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Damned if I Do

Page 23

by Philip Nitschke

  sourcing through TGA’s Special Access Scheme 211–13

  Netherlands, doctor-assisted suicide 102

  New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties 169

  New Zealand Medical Registration Board 126

  Nicholson, Tim 108

  Nicklinson, Tony 207

  Nicol, Neal 167, 180

  Nielson, Merin 119–20

  Nigot, Lisette 131, 133–4, 145, 157

  Nitrogen system 145

  Nitschke, Dennis (brother) 9, 14, 192

  Nitschke, Friedrich William 8

  Nitschke, Gailene (sister) 9

  Nitschke, Gwen (née Richardson) 9–10, 47, 52, 124

  Nitschke, Harold (father) 8, 9, 10, 14, 45, 205

  Nitschke, Philip

  birth 9

  collaborative autobiography with Peter Corris 217–18

  as a country boy 10–14

  family background 8–10

  impact of patients’ deaths 96

  killing of dog 16

  love of chemistry and explosives 11–13

  persistence 14

  Northern Territory

  early interest in 33

  law-making powers 101

  political conservatism 3, 7, 55

  regional identity 7

  Northern Territory Constitution, burning of 104

  Northern Territory Department of Health 77, 78, 79, 80

  Novak, Errol 23

  Nu-Tech 136

  Nullagai (sloop) 73, 74

  Numiari, Pincher 42, 45

  O’Brien, Kerry 92, 93

  Ogden, Russell 186

  Ottaway, Richard 177

  Outback trek in 2006 196–8

  Oxford Union 176–7

  Ozanne-Smith, Joan 152–3

  Packer, Kerry 96

  PayPal, cancelation of Exit’s account 163, 177–8

  ‘peaceful pill’ 131, 136, 140, 141, 152

  Peaceful Pill eHandbook (Nitschke) 133, 137, 171–2, 180, 203, 208

  Peaceful Pill Handbook (Nitschke)

  availability of 133

  banning of 145, 162, 164, 169–71

  burning of copies in front of old Parliament House 170

  formal ‘Restricted R18’ classification 168–9

  launch 136, 167

  legal holdings in Australia 173–4

  modifications for New Zealand 171

  publication in US 167–8

  sales 136–7

  seizure of copies by Australian Customs 168

  in trial of Jennings and Justins 118

  Peaceful Pill online forums 203

  ‘Peanut Project’ 127–9

  Penberthy, David 157, 158

  Penong (SA) 9

  peripheral neuropathy 62–3

  Perron government (NT) 3, 4, 5–6, 81

  Perron, Marshall 3, 5, 6, 7, 86, 138–9, 150

  Peters, Betty 163

  ‘The Phil’ debating society (Dublin) 188

  Philips, Mal 34

  physics studies 18, 24, 25–7

  Pine Gap base, criticism of US presence 41, 55–6, 60

  Pintupi people 61

  Pirate Party 174

  PM (ABC Radio) 77

  police raids 151, 219

  political career

  as independent candidate in seat of Menzies 110–11

  reflections on 210–11

  as Senate candidate for Greens 6

  politics 23

  Port Arthur massacre 22

  postgraduate years 7, 27, 28–36

  Potts, Susan 131, 145

  Powell, James 46–7, 49

  practical jokes 24–5, 31–2

  Pratchett, Sir Terry 188

  Pretty, Dianne 112

  psychiatric assessment 29–30

  Public Interest Advocacy Centre 169

  Public Service Act, alleged breach 77

  Purcell, Valerie 93

  Purdy, Debbie 135, 181, 206

  Pyne, Christopher 102

  Q&A (ABC TV) 156

  Quinn, David 41, 42–3, 113, 194

  racism 44–5

  Rainbow Bay Lifesaving Club 72–3

  Rangiari, Mick (Hoppy Mick) 113, 194

  Raper, Lynn 41, 42–3

  rational suicide 131

  The Red Heart: Sagas of Centralia (Clune) 191, 195

  Redheap (Lindsay) 168

  Reed, Mike 54, 55, 78, 79–80

  Reeves, John 55, 64


  with Fiona Stewart 111–14, 191, 192, 194, 195, 196–8, 204, 210

  influence of women 48

  with Jenny 19–20, 28–9, 39–41, 42–3, 46–7, 49–50

  with Kate 74–5

  with Margaret 18–19

  with Marlies 58–9, 60, 65, 71–3, 74

  with Paddy 50–1

  with Tristan 75, 79, 80, 85, 94, 111, 112

  with Virginia 48–50, 51

  religion 14–15


  at sea 72–3

  on Oodnadatta–Marla road 197–8

  Richardson, Connie 9

  Richardson, Dave 196

  Richardson, Doug 9

  Richter, Robert 125

  Right to Life Australia 126, 169, 170

  right to life and death 141

  right-to-die movement, philosophical divisions 129–37

  right-to-life protests 187

  Rights of the Terminally Ill (ROTI) Act 1996 (NT)

  burning of 104

  enactment 6–7

  first attempt to use 85–8, 89, 91, 92

  first use 88–92

  John Howard’s opposition to 99

  overturning of 104, 105, 170

  requirements 86, 90, 95, 130

  users 93, 96

  see also Euthanasia Laws Bill 1996

  Ripples from Wave Hill (documentary film) 194

  Robertson, Geoffrey 184

  Robinson, Dean 75

  Robinson, Mary 188

  Rockin’ Robin (yacht) 73

  Rossiter, Chris 145

  Royal Darwin Hospital

  ‘Free Speech?’ banner 79, 219

  non-renewal of employment contract 78–9

  radiation-exposure training 77–9

  Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown 66

  Rudd government, blacklist of websites to be banned 172–3

  Rudd, Kevin 110

  Ruddock, Philip 169, 170, 171

  Russell, Jack 94

  Russell, Paul 159–60, 213–14

  Russian Cossack 650cc motorbike 192–3, 194, 196–8

  Ryan, Erica 173

  sailing 65–6, 71–4

  St Clair Recreation Centre (Woodville) 20

  Sattler, Howard 158

  Saunders, Peter 160

  Schadenberg, Alex 160

  Schwerdtfeger, Peter 39

  Scott, Leisa 149

  Scrine, Gil 60

  Scully, Boyd 69

  Senate Privileges Committee 78

  7.30 Report (ABC TV) 92

  Severin, Peter 196

  sexual harassment 15–16

  Shanahan, Dennis 159–60, 164, 169, 213

  Shepherd, Tory 158

  Shirley (tried for assisting a suicide) 115, 116–19, 120–1, 122

  Sims, Jeremy 86

  Singh, Sabu 45, 46

  Sinn Fein 188

  Slee, Mr (headmaster) 13

  Smith, Dick 199

  Smith, Wesley J. 160, 164, 179

  Smothers, Tom 162

  social activism 30–1, 38

media 159, 215

  Society for the Protection of Community Values (NZ) 126, 171

  South Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society 140

  South Place Ethical Society 180

  Southport Yacht Club 73

  speaking engagements

  cancellation of 176–7

  international 179

  Spender, Lynne 112

  Squizz (sloop) 65–6, 71–4, 219

  stand-up comedy 215–16

  Starmer, Kier 135

  Starr, Chris 35

  Stephens, Mark 184

  Stephens, Scott 25

  Stevens, Lynton 80, 81–2

  Stewart, Fiona 111–14, 173, 182, 183, 185, 187, 191, 192, 194, 195, 196–8, 204, 210

  Street, Maryan 206

  Strelley station 36

  suicide pills 140–2

  see also ‘peaceful pill’

  Suicide-Related Materials Offences Act (Cth) 167, 172

  ‘supermarket shelf’ statement 141, 142

  Sydney Medical School 58, 59–61, 65, 66–7, 68

  Sydney Olympics, torchbearer 123

  Syme, Rodney 100, 131–2, 140

  Tedeschi, Mark 117–18, 119, 120

  The Territory: The Classic Saga of Australia’s Far North (Hill) 48

  Territory Boxing Association 69

  ‘Thanatron’ 88–9

  Theo (friend) 24–5, 30

  Therapeutic Goods Administration, Special Access Scheme (SAS) 211–13

  Thomson, Jim 20

  threatening letters 124

  Tippett, John 151

  Titchmarsh, Alan 182

  Today (BBC Radio 4 program) 181

  Todd, John 139

  Todmorden Station 198

  Tragedy Track (Baume) 33

  Tunstall, Arthur 71

  Twitter 215

  Tyndall, John 177

  UK Voluntary Euthanasia Society 134

  United Kingdom

  detention by Immigration officials at Heathrow 183–4

  Exit workshops 180–5

  legislative reform 206–7

  United States

  Citizen Initiated Referendum process 206

  Exit workshops 187

  legislative reform 206

  refusal of visa application 137

  right-to-die movement 136–7

  ‘single drug protocol’ for lethal injections 209–10

  University of Adelaide 25–6

  University Air Squadron 23

  The Unlucky Australians (Hardy) 37, 38

  Uren, Tom 194

  USS Houston 77

  Vancouver Unitarian Church 186

  Vanstone, Amanda 100

  Ven Der Build 45

  Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine 151–2

  Vietnam War 23–4, 27

  Virginia 48–9

  Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry 170–1

  voluntary euthanasia

  censorship of 162–78

  federal political opposition to 99

  information workshops by Exit 107–8, 111, 115, 125, 133, 135

  legal test case re discrimination against the seriously ill 201–2

  non-medical do-it-yourself approach 131, 132–3, 181

  NT government intention to legalise 3

  offering to prisoners with life sentences 209

  as option restricted to the sick and controlled by medical profession 130–2, 134–5, 181–2

  as right to peaceful death without medical involvement 130

  support for 5, 93, 95

  videos about 163

  voluntary euthanasia movement

  adversaries within 125, 127–35, 140, 143, 180–2

  Clem Jones bequest 138–40, 142

  DIY solutions 131, 132–3, 136–7, 182

  and law reform 130, 181–2, 205–7

  philosophical divisions 129–37

  voluntary euthanasia organisations

  attempt to unite 99–100, 138

  state societies 99–100, 138, 139, 140

  YourLastRight 139–40

  see also Exit International

  Voluntary Euthanasia Party 210

  Voluntary Euthanasia Research Foundation (VERF) 107

  Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Victoria 99–100, 110, 131

  Wake, Chris (Dr) 4, 5, 86–7

  Wake in Fright (film) 191

  Walker, Steve 198

  Wallace, Jim 170

  Wallis, Ruth 178

  Walsh, David 97

  Ward, Frank 119–20

  Wardill, Jon 88, 89–90, 160

  Wave Hill Aboriginal stockmen’s strike 38, 42–6, 113, 193–5

  Weapons Research Establishment (Salisbury) 22

  wedding 114

  Weightman, Warren 95

  West Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society 139

  Whitlam, Gough 42

  Wikileaks 172

  Wild, Ester 97, 104–6

  Williams, Andrea 188

  Williams, Martin 106

  Williams, Michael 120

  Williamson, Sandy 145

  Wilson, Libby 133–4

  women, influence of 48

  Wootten, Sarah 181

  The Works 174

  World Federation of Right to Die Societies 140

  World Federation of Right to Die Societies conferences

  Toronto 2006 136, 168

  Zurich 1998 136

  Worthington, Bill 93

  Wylie, Graeme 115–17, 120–1

  Wynter, Dana 116

  Wyvill, Lew 64–5

  Youth Defence (Ireland) 187

  YouTube, removal of Exit’s videos 163


  An imprint of Melbourne University Publishing Limited

  11–15 Argyle Place South, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia

  First published 2013

  Text © Philip Nitschke and Peter Corris, 2013

  Design and typography © Melbourne University Publishing Limited, 2013

  This book is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 and subsequent amendments, no part may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means or process whatsoever without the prior written permission of the publishers.

  Every attempt has been made to locate the copyright holders for material quoted in this book. Any person or organisation that may have been overlooked or misattributed may contact the publisher.

  Cover design by Philip Campbell Design

  Typeset by TypeSkill

  Printed in Australia by McPherson’s Printing Group

  ‘You’re The Cream In My Coffee’, words and music by Lew Brown, B.G. De Sylva & Ray Henderson © Copyright 1928 (renewed 1956) Redwood Music Ltd. J. Albert & Son Pty. Ltd. All right reserved. International copyright secured. Used with permission.

  ‘A Little Further North’, words and music by Graeme Connors © Panama Music Co Pty Ltd. Administered by Universal Music Publising Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Reprinted with permission.

  ‘I Wonder’, words and music by Sixto Diaz Rodgiuex © Interior Music Corp. administerd by Universal Music Publishing Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Reprinted with permission.

  Pale Blue Dot © Carl Sagan. Reprinted with permission from Democritus Properties, LLC. All rights reserved. This material cannot be further circulated without written permission of Democritus Properties, LLC.

  ‘Euthanasia Sets Sail’ by Kathryn Lopez © 2001 by National Review Inc
. Reprinted by permission.

  Quote from Wesley J. Smith, National Review Online courtesy Wesley J. Smith.

  National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entryNitschke, Philip Haig, author.Damned if I do/Philip Nitschke with Peter Corris.

  9780522861419 (paperback)

  9780522861426 (ebook)

  Nitschke, Philip Haig.Physicians—Australia—Biography.Social reformers—Australia—Biography.Euthanasia—Australia.Right to die—Australia.

  Other Authors/Contributors:Corris, Peter, 1942– author.





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