I have some things to do during the day, but at night when I return, I want to find you in my bed." And remember ompletely naked and on yor knees, ready to satisfy me. He released her, carefully dropping her to the ground, and, after making a gesture to the guards, went out the door behind the throne.

  Louise knelt on the purple carpet and now allowed tears to fall in abundance down her face.

  Slave! She had become a slave. Even worse a concubine!

  Oh, God, what would she do now?

  She had to find a way to escape and return to England… but how?

  Chapter Four

  Louise was taken back to her room, escorted by a tall man, dressed in white and carrying a sword at his waist. Even if she wanted to get away, that certainly was not the right time. But she knew there would be others, because she was certain she would not allow herself to stay in that place.

  - In between. The man pushed her into the big room, and she resisted the urge to curse at the rudeness.

  Karida was next to the enormous bed, now covered in a kind of golden fabric, which Louise almost believed to be gold. The English girl took several deep breaths to try and keep calm, but it was difficult, considering that she had just been threatened by that terrible man who could only frighten her with his furious gaze.

  "Do you want anything, miss?" The woman asked with her head down, her voice quiet, showing calmness, so different from Louise.

  "I need help getting out of this palace, Karida," Louise said, approaching her. "I have to get back to my country as soon as possible.

  "I'm sorry, but I can not help you. I owe allegiance to my master, " she said, still not looking up.

  Lady Louise sat on the bed and sighed, sick at the thought of how Karida managed to be loyal to a man like Said. It was obvious that he forced her. It was simply impossible for a woman to submit to something so low.

  "Karida, have you ever left this palace?" She asked, changing the tactic, hopeful that she could touch the woman's weak spot.

  It seemed to work, because she suddenly looked up, interested in the subject.

  "My lord brought me here when I was captured" she said in a low voice.

  Louise frowned, unable to comprehend what she was talking about.

  "Are you a slave, Karida?" She forced herself to ask, touching the woman's shoulders.

  She pulled back to the touch, pulling back.

  "You do not understand. My lord, our sheik, saved me.

  It was impossible to believe that such a man, so devoid of mercy, could have saved anyone. Karida had said that Said's men had captured her. How could she say she was saved?

  Louise had more questions, but it seemed that the woman was not at all inclined to answer her, much less willing to help her escape. But I would not give up. If there was no one to help her, she alone would be able to get out of that hateful palace. She would formulate a plan and put it into practice silently, without anyone distrusting.

  "My lord has commanded you to know the palace." He allowed me to accompany you" Karida reported, much to Louise's delight that she had foreseen a great opportunity on that strange walk.

  They left the room, accompanied by the same man who was watching Louise, and who still caused her intense fear, the result of her enormous size and the dead scimitar that he had attached to his body.

  Karida went ahead of Louise, leading her down the carpet corridor until they reached a large circular room. There were hundreds of cushions scattered about the floor, and the carmine-covered walls, along with the cushions in the center, gave the place a magical look. The Englishwoman could perceive some details that caught her attention. Everything in that place was embroidered with gold, including the delicate fabrics, which covered a stone window, embellishing it with harmonious beauty.

  "This is the room where my lord and his men are dining," Karida explained as they crossed the room, diverting from the meticulously arranged cushions.

  As they left the great hall, they entered a corridor like the other, but larger in extent. The man continued to follow them quietly, which made Louise uncomfortable, knowing that if she tried anything, she wou
ld be dead in seconds. She swallowed, feeling a terrible ache gripping her face, making her remember the man beating her that day. She tried to push her thoughts away and concentrate on the path, hopeful about what lay ahead.

  What she found at the end of the hall made her gasp.

  Louise walked slowly, looking up, staring up at the blue sky and the hot sun, which burned her skin. Around him were many plants and flowers, as well as palm trees that reached the ceiling. Some thorny cacti she did not know reminded her of the inhospitable earth she was in. And there was more. In the center of the garden, imposing in its beauty, a white marble fountain, carved in pitcher shape, poured the crystal-clear water back into the reservoir. It was beautiful and the lady could not resist. She walked there and dipped her hands in the water, delighting to find it fresh.

  "How is it possible?" She asked Karida, smiling in fascination.

  The woman, standing next to her, shrugged.

  "I do not quite understand." I only know that it is my master's work. I heard he could carry the water from the well up here.

  "He managed to channel the water," Louise whispered in delight. - This is amazing!

  The place was a real paradise, and she was thirsty to stay there for the rest of the day, reveling in that surreal beauty. Oh God, your father would be so taken aback by that place! Sudden sadness swept over her, and Louise walked to the edge of the garden, to the cactus blossoms, which glowed with joyful colors. The man followed behind, stopping beside her, and she found herself in a rush of despair, wanting to run out of that place. I had to go home.

  Her hands began to sweat, to tremble, and Louise imagined herself running into the hallway toward the exit. She could foil the guard and hide somewhere until she could escape.

  - Miss, let's continue. It was Karida who appeared at herside and touched her hand, seeming aware of what was happening to her.

  Louise then returned to reality and, with a little balance, managed to follow the woman out of the garden, again entering a corridor like the others in which she had passed. She remained in that state of torpor until she reached a new hall which, unlike the other, was not empty. She was seized by some women, all dressed in those exotic colored clothes, which to Louise still looked scandalous, however she was dressed that way too.

  All the women were beautiful, their long black hair came to their waist and they were adorned with stones and gold chains. They also wore a kind of paint on their eyes, which made them darker and gave it the appearance of a feline.

  When they noticed Louise's presence, the women stared at her curiously, realizing that she was not part of her people. But soon smiles gleamed on the faces of the women, who approached where she was.

  One of the women, tall and dark-skinned, greeted Louise with a kiss on the cheek and said something in a language the Englishwoman did not identify. Confused, she looked at Karida for answers.

  "Her name is Akilah, and she wishes to welcome you." And may Allah be with you, "explained the woman.

  "Say thank you," Louise replied, forcing a smile, and waited for Karida to convey her thanks.

  Smiling, the woman said good-bye and went back to the others, for the work that Louise now realized was the work of women in that culture. The living room was a kitchen, and everyone there worked for Said. Some of them were skinning a ram, while others mixed flour in a stone box, all singing happily.

  Were those women Said slaves? Or ... When the awareness of what those beautiful women really were, she took hold of Louise, and she had to lean against a wall, sick to discover that what she was seeing there was possibly Hamed's Sheik Harem.

  From what she knew about harems, women were kept by the Sheik exclusively for his pleasure, and he controlled them in a domineering manner. But it was strange to see those women working in the kitchen. Usually the concubines, as they were called, lived surrounded by luxury, waiting only for the orders of the Sheik, who waited for them in their bed. There was something wrong there.

  She thought about asking Karida, but she resisted in her curiosity. The truth was that she was afraid of the answer, because Said had said that she was now his slave and wanted her in her bed. So ... She was like those women?

  No! Such a thing would never happen. She would not allow it.

  Karida explained that they needed to go back to the room, and Louise followed behind her, now more nervous than ever. They drove all the way back, and as usual the guard was following the Englishwoman.

  Back in the room, Karida said that a meal would be served to you. She warned that she would retire, but that at the end of the day she would return. At last Louise found herself alone again, locked in that huge, empty room. Well she was not completely alone, she was sure she was being watched from the outside of the room.

  She lay on the bed and stood there for some time, until the door was opened and a young woman came in carrying a tray of food that was left on the bed.

  Hungry, Louise tasted the bread and the cold meat that was cut into pieces, both seasoned with a spicy red powder, very tasty. On the tray, there were also sugary figs and dark tea with a strong flavor, but that matched the sweetness of the fruit. She was fed up, eating until nothing else was in her stomach. She had been living for days with roasted meat and dates, now she would have taken advantage of the good food that was served to her. Already satisfied, she left the tray by the door and went back to the bed, sitting relaxed, worried now to form the plan to get out of there. It happened, however, that little by little the young woman fell into a heavy sleep, which was soon overcome by nightmares in which Said punished her by beating her back with a thick leather whip, while blood dyed the pale sand. She woke up with a groan and thanked it for just being a bad dream. She moved into bed, still feeling the pain burning in her body and wondered what it would be like if the Sheikh decided to punish her.

  She stood still, waiting for the pain to cease, until suddenly the door was opened and two women, besides Karida, appeared in the room.

  Louise sat up quickly, moaning in pain, but meeting the women's eyes.

  "It's at the end of the day, and our lord has ordered us to prepare you for the night, when you must meet him" Karida explained, going to her.

  Louise jumped to the other side of the bed, defending herself with a cushion.

  "I'm not going anywhere!" She shrieked in alarm.

  The two women looked at each other, and one of them went out to the door, returning with the guard.

  "I'm sorry, miss, but it's my lord's orders." Nothing will be done to her - and Karida made room for the brawny man to advance to Louise, who threw the cushion at him and tried to escape. She was easily intercepted, being dragged to the door.

  "Release me!" She pushed the man aside, but she was so strong that the movement was minimal.

  Even under protests, Louise was dragged out of the room, the women following her, while she was still trying to fight for herself, punching the man's chest, steadying her feet. But all was in vain. Then he was standing in front of a large door guarded by two more men, and a scream of panic escaped his throat in fear of what awaited her.

  Oh, my God, what would happen to her?

  Chapter Five

  Said felt his head burn like hell itself. He had just arrived from a camp where the chief had suddenly died, and he had been called to mediate the negotiations between the man’s sons, who had the right to succeed him. This had taken most of his day, and even tired of the endless hours of discussion over the union of the tribe, the Sheik still found himself trapped in a problem about the distribution of the duties of the palace servants.

  He had just returned to the palace, and the sun was already set on the sand dunes, taking the scorching heat, allowing the night to reach the cold air.

  In his bedroom, he removed the thick tunic and removed the turban, as well as the scimitar, leaving it on a table by the bed. He headed for the joint room to the bedroom, where the large bathtub filled with water and oils woke him up. Exhausted, he removed the shirt he wore,
pulling on his pants and sandals in sequence.

  He sighed as he plunged into the warm water, feeling his body relax quickly with the sense of tranquility invading him. He rested his head on the marble edge and closed his eyes, allowing himself that precious rest.

  He will have the stranger in his arms at last. It was probable at that moment she was ready for him, receiving the instructions of how she was supposed to satisfy him that night.

  The Sheik smiled with satisfaction. Only the thought of what he would do to her aroused his limb, making it hard as stone. Still with his eyes closed, he abandoned himself as he slid his hand up to his cock, feeling it swollen and ready for pleasure. He groaned hoarsely as his hand slid down her length and his thumb circled the tip, causing her hips to move, demanding release.

  He then stopped. I would not find pleasure at that moment. He was terribly excited, and as much as he wanted to break free, he would wait until he did so, on Louise's body. I would feel more pleasure and be rewarding.

  Said used Agarwood's soap to soothe the body and remove the dust from the journey as he thought about how he ought to possess Louise. Strong and fast, if he wanted, or as delicate and slow as a woman would like? He knew she already knew the secret pleasures of sex, and this, coupled with the fact that his body was thirsting for something wild, encouraged him to choose the first option.

  His thoughts were interrupted by a shrill scream, which made him stand up quickly and leave the tub, still naked, back to the room.

  What, in the name of Allah, was happening?


  Louise screamed with all her might as they told her what to do with Said that night. It was ... terrible!

  She was pushed into a room where there were two bathtubs. She enters to one of them and bathe in the presence of the two women, had to tolerate the help of both, who even helped her to wash her hair and insisted on rubbing her body. Then Louise was wrapped in a towel and taken to a bed where, terrified, she discovered what they would do with her.


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