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Ford Security

Page 70

by Clara Kendrick

  "I'm well aware." I rise so that my head hits the roof of the car. I work to climb over the gearshift and onto his lap. It's a tight fit with my head at a weird angle against the roof of the car. But it’s the perfect position to bore down at him and steal all of his attention.

  His arm shifts to the side of the seat and the next thing I know the seat stumbles backwards, jolting the both of us. The maneuver gives us more room and I'm able to begin rocking over his lap, his erection rubbing against my panties. "I just don't care."

  He reaches up and pushes my hair out of my face, pushes it right behind my ear. "You know, if someone catches us, we’re going to have to run, right?"

  "That's enough questions." I press one finger against his lips to shush him. "Now shut up and give me what I want."

  His head jerks back slightly and I can't help but to revel in the way he looks underneath me. Maybe he's not used to being with someone like me, being with someone who craves control. Back at the hotel I had given him all of the control and now here in this car, I'm taking it all back.

  Or so I thought.

  His fingers tangle at the side of my panties and before I can protest, he's ripping them at the side. And then with just one more tear, I find myself bare over his erection. With one hand, he guides himself into me while another hand climbs up underneath the back of my shirt. He holds me in place as I sink down on top of him. My mouth hovers open as I gasp at his girth. I hold onto the back of his head until I'm filled to the hilt.

  His chest heaves and his breath is ragged and wild as I stay in place for a little while longer to adjust to his width. He might think that I'm teasing him, but he’s teasing me just the same. I want to move. I need to move. And that's just what I do.

  With a hand hooked behind his neck, holding on to him tightly, I began to rise until my head hits the roof of the car once more. And then I drop back down onto him, drop all the way so that he's filling me deeply and completely. I begin to buck over him, each thrust of his hardness going deeper and harder than the one before.

  And with the car being turned off so there's no air conditioning, and the night air still hot outside, the car is quickly turning into a sweatbox as fog begins to paint every single window. Both of us are slick and damp with clammy wetness but I don't mind it so much. I grab him by the cheek and force him to stare me deep in the eyes as I continue to buck up and down over him. I make him watch me as I contort around his body. I make him watch every little bit of sweat that rolls down my face, make him watch every little gasp and moan that is thrown from my throat.

  And there’s something about the way he watches me, something about the way his eyes close for only milliseconds at a time. Something about the way his own face begins to contort as I continue to ride him towards my own peak.

  I've seen that face before. I've seen what happens after his lips begin to tremble and his arms begin to shake. He's so close to reaching the edge and the satisfaction of knowing that I'm able to bring him to that point so easily and quickly is enough to give me all the pleasure I need.

  I bite into my lip and give myself away to him completely. Behind closed eyes, I can still see every look he passes me. I can still see the way his lips are trembling and his chest is heaving. Without looking at him, I can tell what he's feeling because I'm feeling it too. Sex is so much more intense and pleasurable when you're doing it with someone you connect with. And though we don't exactly have a romantic connection, we have a connection all the same. So when he's inside of me, it's like two souls combining into one.

  I can feel my release building from beneath me and then rising through my body. I can feel my hips about to buckle as I rock over him with a furious pace. And when my eyes flash open at the exact time he spends his seed inside of me, I just about break over the edge.

  But I'm not quite there so I continue riding him as he fights through the shockwaves of his own release. His hands drop to my hips and he tries to hold me firmly in place because it's all too much for him. But I don't much care. I fight against his strength to continue racing up and down over his length.

  His entire body is shaking and trembling now and it looks like he might pass out if I continue this much longer. But it's not going to be much longer. I force my eyes closed again and dig my hands firmly into his chest as I ride into my own climax, breaking all around him. My entire body shudders but I continue to ride him through the waves of release. And when the waves begin to subside, I collapse down on top of him with my head over his shoulder and staring into the back seat.

  I'm huffing and puffing, trying to catch my breath. Fighting to breathe after an impossible orgasm. His hands glide over my back and hold me in place, and I swear I can feel his heart beating and he can probably feel mine too. It's just about to break right out of my chest.

  He shuffles beneath me to try and get more comfortable, but in the process he manages to accidentally set off one of the smoke bombs. There's a brief moment of hissing before smoke begins to cloud the entire car. I immediately began hacking up, coughing violently as smoke slithers up around us like smog in the night Los Angeles sky.

  He reaches outwards and pushes the passenger door open and I'm forced to climb out of the car and onto my hands and knees as I still continue to fight to catch my breath. My lower half is exposed for the entire world to see as smoke continues to billow out of the car. He climbs out onto his own two feet and grabs my arm to pull me farther away from the car so as to not breathe in any more of the toxic smoke.

  I try to force myself to my feet but it's a struggle. I pound my fist against my chest as I try to exhale all of the smoke out of my system. My eyes glance around at our surroundings and I assume this smoke is going to call unwanted attention.

  Dominic breaks away from me and rushes back to the car. I reach out to grab his arm to protest, but he slips away from me with great ease. He holds his shirt over his mouth as he collects our belongings from the front seat of a car. With his hands filled with clothes and weaponry, he passes me my jeans and I dress in a hurry.

  He does the same and as smoke continues to roll out from the car, he grabs my hand and pulls me into a neighboring alley and when we’re safely out of the reach of the smoke, it's only then that I can laugh at the scenario at hand.

  I hunch over with my hands against my knees as I let out a ridiculous laugh. It’s the kind of laugh that makes it even harder to breathe. I hold my hand against my chest as I try to stop the laughter but it doesn't seem to be much use. I begin to huff and puff again because I can no longer breathe and it’s not until Dominic slaps me hard on the back that I'm finally able to do so.

  I'm still laughing softly when my eyes peel to Dominic.

  "What's so funny?" He has a severe look on his face and his lips are molded upside down in a frown. "We might have just given away the fact that we are here."

  "Right." I clear my throat and straighten myself out. "It's a little funny though, right?" I can't help but to pass him a wide smile.

  He rolls his eyes but I can tell he's trying to hold back a laugh. Finally the laughter gets the best of him and he lets out a roaring fit of laughter. He stumbles towards me as he's laughing, lowers his head over my shoulder as he holds onto the brick wall behind me with one hand. It's the perfect opportunity to land a kiss on his neck. It's soft and it's quick and it completely takes the both of us by surprise.

  He takes a measured step back away from me and gone is the laughter. I'm about to address him when my phone vibrates in my jeans. I hold up a finger to him as if to tell him to wait a second. But when I look down at the screen, I realize that there's no more time to wait. I realize that everything probably just went to shit.

  Dominic seems to be able to read the expression on my face. He questions me, "What's wrong?"

  I look up to him and stare him deep in the eyes. I don't know how to say these words to him. I don't know if I'm capable of ripping away all of the hope he's ever had, all of the hope I forced him to have. Guilt wraps around the e
ntirety of my soul and I can feel myself sinking into the hard asphalt beneath me.

  "You're scaring me, Katie."

  I swallow a gulp in my throat. "I just got a text from Alice."


  I force myself to look away from him when I tell him, "The security footage isn't live. It's a seventy-two hour loop that's been playing on repeat for the last nine months."



  I know she's telling me the truth because she has no reason to lie. But my mind isn’t able to accept the new reality. It doesn't want to accept that all of the hope I've had built up over the last two days has been for nothing. I don't want to go back to being the sad drunk I've been these last few weeks.

  I stare at her for a few seconds more as I try to process this new information. No matter how hard I try, I just can't accept it. I have to find out for myself. Even though I know it's true, I won't accept it until I see it with my own two eyes.

  I pass her a knowing nod before I take a few gentle steps backwards and then I'm off to the races. I jerk to the right and race down the alley, cut out into the street and race down the sidewalk, passing all of the small mom and pop shops.

  With the breeze in my hair, I can hear her footsteps behind me. I can hear her trying to keep up with me, but there's no way she can. I’ve been conditioned for this all of my life. With every step forward, I race faster and faster towards what could be my final destination. Though I'm not thinking with my head, I have enough whereabouts still to know that but I just can't bring myself to care.

  If I was going into this compound blind earlier then I'm going in now completely impaired and un-prepared for what could possibly go down. All I know is that I feel sorry for these poor son of a bitches that stand in my way.

  "Dominic!" Katie screams from behind me. "Stop!"

  I know she's right. I know that I should stop and try to think of a logical explanation. I should stop and weigh my options before I do something stupid but I'm too far gone at this point. She should know that more than anyone. Just up ahead at a four-way intersection, I cut around another corner and head towards the harbor. There is a row of mansions all parked together with shrubbery that separates each house from the next. All the houses are painted in gorgeous pastel colors that pop against the fading night sky.

  I'm not even out of breath as I continue to push myself faster and harder than I have ever ran before. Even back in the war, I never ran like this. I never ran as if I was a scissor cutting through the wind.

  Somehow Katie catches up to me though. She grabs me by the arm and rips me backwards. I stumble in place as I twist to face her with a severe look. She hunches over and fights to catch her breath and that's all I need to see. I pivot back around to race once more, but she grabs my hand and forces me to look at her. And when I look at her again, she is standing straight up although her chest is still heaving. She’s way out of her league.

  "We need to think about this," she says to me between ragged breaths. "We have to have a plan."

  I rip my gun from my holster and check the clip once more. And then I look her straight in the eyes. "I have a plan. It's to kill every last one of them."

  "What is that going to accomplish?" She shakes her head incredulously because she can't understand why I’m so pressed to do this. "How is this going to help your sister?"

  "I don't care!" I scream at her, fully aware that I'm taking out my rage on her when I shouldn't be. I have to force myself to calm down, bite hard into my lower lip as I look away and shake my head. "I've come too far to not go into the building now."

  "And what if she's not there?" She combs her hand nervously through her hair and takes a step back as if she's afraid of me. "Wherever your sister is, she needs you alive."

  "I'm the reason she's in this mess." I point squarely at my own chest. "I have to wake up every day of my life knowing that. And I'm not going to wake up another day like that."

  "So what?" She throws her arms out wide. "You're just going to go and walk into a suicide mission?"

  I push my tongue against the inside of my cheek and shake my head. "I honestly don't care…"

  "I'm not going to let you give up." She pushes me hard against the chest, so hard that I stumble slightly backwards. "So, let's go."

  "Go where? I'm not going anywhere but into the house."

  "Yeah, I know." And before I can process the confusion of what she's trying to say to me, she's nudging past me and racing towards the house. She's resigned herself to the same fate as me. At first glance, I can't understand why she's hitched herself to my wagon but the realization is sudden and all too clear. She's just like me. Right down to the wire, she would sacrifice everything to save her brother. And to save her brother, she feels she needs to help save my sister.

  As I turn around to face her, she's already half a block ahead of me. I straighten myself out and exhale sharply, inhale one last deep breath before I'm racing against the wind once more. On a hot night such as this, the only breeze is from the air cutting around my body as I run as fast as I can. I follow her to the compound where she stops just behind a large palm tree that’s wide enough to hide behind.

  I take refuge behind the same palm tree with her and as both of us stand there catching our breaths, I look just ahead and see a tall man in a business suit walking down the sidewalk and towards the white SUV parked outside.

  I pass her a quick look and then have to hold her in place against the tree as she tries to run towards the man. “I don't know what you think you’re doing but there's no point in letting them know we're here before we absolutely have to.” I crane my head around the thick trunk of the tree once more. "I think he's leaving," I whisper to her and hold her back against the tree. "Let him leave and then we’ll go inside."

  She passes me a quick glare. "Now you want to start being smart about this?"

  "Shut up," I scoff at her jokingly.

  The man climbs into the front seat of the SUV and I wait patiently for him to leave. And once he's gone, down the road and out of sight, that's when I formulate the plan.

  The plan being? To rush inside guns blazing.

  I retrieve my gun from my holster and take measure of the property. There's a cast iron gate at the front that we won't be able to bypass without detection. I break away from the tree and climb through bushes that line the side of the house. As expected, the entire house is surrounded by that same gate that leads all the way down to the beach.

  That's one of the main problems about having a beach house as a secured building. It's very rare that fences are allowed to cut through a public beach. By my best calculation, I imagine most of the security will be planted in the back of the house facing the beach. Unfortunately, that's probably the only way we are going to gain entry. I return from the bushes to inform Katie that we are going to have to go through the back but when I try to do so, she points squarely at the gate in front of the house.

  I crane my head to look around the tree and see another man in a business suit approaching the cast iron gates. This is our one and only chance to get into this house somewhat undetected. I place a finger to my lips to make sure that Katie is as quiet as she can be. "Wait here," I whisper to her, "I'll tell you when it's clear."

  Just as I'm about to cut away from the tree, she latches her hand around my arm once more. "Where are you—?”

  I don't wait for the rest of her question because I don't have time. I break away from her touch and rush forward with my silenced gun aimed squarely ahead. And before the man can see me, I take refuge in front of a shrub that sits right beside the gate.

  The gates begin to open outwards, the old metal of the security gate creaking as it moves in slow motion. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the man walking out onto the sidewalk with one hand in his pocket. It's almost like he doesn't have a care in the world, but he probably doesn't expect for someone like me to be waiting for him.

  I wait for the exact right moment, wait for him to
pass right by me. And as he does so, seemingly without seeing me, I reach forward and grab him by the throat. I throw him backwards against the gate and before he can even see my face, I send a bullet through his brains.

  His dead body collapses to the ground and I briefly think to myself that I’ve become a monster. I don't have too much time to think about the morality of my decisions though because the gate is already starting to come to a close. It must be on an automated timed system. I cock my eyes to Katie still hiding behind the tree and wait for her to come out and follow me.

  She does, hot on my trail as we slip inside the gates just before they close. I take my first sigh of relief all the while the weight of killing an unknown man is one more body weighing heavily on my soul. Up ahead, the house is absolute grandeur. It's a light pastel pink color and it’s gargantuan in scope. It's three stories high and by my best estimation probably covers the span of at least seven or eight thousand feet.

  Typically, a house like this would be well lit at night with exterior lights that illuminate the entire front yard. But the only lights at this particular place are the ones coming from inside the oversized windows.

  There's a front porch that wraps around the house with a white railing. To the left is a large open space that leads to an exterior six-car garage. I can only hope that those garages aren’t filled with more cars, because I don't think I'm in any position to be taking on twenty something people. I might be very good at what I do but I'm not that good. I don't know anyone who is. This isn't the movies or a television show. This is real life and one single bullet could end my life.

  With my gun aimed at the ready position and my finger flush against the trigger, I began to pace towards the large front door on the porch. I take my first step and there's an uneasy feeling sinking in my gut. I try not to think about the worst-case scenarios though; I try not to think that she might not be here at all. But there has to be a reason so many cars are parked outside and it gives me a little bit of hope.


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