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Highland Temptation

Page 15

by Lori Ann Bailey

  Chapter Ten

  Alan woke to delicious tingles on his scalp. When he opened his eyes, Kirstie was there. Her fingers laced through the thick strands of his hair, and a heart-melting smile arched her full lips. Her lazy, hooded eyes were a sight he would be happy to wake to every morning.

  His fingers dove into her hair and clasped the back of her head, pulling her close so their lips gently touched. He closed his mouth over hers and deepened the kiss. His tongue delved in and tangled with hers. She was spice and honey and all woman. He wanted more. His hand slid down her shoulders, down her back, and cupped her sweet ass to pull her on top of him.

  A knock sounded at the door. “Kirstie, open up. It’s me.”

  He groaned into her mouth.

  Kirstie ended the kiss and pulled back. “Hold on, give me a minute,” she called to the door. “Ye should put yer clothes on. I cannae leave Blair out there in the hall.”

  “Come on, ’tis cold out here.”

  Alan thought ’twas no’ much better in here as he threw back the covers, losing both their warmth and Kirstie’s at the same time.

  They dressed quickly, and Alan ambled toward the door, hesitant to begin what was sure to be an arduous day. He was going to insist Kirstie join him for breakfast right away. They had a lot to discuss.

  Opening the door, his gaze rested on Kirstie’s friend. Blair’s face was red and puffy. “Are ye okay?” Concern and anger washed over him.

  She shook her head and skirted past him as he peeked into the hall to see in the light of the morning. The Cameron men weren’t on guard, which made sense because there was only Finlay and Dougal, and they did have to sleep. It was best they didn’t know he’d spent the night with their laird’s sister before he had a chance to speak with Lachlan.

  Kirstie took one look at Blair’s disheveled and downtrodden expression and glanced to him. “Can we have a few moments alone?”

  “Aye. I’ll be back to get ye for breakfast in half an hour.”

  Alan paced the halls to give the lasses time to discuss whatever calamity had befallen Blair. He would bet his best sword that it had something to do with Henry Graham—surprising, since she had obviously spent the night with him. He’d expected her to come back glowing and happy at finally getting that rogue to commit to marriage.

  As he passed the great hall, he saw Hamish in a corner watching the set of steps closest to Kirstie’s room. Hamish saw him and motioned for him to come closer. Clapping a hand on his shoulder when Alan walked up, he started, “Are you well rested for the day’s events?”

  “Aye, I am.”

  “Sit with me today at the summit. I am sure it will be an interesting meeting.”

  “’Twill be a good thing if I can report back to my clan that the Royalists will no longer be a problem.” He cringed inside as he told the lie.

  “Once we are done, the plan is to head to the tavern to discuss. Join us.”


  “Have ye seen Kirstie Cameron this morning?”

  “Has she no’ come down yet?” He deftly avoided answering that one.

  “Nae, I need to speak to her. I asked her to be my wife.”

  His heart seemed to skip a beat, and his fingers shook. “What did she say?”

  “She said she would give me an answer tonight after the meeting, but now I fear I will not see her until tomorrow if I don’t find her this morning.”

  Alan was going to make certain Hamish didn’t see her this morning. “Are ye no’ concerned she is a Royalist?”

  “I can remedy that quickly enough.” Hamish’s twisted smile turned Alan’s stomach. Would she actually marry this man? Nae, she was going to marry him after he talked to Lachlan.

  “If I see her, ’twill tell her ye are looking for her.” Another lie.

  “I appreciate that.”

  “See ye at the summit.” Alan walked toward the exit of the castle. He didn’t want Hamish to see him take the steps to Kirstie’s room, so he came in a side door and took the ones at the other end of the hall.

  Cresting the steps, he made sure the hall was empty before rushing toward Kirstie’s chamber and knocking lightly. She opened the door, and he snuck in without anyone seeing. “We have some things we need to discuss.” He looked over to Blair. “Will ye be all right if I take her for the morning?”

  “I dinnae feel well, so I am going to nap anyway.”

  “All right then, we shall see ye later.”

  Kirstie drew her in for a hug and whispered something in her ear he didn’t hear. Blair nodded and released her. “Dinnae mistreat her.” Blair’s eyes narrowed on Alan as she ordered. “She deserves to be happy.”

  “Aye. I will see that she is happy.” Did he even know what that meant? Doubts had exploded in his head the moment Hamish had mentioned marrying her. What did Kirstie want? Would she look for it with Hamish if he wasn’t able to give it to her?

  Alan peeked out into the hall before pulling on Kirstie’s hand and guiding her toward the stairs that weren’t being watched by her boring Covenanter suitor.

  “Where are we going?” She dug in her heels, and he had to tug at her to keep her moving.

  “We are going to my place. There are several things we need to discuss and cannae do it here. Cover yer head.” He tossed her the plaid he’d picked up in her room.

  Skirting the side of the castle, he took off when they hit the yard and saw there was no one about to see them together. He slowed when he realized her legs were shorter than his and she’d be on the ground soon if he didn’t gentle the pace.

  As he sped across, he thought about Hamish. She couldn’t marry him. He was a Covenanter and had to be one of the dullest men he’d ever met. Kirstie had slept with him, and although he had not asked her to marry him, they’d discussed a future. Why had she not told him of Hamish’s proposal? Was she actually considering it?

  They had reached the stables. After scanning the inside and discovering people were starting to mill about, he spared a glance just to be certain she couldn’t be recognized.

  She remained silent. “Get on my horse and meet me at the inn. Go slow and I will follow on foot to make sure ye arenae followed.” She did as instructed.

  “Here’s my key. When ye get there, sneak up to my room and dinnae let anyone see ye.” He held his hand out to help her mount his horse then gently patted the beast’s rump to get it moving.

  He left through the other exit, careful not to follow too closely as he combed their surroundings for any sign of danger or one of the men who was vying for her attention. If he was honest with himself, he was trying to keep her hidden away from the rest of the world.

  He watched as she stopped by the stable then walked inside the inn. Despite the people who were milling about, no one looked her way as she kept her face hidden. Pausing at the door to the kitchen, he ordered some breakfast to be delivered to his room. They would need their energy for what he had planned this morning.


  Kirstie paced as a myriad of emotions flooded her.

  Her heart broke for Blair—her first time with Henry should have been special. She had known all along that man was a selfish arse.

  He had been rough with her; he’d not hit her, but he had not been a gentle lover. Blair said the first time had been painful. She had clutched the sheets and squeezed her eyes shut the whole time praying for it to end, while Kirstie’s first with Alan had been heaven, so she knew it was not the act itself.

  Henry had woken Blair again this morning and been so rough she had cried through the whole experience. Afterward, he had apparently looked at her with disgust and said, “I had not expected ye to be such a whimpering innocent. Ye will have to get used to it because as my wife, ye will need to keep me pleased.”

  Aye, Henry Graham was a handsome man, but he was also an unfeeling arse. How was she going t
o keep her sweet friend, who was always happy, from wedding that monster and becoming his plaything?

  Alan burst into the room and sat at the chair her clothes had hung on only yesterday. He motioned for her to take the other seat. “I’ve asked the innkeeper to bring us some food.”

  She nodded. “Good, I’m hungry.” She inched over and sat.

  “I am worried ye may no’ be safe.”

  Och, she was hoping to have another pleasant morning with him, but this was to be a lecture. “What did ye hear?”

  “That someone has plans for ye if yer brothers dinnae survive.”

  “Who said it? And it willnae matter because I ken ye will keep them safe.” A trickle of fear pricked at the back of her neck, but then she remembered she wasn’t anyone important. Why would anyone want her? Alan was probably just trying to scare her into avoiding the Covenanters.

  “I’m going to do my best, but that means knowing ye are protected. Promise me if I amnae with ye, ye will stay with Dougal and Finlay.” A light rapping sounded at the door, and she flinched. “Do ye promise?” he asked.

  She nodded, and Alan stood to stalk over to the door. He was lost in thought but still opened the door cautiously, just enough to peek out. He must have been content with what he saw, because he relaxed and pulled it open.

  He took a tray from the woman she had seen him with that day in the streets, and a wave of uncertainty hit her, but the lass acted as if they barely knew each other. Had he really slept with her? She couldn’t imagine not looking at him without longing every day for the rest of their life, after what they had shared.

  The woman caught Kirstie’s angry stare and shrank back, her eyes widened, then she scurried away. Closing the door with his elbow, Alan held the tray with both hands and stepped over, setting it on the small table beside them. He bolted back to the door to lock it as she inspected the contents, two plates with a nice selection of oatbread, cheese, bannocks, salmon, and eggs.

  She picked up a piece of bread, tore off a small corner, and put it in her mouth. Her stomach protested when she swallowed. She’d never been able to eat when something was bothering her.

  After picking up the cup, she sipped the hot tea. A sweet floral fragrance drifted to her nostrils, reminding her of cool autumn days. It was comforting, so she held it with both hands close to her chest and breathed in the earthy scent.

  “We must get Lachlan and Malcolm out of here tonight.” Picking up the fork, she decided to try a bit of the fish; it was perfectly flaky and moist with a hint of lemon scent and buttery taste.

  “They willnae go if the other lairds are at risk.” He picked up his cup and took a sip of the tea.

  “What can I do to help?”

  “They have it well in hand.”

  “No’ from what I can see. They dinnae ken a thing. I can try one more time to get information from Niall.”

  “Nae, ye will let them and me take it from here.” There he was, being her brother again.

  “Ye cannae tell me what to do.”

  “I will.”

  “’Tis like that time I saved the puppy.” She pulled her shoulders back and tilted her chin up.

  He looked heavenward then back to her. “Ye should never have gone into that freezing water.”

  “Ye tried to stop me then, too.”

  “The currents were strong that day. Ye and the wee mutt could have been swept away in an instant.”

  “I was a strong swimmer, and Titan would have been gone forever.”

  “But ye arenae a good spy.”

  He was right. She despised this spying business.

  “If my brothers and ye must risk yerselves to be here, then there has to be a way I can help.” She forked another bite of the delicious salmon although her stomach churned into knots as she thought on the threat to her brothers drawing near without real answers as to how to save them.

  Suddenly, he had wound his arms around her waist and pulled her flush with his chest. His lips closed on hers, hard and needy. Groaning into her mouth, he delved in as his arm splayed at the base of her spine, keeping her pinned tightly to him. She could feel an ache at the apex of her legs, begging to have him inside her. He tasted of the warm earthy tea they had just finished.

  Alan’s kiss gentled, and his other hand threaded into the hair at her temples. His tongue still swirled and drove her senses mad as everything around them disappeared. This was all about he and she, man and woman, and the primal need to become one.

  His hand slid down and fumbled with the buttons on the back of her gown as he emitted a frustrated sound, and she almost laughed into his mouth. His lips left hers, and he put both hands in her hair, removing the pins that held her headpiece in place. His needy gaze never left her as he tossed it casually to the floor. Then he ran his fingers through the long tresses.

  He grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her so that she was facing away from him. Then he took her hair and pulled it to one side, draping it over her shoulder. He unfastened one button then his lips were on her neck. She leaned back into him and sighed as need called to her more urgent than the moon beguiling the tides. She breathed in sharply and fought to control the increase in her pulse.

  His lips left her skin, and the warm tingles that had spread through her receded, left only with a cool wetness that craved the return of his mouth. Fingers danced down her back and slid another button through its hole. Her gown loosened, but the tightness in her breasts grew stronger.

  “Alan,” she whispered. She shuddered.

  “I didnae take the time to properly taste ye yesterday. I plan on remedying that today.”

  His fingers eased another button loose then another, and as he reached into the space where the material had parted, he grasped her waist. Even through her shift, she could feel the warmth of his touch and the roughness of his calluses. The ones he had earned fighting and working alongside her family and for their clan. Somehow, the knowledge they had been earned in that way heated her more than any touch of soft hands ever would.

  His fingers brushed up her back. When they reached the top of her shift and his skin touched hers, fire exploded as they worked their sensual magic. He clenched the sleeves of her gown and peeled it down around her shoulders. It fell to the ground, and she shivered, not from the cold, but from the intense heat and desire that had been fanned the moment he’d touched her.

  His hands delved under her arms and came around the front to capture both of her breasts. He squeezed, and she arched back into him. His thumb and forefingers pinched her erect nipples, and sensation assailed her. There was a wetness between her legs as she fought the urge to tell him to just take her already.

  “Yer breasts are so big I can barely hold them all.” She felt her cheeks flush. “I cannae wait to put my mouth on them.”

  But his hands left her breasts and slid back down. She held her arms slightly in front of her, not quite sure what she should do with them. He skimmed down her curves and landed on her hips. He seized her and clutched her against him as his mouth once again closed on her neck. He sucked, and she tilted her head to give him better access.

  The caress was so pleasurable she barely noticed his hands had slid lower. They grasped the sides of her shift and shimmied it up over her thighs. Lips leaving her neck, he rasped, “I want ye to do that when ye ride on top of me.”

  “What?” she asked, but the question was lost as he pulled the thin material from her shoulders. He twisted her around to face him, and she blushed as a hungry gaze devoured her.

  “Dinnae be embarrassed. Ye are the most beautiful lass I’ve had the pleasure to look upon.” His words were kind, but they didn’t wash away the flush that had reddened her cheeks. She noticed she wasn’t completely naked at all. She’d slipped her shoes off before but left her stockings on. How silly she must look.

  She bent down to remove them, but he
caught her hands. “I’ll do it.” She stood, and he backed her to the bed. “Lay back,” he instructed.

  She sank into the warm, soft bed that smelled of Alan—earthy and woodsy and all male. If he weren’t here touching her, she’d turn her head into the pillow and breathe him in. Her legs still hung from the side of the bed. She was about to swing them on when he grasped them. “Nae, stay just like this.”

  He slowly unrolled one stocking as sensation rocketed from her calf up to her chest, and she clutched at the blankets. He tossed it away, and then the warmness of his mouth was on her ankle.

  It tickled, but it also sent waves of vibrations shooting up her leg and directly to the woman’s part of her that craved to be touched. Her knees clenched together to put pressure on that spot. He kissed and then slowly let her leg dangle.

  He rolled the other stocking down, but this time when he dropped her leg, he inched forward, so that he was kneeling just in front of her. Kirstie rose up on her elbows to see what he was doing and froze at the raw need staring back at her. He smiled at her, a wolfish, I have you just where I want you kind of smile that made her insides quake.

  “Do ye want to watch me taste ye?”

  What, she wanted to ask, but the word was pulled from her as he took her knees and spread her legs wide then slid under her bottom and eased her to the edge of the bed.

  As soon as he put his mouth to her inner thigh, she forgot everything. His head moved slowly up her leg, leaving a trail of molten hot heat in its wake. The sweet torture was as intense as it could be until his fingers reached into the curls at the juncture of her sex. She gasped, and her fingers dug into the bed.

  He looked up to see her still watching. “Ye are so eager, kitten. ’Tis a beautiful sight and makes me want to thrust my cock inside ye until ye scream for me.”


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