The Puzzle of Left-Handedness
Page 33
Casasanto, Daniel 95, 194
Chaplin, Charlie 91, 285
China, Chinese 29–33, 57, 122–3, 149–50, 150, 154, 222
Chomsky, Noam 75
Christianity, Christian 14, 18, 40–42, 58, 61, 65–6
Anglican 44, 66
Catholic 39–40, 44, 58
see also Judeo-Christian
chromosomes 162, 218–20, 219, 234–5
Churchill, Winston 25, 217
Clemenceau, Georges 217
Cleopatra 131
Clinton, Bill 284
clockwise 45–6, 258 see also anticlockwise
clothing 50, 263
clumsiness 48, 58, 189, 213, 255–60
coalition of the willing 12–13
Combe, George 178, 179
comic strips 115, 117, 119–22
Congo 45, 121–2
Conrad, Klaus 187
Corballis, Michael 8
Coren, Stanley 7–8, 9, 252, 258–60, 277–82, 283
creativity 188–9, 257–8, 283
criminality 211–13, 212, 252–3
Cronus 261
Croton 19
cuneiform script 156–7, 156
Cybele 18
Cyrillic script 152, 156
Darwin, Charles 79, 116–17, 163, 235
Darwinian 240
Darwin’s finches 235–6, 236
Dax, Marc 181
Day of Judgment 34
Death 43
defensive reflex 279–80
Demeter 18
Demotic script 152–3
Devil, devilish 18, 21, 37, 40–42, 58, 60, 61, 62, 65–6, 69
dexterity 90, 163, 192, 215, 255–7, 264
diagonal, in art 125–8, 131–4
dietary laws 58
digitis medicinalis 40
dimensions 14–16
discrimination 57, 265
Disney, Walt 104
DNA 162, 218
Dracula 37
Dürer, Albrecht 138, 141
Dyaus, Pitar 18
Dylan, Bob 283
dyslexia 232
Easter Island script 153, 153–4
education 268–9
Eglon 34–5
Egypt, Egyptian 38, 40, 47–8, 152
Ehud 34–5
Ellis, P. J. 281
Ellis, S. J. 281
embodied cognition 95, 193
embryo 232–3, 244–8, 246
emotion 48–9, 51, 143–7, 188
Engen, A. van 10
England, English 25, 47, 71, 81, 86, 89, 94, 96, 159, 168, 241, 258
English language 155
Enlightenment 151, 157
Ephraim 34
epilepsy 185–6
Erasistratus 175
Estrées, Gabrielle d’ 119–21, 121
ethnocentrism 156
etiquette 23–4, 59, 142
Etruscan script 152
Europa 131
Europe, European 22–3, 27, 29, 36, 38–9, 40, 43–4, 60, 65–70, 79, 140, 156, 241, 279–80
Eve 41, 42, 127,
evolution 79, 116–18, 167–8, 170–74, 220, 236–42
facial recognition 192–3
February strike 56
film, film camera 112, 115, 119, 262
flatfish 100
Fliess, Wilhelm 252–3, 260, 272
Flourens, Pierre 181
fMRI 190–93, 247
Ford, Gerald 255–9
France, French 14, 43, 44, 54, 66, 71–3, 74, 80, 94, 96, 99, 120, 131, 159, 167, 181, 184, 189, 258, 280
Frederick V of Denmark 25
French Revolution 14, 66, 72
Freud, Sigmund 98–9, 102, 252–3, 260, 272
Fritsch, Gustav 181
Galápagos Islands 236, 236
Galen 175–6
Gall, Frans Joseph 178–80, 179–80
gauche 71, 258
Geldof, Bob 91
genes 162, 218–25, 250
genetic disease 220
genetic drift 234–8
see alsoDNA
genius and gifted 10, 283 see also creativity
German, Germany 37–8, 54, 69, 74, 91, 94, 106, 132, 153, 183, 187, 211, 212
Germanic tribes 18
Geschwind, Norman 217, 231–3, 234, 253,
God 14, 18, 40–41, 58, 66, 79, 89, 116, 125, 178, 222
Gogh, Vincent van 283
Gorbachev, Mikhail 283
Gould, Stephen Jay 117, 172
Goya, Francisco 125–7, 127, 128, 130–31, 131
Greece, Greek 17–21, 44, 49, 77, 118, 148, 152–3, 154, 158, 175, 261
group behaviour, group feeling 60–62
guitar, guitarists 90–92
gypsies 60, 62
haemoglobin 190–91
Halpern, Diane 277
Hammer of Witches 68–9, 68
Hanegem, Willem van 204
Harvey, William 159
Hauer, Rutger 54
Hawking, Stephen 283
hay fever 9, 213, 231, 253
health 9, 34, 40–42, 47–9, 52, 195, 213, 231–2, 253–4 see also individual diseases
heart 40, 159, 168, 173
heart attack 253
heartbeat 135–6, 161, 249
Hebrew 148–50, 273
Hecaen, Henry 184
hecktaler 36–7, 41
Hendrix, Jimi 91
Henri IV of France 120
Henry VIII 66
Herophilus 175
Hertz, Robert 44
hieroglyphics 153
Hippocrates 175
Hippomenes 118
Hitler, Adolf 14
Hittite 154
Hitzig, Eduard 181
Holbein, Hans 82
Homo erectus 169–74, 171
Homo habilis 169, 174
Homo sapiens 117
homosexuality 60, 62–4, 240–42, 252
Hora Veneris 38
hormones 201, 227–33
Hotu-Matua 154
hunting, hunter 27, 166–7, 169–74, 171
Ibn Saud, King 25
illegitimate children 63
illiteracy 86, 121–2, 272
imperialism 156
Incas 45
incest 63, 252
India 18, 39, 65, 154
Indo-European 17–18
Indonesia, Indonesian 42, 156
Indus script 154
inheritance, inherited characteristics 162–165, 202, 211–12, 217–25, 235–8, 244 see also DNA, genes
Institoris, Henricus 68
Isaac 124, 125, 126, 130
Isidore 40
Isis 47–8
Islam, Islamic 14, 22–3 27, 58, 150
Israel, Israeli, Israelites 34, 122, 148, 150
Italy, Italian 10, 19, 54, 67, 127–8, 159, 200
Jackson, John 80–81
Japan, Japanese 26–7, 53–4, 156, 186, 200
Java macaque 55–6, 55
Jews, Jewish 21, 37, 48, 56–7, 60–62, 148
Judaism 14, 48
Judeo-Christian 34, 41
Julesz, Bela 105, 107–11, 108
Julius II, Pope 40
Jupiter 18
justice 48
Kaguru 24
Kelvin, Lord 79
Kennedy, John F. 145
Kenya 64
Klimt, Gustav 131–2, 132
kohau rongo rongo 153–4
Kolisch, Rudolf 90, 91
Kramer, Heinrich 68–9, 68
Kroes, Doutzen 145
Laan, Martin van der 280
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste de 163
Landseer, Sir Edwin 82
language, language centre, language processing 144, 170, 172, 178, 179, 181–3, 182, 186–8, 194–6,
Lascaux 166
lateralization 103, 187, 192–4, 196, 200, 247
Latin 9, 18, 21, 25, 68, 151–2, 154–6, 157
Leda 131–2, 132
left (political) 72–6, 217
t brain 147, 161, 182–3, 186, 188, 192, 195–6, 200, 230, 232
left-/right-eared 206–7
left-/right-eyed 205–6
left-/right-footed 204, 208
Lefthanders’ Association 251
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 14
Liepmann, Hugo 183, 195
Limburg 67, 94
liver 159–61
localization 181, 191
Lombroso, Cesare 9, 10, 177, 211–13, 212
‘loony left’ 75
love 23–4, 38, 40
Lovejoy, Arthur Oncken 117
Lucretia 131
Ludwig II of Bavaria 106
Lydian 154
Mach, Ernst 107
Madonna 135–6, 138–9, 138, 139, 142
‘Throwing Madonna’ theory 168, 173
Maes, Nicolaas 125, 126, 130
magic 36–6, 47, 49, 60, 64
Malleus Maleficarum see Hammer of Witches
Manet, Edouard 127–8, 128, 133
manuscope 207–8
Mao Zedong 122, 122, 130
Maori 49
Marat, Jean-Paul 14
March of Progress 117, 117
Marcus Aurelius 175
Marguerita, infanta 136, 137
Mariana of Austria 140
Marshall, E. 281
Masai 34
masturbation 24
McCain, John 284
McCarthy, Joseph 14
McCarthyism 14
McCartney, Paul 91
media 49–51, 74–6, 115, 127
Mehmet ii, Sultan 151
Mendel, Gregor 218
Mendel’s laws,
Mendelian 164, 202, 218–23, 235
mercy, in the right hand 48–9
Merlin 118
Mesopotamia 47
Michelangelo 40, 41, 42, 84–5, 178, 273, 283
Mikkelsen, Mads 55
Milner, Brenda 184
mimicry 195
minorities 52, 57, 66
mirror image, mirroring 100–2, 104, 109–13, 111, 143–4, 144, 153
mirror writing 271–4
mixed-handedness 83–5, 215, 223–4, 224
Mongolian script 154
monkey, monkeys 55, 201 see also apes
Montelupo, Raffaello da 273
Mori, Masahiro 53–4
mortality 7–8, 52, 253, 277–82
mice 8, 201–2
murder 125–7, 211–12, 212
Mussolini, Benito 14
myth 17–18, 31–2, 118–19, 261
Naitoh, Tomio 200
Namibia 27
Napoleon 63, 131
Native Americans 43
natural selection 167, 240 see also evolution
Nazi, Nazi Germany 56, 62, 74
nerves, nervous system 104, 175, 196–8, 197, 207
Neuschwanstein 104, 106
Niebuhr, Carsten 25
Nigeria 64
Nijmegen 67, 89, 192–3
Nixon, Richard M. 14, 255
Obama, Barack 284
octopuses 100
olympia 133
Olympian gods 18
Olympic Games 19
one-handedness 16, 80–88, 92, 158–9
oppression 14, 36, 241, 278–9
Orwell, George 56
Osiris 48
Ovambo 27
Ovimbundu 28
Paglia, Camille 51
painters, painting 97, 104, 115, 120–34, 135–42, 166–7
Palatino, Giovanni Batista 272
Parson, Beaufort Sims 207–8
paw preference 8, 199–202, 222–3
Pech Merle 166, 167
penetration 234–5, 237
perjury 36
Perot, Henry Ross 284
persecution 60–70, 240–41
phrenology 178–82, 179, 180
piano, pianists 89–92, 91
Picasso, Pablo 11–12, 13, 283
pigeons 99–100, 106, 112, 181
Piombo, Sebastiano del 273
plants, plant material 16, 96, 218, 222
Plato 158–9
polarization 12–14, 20–21, 41–2
polydactyly 235
Portnoy, Ethel 94
portraits 119–21, 121, 135–42
Poseidon 18
pregnancy 244–7
presidency, US 284
Prometheus 128, 130, 133
prostitutes 133, 252
Putin, Vladimir 145
Pye-Smith, P. H. 168
Pythagoras 19–21, 34, 36, 49, 73
Qin Shi Huang 31
Quilter, Colin 246
R2 D2 53
rabbit 109–11, 111, 169
race 88
racism 57
rats 53, 99–100, 199–200
Ravel, Maurice 92
reading 123, 148, 149, 153
recessive genes 220–24, 234–5
recombination 220
Reformation 67
religion 17–18, 48, 58–60, 66–8 see also individual religions
Rembrandt 124, 125
Renaissance 59, 66
Reni, Guido 118, 118
repression 87, 241, 252–3, 281
reproduction 219–20, 237, 239–42
Republic of the United Netherlands 67
reversal, of hand preference 230
Revolution, French 14, 66, 72
Revolution, Industrial 66
rhesus macaques 201, 228
Ricchieri, Ludovico 159–61
right (political) 72–76
right brain 146–7, 182, 187–8, 195–6, 230–32
right shift factor 223, 234
ring finger 38, 40
rituals 40, 42, 45–6, 47, 58–9, 115
road deaths see accidents
Rolls-Royce 25
Romania 37
Rome, Romans 21, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43–44, 77, 84, 159, 272
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 25
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 80
Rouvoet, André 42
Ruq’a 152
Russia 74, 79, 123, 145, 189, 226–7
Salk, Lee 135
Samael 21
Sanskrit 18
Sarmiento, Maria Augustina 136
Saudi Arabia 25, 26
scala naturae 116
schizophrenia 231, 250, 254
School of Fontainebleau 119–21, 121
Scythians 158–9
Seed, Chris 89–91, 95
selection procedures 95
sex, sexuality 23–4, 49, 62–4, 239–42, 242, 252–3, 272
sexes, separation of 58
sexual selection 240
shield theory 77–8, 168
sides of the face 143–7
sinister 9, 21
Sistine Chapel 40–41, 41, 42, 84
situs inversus 159–61, 187, 224, 247
skeleton 86, 177, 201
smoking 213
Snow White 104
socialism 73–4
soldiers 30, 77–8, 94, 131, 131
somites 246
South Africa 79
South America 45
Spain, Spanish 67, 131, 136, 280
Spain, Philip IV of 136, 140
speech, speech problems 103, 164, 181–3, 205–7
sperm 49, 219–20
Sperry, Roger 185–6, 187
split brain 185
splitting, of embryos 244–9
sport 19, 45, 203–4, 284
Sprenger, Jacob 68–69, 68
Spurzheim, Johann 178, 179
Stasi 76
Stekel, Wilhelm 252
Stier, Ewald 211–13
Strien, Jan van 88
stroke see trauma
stubbornness 164
stuttering 267–8
Subirana, Antonio 243
sun 20–21, 29–32, 44–6, 47
supermarkets 258, 265–6
superstition 33–4, 36–9, 41, 43–6, 49
survival chances 27, 168, 171, 174, 220
Sybaris 19
p; Sydow, Max von 54
symmetrical, symmetry 15–16, 95–7, 100–3, 104–14, 105, 108, 111, 143–5, 178–80 see also asymmetry
Syria 26
Table of Opposites 19, 34, 36, 49
taboo 21, 23–8, 88, 150
Tadeusz, Norbert 132, 133
Tanzania 24, 64
Tarot 43
teaching, teacher training 10, 27, 91, 254, 268–71, 276
testosterone 201, 217, 231–3
theatre, stage 98–9, 115
Thomson, William, see Kelvin
throwing 170–3
Throwing Madonna theory 168–9, 173
Tintin, Tintin’s Law 119, 122, 126
Titans 261
Titian 133, 133
Tiu 18
toads 37–8, 200–1, 215
tools, left-handed 163, 261–4
Torah 48, 148–9, 149
Toraja 42
trauma, traumatic left-/right-handedness 227–31, 234, 249
Turkey, Turkish 151, 152, 154
twins 88, 217, 222, 224–5, 229–30, 231–33, 243–9, 246, 254
two-handed, two-handedness see ambidextrousness
Uhrbrock, Richard 136, 140
uncanny valley 53–7, 54, 55, 61
United States see America untrustworthiness 9, 18
upbringing 80–81, 158–9, 164, 182
Uranos 261
utensils, left-handed 262, 264 see also tools
vampires 37
Van Gils 50
vegetarianism 15, 169
Velasco, Isabel de 136, 138
Velázquez, Diego 136–7, 137, 140
Vesalius, Andreas 175, 176, 177, 197
Victoria, Queen 82
Victorian 241
Villars, Duchess de 120
Vinci, Leonardo da 82, 138, 271–2, 272, 283
violence 64, 125–31, 129, 131, 131, 134,
violin, violinists 90–92, 90
vision 104–14, 107, 111, 144
visual cortex 104–9, 107
Vulcan 128, 130
Wachagga 27, 33
Wada, Juhn Atsushi 186–7
Wada test 186–7 Wageia-Kavirondo 33
Wagenaar, Willem Albert 119, 122
Wagner, Richard 106,
warfare 17, 27, 30, 31, 33, 77–9
Wassersug, Richard 200
wedding ceremony 40, 142
Wernicke, Carl 183
Wernicke’s area 182
Wharram Percy 86
Wile, Ira S. 87
Willis, Circle of 161
Winnie the Pooh 98, 260
Wiseman, Joseph 54
witches 36–8, 60–61, 61, 64–70,
witch-hunts 60, 64–70
Wittgenstein, Paul 92
Wood, E. K. 277–8
Wrangham, Richard 174
Wright, Wilbur and Orville 79
writing 10–11, 24, 81, 84, 93, 122–3, 148, 150–7, 215, 263–4, 267–76, 281
X-rays 79
Yemen, Yemeni 25–6, 26, 148 see also Arabia Felix
Yin and Yang 29–31, 33, 52
Zangwill, Oliver 184
Zeus 18, 261
Zumbohm, Gaspar 153–4
Table of Contents
Front Cover
Half Title Page
Title Page
1 Malice and Misunderstanding
2 The Left-handed Picador
3 Opposites and Contradictions