Desert Prince: Modern and Erotic Version of The Arabian Nights: New Fairy Tales Series - Book One

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Desert Prince: Modern and Erotic Version of The Arabian Nights: New Fairy Tales Series - Book One Page 5

by Jones, Sarah

  - What? She asked in shock as one of the women showed him a bowl of honey that Karida said would be used to remove hair from his body. "I will not allow it!" She yelled, getting up from the bed and moving toward the door. But the damn guard was there, and she had to go back.

  To her unhappiness, Louise had no choice but to submit to horrible torture. It was one of the worst things I've ever faced in my life. And the most humiliating, too. She closed his eyes as the women worked removing the hair from her legs and her pubic heap, making her bite her lips to keep from screaming.

  To her relief, after the torture, she was pleased with a warm oil that was scattered on her body. According to the women served to soften and to calm the skin. Like she was an animal! She thought indignantly, but eventually surrendered to the scent of roses that fell from her skin, almost forgetting the fear she was feeling. This, of course, until she was taken back to her room and received those scandalous notions of what she should do!

  "I will never do that!" She put her hands on her waist and stared at Karida furiously. How the woman had the courage to tell her that she should kneel at the feet of the Sheik and ... Use her mouth to give her pleasure! That was an affront!

  There were more women next to Karida, and they seemed frightened by Louise's attitude.

  "Miss, I assure you, this will please my master very much. One of the women said.

  Louise groaned in dismay. What was going through those women's heads? The Englishwoman wondered, but she had little time to reflect, for she began to hear exalted voices from outside the door, and she was startled when she saw Said push the door and stride into the room.

  - What's going on here? He asked in a heavy voice, making Louise cringe and the women around him bow their heads.

  Said staggered in shock at seeing Louise dressed that way, or rather naked. Her body wrapped only by a fine golden cloth. His reaction was instantaneous, and he had to think fast about what to do.

  "How dare you come in here like that?" The stranger asked, horrified, hiding behind the women.

  "Go out," Sheikh commanded the women, who and ran, leaving Louise unprotected.

  As soon as the door was closed and the two of them were left alone, Louise looked around, looking for an escape route, in search of a plan of salvation.

  - I notice...

  "Can’t you keep your mouth shut, miss?" Said folded his arms in front of his body and stared at her.

  She narrowed her eyes at an attitude he considered exciting.

  Said stepped out of his position and walked slowly to the bed. Louise was startled and moved away to the other corner, near the wall.

  "Are you going to tell me why you screamed?" He asked in a low voice.

  Oh, dear, Sheikh looked like a predator going straight to the hunt ... The way his blue eyes contrasted with his dark skin and black hair, his thick beard ... She closed her eyes to avoid contact.

  "The women told me something improper.

  "What did they say?"

  She could now feel the bed moving and she was sure he was approaching. Still with his eyes closed, she shook his head, refusing to say.

  "Open your eyes and speak.

  She did not, and he insisted, "Do it." It's an order.

  At these words, Louise opened her eyes wide and stared at him in anger. Order? How dare he ...?

  "I was told what I should do to please him," she said at last.

  Said's expression softened, gradually, and there was a moment when Louise swore she saw him smile.

  "Well, there are many things a woman can do to please me. Now I wonder what exactly they told you. You'll tell me, will not you? He used his voice so soft and quiet that it was as if he had flown over Louise and shaken her.

  She shrugged, considering another corner of the room, stealthily ignoring his presence. If the Sheik thought he could scare her away only by touching such an improper subject, she was wrong. Well, she was an adult woman and knew a lot about life.

  "The women told me to bite you," she said simply, as if it were something very common to say.

  Said frowned, finding it funny what she had just said.

  "I think you misunderstood what you were told." He moved closer to her, pushing her against the wall. He was so close that he could feel the scent of roses, probably the oil that had been applied to her skin. He felt a wave of desire boil in his veins and realized that that night would be little to heal all the heat. "Let me explain it correctly." Kneeling on the bed with her arms around Louise's waist, Said leaned closer, letting her lips linger over her ear and whispered, "You'll use your mouth to give me pleasure. It will wrap my penis and suck as if I was thirsty for it, and, keep in mind; you will be.

  Louise bit her bottom lip and held her breath.

  The man's touch was so good and it was affecting her terribly. The huge, muscular body was glued to her, and even over the long shirt he wore, it was possible to feel how hot it was. Her damp, perfumed hair was inebriated as her lips pulsed in a special place behind her ear. Oh, sir, she wanted so hard to get away, run and scream, but her limbs were too unstable for that.

  Said dragged a kiss down the side of Louise's neck until it reached her chin, where he bit her lightly, teasing her with a beard.

  "If you please me as I wish, I promise I'll be good enough to make you feel good and enjoy myself," he murmured against her skin. When he looked up, he saw Louise's mouth open and gasped for a kiss. He was a man who did not miss opportunities and would not be foolish enough to do so now.

  Louise's eyes were closed as she felt the touch of the man's tongue on her lip. Soon he sucked them with desire, making her open her eyes in amazement. He was kissing her!

  She tried to push him, but his shoulders barely moved. The persuasion on his lips continued, and as he inserted his tongue into her mouth, the Englishwoman found herself losing the battle miserably.

  The Sheikh held her face in his hands and deepened the kiss, wanting more and more. It had been months since he kissed, and perhaps that was the reason he nearly lost control.

  As she explored Louise's mouth, proving how sweet she was, Said saw her body throb in despair. The moans that escaped the lady's throat incited him more, and he no longer knew what to do.

  Louise was startled when she felt Said's hand touching her breast, tightening her nipple, making him sore, but in a good way. No ... I didn’t want that.

  Said screamed as the stranger bit his lip, pushing him into bed, taking time to run to the other side of the room.

  "That will cost you dearly," he said, wiping blood from his mouth. She faced Louise with such fury that she thought she would die right there.

  He stood and walked over to her, curling her against the wall.

  "Do not touch me. Louise turned her face to the other side.

  Said held her by the neck, not exerting pressure, but only holding it in place.

  "I will not hurt you, however great my anger. Nor will I take you tonight. He pushed against Louise's hip, protected by the thin fabric, making her feel how excited he was. "I'll have you crawl on your knees to take you."

  "I'll never do that," she spat, staring into his eyes.

  Said saw a force in her that troubled him and by Allah he wanted so much to corrupt her.

  - Yes, you will. He laid his lips on Louise's nipple, and even on the cloth he sucked him hard, making a hoarse sound come out of her. "There are so many things I want to do with you. The other sucked, gritting his teeth to tease her. "And I swear you'll like each one of them."

  Louise wanted to cry. Why did not he let her go? She did not want to like it, and her strength was too few to carry on with resistance.

  "Stop, please." It was a desperate request, but for fear of liking it.

  He let his hand slip to the exposed leg, then to the inner thigh. She let out a grunt as his fingers found the moist heat of Louise's sex, and as he moved them to the sensitive spot, he noticed the moisture that was lubricating his fingers. He stimulated her lightly, not in
tending to go any further-he wanted to give her only a taste of what would happen-and then withdrew his hand quickly. To shock her even more, he brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking them, as he kept his eyes locked on hers.

  "Flavorful," he said delightedly. I had to go. Now. He released her slowly and turned away. "Our meeting will happen sooner than you think, foreigner. Get ready - and without looking at it, he's gone, locking the door behind him.

  Alone, Louise slipped to the floor, too weak to be able to act, or speak, or think ...

  What had just happened there?

  Still burning, Louise slid her palm to her breasts and felt them, feeling them aching. She clenched her thighs and moaned loudly when she felt the delicious sensibility that burned there.

  She wanted more ... She wanted that to continue.

  She felt bad, suddenly, for wanting something so dirty, especially with that man.

  Without realizing it, the tears began to fall on her cheeks, and this time they were not afraid. It was much worse and embarrassing her. I was crying because I wanted more. She needed her body to pinch that way, for that incredible sensation to come back. She also cried because she was a complete disgrace for wanting such a thing. What a shame!

  She got up slowly and walked to the bed, where she lay carefully, still feeling the pain of the bruises. To her dismay, the scent of Said's body was still in bed and would probably haunt her all night. She stood there, motionless, reflecting on the size of her weakness and also on what she would do from that moment on to never let that situation recur. She needed now more than ever to get out of that palace and go back to her safe house, away from Hamed's Sheikh.

  Chapter Six

  Said had barely slept last night. Everything, of course, was stranger fault, who had disturbed him even in his dreams. He had awakened early in the morning with his sweaty, warm body, and an obvious and painful erection bothered him terribly. At some point, he considered calling on a woman who could meet her needs and put an end to all that suffering, but when he was about to get out of bed to do so, a blow of rage hit him.

  No! He would have Louise, and that need he was feeling would only serve to stimulate him when he finally had her at his disposal.

  He had been very annoyed by her refusal to submit to him and, desperate, when he had tasted how sweet and warm she was between her legs, and the perfection of her nipples in his mouth. In fact, Said no longer knew the reason why he insisted on having that woman who was so controversial at his command. He could solve his problem easily, only by going to some camp and requesting a woman who was ready for a hot night with Hamed's powerful Sheikh. Most of them would consider the invitation as an honor. Yet here he was, his body burning with desire, while the damn stranger slept peacefully in his room, certain it would not be used that night. Obviously, he would not be so cruel as to possess a woman when she was so terrified she could hardly express herself. Despite his reputation as powerful and ruthless Sheik, Said also had certain principles. Many might not believe it, but he prized for his sense of justice, loyalty and, above all, by his word, that in the entire palace was law.

  Louise should have known, however, that one of her greatest faults was impatience, which sometimes made him lose control. And yes, he was impatient to make the woman submit to him, which only increased the certainty that he should soon end it. It would be just one night, from which he would seize every minute beside Louise and discover every detail of her body, and then, the next morning, send her away, just as he did with all the others. He planned to marry her to some good man from any camp, to treat her with dignity enough, or perhaps even to keep her in his palace, as a slave, of course, without any kind of involvement between the two. It was all very simple, and he had no doubt that it would work.

  Seeing that he could no longer sleep, Said decided to leave his room and enjoy the night air to refresh himself. He got out of bed, put on his woolen robe and put on his sandals. It would not take the scimitar. He knew that a warrior would not leave without her, but it was dawn, and everyone in the palace was asleep. He was not at any risk.

  That's how he walked out of the dark room and out into the hallway, heading toward the fountain garden. This was his favorite place in the whole palace, the only place he could find some peace.

  The full moon was high in the sky, shining with a frightening intensity, as he had not seen in a long time. According to the traditions of his tribe, when the moon was so bright and cloudless that they could cover it up, it was a sign of good fortune. Said wished the legends were right. In the moonlight, he could see the whole garden perfectly and could also walk to the fountain, sitting on the edge. The night passed in pleasant silence, and the cold, strangely, was not so intense at that moment.

  Said visited that garden seeking solitude, when something disturbed him or else when some important decision should be made. He had also spent many nights there in which the past disturbed him. He sought help from Allah, praying in an ancient language, meditating and seeking guidance.

  The Sheikh bathed his hands in the cool water of the fountain, washing his face and neck, feeling momentarily better. He sighed, looking up at the great opening that allowed the light to reach him, and a feeling of melancholy took it, as it often did. Perhaps all that pain and anguish he felt was due to Allah showing him that he needed to be a better leader because Said believed that everything that happened in his life was a consequence of his actions. He began to think like this with his mother, an English woman, seduced by an Arab Sheik, who, after giving himself completely to him, found herself trapped in irrevocable love. Said had been born of this love. Son of an Arab father, but with the blood of an English mother, a noble lady who chose to leave her country permanently to live beside the man she loved, isolated in those strange lands.

  Said, contrary to what anyone could imagine, was not proud of its origins. He did not want English blood running in his veins. He was Arab, born and raised in the desert. He served Allah, the owner of all things, and who ruled the world. He was a desert warrior and Sheikh of Hamed, just as his father was, and no matter what they said to him, he saw no other way. But the curse of the English blood on him irritated him, and the memory of it was stuck in his face, in his eyes, blue as the waters of an oasis, his mother's inheritance, a woman with golden hair, white skin, and the same unmistakable eyes.

  Since he could not fight against it, the Sheik forced the thoughts in another direction. Despite everything, he loved his mother, even now, years after seeing her leave. The same had happened to his father, when he had found him dead, days after returning from a trip to the port.

  The cold began to increase, and Said thought about going back to the room, but the image of the moon above him was so beautiful that he decided to remain there for a while longer. At dawn, he would need to meet some merchants, which would be tiresome, so he would take advantage of that moment to find some rest, even if he could not sleep that night.


  - Dad! Louise murmured as she awoke in the dark of her bedroom. He had dreamed of his father in one of their conventions, and in this case the man revealed to all his daughter's discovery of the ruins of the lost city of Al-Delhi. In the dream, he was overflowing with happiness, proud of his daughter's awakening, with a horrible feeling in his chest.

  Louise sat on the bed and ran her hands through her hair and face, trying to calm down. Even though it was only a dream, he felt ill. She remembered the deaths that had taken place, and that she was trapped there, in that palace, while she should be returning to England.

  Nervously, she got up from the bed and wore a sort of thick cloth over her sleeping garments. She wanted to get out of that room for even a few minutes. I was tired of being locked. On tiptoe, she went to the door and opened it slowly, peering out, where she noticed the guard leaning against the wall, the scimitar on the floor, while he snored deeply.

  Louise knew she could not escape from the palace, for even if that guard was sleeping, the others were awake, protectin
g the Sheik's safety. But she could breathe a little of the night air and then just come back. No one would find out.

  On leaving she left the door open and, without her shoes, managed to pass the man without making any noise. He knew exactly where she was going and how she would get there.

  She had no difficulty finding her way, and she considered herself fortunate not to encounter any guard in that part of the palace. In a few minutes, she would enter the beautiful garden she had known that afternoon. At night, it was more beautiful still!

  She pressed her robe against her body, the cold churning against her skin, and she shuddered at the feeling of how cold the marble floor was. She was distracted by the image of the moon, magnificent, shining through the opening of the ceiling. She walked to the center of the garden and was delighted to receive the silver light on her body. She closed her eyes and opened her arms, as if she could absorb all the power that was radiated to her.

  "I hope you explain to me what you're doing here." She heard a deep voice coming from behind the fountain, and when she turned, she found who she feared most: Said.

  Louise stepped back, startled to find him there.

  The Sheik walked to where she stood, revealing himself from behind the fountain. To Louise's surprise, he did not look angry, or at least his expression did not show it.

  "I wanted to get out of that room," she said, embarrassed that she had been caught in the act.

  Said could see how suddenly shy she was and managed to keep her anger in check.

  "Maybe you've forgotten you're not my guest here, stranger." Remember that you are my slave, and slaves do not leave their rooms at night to wander. He could not help teasing her a little.

  Louise rolled her nose and shrugged.

  "Maybe you need to understand that you can not give me orders." I'm a free woman and I can do whatever I think is best. "You would not tell me those awful things."

  Said leaned against the fountain and looked at her skeptically.


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