Book Read Free

Wilde Thing

Page 24

by Jannine Gallant

  “I’m not picky.”

  “Could have fooled me. Seems like you know exactly what you want…or don’t want.” He held the door then turned toward the side lot where the rental car was parked. “Then again, I’m pretty certain I do, too.”

  She eyed him steadily. “Since when?”

  “Since I’ve spent the last few days thinking about what it would be like not to have you in my life.” He paused beside the car then clicked the remote to unlock the doors. “Honestly, the idea twists up my insides and leaves me hollow and empty and aching.” Turning to face her, he pulled her into his arms and pressed his cheek to her hair. “Not a good feeling.”

  “No, it’s not, but empty isn’t nearly as bad as broken. You can’t put a shattered heart back together with glue.” He smelled so good, felt so strong and solid against her that she never wanted to let go. Finally, she had to pull back.

  “Duct tape fixes everything.”

  Her lips curved at the touch of humor in his voice. “I’m not sure I want to test your theory.”

  “You won’t have to. I’ll never break you, Hannah. I can’t swear we won’t get a few nicks and bruises over time. No relationship is perfect, but I won’t cause any irreparable harm.”

  She wanted to believe him, was so very, very tempted to forget their differences and accept what he offered. Instead, she stepped farther away. “I’ve been thinking, too, but I haven’t found any definitive answers to a lot of my questions.”

  “Well, I’ll just have to try harder to provide them.” He reached down to open the car door. “For now, let’s go have dinner.”

  They discussed the competition while they ate surf and turf with loaded baked potatoes and grilled asparagus. The meal was delicious, and Tripp was in high spirits, apparently confident in his ability to sway her to his way of thinking. Hannah didn’t doubt his sincerity for a minute. She only wished she was as certain his feelings for her wouldn’t fade once they were apart. Only time would give her the feedback she needed. Until then, she wasn’t willing to risk complete heartbreak. Not that she didn’t love him already, but if she let herself believe in a future together, only to be disappointed…

  “What are you thinking about?” Tripp waited while their server cleared the dessert plates, refilled their coffee cups and left the bill, then reached for her hand and held on tight. “You’ve been quiet tonight.”

  She met his gaze head on and spoke without holding back. “Trust. That’s my problem in a nutshell.”

  His eyes darkened. “You don’t trust me?”

  “I do, but…” She let out a sigh. “Every time I go into a relationship, I expect to be disappointed…or worse. I don’t know why. I honestly don’t. I haven’t dated many men, and none of them have hurt me. More often than not, I’ve been the one to back away. Letting myself get close, even in friendships, is difficult.” She twined her fingers with his. “I’ve let down more walls with you than with anyone except maybe Eden.”

  His brow creased. “What did she do to earn your trust that I haven’t?”

  “When we first met in the dorm our freshman year, I was painfully shy, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. Your sister wouldn’t let me retreat into myself and just kept putting herself out there until I believed the friendship between us was indestructible.”

  “Sounds like Eden. She has infinite patience.”

  “I’ll be forever thankful. Without her, my college years would have been damned lonely.”

  “Did some boy in high school—”

  “No.” She gave a quick headshake. “I didn’t date until I was nearly twenty.” A half smile slipped out. “I’ll admit to a few impractical crushes on guys who didn’t know I was alive…kind of like the one I had on you. Typical, and certainly nothing to make me skittish around men.”

  “I’m glad my lack of sense back then didn’t irreparably warp your perspective.”

  “It didn’t.” She took a gulp of cooling coffee then made a face. “By the time I met you, I was already a psychiatrist’s wet dream.”

  He let out a snort and squeezed her hand. “Way to tell it like it is, or rather, was. You’re not anything like that girl. You aren’t socially awkward or…”

  “Fat? No, I’m not. I took the measure of self-worth Eden managed to instill in me and forced myself to change from the outside in. I shed pounds and insecurities, focused on my career and tried hard to maintain healthy relationships.” One shoulder lifted slightly. “I may still have a ways to go in that area.”

  “I wasn’t going to say fat, damn it. I was going to say shy around men. You’re outgoing and fun to be with. Christ, Marco’s half in love with you. If he wasn’t afraid I’d kill him, I have no doubt he’d put the moves on you.”

  “Maybe that would be easier. Marco doesn’t have the power to hurt me.” Her voice dropped. “You do.”

  “But, I won’t.” He reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet then laid bills on the tray holding their check. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Okay.” She rose to her feet and let him guide her toward the door with a hand on her back. Outside, she released a deep breath on a puff of white. “The stars are out.”

  “It’s a beautiful night. Let’s take a drive. I want to settle a few things somewhere private.”

  His tone was grim enough to set Hannah’s nerves on edge. She chewed her lower lip and was quiet as they drove through the cluster of shops and restaurants then headed back toward the mountain. Slowing the car, Tripp pulled into an overlook with a view of the ski trails glimmering white beneath the star-filled sky. He turned off the engine then set the brake and turned to face her.

  “You said you were a psychiatrist’s wet dream. Why?”

  Hannah shivered and clenched her hands together in her lap. “I don’t know why I was such a head case. My mom wasn’t maternal by any stretch of the imagination, but she provided food and clothing, if not an abundance of love and support.”

  He reached over to cover her hands with one of his. “Did she date a lot between husbands?”

  “Oh, yeah. There was a stretch between Luther and Brad when I was never sure who I’d find wandering out of her room in the morning.”

  “And you wonder why you have a complex about men. Jesus, I’d like to strangle your mother.”

  Turning her hand over, she squeezed his fingers. “We all weren’t lucky enough to have your picture-perfect upbringing.”

  “My parents argued sometimes. Dad was pretty strict about chores and curfews. It wasn’t all sweetness and light, believe me. My brothers and I had some major battles.”

  “But you knew you were wanted. Your parents didn’t make you feel like a burden.”

  Leaning over, he cupped her chin and kissed her. “I want you, Hannah. I love you. I wish I could make you believe I won’t change my mind. I won’t leave you.”

  She rested her forehead against his as happiness at his declaration vied with lingering doubt. “I love you, too. I want to believe you. I really do.”

  “Then trust me. I can be just as stubborn as Eden.” He pulled back a few inches then kissed her again. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  When she didn’t answer, he released her and started the car. On the drive back to the hotel, she leaned into the corner of the seat and closed her eyes. Her heart ached.

  “Brad said he’d always be there for me. He tried for a couple of years…”

  “Brad was one of your stepfathers?”

  “My second one. We got along well. When my mother divorced him, it hurt. A lot.”

  His knuckles gleamed white in the starlight as he clenched the wheel. “What about the one I met, Luther?”

  “Mom married him not too long after my father died. They were together about six years.” She stared through the windshield into the night. “I was ten when they split, so you’d think I’d have more memories from those years. I’m pretty sure Luther and my mother fought a lot, so I must
have repressed the bad times. I do know I wasn’t devastated when he moved out.”

  “Didn’t you say she’d been through four husbands and was working on number five?”

  “Yep. The last one was Eric. I was just finishing high school when they met. I didn’t even attempt to form any kind of bond with him.”

  “You have every reason in the world not to trust relationships to last, but I can be patient. You’re worth waiting for.” He pulled into the hotel parking lot and stopped the car. “I won’t push for more than you’re ready to give, but I’m not going away. I’ll call and text while you’re working in Granite Bay. I’ll drive down to see you every chance I get.” He smiled and touched her cheek. “I’ll be around so much, you’ll be sick of me before that oversized jock’s knee heals. I swear.”

  Warmth wrapped around her heart. A light pole nearby illuminated the interior of the car, spotlighting the sincerity shining in the depths of Tripp’s deep green eyes. The fact that he was trying so hard with her when he could easily have dumped her for one of the women hanging on his every word earlier said something about his intentions. He cared. Maybe he really did love her.

  “It’s getting cold. Let’s go inside.”

  “Sure.” After stepping out of the car, he locked the doors then hurried around to take her arm as they walked through the slippery parking lot. “Do you want to go to the bar for a drink? I’m not ready for the evening to end.”

  She stopped and turned to face him. “It doesn’t have to.”

  “No?” He stroked along the side of her cheek with one finger.

  “No. I’m not going to make you bunk with Marco tonight.”

  “You’re not?”

  She shook her head then leaned against him when he wrapped his arm around her. “I’m going to give love a chance. I’m going to put my trust in you.”


  She tilted her head back to look him in the eyes. An emotion she’d almost swear was love shone there. “Yes?”

  “You won’t regret it. I promise.”

  Chapter 22

  Tripp pushed the elevator button and drummed his fingers on the wall as he waited for the car to arrive. He would have pulled Hannah into his arms then and there for an impromptu make-out session if a middle-aged man hadn’t shown up just as the car arrived. The door dinged and slid open. With his arm tucked around her, Tripp guided Hannah into the elevator then pushed the button for the third floor. The other guy stepped inside but didn’t reach for the buttons. He looked vaguely familiar…

  “Hold the door! Please!”

  An older couple hurried toward the elevator, the woman’s heels tapping on the marble tiles. The aging gentleman barely got his foot in the opening before the door slid shut. Releasing Hannah, Tripp stretched to push the button to open the door, wondering why the other man hadn’t done it.

  “Thank you.”

  The lady smelled like some perfume his grandma used to wear. The fragrance filled the car as the door slid shut. Her husband pushed the button for the fifth floor.

  The other man’s lips flattened. When his cell rang, he pulled the phone from his pocket, glanced at the display then answered. “Yeah. No, I’m afraid I won’t have an opportunity to finish the project tonight.” His gaze shifted to rest on Hannah. “I’ll take care of business when I get home.” He slid the cell back into his pocket.

  “All you kids, always on your phones.” The old guy shook his head without displacing a strand of slicked-back silver hair. “In my day, we took vacations in order to avoid talking business.”

  Tripp couldn’t suppress a grin. The “kid” the man referred to had to be in his forties and had touches of gray in his brown hair.

  His wife made a tsking noise. “The world’s changed since your day, Harry. We’ve got to change with it or get left behind.” She smiled at Hannah. “My granddaughter bought me a cell phone and one of those electronic reader things, but my husband’s too stubborn to use either of them.”

  Hannah smiled back then glanced up at Tripp. “Sometimes change is for the best.”

  The elevator rocked to a stop, and the door slid open.

  “Have a nice evening,” the woman called after them as they stepped from the car.

  Tripp glanced over his shoulder as the other man followed behind them. “Thank you, we intend to.” Holding Hannah close to his side, he headed toward her room and waited while she slid the keycard into the slot.

  Down the hall, a door opened on a blast of music. A woman he recognized from the meet and greet hurried out, carrying an ice bucket.

  “Tripp!” She rushed forward. “Come join the party.” Hazel eyes beneath platinum blond bangs narrowed on Hannah. “You can come, too. Everyone’s welcome.”

  “Nice of you to offer, but I’m beat.” He pushed open the door. “Good night.” When the door clicked shut behind them, he tugged Hannah up against him and threaded his fingers through her hair. “About damn time we were alone.”

  She gave him a teasing grin. “The old folks in the elevator were pretty entertaining. You didn’t want to invite them in for a drink?”

  “Funny.” He bent to kiss her, taking his time and enjoying every moment of her sweetness. “Better the old couple than the surly dude on the phone. I swear I’ve seen that guy before, but I can’t place him.”

  “That’s what I thought earlier.” She pulled back a few inches and frowned. “He came outside when I was cooling off by the pool and wore that same dour expression. I was glad Marco showed up when he did.”

  “Maybe we bumped into him in the bar or something.” Tripp smiled into her eyes. “It doesn’t matter. I have you to myself now, and that’s all I care about.”

  “You wouldn’t rather be at the party down the hall?”

  “Nope. I’ve been to hundreds just like it with plenty of women who only wanted to, uh, spend time with the Wilde Thing. They don’t care about the person I am off the slopes.” He stroked his hands down her back to rest on her hips. “Before I got to know you better, I was content with casual hookups. The avalanche didn’t knock sense into me. That was all you, showing me what I’d been missing.”

  “In return, you offered me a look at what life could be like if I stepped out of my comfort zone.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Maybe a stable relationship doesn’t have to come at the cost of excitement.”

  He backed her toward the bed. “Trust and chemistry aren’t mutually exclusive. I know we still have some work to do to solidify what we have, but we’ll get there.”

  As he lowered her onto the mattress, she pressed her lips to the side of his face. “Thank you for being patient with me. I know I haven’t made things easy.”

  “Easy isn’t worth having. You are.” With infinite care, he kissed her thoroughly then trailed his lips down the length of her throat to the swell of her breasts above the neckline of her dress. He glanced upward to meet her gaze when her breath caught. “Give me a few dozen more nights like this one, and I’ll make a believer out of you.”

  Her voice came out in a gasp as his hand covered one breast. “It may not take a dozen.”

  “I don’t mind making doubly sure you feel emotionally secure with me.” He grinned as he reached for the zipper at the back of her neck with his other hand. “It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”

  “Big of you.”

  He nuzzled her exposed cleavage as he drew the silky material down over her breasts to settle at her waist. “I’ve regretted every night we spent apart the last few days. I have to admit I’ve never truly missed a woman before.”

  “Because there was always a new one waiting to take the last woman’s place.” Her grip on his shoulders tightened when he released her bra clasp.

  “You’re not interchangeable.” He rested his cheek against her firm, scented skin and closed his eyes, dizzy with the pleasure of holding Hannah. “I never knew what love was before you. The feelings I had in the past did
n’t even come close.”

  Her fingers delved into his hair to press his face closer. “I love you, Tripp.”

  He slid back up to claim her mouth again. “I love you, too, but…”

  She stiffened. “But, what?”

  “We both have on way too many clothes.”

  A sigh escaped, followed by a breathy laugh. “Then lose the shirt. The pants, too. I’ll just lay here and watch.”

  “Yeah?” He levered off the bed, unfastened a couple of buttons, then pulled his shirt over his head to drop it on the carpet. His pants followed. When he jerked off his boxers, her gaze lowered, and her lips parted. He sucked in a breath as all the blood in his head drained south.

  With one swift movement, he slid her dress down her legs, his fingers lingering along the inside of one thigh. Her eyes glazed, and a little whimper slipped between her lips.

  “You make me crazy, I want you so bad.” He tossed the loosened bra toward a chair then pulled off her matching pink panties to stare at the beauty displayed before him. “You are so freaking hot.”

  When she held up her arms, he gladly dropped down on top of her. Cradling her face in his hands, he kissed her, tasting every corner of her mouth. Slowing down to savor the moment took an effort when all he wanted was to push deep inside her.

  Wrapping her legs around his hips, she rolled with him until she was on top. Golden eyes glowed from behind strands of silky hair that dangled down to brush his chest. She bent and licked one flat nipple.

  Tripp bucked upward. “Hannah…”


  “In my wallet.” His voice rasped. “Back pocket of my pants.”

  She sat up then leaned sideways to scoop his pants off the floor. Tripp filled his palms with her swaying breasts as she pulled out his wallet and found the condom tucked inside. After ripping open the packet, she rolled it over him so slowly he was sure he was going to explode. Somehow, he held on.

  Sweat sheened his chest. “You’re killing me.”

  “In a good way I hope.” She slid up and over him on a sigh. “So good.”


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