Desert Prince: Modern and Erotic Version of The Arabian Nights: New Fairy Tales Series - Book One

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Desert Prince: Modern and Erotic Version of The Arabian Nights: New Fairy Tales Series - Book One Page 9

by Jones, Sarah

  The Sheik's lips left Louise's mouth and went down to her neck, where he sucked hard, leaving a reddish mark on her skin. He still had the nerve to bite her earlobe as he let go of the towel that covered her body, dropping it to the floor.

  Oh ... Yes, she wanted more. He stepped back to look at her just for a moment. His devouring eyes stopped at exactly the junction of her thighs, and he smiled, pleased to see that she had been shaved as he had ordered. Embarrassed, Louise tried to cover her breasts and her intimacy, but then Said took her hands away and pinned them against the wall, leaving her fully exposed to him.

  She was waiting for his words. She knew she was a little overweight and that her belly was prominent, just like her hips. Why, she did not even know why she cared about his thoughts!

  But Said said nothing. He had no words to describe the desire he was feeling, so he did what he most wanted: to glue his body to hers.

  She gasped as the Sheik's hand reached her thigh, slowly rising to her intimacy, her thumb teasing. She wanted to scream, frightened by the feelings and need she was feeling from the work of Said's mouth on her breasts, sucking on her nipples and pinching them with her teeth.

  Hearing her moan, the Shaykh lost control and lifted her into his lap, holding her by the buttocks, pressing her against the wall. His cock touched her intimacy and made her gasp in surprise. Said touched her again between her legs, penetrating her with one finger, then another, moving them slowly and then with more speed. When he saw her with his head thrown back, Said paid attention to her point of pleasure, making quick circles, which soon led her to experience something supreme.

  Louise squeezed Said's shoulders, gripped by that unfamiliar, growing sensation that made her, even with her eyes closed, see stars. God, what was that? She contorted herself, being thrown by the precipice, returning to Earth in sequence. She was still recovering when she felt the touch of Said there again. But it was not with her hands ... Louise moaned as the Sheik entered her all at once, tearing her virginity, causing her great discomfort.

  He widened his eyes and stopped, shocked at what he had just discovered. Louise started crying softly, putting her face on his shoulder, which, for the first time in years, found himself in a great dilemma.

  "Why did not you tell me?" He asked between his teeth in Louise's ear.

  - I tried! She shouted nervously. When she felt him begin to withdraw from her body, Louise clung to his back. - Do not stop! "I was not going to let it all end up that way." I wanted more of that feeling ...

  The Sheik took several breaths before moving back inside her, now more slowly and carefully.

  "I want you to feel good, gazelle." He murmured, panting.

  Clinging to Said, Louise tried to control her nervousness as he moved in and out of her body. The pain was passing and now she felt something good happening where their bodies met. She felt him accelerate her movements and dug her nails into his back, tightening her lips so she would not moan at the sensation of pleasure that began to take care of her.

  Said left Louise's body at the last minute and, with her in her arms, used her own hand to finally free himself. The Englishwoman was not moving. When he managed to clear his thoughts, he realized what had happened.

  He left her on one of the beds, watching her moan as she sat down and took one of the towels, wetting it in the water, then using it to wipe the stains of blood from Louise's legs. Though embarrassed, she allowed. He then wiped himself and tossed the towel aside.

  "I ..." She did not know what to say, she was floored with what had happened.

  She stood still as he pulled on his pants and wore another towel to curl Louise's body. When he took her in his lap again, she drew back.

  Sheik left the cistern and made his way back to Louise's room, barely taking care of finding some women and guards, who simply lowered their eyes, feigning disinterest.

  Upon reaching her room, Said put her on the bed and covered her with one of the sheets. Louise turned away, turning her back on him. The Sheikh thought something to say, but all that was in his head was the desire to know why she had not told him.


  He did not sleep with virgins. Never. Because I knew it had consequences.

  How could he be wrong? She had given clear signs that she was experienced. By Allah! That woman had spent weeks with several men in the same camp. How could such a thing happen? Worst of all, Said knew what to do. He would have made her not a virgin, but he had thought of enjoying her company at least a few more times. But at that moment ...

  He lowered his head and turned away. Taking one last look at her before leaving, he saw the movement of her small shoulders, revealing that Louise was crying.

  Still seized by self-hatred, Said left the room. He left her.


  To Louise's surprise, a few minutes later, Najila appeared to see her, saying that she had been sent by the Sheik to give her care.

  Without saying a word, the lady allowed Najila to help her put on one of her loose pants and a linen shirt. The woman also combed her hair, with a delicacy that made Louise want to cry even more.

  - Do you want something to eat? The servant asked in a low voice.

  Louise denied it.

  "Was it that bad?" Insisted the woman.

  "No," she replied, getting up from the bed, feeling a nuisance between her legs.

  Najila noticed and approached her.

  "Did he hurt you, miss?" The woman's eyes were wide and frightened.

  Louise denied it.

  "I ... I did not tell him that ... I was a virgin," she confessed in embarrassment.

  Najila let the brush drop to the floor at the sound of it and stayed a few minutes without speaking.

  "How could you fool him like that?" She almost screamed, stunned.

  The lady folded her fingers together and shrugged.

  "I did not know I should tell him something so intimate!" He burst out, losing his temper. "And I do not understand why he got so angry about it. Should not he be happy? She asked confused.

  Najila took a deep breath and sat down beside her.

  "I think you need to know something." She hesitated, looking at Louise, but decided to continue, even though she knew she was in danger. "Our lord does not lie down with virgins.

  - No?

  "No. Years ago, night after night, the Sheikh lay with a different woman, chosen by himself or his vizier. Usually they are women who are willing to satisfy the Sheik or who are gratified by it, "she said.

  Louise's jaw dropped, she could not believe what she was hearing. Said slept with a different woman every night!

  - Because? She managed to ask.

  Najila toyed with a blue stone of her skirt, distracted.

  - I do not know exactly. But I've heard it has to do with a very bad woman and something she did to him. After that, my lord never became involved with anyone except for one single night.

  "And what happens to them the next morning?" This was the fear of Louise.

  "Some of them agree to marry some man my lord orders, others want to stay in the camps, or go back to the family," he explained.

  Louise still did not want to believe it all, especially since she realized she was one of those women herself. Now that Said had gotten what he wanted from her, it was evident that he would get rid of her presence there.

  "How did he find so many women all these years?" She asked, wanting to change her mind.

  "He makes trade with the other kingdoms, with the other camps. There are many allies who yield their concubines, and there are also those who come willingly heretofore.

  "Najila," Louise said, taking her arm. "You think Sheikh will send me away?" Back to my house? "I hoped so."

  The woman stared at her for a moment with a look of pity, then took her hand.

  "By the laws of the kingdom, you have committed a grave offense, punishable by death, and at best with more than a hundred lashes, exposed before all.

  "But I just did not tell h
im I was a virgin. This is complete nonsense! She exclaimed, standing.

  Najila thought for a moment.

  "My lord can also allow you to marry some merchant, or be a concubine."

  Louise's fate only worsened! Death, being forced to marry, or else being a prostitute?

  I need to get out of this place. His mind began to work quickly. "Help me escape, Najila, please."

  The woman got up, too.

  "If I do, my neck will be torn from my body without mercy, miss." And the same will happen to you if you try. She looked at the door and then whispered. - I have a plan.

  Louise came over to listen. I was aware that it would be utter madness, but what choices did she have, other than death and a prostitute's life?

  At the end of the conversation, when Najila left the room, Louise knelt on the bed and allowed herself to take a deep breath. The only thing she wanted was to go home, even now, dishonored, even without success in her digging and still scared to death.

  She could still remember the delicious sensations he had given her. Even with the discomfort and silence that followed, she had liked, in part, that. Oh ... your worst mistake.

  Now she would have to put Najila's plan into practice or else accept that man would continue to govern her life as if she were a simple doll in his hands. But not. After what had happened, Louise knew what to do. She was certain that she would defeat the mighty Sheikh, and at last she would return home. She had only to control him, so that he would allow her to stay longer in the palace, which she needed to formulate a plan to return to England, because she knew that if she stays she would b sold or married, or even become a prostitute. Her chances of escape would be reduced to zero.

  In the confusion of her mind, Louise smiled, thinking that to destroy Said she would use what he longed for: her body.

  That was it; Louise would seduce Hamed's Shaye night after night, getting another day, until she finally got out of that palace.

  Chapter Eleven

  Said trembled, gripping the edge of her bedroom window, searching the night air for a way to keep him cool. It was as if something had stuck in his chest, stealing the air. He tried to find an explanation, an escape for all that, but the more he thought, the more he saw that it was all his fault.

  In the name of Allah ... Virgin. Louise was a virgin, and he had possessed her like that...

  Disoriented, Said took the table by the bed and threw it against the wall, then tossing the ceramic pieces on a sideboard, which landed in pieces on the floor. The only thing he wanted was to quell the anger that ruled him.

  He knelt beside the bed and curled his fingers in the sheet, trying to escape the darkness that was trying to drag him down. He closed his eyes and prayed to Allah, asking him to guide him and show him the best way.

  He had lost control with her, letting himself be driven by the desire that had blinded him. How had it happened? Said was a man who relied on control, power, and allowed nothing to get out of his hands. But that night ...

  How had he deceived himself? He concluded that Louise was experienced because of her behavior and that she lived with those men. But she was a lady! Said had deflowered a lady!

  She had felt right in his arms, the Sheik was sure of it. Even though he was brutal to possess her, he knew that Louise had achieved his pleasure. What kind of man was he? He was excited to remember how she had surrendered in his arms, moaning his name in such a sensual way. And, hell, he wanted her again next to him, but this time more slowly, seducing her, leaving her ready. I wanted to show the English that it was good and that there were hundreds of ways to feel pleasure.

  By Allah! What had he gotten himself into? The fact that Louise was a virgin further complicated Said's life, since it was expressly forbidden to him - given his conscience - to lie down with a pure woman. He had dictated such a rule by what had happened in the past, and that was the only one he would ever break. But, well, it had happened!

  Now what would he do? Of course, before he even had her, he knew that he would have to do the same with her, and he had even considered keeping her in the palace under his care, enjoying his gifts for a long time until he was no longer wanted her presence there. But how would he do it after all that had happened? Worse was that what irritated Said was not his conscience, which was almost killing him. It was that longing to have her by his side. He was torn between his duty to send her away, marrying her to some good man, and letting her stay in the palace beside him.

  Exasperated, Said stood up and looked around, assuming that the destruction of the room would have given much thought to the maids who would come to clean it in the morning.

  Still dressed only in his pants and barefoot, he walked out of the room, feeling the chill of the marble floor, which made him shiver. The corridors were empty as before, filled with a great silence. The candles attached to the walls made the place almost like one of the secret passages his father described to him in the stories. This thought made the Shaykh feel homesick at the time, when there was no weight of a kingdom on his shoulders, and he was not responsible for the lives of so many people. Said remembered when his mother taught him that he should be a good boy and the moments when he soon fled to the water wells, where he threw stones, or when he released the stakes from the tents, causing a great deal of confusion. What would her mother say when she saw him at that moment, in his thirty-first year, with a kingdom so great to rule, no wife, no children, and with that huge confusion in his feelings? Even more. What would she say when she saw him sneak up to Louise's room in the middle of the night?

  To Said's good fortune, there was no one there to witness his attitude.

  He carefully opened the door, as he had done nights ago when he decided to sleep next to Louise. But this time, he just wanted to see her. Obviously he wanted to touch her, to feel the softness of her skin and the scent of her hair, but he knew he could not let go again with desire.

  He paused by the bed and swallowed at the sight of the beautiful image of Louise being bathed in moonlight, which was reflected in her hair spread on pillow, making her look like a goddess. She was still asleep in the same position as before, curled to the other side, but her expression looked serene.

  Said watched her for some time, maybe a few minutes, maybe hours. He was fascinated by her beauty. She was surely the most beautiful woman she had ever met. None compared to Louise.

  The Sheikh knew that even if he wanted to, he could not stay up all night, contemplating Louise until dawn, and before leaving the room, he forced himself to touch her lightly, stroking her cheek, sliding his fingers to the h air, feeling them soft. He wanted to curl up in them, with the English woman clinging to his body, while her hair fell over his chest.

  Even nervous, worried that she would wake up and misunderstand why he was there, he stayed a little longer. Louise did not move, inert in her dreams.

  I needed to get back. Now.

  "Forgive me, Louise," he whispered in her ear before leaving. He did not want the stranger to find him there. If she had noticed his presence, she could have supposed she had dreamed, and he preferred it.


  When she awoke the next morning, Louise felt very well. She stretched out on the bed and yawned, noticing the slight discomfort between her legs, which reminded her of what had happened the night before.

  She had made love to Said!

  She rolled her eyes at her own thought. There was not exactly "made love," because it seemed that the Sheikh was not a man who knew the word love. But in any case, she had given herself to him. Surely Said had made her behave that way, especially when those skillful hands had touched her so temptingly, and her body had become only sensations. Ah, yes ... the wonderful sensations he had felt!

  But wait! It had not all been wonderful. Now she had not forgotten that Said, after the act, had behaved like an idiot. How could he have been annoyed by her being a virgin? By the way, how could he have thought she wasn’t? Yes, that annoyed her. A woman's virginity was a valua
ble gift!

  Karida entered the room carrying the well-known tray full of bread and fruit, as well as the coffee, which Louise had learned to appreciate.

  - Good morning, Miss.

  The woman had a discreet smile on her face.

  Louise saw herself starving and soon began to be fed up with the loaves.

  "I'd like to bathe now in the morning, Karida," she said between bites of bread.

  "I'll have guards bring the tub into your room." She sat on the edge of the bed and stared at Louise, looking for a subject. "My lord traveled soon in the morning.

  With her mouth full, Louise stared at the woman, surprised by the news.

  "He said where?" she asked, feeling a great curiosity. Said had just returned and was traveling again? Of course, not that it was her business.

  "To the palace of a friend to the east." Karida licked her lips anxiously. "Most of the women who give themselves to the Sheik are sent there, marrying some men from the camp, or serving the caliph," she said.

  Louise was out of reaction, feeling a great pain in the stomach. She pushed the tray aside and wiped his mouth on the towel beside the fruit platter.

  Had Said gone to negotiate it? Had he offered her?

  She felt her eyes pound, but she did not cry. From the night before, she had decided that she would take the reins of her life. In fact, she had made that up in England when he embarked on that trip. And she kept thinking the same way. I would go with my plan more than ever. If Said thought she could just play with his life, he was wrong. She would not become a concubine or marry any man. Even better. She understood that she had a great influence on the Sheik and that it would be easy to manipulate him so that she could return to England.

  She sipped his coffee and smiled wryly.

  How bad would it be to feel more of those delicious sensations he had brought upon her? Louise knew that her honor was already stained anyway. When she returned to England, she would devote himself only to archeology, she did not need marriage or children. It would suffice what was living there.


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