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Desert Prince: Modern and Erotic Version of The Arabian Nights: New Fairy Tales Series - Book One

Page 14

by Jones, Sarah

  "I imagine they're tired, so they'll be taken to their rooms." He indicated the servants waiting for them posted at the entrance.

  "Thank you for your hospitality, my lord. And if you will allow me, as a last request, I'd like you to lead our Alisha on a walk through the fountain garden, a place we've heard so much about since we came here, "Aban said with that smile that made Said uneasy.

  "Oh, yes, it will be incredible!" Will you go with us, Aban? Alisha stepped in excitedly.

  "I'm sorry, my dear, but we're very tired. I'm sure our prince will be kind enough to lead you for a short walk to the garden. The man looked at Said, waiting for his reply.

  The Sheik unwillingly agreed, and sympathetically offered Alisha her arm, which she accepted with enthusiasm. He crossed the room and, on the way out, found Louise, who saw him lead the beautiful young woman into the garden. Said stopped in front of her and thought to tell her something, but she quickly refuted the idea because she realized it would not be appropriate. He would soon see her, and then he would have her in his arms.


  Karida followed Louise into the bedroom in silence. None of them uttered a word as they crossed the dark corridors, and as they entered the room, the lady walked away, standing in front of the window, where she stood for long minutes. She looked distant, worried.

  "She's very pretty," Karida commented as she tidied Louise's bed.

  "Yes, she is," she agreed.

  "I thought you would take care of her," said the servant, insisting.

  Louise sighed and turned to face her.

  "Sheikh took her to the fountain and then led her to the bedroom," she said, feeling a strange sensation in his chest.

  Karida was silent for a moment, amused at softening the pillows.

  "She wants him" she said after a few minutes.

  Louise put her hand to her breast, uncomfortable with the discomfort she had felt upon hearing such a revelation.

  "It is possible," she admitted sadly.

  Now, why was she feeling that way? She should be happy!

  "Maybe she's seducing him right now," Karida said again, looking sideways at the lady.

  Louise turned her back to the window. She removed the veil she wore over her dress and felt graced by the breeze that touched her bust, giving her momentary relief.

  Yes, Alisha could be seducing Said. Louise did not doubt that and what really bothered her was the confusion she was feeling. A few days ago, it would be what she most wanted. Another woman in Said's life, so that she would lose interest in her and let her go. But now, realizing that this was happening, something was happening inside her. And it was not good. It hurt. Imagining Said with another woman in his arms produced tightness in her chest. Her throat twitched at the knowledge that he might be kissing Alisha, touching her. And that was what irritated Louise, this possession, that anger she was feeling.

  She closed her eyes and inhaled the desert air, seeking comfort in something invisible.

  What was that she was feeling? And why was it so painful?

  "You must rest, miss," Karida called out.

  Louise walked over to the bed, removing the jewels she wore in her hair as well as the ribbons. She set them down on the dresser. It was curious how even the glow of the jades seemed obliterated that night.

  - Need something more?

  Louise denied, climbing on the bed. She nestled among the covers and stared at Karida, who was also staring at her. The woman had a look of understanding, she seemed to understand Louise.

  "I know I'm not allowed to, but I think it must be said, miss." Looking back and forth, Karida approached the bed to murmur "I know what you're feeling, miss. Do not let her have it. My lord was never charmed by another woman like you, I assure you - and before Louise could answer, Karida left the room.

  The lady moved restlessly in bed, thoughtful about what the woman had said to her, and nervous about the possibility of her being right.

  She stared at the flames of the candles, waiting for Said, who had promised to come to her that night. The hours passed, and the candles went out, turning the room into pitch black. The lady remained awake at dawn, no longer waiting for him, but considering what might have prevented him from seeking her. It was inevitable to think that he was with Alisha. Among the possibilities that passed through Louise's mind, this was the only coherent one, and this finding, served only to increase her anguish.

  In the morning her eyes burned and his body ached. Louise had not slept for a minute in the night, tormented by the impertinent thoughts she'd had. Sunlight streamed in through the window, warming it as guards began to move through the palace, and the villagers shouted orders to the animals. Said must already be awake, inspecting something in the palace, or perhaps meeting with the caliph, on some important matter, and she should get up too.

  She sat on the bed, groaning as her back throbbed, and snorted as she remembered that she would have to spend the day beside Alisha, as she had promised to Said.

  I need to stop promising things that I can regret in the future.

  With a breath of courage, Louise got up, sure she needed determination to face the day. She found inside the dresser the clothes she would wear that day and carefully combed her hair, making at the end a braid like Najila and the women taught him.

  She left the room and was soon satisfied that there was no guard outside, which revealed that Said had kept her promise.

  Smiling, Louise walked into the kitchen, willing to work.


  "He took her to the room, I saw it myself," said one of the servants, telling the other women in the kitchen, all curious about what had happened to Sheikh the night before.

  Among them was Louise, who, sitting in a chair near the table, ate fruit and drank milk, keeping her attentive to the conversation. Karida was sitting in front of him, cutting figs into the syrup she would make. The woman did not take her eyes off her, which was making Louise worried.

  "She took him to her room!" The little woman managed to seduce the powerful Sheik! Commented a laughing woman. Others responded by speaking all at once, turning the kitchen into a din.

  "Sheikh did not enter the room!" The woman kissed him, but then he turned away and walked away, "the first woman said. - I was in the hall, I saw everything!

  Louise chewed hard on the date and drank a large sip of milk, lowering her head, reluctant to look around. Karida still looked at her, now more emphatically, as if trying to convey a message to her.

  You must drive Alisha to the camp. She wants to see the others who accompanied her during the journey, "Najila told him, appearing at his side.

  With a brief glance at the other women, who were silent quickly, Louise stood up, ready to face whatever the day would hold her.


  To Louise's complete relief, Alisha did not seem very willing to talk to a simple servant, always walking forward, elegant in her gold gown that shone in the sunlight, displaying the beautiful black hair that came down to her hips.

  Louise sat quietly during the camp visit, sitting on a low stool, waiting while Alisha chatted animatedly with two other women in a language she did not know. The Englishwoman was sweating terribly, for she had been forced to wait outside the tent in the inclement sun, away from Alisha and her friends, who made gestures and smiled, looking overjoyed at the situation in which they lived. The lady tried to ignore the women and returned to paying attention to the children playing next to her.

  "I kissed him last night," Alisha said quietly to the other women, now speaking in Arabic, allowing Louise to understand. "I think he like me."

  Looking at her palms, Louise sighed uneasily. It was hard to hear all that and stay calm. The truth was before her eyes, wide open. Said had become interested in Alisha.

  It was what I wanted, so why do I feel so bad?

  Perhaps now, if Said had exchanged her for the sultan's daughter, Louise had her much-desired chance of leaving. She could finally find her father, go back to her
old house and devote herself to her research. So much had to be done. She would not allow the deaths of her friends to be forgotten, she would carry their memory with them and honor them with proper credit for his services. Everything would be as it had been before.

  Despite this resolution, there was something in her heart, Louise had to admit, that made her imagine living there, in the kingdom of Hamed, near all those people, Karida and Najila who became close to friends, as well as the others Women of the palace. She had never known that she had always been fascinated by the desert, so much that she had embarked on that great adventure. The possibility, though vague, of staying there made her feel alive. Yes, for all that was sacred, much of it pulsated, saying that it was her place ... next to Said.

  Reality struck her with surprising force, startling her, leaving her bewildered. Was all this the realization that she had more intense feelings for Said? Was it possible that ... she had fallen in love?

  Louise's breathing failed as her pulse quickened. She closed her eyes, memorizing the magical moments she had lived next to Said, just like the fights they had, all looking more real than ever, true. It was impossible to ignore the way she felt when he remembered it. The desperation of imagining him with another woman.

  Exasperated, Louise stood up, finally admitting that she was in love with Said. I loved that man!

  I can not believe I allowed myself to love him. When did this happen?

  Maybe it was the first kiss or, perhaps, the moments of tenderness, or the first time he had her. Oh, it did not matter either. Louise was, in addition to being terrified at the discovery, very worried too. Obviously, now that she admitted being in love with the man, she would not let young Alisha win her.

  She scanned the profile of the young woman, who was now walking up to her, smiling as she always did.

  - I'm so hot. Can we go back to the palace? Asked Alisha, waving her hand.

  "I can arrange a bath if you wish," Louise offered as they walked through the encampment back to the palace.

  - Yes please. What is your name? I see you're not from here.

  - I'm english. My name is Louise.

  Alisha turned away from a man carrying a basket and looked back at Louise.

  "Oh, you are the first foreigner I know," she said excitedly. "I've heard a few things about your country. Is it true that women bathe only once a month?

  Louise stopped to face her and could not help but smile at the question.

  "I assure you this is only a myth, though I suspect some of the most remarkable ladies in society are not in the habit of doing this more than three times a month," she said, walking again.

  Alisha ran after her, clutching her skirts. They entered the palace and went down a corridor.

  "And the balls, I heard there are balls every night, and the ladies wear layers of fabric while they dance," she insisted, looking at Louise's face, waiting for the answer.

  "I'm afraid that's true. I used this exorbitant amount of fabric when I needed it, and I confess that there were times when all I wanted was to get rid of all that." In fact, she should tell all English society, which still imposed such clothing, much outdated for her taste.

  When they reached Alisha's bedroom, she sat on the bed and quickly began to remove the jewelry she wore, releasing a sigh of relief as she finished.

  "I can not bear such things," she said, frowning.

  Louise studied her, seeing her exactly as she was; a girl.

  "How old are you, Alisha?" She forced herself to ask.

  The young woman looked up at her and shrugged.

  "I'll be eighteen in no time."

  "I'll have them bring the tub and the water for you," Louise said, walking to the door.

  "Louise," Alisha called to her, and when the lady looked at her, she found a timid expression. - Thanks.

  Not knowing what to answer, Louise just nodded and hurried out of the room.

  A few minutes beside Alisha, and Louise was getting even more confused. She did not look exactly like she'd imagined. Her speech, her gestures and attitudes were different when they were alone, she seemed more true.

  It was something to think about.


  For the rest of the day, Alisha remained alone in the room, giving Louise the opportunity to put into practice the plan she had studied in detail. Now that the guards no longer followed her, she felt different in that palace, not at all like a servant or prisoner. It was as if he was a part of it all, especially when Said showed trusting her.

  She found Najila in the well, behind the palace, carrying a basin of water. When she saw her the woman seemed confused, mainly because she did not find the guard who always accompanied her.

  "I need your help, Najila.

  "I'll just take the water to the kitchen and then tell me how I can help you," the woman said, breathing heavily.

  Louise helped her carry the water and then they went to the lady's room where, on entering, she reconsidered whether what she was about to do was right.

  Najila was silent waiting for her to say something, until Louise spoke quickly, getting rid of the anguish.

  "I want you to teach me how to seduce a man."

  The servant did not react immediately, just stared at her, until a bright smile came to her lips.

  "I did not think you'd ever ask me, miss."

  At that, a weight was lifted from Louise's shoulders. Well, part of it, since now having Said would depend on her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  "I will not wear these indecent clothes!" Louise protested, folding her arms against her chest, indignant at Najila's audacity when she suggested that she wear the transparent dress.

  The woman laughed and put the dress in front of her body, as if she were the one who was dressed.

  "If you wish to seduce my lord, you must use something provocative," she insisted.

  The Englishwoman uncrossed her arms and looked impatiently at Najila. The two of them were locked in the bedroom, which gave them some privacy, but Louise was still afraid of what she was doing. Not that she had regretted asking for help to seduce Said. The situation became confused when she suspected that there might be no reciprocity in her feelings. Obviously, she was aware that the Sheikh was not completely in love, as it was with her, but she did not know if he still wanted her after Alisha's appearance. The truth was that she was afraid to appear hasty or even to do something that would change, for worse, her relationship with that man. He could finally fulfill his threats and send her away or marry her to some merchant. What she was so determined to do could be the end of her distressing fate.

  "Are you all right?" You seem so far away. "Najila touched her arm, catching her attention.

  Agreeing with her head, Louise smiled, determined to continue the lesson. Well, then you should wear that dress ... And why not, anyway? She had already ventured to that land, in her view, unheard of and had tasted such sinful things that she would never have believed in before, so why not accept that costume? Only Said would see. It was for him.

  - I'll use it. She gripped the dress in her hands and felt the texture of the fine fabric, embroidered with small white rounded stones, and the lace on her arms that left a great strip of uncovered skin. - What should I use underneath? She asked worriedly. It did not seem possible to her to use any other piece without being visible.

  The malicious grin on Najila's face was enough to answer the doubt of Louise, who swallowed hard as she imagined Said's gaze on her, visualizing every bit of her body beneath that dress.

  "That alone will be enough to seduce him?" Despite her shyness at the thought of wearing the dress, Louise would be happy if he did not need anything else for him to like what he saw.

  Najila removed the dress from her hands and laid it on the bed. She knelt on the floor on a cushion and motioned for Louise to do the same at her side.

  "There are many things you need to know, but the main thing is that the control of a man's pleasure is in you. When she saw the lady's co
nfused look, Najila went on to explain, "I'm trying to say there are ways of practically driving a man mad, miss. If you do it the right way, it is likely to rouse with pleasure.

  "Oh, is that really possible?" Louise's shrewd eyes widened at the revelation.

  "I've never seen it happen, but women always talk about it." Shrugging, Najila waited until Louise administered that information, which took a good amount of minutes.

  When the lady finally understood what had been said, a significant doubt arose.

  "And how will I do that?" "Well, I would not admit it so easily, but I was inclined to do whatever it took to see Said react to pleasure and, who knows, to watch him howl.

  "Did he ever ask you to use his mouth on him?" The servant asked, looking her straight in the eye.

  Louise barely blinked.

  "I ... He ... No, but he did it on me," she confessed, feeling his cheeks pinch with shame.

  Grinning from ear to ear, Najila nestled on the cushion, excited to continue.

  "All you have to do is the same for him.

  Frowning, Louise considered how much more she really ought to know about the intimacy between a man and a woman. Of course, if dhe could return to the past, dhe would allow himself to know of such things. At least that way she would not feel so out of place as at that moment, especially when she was so apparent in her twenty-five years on her shoulders.

  Considering how pleasurable it had been when Said had used her mouth in such intimate parts of her, Louise felt that doing so would make him feel very good. Maybe even more.

  "I will," she agreed, smiling for the first time. "Do I need to know anything else?"

  Najila got up and went to the dresser, where there was a small red wooden box, which she handed to Louise as she sat down again.

  - What is it? Said the lady, raising the little dark glass bottle to the eye with a liquid inside.


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