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More Than One Night

Page 15

by Nicole Leiren

  His laughter filled the air as he squealed. "Stop, Auntie Mel. Stop!"

  "Jason, not so loud. You know how Gramma Marie doesn't like loud noises." Evelyn's chilly voice robbed the room of warmth.

  Melodie rolled her eyes and then winked at Jason before setting him down. "We'll wait until later to get into trouble. It's too early to make both Mom and Gramma mad at us."

  He sighed. "Okay, Auntie Mel."

  "I brought someone for you to play with tonight though. Would you like to meet her?"

  "You brought a girl?" His nose wrinkled.

  "I'm a lady, not a girl." The indignant voice of an offended eight year old filled the space around her.

  Melodie turned him around. "Jason, meet Annie. Annie, this is Jason. He's seven."

  His green eyes gave her the once-over, apparently deciding whether she'd make a worthy playmate. "Do you like to play castles and dragons?"

  "Can I be a princess?"

  He shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, why not. Mom, can we go play before dinner?"

  "Ask properly."

  Melodie fought the urge to roll her eyes again. If her nephews turned out not to have anger or mommy issues, it'd be a miracle. Like she had room to talk. She was going to make changes in this part of her life as well…just not tonight.

  "May…" he stretched the word out for effect, "we go play before dinner, please?"

  She nodded and smiled proudly. "Yes, you may."

  Jason took Annie by the hand, and they ran off to play.

  "Young love. How sweet," Melodie offered to the now-quiet room of adults. Evelyn's husband and her oldest nephew were absent. "Where's the rest of the family?"

  "Swim meet."

  Melodie didn't even ask why Evelyn didn't attend. If mother requested her presence, she'd ignore everyone and everything else to accommodate her wishes.

  Before she could say or ask anything else, Marie interjected. "Melodie, why don't you help me in the kitchen? You and I have some things to talk about. Evelyn, please entertain her guest. His name is Daniel, and he professes to be 'so into her.' I'm sure you have questions for him."

  The sinking feeling in Melodie's heart compared to the Titanic and her newfound love story as tragic as the one in the movie. By the time Ev was done grilling him, she'd be lucky if he didn't rescue Annie from the playroom and disappear again before dinner was served. Thanks to her mother, she wouldn't even be here to help him. At least with her big sister being happily married, she hoped she didn't have to worry about Ev trying to steal her man this time. My man… like the sound of that.

  She grabbed his hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck. Never let her see you sweat."

  He pulled her closer and kissed the curve of her neck, unearthing another secret—the location of her sweet spot. "I've got this, Mel. One slayed dragon coming up." He winked and pushed her off toward the kitchen and her own personal firing squad.

  "Dad, you coming to the kitchen to help?"

  He winked and smiled but shook his head. "Nope. I'm going to play with the kids. Safest place in the house right now, I think."


  "How did you meet my sister, and what exactly do you want from her?" Evelyn's tone reminded him of being cross-examined by Belle's attorney during their divorce proceedings.

  He gestured toward the couch in the formal sitting room just off the foyer. "Would you like to sit down before we begin?"

  "I prefer to stand." Evelyn crossed her arms and leveled a glare in his direction. "Now, answer my questions."

  If that's how she wanted to play, fine. "I'll answer your questions, and then you answer mine."

  Her blue eyes blazed, but she nodded. Melodie hadn't exaggerated the focus of the elder Alexander women. "Mel and I met in Dallas…well, on the plane between Chicago and Dallas." He smiled, remembering their first encounter.

  "Melodie hates to fly, and I'm supposed to believe she fell head over heels for you in the two hours or so it takes to get to Dallas?"

  If every other man Melodie brought home received this treatment, no wonder she guarded her heart so carefully. Or maybe she hasn't brought too many other men home. "You obviously aren't a hopeless romantic like your sister. It was love almost at first sight for me when I met her on the flight. She took a little more convincing."

  "You seduced my sister." An accusation rather than a question clearly delivered in her tone.

  "Damn straight I did. She's worth the effort, emotion, and energy it takes to get through the walls she's built around her heart, thanks to growing up in your shadow." Face the enemy head-on. No subversion. No strategy. Time to set up the kill.

  "My sister's inability to find a man is my fault?"

  Anger replaced accusation in her tone. Daniel knew his target now rested clearly in his sites, an eminent strike. "Not entirely. Your mother played a pretty significant role, from what I've been able to learn in the time I've known your sister. Marie compares Melodie to you in everything."

  Her shoulders straightened. "I may set the bar high, but I'm very successful. Melodie would do well to be like me."

  Time for the kill. He stepped closer, meeting her challenge and lowering his voice so no one else could hear. "So she should cheat on her husband when she's in India on business with a soldier who's on leave?"

  Evelyn's red cheeks drained of color, and the fury in her eyes morphed from surprise to recognition and, finally, embarrassment. "How could you…? I mean… It was…"

  Daniel wished Mel could witness the crack in her sister's façade, but that wasn't part of the plan. Family was important to him, and he wanted to see these fences mended, not torn down completely. "The world is a small place. When I saw a family picture, a candid shot, rather than the head shot from your firm, I remembered seeing you with my buddy when we were on leave. I never forget a face. You didn't even take off your wedding ring. Tsk, tsk. What would your family say? What would Marie say if she knew her perfect daughter happened to be flawed and human like the rest of us?"

  "You wouldn't!" Both a question and a demand.

  "By the way, you broke my buddy's heart. In case you care. I'm not going to tell Melodie because there's something I want more than airing your dirty little secret."

  "I'm listening."

  The sword raised, ready to hand off to Evelyn to finish slaying the real dragon, Marie. "Two things. First, stop treating your sister like she's a second-class citizen, and see her for the amazing woman she is, even if that happens to be different from you and your mother. Second, find a way to get your mother to back off as well."

  She shook her head. "Number one I can do. Mother has a mind of her own and is very set in her ways."

  He shrugged. "Your problem, not mine. You're the brilliant and highly successful attorney. Make it happen, or I'll let Mom in on our little secret, and you can deal with the fallout of your little indiscretion."

  Evelyn's eyes cleared, and the thin line of her mouth hardened. The ice in her blue eyes fired in Daniel's direction. "I'm going to find out your secrets and tell Melodie. Everyone has secrets."

  Sibling rivalry he could deal with, especially since he had nothing left to hide. "I'm an open and easy-to-read book, so give it your best shot. Besides, I've already confessed all my secrets to your sister. Surprise, surprise, she still wants me in her life, in her bed, and in her heart. Apparently she's more willing to overlook flaws than you and your mother."

  "You're a bastard."

  Daniel smiled, thinking of all the times Melodie had inferred the very same characterization through things she said or did. She was classier than her sister, though, and had never called him one straight out. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are her favorite nicknames for me. "This is no secret to your sister either. I'm a bastard. You're a bitch. Enough name-calling. We both know who we are. The question is, are we going to partner up to make life easier for your sister, or am I about to make your life more difficult?"

  The redness covering her face and her clenched
fists might intimidate others, but he stood his ground. He had her right where he wanted her—she'd protect her secret.

  She moved into his personal space and extended her hand. "Partners."


  Daniel and Evelyn entered the formal dining room. Melodie's mother and father took their places at each end of the table while Evelyn and Jason occupied the side opposite of Melodie and her "family."

  "Dinner smells wonderful." Daniel offered, placing a quick kiss on Melodie's cheek before sitting on the end next to her mother.

  "Chicken parmesan, one of mother's specialties." Melodie desperately tried to read the look on either Daniel or her sister's faces, but both remained passive and in control as far as she could tell. If her sister had turned Daniel against her…

  Marie's voice cut in as she started the plates of food around the table. "You must know by now Melodie's idea of cooking a nice dinner is speed-dialing a restaurant other than the local pizza joint."

  And so it starts. She didn't even have food on her plate, and the picking had started.

  Daniel interjected, "Fortunately for us then, I'm not interested in Mel for her cooking ability. I'm no Emeril either, and after the MREs and army cooking for several years, I've learned to be grateful for whatever is placed in front of me." He leaned forward and winked in Melodie's direction. "Besides, I think taking a cooking class together would be fun. What do you think?"

  The thought of either Daniel or her taking a cooking class required her to suppress a bubble of laughter, but playing along with his game might be fun. Of course Evelyn would side with Mother, but maybe it was time for a good fight. "I think that's a wonderful idea. I'll do some research and find some classes for us."

  Marie rolled her eyes. "There she goes again. If she spent more time actually doing something rather than researching it, she'd be as successful as her sister rather than dallying around putting books away all day."

  First my cooking, now my job. She's not wasting any time tonight.

  Evelyn chimed in, "Mother, please. Let's enjoy the wonderful meal you've prepared while you tell us about your upcoming trip to China."

  Did her big sister just defend her? She couldn't remember the last time Evelyn intervened, especially not in front of guests.

  The delay tactic worked, and for the next several minutes, Marie expounded about her latest clients, their importance, and the planned trip to China.

  "Mulan is from China," Annie shared once Marie finished.

  "Mulan?" The older woman smiled in her direction.

  "The hero…" Annie looked to Melodie for confirmation. Receiving a nod, she continued, "The heroine in the story Melodie read me last night."

  "Melodie certainly enjoys burying herself in a book, even if she forgets a real world exists outside of the pages."

  Well, the break was nice while it lasted.

  "She's the best story reader ever." Annie returned to her meal.

  "Thank you, Annie." With each word of praise or reassurance from the wonderful people sitting on either side of her, her confidence ventured the smallest of steps away from a lifetime of anxiety and inferiority.

  Jason added, "You're right, princess, Auntie Mel's stories are better than anyone else's. Everyone at the library loves when she reads during story time."

  Evelyn turned her attention to her son. "Princess?"

  Jason's expression turned earnest, his eyes focused solely on his mother. "She's a princess, and I'm her brave knight, like in the stories you used to read me. Remember, Mommy?"

  Her big sister's expression softened and revealed the slightest hint of regret. Her perfectly manicured nails tousled his hair. "I remember. I guess it's been a while, hasn't it?"

  He nodded. "Mmm hmm."

  "Maybe I can read you one tonight when we get home?"

  Melodie blinked a couple times. Whatever Daniel had said to Evelyn certainly had prompted a slight and positive change in her actions…like he's done for me.

  Jason's eyes brightened. "That would be awesome! But…" he chewed on his bottom lip.

  "Oh, for heaven's sake, what is it Jason?" Marie's fork hit the plate with a loud scrape, drawing everyone's attention her way.

  "Mother, please." Melodie's heart constricted at the tears forming in her nephew's eyes.

  Evelyn turned her attention away from Marie's and spoke to her son. "It's always important to mean what you say and say what you mean. You should never be afraid to voice your thoughts or opinions."

  Not waiting for Jason to answer, Marie continued. "I agree completely, Evelyn. There are people who make things happen in life and others who read about it." Her attention diverted to Daniel. "Don't you agree? You want your daughter to be a leader in life, don't you?"

  Daniel smiled at Annie. "I want the very best for her, everything the world has to offer. I served my country in an effort to make sure she had the freedom to pursue whatever her heart desires." He turned his attention completely to Marie. "What I want most for her, though, is to be happy. So wherever her path to happiness takes her, is good enough for me."

  Melodie blinked quickly to keep the tears at bay. Daniel's words echoed the sentiment she'd wanted to hear from her mother for years. She wanted to be good enough. Turning to Daniel, she reached out and squeezed his hand. "Beautifully said."

  Marie interjected. "Yes, I do suppose you'd feel that way Melodie. Your father certainly ascribed to that sentiment with you. Didn't you, dear?"

  "Marie." Her father's quiet voice cut through the escalating tension and sarcasm. "Perhaps we should move on to other subjects for the dinner discussion?"

  Melodie's attention split between her mother and father. Now is not the time for a family fight. "Great idea, Dad. Evelyn, how is Michael doing this year in swim?"

  Marie interjected and smiled broadly at Evelyn. "Before you do, dear, why don't you fill Melodie in on all the news she missed at the party we hosted for you last week? It really was quite an accomplishment."

  Melodie noticed her sister shoot Daniel a quick glance before taking a bite of her food. What the hell? I've never seen Ev like this. When she finished her bite, she shrugged her shoulders. "I was lucky enough to settle a big deal in favor of one of our clients."

  "Earned your firm millions." Marie beamed with pride.

  "That's great, Ev. I'm very proud of you." Melodie really was proud of her big sister.

  Evelyn nodded. "Thank you. About Michael, he's really improved on his lap times."

  "Yes, darling, that's wonderful. Do tell us more about your deal, though. You know how I love the details. Maybe we could all learn something from your experience. I'm certain hearing about initiative and hard work would be a good life lesson."

  "Or…" Steven interrupted, "we could hear more about Michael's lap times. I'd love to hear how my eldest grandson is doing."

  Daniel turned, lowered his head, and grinned at Melodie. She was glad he found this exchange amusing. She was rather embarrassed by it all. Reaching under the table, she put her hand on his thigh and squeezed. Maybe for reassurance…maybe to keep him from grabbing Annie and running.

  Marie stood. "Fine, you catch up on Michael, and I'll get dessert." She leveled intense blue eyes in the direction of her husband. "I'm sure we can discuss this more later."

  With those words, she turned and left the room. At Marie's departure, Jason's eyes grew wide as moisture collected and spilled from his baby blues. "Is Gramma mad at me?"

  Annie jumped out of her chair and ran to the other side of the table. She threw her arms around him. "It's okay, my brave knight." She leaned in, her voice lowered in a comforting tone. "The grumpy queen is gone."

  Jason leaned into Annie's embrace, "Thank you, princess."

  Steven smiled affectionately at the children. "Don't worry Jason—if Gramma is mad at anyone, it's me." He winked at Annie. "Any ideas on how I can handle the grumpy queen?"

  Melodie smiled at her father and was relieved to see Daniel and Evelyn smile too.
Daniel's hand covered hers, still resting on his thigh, the pride on his face was evident. Annie moved away from Jason to the elder Alexander male at the table and wrapped her small arms around his waist. "Maybe your queen needs you to slay a dragon for her. My daddy says that's what wins her heart."

  He smiled and returned Annie's hug. "You might be right, princess. Maybe this old king needs to pull out his rusty ol' sword and go to battle." He looked to Daniel and Melodie. "I'm sorry if our dinner conversation has been uncomfortable for you and your daughter."

  Daniel stood and extended his hand toward Annie to bring her back to her chair. "Don't worry, sir. I come from a family where it wouldn't be a real dinner if at least one person didn't storm away before the end of the meal."

  "Regardless, you and Annie…"

  "Princess," Annie interjected.

  Steven winked. "You and the princess are our guests. I promise the next time you come over for dinner, things will be better."

  Did her father say next time? Could she have finally found someone who wasn't intimidated by Evelyn and her mother and had Dad's approval too? Too good to be true.

  As if on cue, Marie arrived with coffee and dessert. Melodie only half listened to the conversation, smiling and nodding at the appropriate times. This feels so right. Finally, dinner and dessert were over. A sense of peace, despite the ongoing tension, wrapped her in contentment—the same sensation as a warm fuzzy blanket on a cold winter night.

  Annie stood and moved to stand in front of Marie. She executed the perfect Southern curtsy. "Everything was wonderful, Your Majesty. Thank you for dinner."

  Steven smiled at Melodie and Daniel. "That's a beautiful princess you have there. Isn't she, Marie?"

  A small smile replaced the usual hard lines of Marie's mouth. "She is rather charming." She nodded at Annie. "Now, why don't you let Jason show you to the coat room, and you two bring the coats back for Mel and your daddy?"

  The little girl bounced with excitement. "We can do that, can't we, brave knight?"


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