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Urban Diaries

Page 17

by Jackson, Sexcee

  SHIT YEAH...key word WORTHY!!

  This dude is a clown for several reasons, but mainly because he lumped all black women in one category while chastising them for doing the same exact thing to black men, lumping them all in one category! Bless his heart!!

  Always CALI

  I feel you on the category thing, but that’s the reality of our world, we all fall under some type of category. Nobody wants to be labeled but we all wear them. We've had discussions on good men/sorry men and everything in between so that’s labels. My point exactly… women want to get all upset when one is placed on them but I'm a realist, and “gold-digger “and “Lady” are both categories and labels… it’s just which category you fall under… I know he's not speaking about all the ladies but those are probably the ones he deals with and that’s his opinion. But I've always thought this, "If you have never had a man/woman bout shit, You must not be shit either!"

  JMO. And I have plenty of educated friends who are single for the exact same reason he spoke of. I have several degrees and run my own business but my husband works straight blue collar. (He's one of the guys you might see standing on the side of the road fixing a water leak.) He doesn’t wear a suit to work or have a fancy job title but he takes care of home and knows how to open a portfolio stocks, savings bonds, 401k, health and death insurance. But some women can’t see past the title/label because they are educated and have this and that going on…So YES lower your damn standards cause Jesus Christ is not walking this Earth waiting to come date you. Be realistic about things and try to see what’s in the inside of a man before you dismiss him because of what’s not in his wallet. Hell, my hubby wallet is cool but his investments in the future look better.


  There's no doubt there's truth behind what he said but when giving an interview to a published magazine, as an artist, he should have chosen his words more carefully. He's blasting women for labeling men by labeling women! That's what I have a problem with. Yes we all label each other and we even do some of it here (on Face Book)...but this is a private discussion group and for the most part, we NEVER just clump all folks in one category...we usually have one or two who point out an alternative view. But he was being interviewed for a national publication to be read by folks from all over the world. I feel like he should have been more responsible to choose his words more carefully, no matter how much truth there is to what he's saying.

  Always CALI

  The thing is, they asked him his opinion. You can agree or disagree. We both read the same article and I agree and you don’t. So it is what it is… a great conversation... Someone sent me a link a while ago asking if we have lost our men and it featured numerous pics of black celebrity men with white wives and women. Slim, to me, just said what most of them are thinking. We have to get past “who” said it and get to the message at hand. SOME Black women are too bougie for their own damn good and me myself, never understood how you could be from Compton, Cleveland, the Bronx, Arkansas and a whole buncha other places and suddenly become too good for an average brother cause you got a little education (NOT SPEAKING TO YOU OR ABOUT YOU) just in general. I'm around some of these women who can’t find a man cause their checklist is too long. It’s ok to have class and standards, I’m just saying be more realistic… Is it about the man or how he looks on paper?

  We all have a girlfriend or know someone who just gotta keep up w the Jones’ doing exactly what he said, buying Gucci and Louie, driving a Benz but don’t know how they gone pay the RENT. RENT…yeah they don’t own shit!!! As women, let’s admit that we are checking for the kinda car he drives. We are keeping it real right??? I don’t feel like I'm in the class of women he's speaking about but I do recognize that those women do exist.


  I DO UNDERSTAND THAT it's his opinion, but as a public figure, generalizing a whole group of people is NEVER a good look! And yes! I hold all public figures accountable for things they say to the media!! He doesn't get a pass, just as Monique didn't with her "open marriage" fiasco. It's not so much about his opinion for me...he's free to think whatever he wants, and in some regard, I agree with some of what he had to say, but don't lump together a whole group of women dogging our standards when you're making yourself look like an idiot cause you don't have the decency NOT to generalize! Saying that white women are better cause they don't argue or cause drama? ALL WOMEN ARGUE AND CAUSE DRAMA! You WILL seldom hear a white man make a generalized statement like that about white women. But it's always US who feel like we need to go out our way to dog each other out! Just silly...There's a way to state your opinion without belittling others & it has nothing to do with education, money, or's called tact!

  Always CALI

  Understood.... BUTTTTT No matter what you say or how you say it, someone is not going to like it. And Slim Thug a public figure?? LOL!!!! He's a one hit wonder, washed up rapper, but yet still entitled to his own opinion. I'm going to use this as tomorrows Question Of The Day and let’s hear what the men have to say. Lets see if his words where that off base.


  That's fine...and I can disagree with what he has to say without him generalizing...that's all...Even if he re-worded it, I would still disagree with him on a whole...but by him not even caring that he generalized, it makes me look at

  him differently!

  And yes...anyone who is interviewed by VIBE magazine and is newsworthy is considered a public figure in my eyes. I can't name not one of his songs LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! But just because I can't, it doesn't mean that he's not in the public eye! I HOLD ALL OF THOSE RAPPERS accountable for shit they say OUT LOUD to the media!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!!

  Always CALI

  Howard Stern has a radio show, Rush Limb-however you spell his name does too. Both say what they want, we, most times disagree, but anyone can still say what they want to whom they want.


  And I while I disagree with some of the stuff they say, both of them say what they want and they get REAL specific...They talk shit about SPECIFIC PEOPLE...very rarely do you hear them generalize...And I look at them the same way I look at Slim Thug now...with different eyes!! LMAO!! LMAO!!


  Here's a better example:

  Remember when Wesley Snipes caught all that hell about the shit he said about Black women?? Even though I disagree with Wesley's opinion, I can still respect him at the end of the day because of how he was specific about what he dislikes about Black women, the ones he's dated, his experience, and why he enjoys dating Asian women. This dude on the other hand, didn't really go into any details and just makes a bunch of generalizations that again makes him look just as catty as the women he's bashing.

  Always CALI

  What about the heat Kanye got when he said George Bush didn’t like Black people which many of us agreed with. When someone gives an interview to me, they are expressing their thoughts and opinion. How the public handles it is an entirely different thing. Alec Baldwin got caught up cussing out his daughter and people acted like it was a big deal, when we all cuss our kids out when they fuck up. I still stand by my opinion as well, because there are lots of women out there doing exactly what he said.


  And those 2 examples, they, Both Kanye and Alec where very SPECIFIC in who they were addressing!! Kanye's statement was VERY SPECIFIC...we knew EXACTLY who he was saying didn't care about black people!! Do I disagree with him? Well actually, no, but I do think that he should have used more tact and I talked shit about him too even though I love his crazy ass to death!! LMAO!!! The same about Baldwin...he was talking to HIS DAUGHTER, not ALL white little girls...he was VERY specific...there's a difference!

  Always CALI

  So did Kanye mean that GB didn’t like all black people or was he more specific? Slim Thug is not a very educated person and his wording shows that but does that mean what he's saying has no validity?


  No...Kanye meant ALL black people. He meant that George Bush doesn't c
are about BLACK PEOPLE and after doing a lil research, he might just be right! LMAO!! LMAO!!

  Now I disagree with the way he said it and the avenue he chose to express it, but I gave him hell for not using tact as well. You don't have to be educated to use tact! Again, it's not that I wholeheartedly DISAGREE with Slim Thug, but I disagree with the way he said certain things.

  Always CALI

  Ok well Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell were his right hand people, so that can’t be all true to a certain degree. Slim Thug is a rapper from the streets and talks like most of the men I know, so he was using tact when he chose not to say “these bitches” or “these hos.” LOL!!!! Still again,

  his opinion and he's entitled to it, however it comes out and no matter how it’s perceived.


  I dislike everything that has to do with Condoleezza Rice and it's a very well known fact that Bush and Powell DID NOT get along!! Just because Slim Thug is from the streets and he uses “bitches” and “hos” is not an excuse. Have you ever heard 50 Cent speak? Jay Z? Nas? They all are rappers from the street that know how to use tact with their opinions!

  Always CALI

  Different streets have different rules. Now in my opinion, you can’t even put Slim Thug in the same "Category" with Jigga and 50. Those cats run Fortune 500 companies and Nas is very educated. But let’s look back at some of those before they made it to the next level interviews. Both men have admitted to selling drugs in numerous publications, which in my opinion is very irresponsible because our youth reads that. Now that they are in the big leagues, they have publicist and pr people telling them what to say and which camera to look in. And how is it ok for Snoop to sing “Bitches ain’t shit but hos and tricks” and we bump that in our whip but Slim can’t state his opinion?


  I never said he can't state his opinion and I whole-heartedly believe you're missing my point. Before 50 and Jay Z and Nas (who is SELF-EDUCATED) had publicist, they still had tact! My problem with him is not his right to have an opinion. As I stated several times, some of the stuff he said I AGREE WITH. AGAIN, my issue is that as a celebrity, he decided not to use tact in his answers. Now it doesn't matter if he has one dollar of $50 million, tact is free and IN MY OPINION (which I am free to have no matter how right or wrong it may be, but because he's the celebrity, he's up for scrutiny) when a public figures speaks their opinion without using tact, it makes them look shallow and tacky in MY EYES!! I never said he was wrong to have an opinion, or wrong to feel the way he does, but he is WRONG TO GENERALIZE and any rapper, celebrity, actor, or politician that does, in my opinion, is shallow and tacky.

  As for Snoop's music and other gangster rap (which is REALLY dying by the way, SAD FACE), they are talking about SPECIFIC TYPES of women and again, for me (maybe not you) there's a difference.

  Always CALI

  I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SAYING!!! And as I stated previously, his opinion is his opinion, now whether he chooses to sugarcoat the shit or not, his words are still true!!! That’s my point. Whether he generalized or not!!!! We all generalize. We are right now. I've read tons of interviews by both men and they usually generalize too. And what’s tact to you may not be to me. Like I said, I have no problem with how he stated again his opinion. I agree with most of what he said. I took no offense at all and I mean none when I say Niggas ain’t shit and some Bitches ain’t either. LOL!!! That’s a generalization, like I said, we all make them. Once again, they pay Howard Stern plenty of millions to say what’s on his mind and not give a fuck how people take offense. He's racist, sexist, and many other adjectives and verbs. I don’t care to say. But there is a platform for everyone. I just read an article about why most black women aren’t married and that is a generalization because I am married and they don’t mean every black women. When you generalize, you’re only talking about the people in that particular "Category" right????

  Makes no difference to me whether it’s gangsta rap or whatever, our opinions are based on our own personal experiences.


  What black person you know is an actual Howard Stern fan?? LMAO!! LMAO!! we agree to disagree…for me tact is important and makes a difference when public speaking. For you, it doesn't matter, an opinion is an opinion...Gotcha!! ;-)

  Paris Thacker

  So Slimm Thugg has obviously been messin with hood rats and groupies for too damn long and real women (black, white, red, purple, or green) should not lower their standards for some "man" wearing grills. The end!


  CTFU @ Paris!! THE END!! (CTFU – Cracking The Fuck Up)

  Paris Thacker

  I'm just sayin ... nigga sit down and shut your pie hole! I work 2 jobs while raising two boys. Hell FUCKIN YES I have standards for any man that's trying to connect with me on some real shyt, because I set the example for my sons. Like people used to think I was lazy because I had my son helping doing laundry or because I make him watch me while I'm cooking. Uuummm HELLO. I'm raising future husbands! I'll be damned if some chick comes 20 years from now with your son ain’t shyt. That's a direct reflection of me and how I raised him. He can't do laundry. He can't cook dinner. He can't balance a checkbook. Come on now. Make it make sense for me.


  I FEEL YOU 1000%! While I agree that it's some wack ass chicks out there, there's a lot of us who are FAR from that and lowering our standards to suit the likes of someone that don't deserve it is a No-No!

  Queen Bea

  I agree with some of what he said too but I also agree that he could have said it better. Hell I'll cook, clean, fuck and suck, and even do what I'm told (sometimes) for the RIGHT man but I don't think he really held the men accountable like he did Black women and it starts with the MEN who are supposed to be leading but aren't! He didn't talk about the real issues like the lack of support we get from black men but spewed some generalized nonsense based on his experience with the WRONG types of women.


  LMAO!! LMAO!! That's EXACTLY what he did!

  Queen Bea

  Go get yo ass a white woman, we don't want you anyway! CTFU!


  CTFU @ Go get a white woman!! You ain't NEVER lied!!

  Queen Bea

  And shit, yes you have a few black women who are trife, but I feel comfortable saying that most of us aren't! I'd rather have a man who has a little and is willing to share, than a man who has a lot and don't want to give me shit! And yes I EXPECT to be treated and treated well by any man I lay with because I deserve it.



  Ms.Diva Lauryn

  I'm with Paris all day long!!! He is going by what he has dated and needs to be more selective. I find it funny only hood men come and rant about what’s wrong with black women…he has lived in an atmosphere which breeds this type of woman (white guys living in the delta (trailer park community, would say the same thing about the women there) I find it so disheartening when blacks speak so ill about us. How disrespectful can you be? Who hurt you so badly and made you feel so ill towards yourself and

  towards me?

  Furthermore, what is this underlying lynching of chocolate sistas? I'm going to go there! I try so hard to ignore it and rise above that theory, but he did say his girl was half and half. Kanye has a new song out with partying and picking up a light skinned chick. Why do these men keep trying to divide us? It seems like on a psychological point, that when you are forbidden to be around certain types, (that’s the kind of women that are out of their league shall I say) when you are able to be in their company (ie. white girls, Asians, etc. what have you) there is this idealized view that makes them seem so much better than what you are used to.

  I hope you all can follow me because I know I'm all over the place. Echoing Lexi...I totally not lump all of us in the same category!!!! He can only judge from what he dates and what he has been around. Speaking in a national publication, he should choose his words more carefully. I swear to
God...I want to come back Jewish. If you even think of saying anything remotely ill about them or their culture you are fired and abandoned by all. Why is it okay to publicly humiliate us?? I feel so strongly about this…


  Damn Diva!! LMAO!! LMAO!! LMAO!! I love EVERYTHING you said!! 2 snaps in Z formation with the booty dance at the end!! I don't know if you read all my post (too many and I'm and Cali we're having a good old time) But you are so right!! Why is it that they feel it's ok (opinion or not) to talk ill of us like that???

  You NEVER HEAR NO OTHER RACE dogging out their women like that except BLACK MEN!! SAD FACE!! :-(

  Again, I agree with your response!! On point chica!! ;-)

  Ms.Diva Lauryn

  And what’s wrong with having standards? If asked would he date an overweight woman or one with 6 children or outright unattractive, I'm quite sure he would NOT. And let’s keep it real, his girl probably doesn't beg because he's already gave her the pin number. I'm going to go with my homeboy...I don't need to beg for money when you offer it. If I'm dating a celebrity, I already know what you have….its call Google! YES!! You are going to take care of my needs!! It’s almost a quiet contract!! LMAO!!


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