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Her Tattooed Fighter

Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  “I’m fucked.”

  Her heart raced. Those two words didn’t tell her anything about what he was thinking or why he was staring at her, but the magnetism she felt for him was undeniable.

  “What, L-London?” She cleared her throat, her voice hitching on his name. He took a step closer to her, and once again their chests were only an inch apart. If Sunny just inhaled deeply they would touch. She didn’t look in his face, couldn’t because it was clear she couldn’t even keep her emotions in check while around him. The light touch of his finger and thumb gripping her chin, and then of him lifting her head so she was forced to look at him, was like a swift, painfully arousing kick in her stomach. London’s mouth was parted, and his eyes trained on her lips.

  “I’m fucked when it comes to you.” Before she could react to his words he had his mouth on hers, and his tongue speared between her lips. Sunny was so taken back by his sudden action she stood there, motionless, as he stroked his tongue along hers. London broke away and buried his face in her neck, inhaling deeply. “I’m sorry, baby. Fuck, I shouldn’t have done that.” He inhaled deeply once more. “You smell so fucking good, taste so fucking good, and feel incredible.” His voice was low and gravelly, and when he pulled away she reacted on instinct.

  Grabbing his face between her hands she rose on her toes and pressed her lips against his. His answering groan spurred her courage, and this time it was her slipping her tongue between his lips. London tasted like whiskey and beer, and even though she had never found the flavors appealing, she couldn’t stop the moan that came from her. This was London, the one guy she had wanted so badly she ached on a constant basis. The flavors were laced on his tongue, and so very addictive. She couldn’t seem to get enough, or get closer to him, and she needed that, needed to be fused with London Stein. Pressing her chest to his, she loved that her nipples became instantly hard when the hardness of his abdomen moved along her breasts in a purely erotic way. They were both breathing hard, and it was like neither of them could get enough air into their lungs.

  He was so hard between them, his erection pressing into her belly and sending all kinds of sensations moving through her, especially right to her pussy. She was wet, unbearably so, and the material of her panties rubbed along her sensitive folds. In a move Sunny hadn’t been anticipating, London moved his hands behind her, over her hips, and gripped the back of her thighs, right under her ass. He pushed the denim up her legs, dug his fingers into her flesh into the now exposed flesh, and a shock of pain that was followed by pleasure, consumed her. Their kiss deepened, grew more frantic, and all she could think about was what it would feel like to have the massive steel rod that London was currently grinding into her belly, inside of her.

  Breaking the kiss, Sunny gasped in pleasure and surprise when he lifted her with his powerful arms and set her on the island. He positioned himself so he was wedged between her legs. Sunny had to spread her thighs even further so he could press his erection into her, and then his mouth was right back on hers. He fucked her mouth with his, sliding his tongue between her lips over and over again until there was no other way of describing it.

  For several long, drugging moments all he did was kiss her. He gripped her hip with one hand, his long, big fingers curling around the bone, reminding her that he was so strong he could have easily crushed her without a second thought. Sunny was a thicker girl, and certainly couldn’t be construed as svelte or lithe, but next to London she felt delicate. He moved his other hand slowly up her arm, along her neck, and cupped her jaw. Tilting her jaw to the side, he deepened the kiss. When they broke apart Sunny shamelessly admitted she couldn’t even hold her head up, especially when London started running his tongue over her pulse point.

  “I can feel you shivering beneath my tongue, Sunny.” He breathed out heavily against her, and he tightened his hand on her hip. He kept her chin held to the side, and he brushed his fingers in an almost bruising manner against her. ” I know better than to do this, than to try and have something far too good for me.” He licked her, like some kind of primal animal marking its territory. “And even though I know this is so fucking wrong, I can’t stop because it feels so fucking right.” She couldn’t think, let alone come up with words. “I’m going to get my ass kicked for touching you, but shit is it so worth it, baby.”

  Her brain decided to kick into gear after that, and she found herself saying, “I would get into just as much trouble as you would.” And she would. Her father didn’t want her being with a fighter, but here she was, having London pretty much wrapped around her like he couldn’t get close enough.

  “I really fucking doubt that, baby.” Through the haze of desire, and the fact he slurred his words slightly, she realized she couldn’t do this. He was drunk, and she wasn’t. It would be like she was taking advantage of him. That would have been a humorous thought since London was so much bigger and stronger than she was, but it was a very big reality. But the truth was she wouldn’t feel right, no matter how good he was making her feel, because if she allowed herself to go through with this she would always wonder if he would have been with her if he wasn’t intoxicated. When she placed her hands on his pecs, the muscles flexed beneath her palms. He continued to lick and suck at her neck, and the flash of pain from his stubble rubbing along her sensitive skin, and of him dragging his teeth up and down the sensitive flesh, only seemed to make her feel even more drugged.

  “You taste so good, smell so fucking good.” He moved closer yet, and his erection pressed right between her thighs. Her jean shorts were shoved up her thighs, bunched at the junction between her legs, but even with the material obstructing her from feeling him completely there was no denying London was a very large man. “You feel that, Sunny?” He pressed against her again, and she swore she felt the damn thing pulse between them. A fresh gush of wetness left her, and she couldn’t help but close her eyes and just let herself enjoy this moment. Never had she been this worked up, not even when she had lost her virginity. But during that time she had been the one taking control. This time was different, because London was so dominant that he was the one controlling the situation.

  Her lips were parched, and instead of answering, because she couldn’t form words once again, she nodded. Hanging onto his biceps, she knew she needed to stop this, but God it felt so good. Clearing her throat, and finally finding her voice, Sunny said, “London, we can’t do this. You’re drunk, and I would be taking advantage.” He pulled away long enough to look at her. The slow smile that started to cover his face had her heart jackknife in her chest. He lifted his hand to brush a stray piece of hair that had fallen from her ponytail.

  “Yeah, I am pretty fucking drunk, baby.” Her heart sank. “But not drunk enough that I don’t realize that the girl in front of me is the one that I’ve wanted for a long fucking time, but have been too much of a pussy to approach. Or that the girl that I am grinding this hard-on against is the one that will probably have me getting my ass kicked by her dad and a big-ass Russian.” He leaned in and kissed her once more, stroked her with his tongue until she was panting, and broke away far too soon. “And I find it funny as fuck that you think you could take advantage of me.” He grinned. “So yeah, I may be drunk, but I know that I fucking want my cock buried so deeply inside of you that I can’t even see straight, Sunny.”

  At that moment she didn’t care about what her dad or Mack said, or about the debate currently going on inside of her. All she could think about, and feel, was London right here with her. He wanted her, and maybe this was the stupidest thing she had ever done, but she was going to throw caution and all common sense to the wind and give him exactly what they both clearly wanted.

  “So, Sunny, how about we say fuck ‘em all, and just do what we want?” A small voice inside of her reared its ugly head told her that she better be prepared to only have this one night with him, because that was all London was capable of. But another voice told her that nothing was gained without a little risk. She kicked the former
voice out of her head and embraced the latter. She was going to give herself to London Stein, and it was going to be incredible. She just hoped her heart could handle it when it was all said and done.

  Chapter Five

  London had her in his arms and was striding away from the island before Sunny could even grasp what was happening. When she hadn’t told him she didn’t want to be with him, he had taken her mouth in a brutal, bruising kiss. Their tongues dueled with each other, trying to get supremacy because it seemed they were both past the point of no return. The sound of a squeaky door being opened pierced the fog that had covered her mind, but when she opened her eyes all she saw was darkness. She broke away from him and said, “What—”

  He kissed her hard again, and then moved his mouth along her neck once more. Apparently he had a neck fetish, but that was not a problem for her, not with the way he licked and kissed her until she was pressing her pussy down on his cock. This time he went for the base of her throat, and a strangled, almost animalistic sound left her when he started gently sucking at her flesh.

  “I need you so fucking badly, Sunny.” He cupped her ass, and when he started to knead the mounds she was about to beg him to take her right then and there. “We’re in the pantry. I couldn’t wait to take you, baby.” Pushing her up against the wall, she felt the shelves right beside her and reached out to steady herself when he let go of one of her cheeks and reached between their bodies. At the feel of him cupping her pussy through her shorts she let her head fall back, hearing the thud of the wall meet her skull. London groaned against her neck and started rubbing her through the denim. The frustration inside of her mounted over the fact she wanted to feel his hand on her bare pussy, and that in order to do that they would have to break away long enough for her to pull her clothes off.


  He licked up her throat, and then dragged his teeth down the wet path he had created just seconds before. “Yeah, baby?” His hand continued working her though her shorts, and even if it wasn’t as sensitive as she would have liked, she was still on the verge of coming. He was good at this, too good, but she didn’t let those thoughts in her head, not when he made her feel amazing.

  “We need to stop.”

  He made a disgruntled sound, but didn’t pull away. “Why, baby? Doesn’t this feel good? Don’t I make you feel good?”

  A gasp left her when he bit down on her neck hard enough to send a sharp spear right to her clit. She throbbed between her thighs, ached and swelled, and needed to feel all of him. “Yes, yes, you make me feel so good.” Sunny couldn’t catch her breath, not when it was clear London was intent on getting her off in this exact position.

  She was so close to coming, and when he pressed the heel of his hand right over her clit and started moving it hard and fast against her, she opened her mouth and started to moan. He slapped his hand over her mouth, muffling her sound of pleasure as her climax peaked inside of her. She shook, only stationed against the wall because his big body was holding her up. Never once did he stop moving his hand back and forth over her, prolonging her ecstasy until she was dizzy from it.

  “What a sweet fucking surrender, Sunny.” He bit her earlobe, which caused her inner muscles to clench down hard. She needed to feel him thrusting inside of her, and she didn’t want to wait. Sunny didn’t need a bed or soft lighting. London wasn’t that type of guy, and being fucked by him against Taylor’s pantry wall sounded just dirty and wild enough for her. He had the button on her shorts undone, and the zipper all the way down before her orgasm even dissipated. He set her on her feet, and in a matter of seconds had her shorts and panties off, and then lifted her back up in his arms and pressed her against the wall. “Place your foot on the shelf, baby.” Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness, but all she could see was the outline of his body. Reaching out and finding the shelf he was talking about, she placed her foot on it, which caused her legs to be forced open even wider. He pressed his erection into her again, curled his hips forward so a harsh gasp left her. “Yeah, fucking hell that’s it.” He pressed his body into the cradle of hers, and a cry of pleasure left her when she felt his cock move along her bare, soaked folds. With her other leg being supported in the crook of his arm, and his other hand groping her breasts, she was in paradise. “I could devour you all fucking night, Sunny.” He tore her shirt up, pulled her bra down so one of her breasts sprang free, and then his mouth was on her nipple.

  “Oh, God.”

  “No, Sunny, not God, just me.” He sucked and bit and licked at her nipple, making the already stiff peak even harder. His cock was an iron rod between them, and as she started to reach down and grip his cock to guide him inside of her, he stopped her with a hand on her wrist. “Give me a minute.” He rested his forehead on her chest and breathed in and out harshly. He moved slightly, and then she heard the sound of foil being opened. When he had the condom rolled on and the thick head of his dick wedged at the entrance of her pussy, everything stilled inside of her.

  This is really going to happen. She had fantasized about this moment so many times. He didn’t move, didn’t press into her more, and she didn’t even think he breathed. She could feel his stare on her face even though she couldn’t see him.

  “What’s wrong?” Her voice was a whisper, but it still seemed so loud.

  “Nothing, baby. I just know as soon as I’m buried balls deep inside of you I won’t last very long.” He leaned forward and pressed his mouth to hers. Their breath mingled together, and their kiss starting to become frantic once more. “I’ve wanted you for a long fucking time.” He murmured the words against her mouth. She was about to tell him so had she, but before the words were out he was pushing into her.

  The stretch and burn of London thrusting his way into her body was painful and pleasurable all in the same breath. London was a big guy all around, tall and muscular and reeking of unrestrained strength. His cock was no different. He was thick and long, causing her inner muscles to stretch unbearably so he could fit inside of her. He stopped a couple of times to allow her to breathe, and to allow her body to adjust to him, but then he was moving into her once more. Just when she thought he was done, that he couldn’t be that big or go any further, he pushed another inch into her. She slammed her head back against the wall and bit her lip. She was full, uncomfortably so, but she loved it, all of it, and wanted more. London gave her a small reprieve before he started thrusting in and out of her. It was like something snapped inside of him, and the prowess she had always sensed right below the surface finally broke free. The tightening and loosening of his hands on her body bordered on fierce, but she wanted bruises from him, wanted to look at herself in the mirror and see the product of what they had done.

  “Christ, Sunny.” As if he couldn’t hold his head up any longer he dropped it to the crook of her neck and pounded into her roughly. “So fucking good, baby. I knew it’d be like this, knew you’d feel like this.” The pain and pleasure morphed into one, and the sounds that escaped her were insane and wild. She was so wet that the sound of his body meeting hers was juicy and erotically obscene, and heightened her already delirious lust. “So tight, and so fucking soaked for me.” He groaned when she clenched involuntarily around him. She was close to coming again. “God, I’m not gonna last. It’s too good, Sunny.” Over and over he pounded into her already sensitive flesh. She was going higher and higher, unable to grasp the intensity with which London was claiming her. He may not know what he was doing to her, but he was ruining all other guys for her.

  “Oh. God. London.” He slammed into her hard, bottoming out and causing the root of his dick to press against her clit. That was all it took for her to come. A strangled cry left her, but instead of placing his hand over her mouth to shut off the sound, he slanted his mouth on her, swallowing the noise and then groaning out his own orgasm. She swore she could feel him swell further, filling and stretching inside of her even more, which already seemed impossible. She wished she could see his face. By the sounds he
made alone she knew he had to be just as frenzied as she was, and just as overcome by the feeling of them having sex.

  When her climatic high waned and he slowed his pounding to shallow thrusts, they didn’t move for several minutes. They both tried to catch their breath, and when they finally accomplished that act, which seemed more difficult than normal, he pulled out of her. Although he was softening, he was still impressive in size. He slowly helped her to stand, making sure she was steady on her feet before he stepped away. The sound of clothes ruffling and of him removing the condom pierced her hazy mind, and she quickly followed suit by reaching down and blinding trying to find her shorts and underwear. Once she had them in her hand she quickly dressed and adjusted her top. The silence was so thick, so suffocating, that in that moment the post-euphoric haze of what they had just done vanished immediately.

  Sunny opened her mouth to say something, anything, but the sound of Taylor calling out had her snapping her mouth shut, and her pulse racing. He couldn’t find out what they had just done, because even if she knew Taylor wouldn’t consciously go and say anything about it, he was known for putting his foot in his mouth at times. Besides, they had just had sex in his pantry, and that fact alone was humiliating. She certainly didn’t want to be caught in this comprising situation.

  “London?” Taylor called out again, and then there was a moment of silence. The sound of the fridge opening, of bottles clanking together, and then of Taylor’s retreating footsteps, had Sunny breathing out in relief.

  “Listen, I’ll go out first, and then you follow.” Yeah, it was clear he didn’t want anyone to know what they had done any more than she did, and as smart as that was, and the fact she thought the same thing, it still hurt.


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