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The Facility

Page 5

by Amy Yao

  Finally, he positioned himself between her legs. At this point, she didn’t try to bring her knees together. No, she wanted more, more stimulation, more impulses running between the nerves in her skin. She heard his zipper. Her breath caught in her throat.

  “Ready?” David wasn’t interested in her response, however. Maybe she nodded her head. Perhaps she even said something.

  Really, it didn’t matter. If he decided what to do with this young woman, she was going to take it. She would accept it and embrace it she had no other choice.

  He lowered himself down slowly. He kissed her sternum, her breasts. He looked at her neck even as he guided his cock forward with his free hand. He pressed the tip of his instrument up against her crevice. He teased her, penetrating her, just a little bit, less than half an inch.

  All the while, there was nothing that Erika could do about this. Her fingers pushed down in her palms again, hard enough to turn knuckles white. As the gasps left her lips, she kept trying to figure out what she could do.

  Poor girl. She still thought she was in control here. She really believed that she could do something.


  David looked down at her again. He loved the flush running along her cheeks, the way she trembled her lower lip, how she kept panting, swallowing. Everything about this girl cried out with desperation. Eagerness vibrated through her body.

  After this, their relationship would be different. It would leave a mark on her. Another aggressive smile played along his lips. But this one didn’t last. Even as he pushed forward, just a little bit deeper, he savored the heat of her body, and his expression shifted. The arousal pushed into him, undeniable.

  Finally, David decided he was done. He didn’t simply want to teach his wife how to behave. Oh no. He was going to claim her now. He wanted this girl to understand that she really was his, that she couldn’t get away, that she would do as she was told.

  He thrust into her, hard, fast. This time, he didn’t give her the chance to adjust. He didn’t let her think about what was going to happen.

  She felt his girth; she took it, helpless, strapped down and available for her husband to use.

  Even as he worked her, pushing forward and pulling back, savoring that sensual rhythm, David decided he wanted to use mouth as well. He pulled back, bending, and then he lowered his lips to her nipple. He wrapped them tight around her left nipple. He pressed with his mouth. He started to suck.

  At this point, Erika couldn’t help herself. Losing all self control, she opened her eyes wide. Not only that, she cried out. It wasn’t an orgasm, but it was close. So close!

  “More, more, please. Please, I can’t take this!”

  She had never been stimulated like this before. Between the ice and fire, the licking, the sucking and pounding, she craved completion like never before. Of course, she had been turned on during the course of her life, but this was new. This was indescribable.

  The friction of their bodies working together made it impossible for her to think.

  But he kept sucking, pumping, using her. Oddly enough, her begging only drew this out.

  It made it easy for David to tease her. And that’s what she had to experience. Powerlessness. Helplessness. Vulnerability. She awoke the sadistic scree within him.

  David didn’t know if every man had this within him, this urge to take control, but he certainly did. It awoke, passionate and powerful. He held her down now. Even as he moved, sliding along the wet boundaries of her pussy, he gripped her wrists. Was that necessary? No. Of course not. He did an excellent job of tying his wife down. And yet, he still wanted her to feel his fingers, the palms of his hands, his grip tight on her limbs.

  “Now…now you can come,” he finally whispered into her ear. At the same time, moved faster, harder, thrusting deep into her waiting pussy.

  The movements of their bodies against one another pushed her over the edge; she had that climax, and everything turned to bright, vivid color. Different shades and hues played along her mind’s eye as her husband reduced her to a puddle of aroused sensation.

  Arching her back again, she tried to scream out, “Thank you!”

  It didn’t work. She couldn’t get any sounds past her lips, not at this point. Everything became incoherent. She could not process any kind of real information.

  Just the way her husband wanted it. He pumped, working her, using her, playing with her and teasing her. But she now felt it, the thrust and pulsation of his cock.

  Their orgasms worked perfectly in sync, for that matter. They were joined together, man and wife, husband and plaything. He used her, and she accepted it, like this is precisely where she belonged. Erika couldn’t think of anything else. It felt right. But then, they finished and it was time for the fantasy to come to an end.

  He pulled out, and she blinked a couple times. Although she was still panting, the spell had been broken.

  Of course, he had to release her. David untied the ribbons, and he lowered himself down onto the bed. Immediately, she curled up against his chest, resting her cheek on his shoulder. His heart still raced, though it was slowly calming down. David touched his fingertips to the back of her head as he stroked her, running his fingers down toward the nape of her neck.

  "Oh," she purred. "That feels so good."

  "I'm glad," he said.

  "We need to play that game again. That was fun," she said.

  Game. That was the word she chose.

  David flinched. He tensed up, squeezing her a little bit more tightly, almost as though he worried she might float away.

  "It wasn't a game," he said.

  Languidly, Erika rolled off of her husband, and she pushed herself up onto her hands. Looking down at this man, she smirked just a little bit. "Of course, it was a game. We were just playing. It didn't mean anything."

  He narrowed his eyes at her, almost like he couldn't understand exactly who he was seeing. This wasn't the same woman he had played with. This wasn't the same woman he had just taken and owned to so thoroughly.

  "It didn't mean anything, did it?"

  Playfully, she slapped her hand down against his chest. "Of course, it meant everything. It was a lot of fun!"

  David nodded his head, doing his best to sift through the different implications. He really had believed that this would change their relationship, that he would no longer have to be the stable, calm party in their partnership. But no. She had fun, and she would get angry and upset the next time they bickered. She would allow her emotions to run wild, and he would have to play the role of diplomat all over again.

  "Are you still willing to go to counseling with me?"

  She tilted her head to the side, confused. Then the smile vanished from her lips. She swallowed.

  "I'm not sure that's necessary," she began to say.

  David couldn't stand this. He rolled over. He got onto his knees. Now they were both crouched down, looking back at one another.

  "Erika, there's something wrong with our relationship. Before, you said that you would try counseling with me. Is that still the case?"

  All of a sudden, this dark-haired girl seemed to finally comprehend just what was at stake here. She nodded her head. Yes, they can go to counseling. And yes, he would choose the facility.

  Chapter 2: The Counselor

  Over the next few days, David made the arrangements. He knew that The Facility wasn't technically in the United States. They're going to have to fly down to the Caribbean, then to another, smaller island, one of the many most had never heard of. That was fine with him. Erika didn't seem to mind either; in fact, when she heard about this, she automatically assumed they were going on vacation.

  Often, when they went out of town, Erika would make the arrangements.

  Not this time.

  David took care of everything. He booked the flights, he paid the bills, and he didn't really tell her much about what was going to happen. In a week, they would both take time off, and then they would go down there.

  Surprisingly, Erika never asked about what this place would be like. He tried to tell her once, and he wondered if that would be the end of it. Maybe she would decide that she wasn't willing to try this, that she would actually prefer a divorce.

  But no. She didn't bring it up. She seemed comfortable just moving along without really thinking.

  So they got onto a plane. They flew. They landed. They got onto a different plane. This one was much smaller, of course, just a private chartered jet.

  There were other couples in the cabin as well, women and men who seemed a lot like Erika and David.

  A couple of the girls were pouting, like they knew what was going to happen. Others seemed sullen or angry.

  David shook his head, wondering about that odd dichotomy. On the one hand, these women were willing to go to a place like The Facility, but they weren't interested in really reconciling. So what was the point?

  Did these people stay together out of habit? Was it something else? David shook his head as he tried to comprehend how that would work. The most obvious answer, he supposed was money. Perhaps these women were trying to outrun some sort of clock. If they remained married long enough, they might get some sort of reward? Better alimony?

  He didn't know. He decided he didn't want to know.

  And just as that thought crossed his mind, David glanced up in time to see someone take the seat to his left. On the right, Erika had fallen asleep, her head gently lulling to the side.

  "I hope you don't mind the company," said this newcomer. He had glasses, a little bit of stubble, sandy brown hair.

  "It's fine," David replied.

  "My name is Ken. And you are?" Ken held out his hand. They shook.


  "It's nice to meet you. So tell me, what is she like?" Ken asked, nodding over to Erika’s sleeping form.

  David raised an eyebrow for a moment, considering this. Then he licked his lips, and he wondered exactly how much he was going to say. More to the point, he wondered what might happen if Erika somehow overheard their conversation.

  "Be honest, I'm not exactly sure what I should expect.


  "It's your first time?" Ken asked.

  David nodded, and the other man chuckled. "Oh, you're going to have fun. Seriously, I went there with my first wife, and it was incredible. Seriously, the training regimens are absolutely perfect for these girls. They learned everything they need to know. Within this very short span of time, they go from being the most noxious bitches to really good wives and girlfriends or whatever you want."

  "Really?" Of course, David had read the marketing materials. He had gone over certain parts the website two or three times, sometimes even more.

  "Absolutely. What they say on the website, in the brochures? Yeah, that's just the beginning. It's so much better than all that."

  "What did you get out of it?"

  "I'm probably not supposed to say this," Ken replied, "but just to give you a little sense of how this works. You really will be in charge. By the time you're done training her, she will be like a kitty cat eating out of the palm of your hand. Whatever you want, she will give it to you because she will know her place."

  It sounded too good to be true. Part of David really wanted to discount all of this, like it just wasn't possible. And yet, a different question occurred to him. "If you've already been there before, why you going again?"

  "Because my wife has a friend who has tried to get in my way. I'm bringing her back to Of the Facility for some training."

  "Your wife's friend?"

  "Totally. Her name's Monique."

  "And where is Monique?" David asked, recalling that this guy had come onto the plane alone.

  "Oh, don't worry about her. She's down in the hold with some of the more recalcitrant subjects."


  Ken chuckled. "Don't worry about it. They're perfectly safe. The cargo holds are heated and everything, not that the girls even realize what's going on. They're sedated for the entirety of the flight. This way, they can't get into any trouble. It's easier for everyone that way."

  David understood all of this, but some part of him refused to believe it.

  "Isn't that kidnapping?" David didn't know if asking this kind of question could get him in trouble, but he was intrigued.

  "No. You see, after she's trained, we can go ahead and get some retroactive paperwork going. This way, she will have consented to everything that's done to her. You know, just after the fact."

  "And this is legal?"

  "With the right lawyers, anything can be legal," Ken said.

  David wondered if he should disagree.

  When they landed, the plane jolted back down onto the airstrip. Everything vibrated, and that's when Erika bounced back awake. She didn't seem uncomfortable, however. Instead, she yawned, raising her arms and stretching her limbs.

  "Are we there yet?" Erika asked sleepily.

  "Actually, we are," David said.

  She rubbed her eyes and peered out the window. Sure enough, she saw some of the airports small buildings. There was the main terminal along with a row of cars waiting to take of the tourists to their destination.

  They disembarked, and Erika smiled, enjoying the warm, tropical air. It felt so good. It seemed crisp and clean in her lungs, but also contained this invigorating heat.

  "This is going to be fun," Erika declared.

  "You have no idea," he said as he took her hand.

  Of course, Erika didn't get to see the cages taken out of the plane. Girls, still mostly unconscious, were naked behind the bars of each one. They were loaded up onto trucks and taken back to The Facility. A few of those females had started to wake up. Of course, they couldn't talk, not with the ball gags in their mouths.

  For the most part, they stared outward, angry. They understood that their husbands, boyfriends, and professional competitors had done this to them. Each and every one had received an explanation, a discussion of how they were about to be trained and domesticated.

  None of them really believed it.

  These were strong, articulate young women who really believed that they could always be in control of their own destinies. Yeah, right. Even with the evidence to the contrary right in front of them, these girls weren't going to give up.

  David halfheartedly wondered what Erika would have done if she knew about those other women.

  It was good she didn't have to find out.

  He did have to wonder, however, what he was going to do or say when Erika finally started to figure this place out.

  He would deal with that problem when they came to it.

  They had a private sedan. A driver in a dark suit with gray pants took their bags and loaded them into the car. After that, he opened the doors for them, and they both got in.

  David and Erika took the back seat. When David opened the door, he saw a small envelope and a box. The box had Erika's name on it.

  "Oh, do I get a present?" Erika asked.

  This was it, he thought. This was going to be the moment when she might throw a tantrum. He wondered exactly what would happen. In theory, employees from of The Facility were supposed to be on hand to help with any unruly females. And yet, he didn't know if that was really going to work or not.

  She opened up the box right after she sat down. She tore through the tape and lifted up the lid. Inside, she found a black, leather choker. It had a strange clasp, one that looked like it was based on magnets rather than buckles.

  "The present," David said to her, studying his wife as he studied her reactions.

  "It's cute," she said. "Should I put it on now?"

  "That would be a good idea," said the driver. "My employer has something of a dress code. If you don't mind, please put it on now."

  Erika glanced over at David, but he gave a quick nod. Shrugging because she didn't really think it mattered, she plucked the collar from the box. She held it up, looking at the two sides.

  David knew that it was going t
o be a heavier piece than she probably would have expected. After all, the interior was lined with different microchips and flattened batteries. Erika didn't know it, yet she was holding onto a very, very expensive piece of technology.

  Heedless, Erika lifted it up and pulled it around her neck. She touched the two ends together, and they snapped into place. She jolted slightly, falling back against of the car seat.

  "It's okay," David said. "I think that's supposed to happen."

  "This thing is weird," she said, reaching up and touching the collar with one finger.

  "They're supposed to be something else in the box. You mind if I have a look?" David asked.

  His wife smirked at him, almost like she was going to try to play keep away or something. At the last moment, she handed it to him. "Okay. Here you go."

  He took the box. He lifted up the liner. Sure enough, there was a small remote control underneath. "What's that?"

  "Nothing much."

  Erika shrugged, probably assuming that it would be the key for their hotel door or maybe something to control the TV in their room. Again, she had no idea. How could she?

  The driver took them along nicely paved roads. Erika knew she could've looked up the name of this island, but it was supposed to be a place that was primarily dominated by the private resort. What had David called it again?

  The Facility. She smirked slightly, thinking about the name. She wondered if she should have filled out one of those little suggestion cards for the managers. They probably need to know that the title of their resort sounded just a little bit creepy, like this was some sort of factory where super villain robots could be constructed.

  The drive didn't take long, just under twenty minutes or so. Along the way, she kept looking out the window.

  This was what she was talking about. She and David were going to get to go have some fun.

  She hated it when they fought, obviously. She loved her husband, but there was something wrong with their relationship.

  What was it exactly?

  Erika kept gazing out the window, her eyes sliding along green, lush fields, thick corpses of trees, and out toward various homes off in the distance. Eventually, her eyes locked onto a huge building.


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