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Ra' van (Book Three of the Items Trilogy)

Page 3

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Just before Shade howled it was time to depart Janken and Travis appeared. Both older gentlemen gave their wishes for a safe journey, but the impeccably dressed Janken said “Lord Alex, Allahandra wishes you use my mirrors when your forces reach the lake and every time you deem fit. I am to be near her constantly should trouble arise. And should mine king be found I’ll tell you everything.”

  After Shade reared his head and met the morning air with a howl it was met with many others, the Shadow Fang forces sped across the plains. It remained impossible to become accustomed seeing a thousand sleek Shadow Fangs streaking across the ground together like a curtain of black silk with smiling riders. Clift did well in keeping up with Shade and the others and didn’t hinder the quick pace the High Alpha set. Shade ran in the center of the spaced forces of his species with Crest, Beta and three other Shadow Fang lords. The humans who partnered with this species has been working for only a few short months, but Alex watched them and noticed how even these men and women enjoyed the speed at which these mighty creatures moved. Each Shadow Fang had two loves in life, to swim and run as fast as they could. After moving with an army, these sleek predators could finally stretch their legs and enjoy a run.

  The day proved to be another hot summer one, but the ground gained had been more than the main Freelan force could make in three days. Ava flew in several hours after departure and said the area is relatively clear of people. Little was said during the day and only three breaks were needed to be taken to catch ones breath and rehydrate.

  Just as the sun was about to dip below the horizon a welcome sight came upon them. Trees lined the southern horizon, replacing the plains they’ve been traveling on for weeks. Although they won’t be able to travel nearly as fast in the brush, the trees give cover and protection from many dangers.

  Once inside the protective lining of trees did everyone bed down for the night or scout around for any readily available food source.

  During the late night meal Rakkian slid his polished gauntlets off and sat them by his side as he sat across from Alex and the rest of his pack. “I still have a hard time believing just how far we’ve come. Riding Beta is like having four of the fastest steeds of Alluan in one magnificent being.”

  Knowing what he meant, Alex patted Shade’s large shoulder. “They sure are great friends and companions.” Still questions nagged at Alex and he met the dark gaze of the general. “Rakkian, when we reach the shoreline of the lake, where are we to meet these boats that will carry us to our missions?”

  “About two days journey at this pace.” He grinned at Beta. Although Beta didn’t understand the contexts of the conversation, he knew that his partner was saying something kind. “There is a medium size fishing village, hidden by narrow streams and channels. We’ve sent word to the smaller transports who could meet there, months ago. By now they should have all reached the village and will be waiting for our arrival. The only thing that might frighten some will be our new companions. At the time Allahandra and I believed that we would be using horses to travel to the village. At least now we can minimize casualties since the Shadow Fangs will easily board the enemy vessels and we can take control of them.”

  Lily leaned forward and Alex listened to her seductive voice. “And what are we humans to do while our partners sneak aboard the ships and enjoy the thrill of battle?”

  “We will distract most of the men, but when the time comes to strike we’ll work together to neutralize the situation.” Rakkian began rubbing out his sore legs. It takes time to become accustomed to riding a Shadow Fang, more so than riding a horse. “The ship captains and admirals won’t take kindly to losing their ship and blood will be shed, but I promised Allahandra we’ll minimize as many casualties as possible.”

  Marlin brushed his thick brown hair back with his fingers as he asked “How many ships will be able to carry everyone?”

  “Nearly as half many as the battleships we’re going after, about a thirty five in all.”

  “How many of our current forces per boat?”

  Rakkian went silent as he began thinking. “Allahandra’s advisors have decided fifteen to twenty partners will be aboard any vessel at any time.” Just as Alex nearly opened his mouth to voice a concern, the general answered it. “I know that over half the Shadow Fangs will be left, but they will also have a job to do. They will secure the area and their partners will set up defenses before our main forces arrive in the coming weeks…”

  The rest of the night was spent with Rakkian going over the plans he was ordered to do in detail. If one thing proved consistently certain about the general, he was prided on details and could remember many of them. Alex told Shade and the others of the plan and it was Beta who suggested “If we are to divide our forces then we must send our most capable packs on the boats. Have one only Alpha aboard each ship so they can use an already established command system. Having two Alphas aboard a confined space will only invite disaster. We should also have a mix of average and lord sizes to seize the open and confined spaces of the boats we’ll use and overtake.”

  Shade smiled and said “If you have any Alpha candidates, I’d like to speak with them beforepaw. We have over three hundred Alphas among us and I know only sixteen by name.” Then a question came to mind. “Will you be among those few who will ride a boat with me or would you like to take command of another pack, on another ship?”

  Beta shook his large head rapidly and had wide eyes. Alex held back a small laugh at the sight of it. “I’m not ready for that kind of responsibility. I like doing this kind of work, coming up with ideas and carrying out an Alpha’s orders and tasks. Making decisions that affect the lives of others is not something I think I’ll ever be able to do. I might have eight years on you, pup, but what drives us is different.” His tone turned somber. “I can fight and give good advice, but leading a pack of my own or becoming High Alpha is not what I could do.”

  Crest rubbed the side of her face against Shade’s other side and said “If not for all your help, Shade couldn’t have led the pack’s as he does without you, Beta.” Shade barked in a proud agreement and it put a smile on Beta’s jaws. “Besides, without your aid Shade wouldn’t have beaten my father or have kept all the pack’s together under his rule. Even when other Alphas challenge, there has been fewer since Shade took over. Many like how he gives freedom to the individuals, but also keep them focused and together.”

  “Actually, Alex taught me how to do that.” Shade admitted and it made Alex blush. Nay, Brother, you have done this all by yourself. He thought.

  “I remember how Midnight treated the packs better than anyone.” Beta stated coldly. “At least now the packs truly want to fight alongside their High Alpha and not feel forced.” Then Beta said “Shade, I’ll contact the Alpha’s and ask for them and their partners to meet here at sunrise.”

  As he stood Rakkian looked at his companion and asked “Where…?” and remembered. He then grabbed his pack, pulled out a black, stone board and a piece of chalk to quickly right down the question. The general finished and turned it so Beta could read. After he read it he used his large paw to write in the dirt ‘Need to select Alphas for boats. Be back in a few hours.” and then he left when Rakkian nodded. At least he understood, especially since Alex translated only Beta’s suggestion on how to divide and select those for the boats.

  Alex remained glad he wasn’t the sole leader of his pack. Making every single decision would be impossible to get anything done. Shade took care of the pack, while in Breaker’s stead Ava worked with five other Fury who came to keep an eye out for the packs. He grabbed Lily’s hand and she gave it an affectionate squeeze in return. It has been a long day as he leaned back in the soft grass and she joined him. Sensing it was time to call it a night Rakkian said “I’ll go make sure the officers make certain the perimeter is secure before finding my bedroll. Rest well everyone.”

  “You too.” Lily replied and began stroking Alex’s mane of black hair when the general disappeared.
  Shade yawned widely, showing he could easily fit an entire person’s torso in his great maw of sharp teeth and twelve inch sabers. “Good night.” He rumbled and put his head down.

  Marlin, Clift, Ava and Crest also felt the call to rest.

  Knowing it wasn’t the time or place to do much else, Alex leaned in and gently kissed Lily. Her full, rosy lips turned into a seductive smile. “I love you.” She whispered and he said “And I you.”

  Under a starry sky and beneath the canopy of pine trees did Alex find sleep.

  Early the next morning about a hundred Alphas who would fight and their partners waited nearby as Alex explained the plans suggested by Rakkian and Beta. Shade met each one and all were nearly as, if not larger than he. While he met each one personally Alex and Ava watched in fascination as it came easily to Shade to make anyone join him and become a friend. As High Alpha Shade is required to lead when he speaks to others, but his personality made others feel at ease, like they were speaking to a sibling. All who showed up were older than Shade, but his unique qualities drew others to him.

  He didn’t dominate. He created a working friendship.

  Once all questions were answered and the individual satisfied did everyone mount up and begin running again.

  Trees didn’t prove much of an obstacle in the run for each fiend flowed around the foliage like a passing wind. The set pace wasn’t much different in terms of speed. Gained ground was still far more than the past few weeks.

  Just as Rakkian judged, the whole battalion reached the village in two days, with several hours remaining before nightfall. Several advanced parties from the village met the general and escorted the horde of fiends safely into the active village who has been anticipating the arrival of warriors. The well hidden Alluan village surrounded a large fresh water cove, fed from Point Lake by several small streams with two or three able to be navigable. Trees surrounded the homes from many dangers of being located and the cove offered more than just fresh water.

  As Alex and Shade approached the interior of the buildings they heard a rapidly approaching sound followed by “Madeo! Stop!” Alex and several others turned to a Freelan warrior who had run after his Shadow Fang, who had apparently thrown him off in his excitement by the mud coating the man’s back.

  The average size, five foot Shadow Fang streaked past the High Alpha with only one thing apparent on his mind as he rapidly said “Water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water…” And many watched as the young pup hit the dock’s end and howled “Water!” before landing sixty feet later, with a powerful splash.

  With that one instigator, other Shadow Fangs partook in the pup’s excitement and charged off towards the expansive water.

  “Would you look at that…” Rakkian commented and laughed as a hundred of the younger pups charged into the water and began playing without a care in the world.

  Over two hundred native villagers came out to watch the pups play in the water and laughed at the sight. Some of the elder lords asked Shade to reign them in and he said the young earned a time to play. The strange looks he received were common since he only became serious as the need arose.

  While the others played in the water Alex watched as both his younger brother and Crest looked at the deep, brown water with a playful gleam. It was all too apparent from the other Shadow Fangs that they wanted to go swimming as well, but they had much more self control. But once loosed it wouldn’t take a genius to know where their destination would be.

  Alex leaned forward and patted his brother’s thick, furry neck. “After we get some time we’ll go for a swim as well.”

  “Really?” Shade said in hope and was answered with a nod.

  While others frolicked Alex took in the sights of the village. Most homes were log cabins while two buildings were made of stone. One stood surrounded by a fence and had two guards walking its perimeter. Rakkian informed that is where he, Alex and his pack will be residing during the time they are here. Twenty homes, built further away than the others looked new and that was where the queen had them established beforehand for the warriors and officers to reside. Much of the homes were built around the crescent shaped cove. A dozen long docks reached nearly a hundred and fifty feet from the shoreline. Thirty vessels floated, docked and were waiting to depart. Most boats were large, flat fishing vessels with a single mast that could hold nearly fifty people at once and safely. Only four boats were transports, with two or three masts. No large boats could fit through the widest stream and gave the village the feel of having some isolation. Dozens of children stood at the end of the docks and watched the large fiends play as they themselves do. Many adults watched with both awe and fear. It only eased their worry as many established partners said all was safe for the young ones.

  Just as they were about to reach the first of the two stone buildings that overlooked the water, an old man in brightly colored robes approached the general. The man also had dark skin, darker even than Rakkian and was just as bald, but the older man had naturally gone that way. “Greetings, my boy.” The tallest man in the middle greeted him with a bright smile that had lost several teeth. The man had an bluish item on each elbow that looked like the spurs of a rooster and seemed just as deadly. Even aged, the man stood nearly seven feet tall and had a slim build.

  Rakkian had Beta come to a stop before dropping to the ground. He adjusted his large battleaxe before smiling back to the old man with his pearl white teeth. “You are looking well, Father.”

  The elder in the center moved forward and embraced his son for a moment. After they separated the man looked at those who accompanied his son. Then his dark, calculating eyes showed the intellect that hadn’t even thought to wane as Alex met his gaze. “You must be Prince Alex, ya?”

  “Who might you be, good sir?”

  Rakkian stepped closer and raised a hand to the elderly man. “Alex, I would to introduce you to my father, Shalm. He is the eldest of the village. By the way, I forgot to mention it, but this is the place of my birth.”

  To make the man feel more secure, Alex dropped to the ground and clasped wrists with the slender old man. “It is a pleasure. Shalm, your village is quite beautiful. Oh and a few nights ago, Takka told me to give you his regards and said he will see you in about three weeks.”

  “It has been quite some time since I’ve seen my sons together. It will be good to be with them again before my time comes.” Alex heard several landings and watched as Shalm’s eyes shifted to those approaching.

  Seeing a question in those deep eyes Alex gave introduction for everyone and the man was apprehensive when meeting Shade and a few others. To settle the man’s nerves Shade wrote an eloquent letter in the moist sand.

  Inside the stone building with patrolling guards sat a moderately sized meeting room where the last of the concerns and ideas were finished. During the time of preparations Shalm had heard of Alex’s exploits and asked for a favor. Apparently there was an Akaror terrorizing the village for the past few months. It wasn’t a problem till it ate a child. Shade heard the translation and told Beta to have an established pack take care of it. Beta didn’t hesitate and left to see that the job got done. If there was one creature that wouldn’t and couldn’t change it would be that deadly reptile. It also didn’t help that Shade held a grudge against their whole kind and would take care of it himself if he didn’t have anything pressing at the moment.

  Just as sunlight began to fade was when Alex and the others went outside and watched as torches were lit and gave the frolicking Shadow Fangs a playful light. Knowing that they had a few hours to themselves Alex spotted a pine tree with a large knot on one of the limbs and jumped ten feet in the air to break it off. The others looked at him for a moment before Shade understood the contexts of what his brother held. Not much larger than a person’s head grew a relatively round knot of pine.

  “Ready Shade?” Alex teased and tested the knot’s weight with a few small tosses in his right hand.

  A blurring ta
il was all that gave away Shade’s excitement. It had been months since they’ve played fetch.

  Before, it was dangerous in using a Furion’s abilities without training of a master’s tutelage. With the triggering of abilities one gain’s strength unparalleled, but at a cost. Tremors were the price exacted from ignorance and are deadly to the untrained. The spasms could build to the point where the body cannot handle and will rip itself apart. It was almost to that point when Alex first met the mysterious Lord Gerieg. Gerieg turned out to be a Master Furion and his actual grandfather and original king of Ra’van. That was before his son Runkamon took control and killed all Furion relatives, but only Gerieg and Alex survived. At least until recently when Alex learned he had a cousin Zara, Runkamon’s daughter.

  Now, as a master himself, Alex has complete control of his Furion physical abilities. The only skill he’s still trying to perfect is utilizing Dominance. That technique is still inconsistent and requires more training.

  Relying on all learned in the ancient Furion homeland, Pilluan, Alex fed an imaginary fire in his mind to amplify his body’s heat and increase the rate at which his heart beats. Strength surged through his limbs as his perception on time began slowing. As Alex began utilizing the abilities of his heritage he judged the distance from which he stood from the water’s edge, the length of the dock, the mediocre weight of the knot and just how much strength need to be applied for this game.

  Shade’s golden eyes lit up with unleashed excitement as Alex cocked his arm behind his back and shot the wood into the air. With a bark of delight, Shade turned and moved his large body with powerful muscles gained from his time with Elo and all the difficult work he was forced to do.


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