Desert Prince: Modern and Erotic Version of The Arabian Nights: New Fairy Tales Series - Book One

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Desert Prince: Modern and Erotic Version of The Arabian Nights: New Fairy Tales Series - Book One Page 8

by Jones, Sarah

  "Keep the guard," the woman murmured to the man in front of the room, but Louise could hear perfectly when she did.

  With the door locked, the lady allowed herself to sit on her comfortable bed and breathe deeply, then feeling the sting in her hands again. He would have to use the bandages again and ask for more of the healing ointment.

  "I'll show you how to dress each time in the palace," Najila said, visibly excited, pointing to the pile of clothes that Louise had not realized was on the bedside table. "Let's start with this one," he said, showing a handkerchief that, as it unfolded, touched the ground.

  The next hour, Louise was introduced to the Arab feminine world. She was fascinated by the profusion of vibrant textures and colors of the hijabs covered with stones and admired by the sobriety of the abayas, which protected the women from the sandstorms, as well as from the unwanted looks of some men. Dressing in the flamboyant skirt that showed her thigh, Louise ended up blushing terribly, for she discovered that the piece in question was used mainly during performances at Sheikh and when it was necessary to use seduction. To Najila's surprise, Louise was not astonished to see the snug pants that were tapering at her ankles and even confessed to finding them comfortable.

  After stopping to eat the large amount of food that had been sent from the kitchen, Louise and Najila remained locked in the room, concentrating on the lessons now about the body.

  "Do you want charcoal my eyes?" Louise asked in alarm, seeing Najila approach with a thin black stuff, which, she explained, served to circumvent the eyes. "And why would I allow such a thing?"

  The woman avoided laughing, passing on herself the dark tincture. She had great skill and precision. In a few minutes, she had finished her work with mastery.

  "It's called khol, miss." We use it to protect our eyes from the sand and because we think it is beautiful. She offered again to Louise, who surrendered to the experiment.

  "This is making my eye sting. Louise commented, blinking rapidly trying to adjust.

  "You're one of us, miss, despite your color." Najila turned away to admire her work and smiled in satisfaction.

  Louise stood, testing her balance as she wore that pedlar-trimmed skirt and thin shirt that barely covered her bust. She was accustomed to wearing layers of skirts and petticoats, so those robes, compared to the British, were a true paradise.

  "If my father saw me now, he would probably have a syncope," he said, smiling, but when she realized she was talking about her father, her features changed suddenly.

  - Feeling bad? Najila went to her.

  "I'm fine," she said, forcing a smile. "Is there anything else I should learn?"

  "Well." The woman clasped her hands together and shook her head in agreement. "My lord said I should teach you ..."

  - About? - urged.

  "How should you act when you lie down with him?"

  Louise snorted. Said insisted on this?

  "Well, I assure you, Najila, that we will not have to talk about it." She crossed her arms and stared at her. - Anything else?

  The woman blinked in disbelief.

  "I feel it my duty to say that you must not incite our master's wrath." Najila sat down beside her on the bed and crossed her hands over her bare thighs. "He's good and pious, but he does not like being annoyed. He is a desert warrior and has as honor to honor the laws that govern us.

  "I'm not afraid of your master, Najila. You can not perceive it, because you live here and are subject to it, but the Sheik is a bad man, who controls the lives of all.

  - You're wrong.

  "Then why am I stuck here?" Why does not the Sheik allow me to go home to my father? She asked in a trembling voice.

  "Because you were her chosen one, miss." He wants you. And I am sure, by Allah, that you also want it. The Sheik awakens this in women.

  Louise stared at her in silence. Yes, she knew Said wanted her. Felt worst of all, she was beginning to suspect that she wanted him, too.

  "I'm afraid," she confessed in a low voice.

  Najila took her hand gently.

  - Do not fear. He'll be generous to you. Just pleasing him - and getting up the woman walked to the door. "Enough for today." The sun is setting, and I need to get back to work. I'll be back tomorrow.

  Louise was left again in that huge room, and for the first time she felt alone. Shse had enjoyed Najila's company and had enjoyed some things she had learned. Some details she'd discovered, however, made her even more uneasy. She remained confused and did not understand how everyone in the palace worshiped Sheikh so much and could not see the truth. And what did Najila mean when she said she had been chosen?

  Worried, Louise walked to the window on the other side of the room. She leaned on the edge to admire the sun fading behind the sand dunes, which, before they were orange, were now turning dark. The day giving way to the night, which promised to bring the expected cold. She hugged her body and took a deep breath, frightened by the magic she was spreading from the immensity of sand. Everything she hoped to find in that place, when she arrived, had multiplied, as well as her emotions. She remembered her excavation, which was now abandoned. Her friends had died, and she would never find the city.

  Louise watched the sky become completely dark and the stars glittered with magnificent brilliance, remembering the day she had boarded the ship, euphoric to get to Arabia and start digging. Christopher was by her side, gallant as ever, telling her that they would become famous when they came back with evidence of the existence of the lost city. All in vain.

  She was so engrossed in the beauty of the night and the tide of thoughts that she barely noticed when he entered the room and walked to her, standing by her side.

  "Shall I shut that window, too?" Said's angry voice came, and Louise turned quickly to confront him.

  "I was just watching the night," she said irritably, pulling at the scarf to cover her shoulders. She stepped out of the window and walked back to the bed.

  Said looked through the window, searching for some evidence that she was trying to escape. When he did not find it, he went to her.

  "Najila told me you helped in the kitchen," he said, still looking annoyed. "I do not remember ordering you, foreigner. Show me your hands.

  Louise looked at Said's face, facing him. That night he was spectacular. He wore tunic and gold trousers, along with the turban and his scimitar, dangerously attached to his waist. He had probably spent the day outside the palace.

  Then she opened her hands and lifted them to him. Waited for his reaction.

  Said clenched her jaw as she checked the wounds from Louise's hands.

  - I should have known. He took her by the wrists and pulled her. They kept their faces close, as he wanted. "Come with me and I'll take care of your hands," he ordered, releasing her.

  Louise stepped back, startled.

  "I will not go anywhere with you!" She shouted, turning away.

  "Yes, you will," he said.

  She turned to question him, but she did not have time, was hoisted by Said's strong arms and thrown over her shoulder.

  - Open the door! He shouted, until finally he could pass, with Louise struggling in his back, trying to break free.

  He headed down the corridors, caring little for Louise's insults. Why, he did not know that an English lady would utter such insults!

  - Shut up! He hit her buttocks, making her instantly shut up, but still Louise continued to swing her legs and punch him in the back.

  Said ignored her and continued to carry her down the hall, across the palace, even though she was aware that everyone was listening to her slave shouting over his shoulders.

  Chapter Ten

  "I'm warning you; If you do not release me immediately, I will make you repent terribly! Louise threatened, punching Said's back as she continued down the hall quietly, ignoring her screams.

  He passed an arch-shaped door and entered a large room, where he finally let go of Louise leaving her on the floor without any delicacy.

; - Unbearable man! She exclaimed, arranging the hair and skirts that had left the place. He looked around, wondering where they were. It was a large, stone-walled room, where in the center was a huge reservoir of crystal clear water. The moon's silver rays surged through the leaked walls with circular patterns and fell upon the water, making it almost magical in the eyes of the beholder. To top it all, there were candles scattered at the far end of the room, conveying comfort to the place.

  Louise turned to Said and, narrowing her eyes, asked, "What is this place?"

  "Welcome to the palace cistern," he said proudly.

  Louise frowned, confused.

  "It's a kind of bathhouse," Said explained, sighing.

  Oh ... People bathed there. She glanced at the place, trying to understand the reason for the narrow beds by the side of the wall that looked very comfortable with the cushions and blankets. What were they for?

  - They're for massages. The Sheikh seemed to have heard his thoughts, or perhaps just followed his gaze. "To my people, bathing is a sacred moment of extreme pleasure. Her eyes twinkled as she uttered that very insinuating word.

  Louise sounded strangled through her mouth. In fact, however, in Lady's humble opinion, it would be welcome in a society that considered a complete bath acceptable every two weeks, which for her was still absurd.

  "Can everyone use this place?" She asked as she ran her fingers along the table beside one of the beds, studying the contents of the small vessels placed there. They were oils and wax - the same one that had been used on her. Embarrassed, Louise quickly removed her hand.

  "The servants use a small room outside the palace. This place is just for me, "Said said, still staring into her movements.

  Louise frowned, amazed to know that the Sheikh had it all to himself. Why could not he share that place with others? Why that feeling of possession over people and objects? Why was it so important for him to dominate everything around him? She just did not understand it, that thirst for power that man possessed, control and anger that anything that came off the wires aroused in him. She thought she could not say anything about it, did not want to confront him there, at that moment, when she already knew she was in bad shape.

  The Sheik cleared his throat, catching Louise's attention.

  "Undress" he ordered, in a different voice, hoarser, which made the lady shiver.

  Louise crossed her arms in front of her body and stared at him. He waited for that.

  - No.

  Said snorted, letting his arms fall to her side.

  - Right. I'll do it myself, "he threatened.

  Louise narrowed her eyes at him.

  "Do not even try to get close, or I'll scream!" She said, pointing to Said's chest.

  Amused, the Sheik stepped forward and another slowly.

  "I just want to give you pleasure, my gazelle," and he smiled a little more.

  "Do not address me that way!" She scolded, walking subtly backward, looking for an escape route, but despaired as she slammed into one of the stone beds. It was surrounded, there was no escape. Giving up, she took a deep breath. - It's all right. I will, but I want you to turn your back.

  "No," he said.

  Louise stared at the man.

  Seeing that it would extend more than he was willing to endure, Said turned his back, not without cursing a dozen words in Arabic.

  She did it quickly, removing the heavy skirt and the delicate shirt, next to the stones, and, finally, the jewels she wore in her hair. It was curious, because in England it would take about a quarter of an hour to remove all layers of clothing, and there he had done everything in a few seconds.

  Obviously, these clothes made me almost naked, she mused sarcastically.

  Totally naked, Louise hurried into the water, preventing Said from seeing her in her "improper" state. She leaned on the stone steps and slid into the pool, emitting a sound of pleasure as she felt the warmth of the water on her skin and until her breasts were under the water and waited for the reaction of Sheik.

  Said, still on his back, began to undress, too, but slowly. He removed the turban and propped it on the bed, as well as his red handkerchief and long tunic, which he unhurriedly removed, unbuttoning it carefully. Louise felt her mouth dry when she saw the Sheikh remove the piece, revealing the muscled, dark-skinned backs which, in the light, seemed firm to the touch. Frightened by thoughts, she forced herself to look away. But did not make it. The spell still influenced her as Said took off his sandals and finally his pants, which fell at his feet, forcing him to move and face her.

  Louise was shocked, her eyes blinking rapidly to try to understand that the figure in front of her was real. He was ... Oh, well, the Sheikh was ... incredible.

  As Said descended the stairs to the water, Louise's thoughts began to knot in her head. Her heart pounded and she could barely move, caught in the energy the man shot at her.

  Move, you silly.

  The water covered only to Said's waist, and as he approached Louise and touched her shoulder, she looked at him and needed to breathe. His eyes locked on the Englishman's, he slid his hand down her arm, lowering himself, creating a trail of fire on her skin. When the male hand dipped, down her body, the young lady gasped and tried to pull away. He then captured her submerged hands and brought them to the surface.

  "I need to take care of them," he said, now ceasing to look at her.

  Said held a kind of dark soap, the strong scent of which spilled into the air as he used it to massage her hands.

  She sank deeper into the water, trying to hide her breasts and stay away from him while she was being taken care of.

  "I said you should learn our customs, and not hurt your hands even more" Said scolded, looking at her out of the corner of his eye.

  With a subtle shrug, she replied, trying to look superior.

  "I was helping in the kitchen. I learned how to skin a pig, "she said proudly.

  Sheik stopped what he was doing and looked at her in horror.

  - What?

  "I told you I learned to skin a pig," she repeated, staring at him.

  A smile came to Said's lips, and then he burst into laughter.

  "I'm sorry to inform you, but you're wrong. The animal he helped to prepare was a camel. We do not eat the pig's flesh because we consider it impure” he explained, rubbing her hands again, passing the soap through the wounds.

  Louise blinked, surprised by the discovery.

  "Oh, so the meat that's been served ..." She grimaced with disgust and sighed, trying not to think about it. She focused on the work Said was doing in her hands, the care with which he skirted her skin. - What is it? She asked, looking at the strange soap.

  - It is made from olive root and has healing properties. He finished the massage and let the soap fall into the water, but he did not let go of Louise's hands. Instead he slid his into her fists. "I should punish you for that," he said nervously, her anger regaining him.

  She pulled her arms out, trying to pull away. Why did he change his mood so quickly?

  I used to be rather brave and now brave.

  "Release me," she whispered, but his grip was strong. Her heart started racing again, but now she was afraid. Not that he hurt her, but that blue glare so cold he directed her. - Please. She pleaded, and then she was released.

  It was the leave that Louise needed to deceive him, and with an absurd speed, to be able to move up the stairs, fleeing, even naked, out of the water. She found a towel on the table and wrapped it around her body, not wanting him to see her nakedness.

  - Get back here right now! Said shouted from the water, and as she watched the doorway with an intent to flee, he roared as never before: "Do not think of running away from me, for, be sure, I will punish you for it, and I will not think twice before doing so.

  When Said started out of the water quickly, the lady did not think long before she picked up one of the oil bowls and shot him, who only had time to turn away. The object crashed against the wall and fell into the water.
The Sheik kept advancing, and without further choice Louise threw a comb, which flew past his head.

  "Do not touch me," she murmured, squeezing her back against the wall.

  "The fault of your disobedience is mine. He sighed, lowering her head. "I should have been more rigorous from the beginning. I should not have granted anything you asked for. I should have treated you like everyone else.

  Louise's lip trembled. She was distressed to hear those words. She tried to look away, but he caught her chin in place, wanting her to look at his face.

  - I let you have freedoms. He brushed her lip with his thumb and made her eyes widen. "I tried to make you understand your position in my kingdom slowly. I offered you perks. But it did not work, did it?

  "How dare you ..." She gasped.

  "But fortunately, like Hamed's Sheikh, I can still do the right thing. I can still correct my mistake. He trailed his finger down her neck and squeezed the thick vein, making her swallow hard.

  Oh God! Would he kill her? Louise was almost crying, aware that this moment was like the one her father had spoken about. He was in some subterranean dig and the earth began to collapse over his head, bringing the awareness that he was going to die. Unfortunately, she had sought her own death.

  Sheikh leaned his face to her ear and whispered, "I'll correct my mistake by making it mine the way I wanted it to be from the beginning," and when she protested, he caught her chin, kissing her on the side of her lips. "Kiss me, Louise. Be mine, please.

  For God! How could she say no when it was only melting with a light touch?

  "Yes," she whispered, offering her lips to him.

  Said took Louise's mouth in a desperate kiss, which at first frightened her. When Said's tongue began to open the mouth of the English, conquering the space that belonged to him, she gasped, still trying to push resistance. But he did not resist the masseuse with which the Sheikh was kissing her and the movements that his lips made- She gave up on that pleasurable assault.


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