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The Facility

Page 8

by Amy Yao

"You're going to be a good girl for me, aren't you?"

  As she continued to suck his cock, Erika gave him an almost imperceptible nod.

  "That's what I thought. I know you love me, Erika. I know you want to be a good girl, but you just have trouble obeying. It's hard for you to remember how you are supposed to act. Isn't that right?"

  She nodded her head again, and David could hardly take it.

  It was time.

  He pulled back on her head, only to push his palm into the back of her skull a second later.

  Erika knew what was coming. She knew she had to brace herself, only she had never done this before. Going down on her fiancé had been one thing; swallowing his come? Yeah, that seemed completely alien to this young woman.

  And yet, David wasn't going to let her out of this. That much was obvious. She whimpered just a tiny bit, making this pathetic desperate sound in the base of her throat.

  "Now," he said, pulling her head back and then pushing it forward, over and over as he got ready to climax.

  His shaft began to pulsate, it became hard to breathe, his cock spurting. The come splashed against the back of her throat, and Erika nearly choked on it. At the last moment, however, she remembered to start to swallow it down. She gulped like a good girl, feeling the hot goo slide down her throat.

  All the while, he kept going, one second into the next. It seemed to last forever!

  He finished with her. He pulled out.

  His cock was still hard, but he closed his eyes and lifted his head, taking a moment to savor those sensations. Damn. That had felt incredible.

  Miranda, still standing off to the side, picked up her remote control, and she pointed it Erika.

  At the last moment, David's wife realized what was happening. She didn't know what this command would do, she didn't want to find out. She inhaled, taking a sharp breath. She didn't get to exhale. Suddenly, her body relaxed, her hands falling to her sides.

  "We need to talk about how you would like to see her next," Miranda said.

  Chapter 3: The Salon

  Brenda had already tapped one of the buttons on her controller, immediately altering Erika's behavior. The dark-haired girl kneeled there on the floor, her hands held demurely behind her back. David occasionally glanced in her direction.

  Every few seconds, he wondered, waiting for that moment when his wife would leap up and slap him across the face or scratch at him. Of course, he knew that the technology around her neck made that impossible. And yet, he still had trouble coming to terms with the idea that simple microchips and electronics could alter human behavior to this degree.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, he looked down at the tablet computer in front of him.

  Ironically enough, it was formatted just like a menu. That made sense considering the choices he was about to make for her.

  "Any suggestions?" David asked, thinking that he really did sound like a restaurant patron.

  Miranda was seated back at her desk. She nodded, "The blonde options are very popular. I suppose that's to be expected. If you want, there is an interactive avatar feature. You can make your modifications there."

  David found himself tapping one icon on the screen. And sure enough, there was a picture of his wife. He touched it experimentally, and a different menu started to open.

  "Some of these changes are pretty," he paused, looking for the right word. "Dramatic."

  "That they are," Miranda said. "And remember, you don't have to make all of your decisions right now. If you would like some time to consider different possibilities, that's perfectly acceptable. Most of the changes are also reversible."

  "You do all of this here?"


  "And it's all built into the same bill?" It seemed pedantic to worry about something as pedestrian as money, but David wanted to understand. He was an analyst, after all; it was usually his job to pull things apart, usually numbers, and put them back together to see how everything fit.

  "That's correct," Miranda said with the air of someone who had gone through these sorts of questions dozens if not hundreds of times before.

  "What's the strangest thing you've ever seen?" Again, he didn't know if he was just putting off the inevitable, but David also wondered if there were any possibilities he might enjoy.

  He looked down at his wife. Erika stared straight ahead, her expression blank. He was tempted to wave his hands in front of her face, to see if she would react. Erika still blinked every few seconds, so he knew that she was okay, but she really had been entranced.

  "We don't judge," Miranda said simply.

  "I understand," David answered. "But still. You must've seen some strange things?"

  "To say something is strangest is to judge," Miranda said. "But if you're interested in the unusual, things that are statistically unusual, there have been a couple."

  "Like what?"

  "One of our clients decided that he wanted his human feline to have actual whiskers. We installed those."

  David raised an eyebrow, studying her expression, trying to figure out if she was joking or not.

  "I read about that in the brochure."

  "It's a definitely a possibility," Miranda said, her eyes almost twinkling with mischievous delight.

  "What do you think is best?"

  "That really depends on the effect you want. If you are interested in simply humiliating your female, then the human pet conversions probably work best. If you simply want an obedient female, then the slave protocols are acceptable. What are you interested in, David?"

  That was the question.

  "Maybe I should just keep the collar on her," he said.

  "That's also a possibility."

  "You aren't worried about someone taking the technology and copying it? Or what if it fell into the wrong hands?"

  "That doesn't happen," Miranda said simply.

  David almost wanted to think that she was bluffing, but he considered the amount of wealth that had gone into constructing The Facility. Someone here had a lot of money. If they had a lot of money, then they had a lot of power. He could understand why secrecy wasn't as much of an issue under those circumstances.

  Besides, did he really want to ruin this?

  David glanced down at Erika again.

  He thought about something, her happiness. David considered the different clients who had probably sat in this exact same chair. He wondered about their relationships. Those who worked at The Facility said that they did extensive research. David could believe it. But if that was the case, did they think about the happiness of the clients involved?

  It didn't matter.

  He really didn't need to or want to worry about other potential customers. Instead, he focused on his wife again. He remembered that night, the one where they fought, where they hurt each other so badly.

  He cared about her, and as such, he needed to modify the dynamic of their relationship. If she wasn't smart enough to see how things should change, that was fine. He would take care of it for her.

  "Okay. Let me make some choices," he said.

  Erika walked. She walked and she moved. She could breathe, and she even processed the information coming from her ears and her nose and her eyes. And yet, despite all this activity, she continued to move as if in a trance.

  At first, her thoughts had felt scrambled and disconnected, like she wanted to smash against the barriers holding her back. But more and more, it felt easier to simply relax, to settle into the contentment brought by the device around her neck.

  She listened as David and Miranda discussed her future.

  Frustratingly, David made a point of being vague. He played with the tablet on his lap for a little while, making different choices and selections.

  What were they going to do to her?

  Erika didn't know, but the question aggravated and frustrated her more than she wanted to admit. She alternated between eavesdropping and struggling. At least for a little while, she did that. Then she settled down, ac
cepting the simple fact that she wasn't going to be able to break out of this. But there would come a moment, she promised herself, some opportunity, and she would exploit it!

  Those promises sounded odd inside of her head, especially while her pulse remained so steady and sedate.

  Eventually, David got up. He handed the tablet back to their counselor. Miranda took it, and they shook hands.

  "What happens now?"

  "Feel free to enjoy our facilities. You can go work out or get a massage, whatever you like. It’s pretty warm outside, if you are interested in a swim," Miranda said.

  David nodded.

  "And her?"

  "Don't worry. Our stylists will take perfect care of her. When you return to your room, she should be ready for you."

  Erika heard those words, and she wanted to widen her eyes. She waited for all of these natural instincts, the ones that people always took for granted. And yet, she was forced to remain relaxed, almost content as she waited to see exactly what her husband was going to have done to her.

  To make matters worse, he patted her on the head as he walked out and left her there.

  Again, she wanted to leap up, to slap him, to scratch him, to bite at him. Anything. She didn't care if she came off like a wild animal.

  "Don't worry. You're going to enjoy this," Miranda promised just as David closed the door behind him.

  Miranda took out her phone and typed in a message. After that, she pressed another button on her remote control. Erika could just barely see this from her spot on the floor. Even then, she had to concentrate on the edge of her peripheral vision.

  The door opened, and a young woman came in. She had on a simple black dress and matching tights. "This is the one?"

  "Take her down to the salon."

  "Yes, ma'am," said the girl in black.

  Apparently, she had her own controller. She pointed at Erika and pushed another button. Suddenly, Erika knew exactly what she had to do. She got up off of her knees, and she kept her hands crossed behind her back. She walked, following this stranger.

  "Don't worry, Honey, you're going to be just fine. The salon is a lot of fun. It's very relaxing," said the girl.

  Erika wanted to snarl something, but she couldn't. Her lips wouldn’t work, and she couldn't form the ideas anyway. There is just that instinct, that simmering anger underneath the artificial contentment.

  They headed down in an elevator. They walked through various corridors. And then, Erika saw some of the other couples.

  Under normal circumstances, her eyes would have gotten big, her breath caught in her throat, and she would have called out.

  Erika and her handler found themselves in a corridor. There were different vendors and little shops. This seemed a little bit like a cross between a hotel lobby and a mall. The place stretched on for hundreds of yards. None of the shops held Erika's attention. Instead, she focused entirely on the people around her.

  But right then and right there, that wasn't an option for her. She walked, apparently sedate. And yet, all around her, she saw different couples. Some of the men were in shorts or T-shirts. Others wore suits. But it was the girls that Erika focused on the most.

  First, Erika saw a couple holding hands. That looked normal enough. The girl, however, had her black hair swept back into pigtails. She had on a short, Argyle skirt, high heels, and a blouse that barely contained her cleavage. The girl wore probably too much makeup: lipstick, eye shadow, blush. Without even thinking about it, Erika felt this incredible disdain for that girl.

  Then Erika had to remind herself that she probably didn't get a choice.

  And yet, she wasn't bound in any way. She did have a collar on, just like every other female at The Facility.

  Another young woman was simply naked. She walked a few steps behind her husband or boyfriend. Her collar was attached to a simple, chain leash. The guy held it, and he glanced over his shoulder, grinning every couple of steps. Apparently, she was a new acquisition or something. He hadn't quite gotten used to the idea that he could wield this kind of control.

  Another guy walked hand-in-hand with his girlfriend or wife. Of course, she was attired a little bit differently. In her white dress and matching leggings, she looked exactly like some fetish version of the nurse. Her dress was open down the front, revealing the soft curves of her breasts.

  Erika knew she should look away. She didn't want to add to any of these girls' humiliation. And yet, she drank in the sight. More than that, she could feel her body start to respond.

  Again and again, she told herself that she only reacted this way because of the technology they were using on her. And yet, she had to wonder if there was something else, something primal or intrinsic deep within her core that triggered this response.

  Pretty soon, Erika noticed something about the shops surrounding them. They all seemed to cater to males and their property. Sure, there was plenty of stuff for women, all of it sexy, all of it degrading in one way or another.

  First, Erika noticed the leather shop. Bikinis, corsets, boots, and various forms of bondage were on display in the large, plexiglass window. Her heart started to beat faster as she noticed some of the chokers. They looked a lot like the one she was already wearing. But then, there were leashes and other more exotic items. Was that a bit, like one horse might use? Were those blinders?

  No way.

  Under normal circumstances, Erika probably would have freaked out. But with the collar around her neck, she remained calm and satisfied, like this was just a pleasant stroll through a mall promenade.

  She spotted another shop. There were different fetish costumes in the window. She saw outfits for sexy elves, sexy maids, sexy schoolgirls. It was so dirty and kinky and cheap, all at the same time.

  Erika tried to hate it. And yet, she could feel the excitement simmer right between her legs, this fundamental need. Over and over, Erika promised herself that she wasn't going to succumb. Even if her husband had been right there next to her, she wouldn't let him control her, and she wasn't going to give up.

  Those ideas sounded noble inside of her head, but they didn't really work.

  Especially since, just a few minutes later, she started to see some even more radical couples. Yes, some of the other girls had been on leashes, and they all wore collars. A few of them had even been naked. But now, Erika stared ahead as she spotted one girl.

  This young woman had her hair pulled back into a pair of pigtails that flopped back and forth. She was naked, mostly. Her breasts and pussy were all on display. And yet, she moved on all fours, her arms and legs encased in some kind of leather binders. Erika thought they seemed a little bit like sleeves, not that she could really be certain.

  Erika tried to turn her head, to look away, or maybe to look at her escort. The dark-haired girl continued to stroll on, like this was all entirely natural.

  Another thought occurred to Erika, especially as she stared at the girl on the floor. That young woman may have been naked, but she had some kind of fake dog tail poking out from her ass. It looked like some insert, a dildo or something. And yet, she didn't seem to mind. The girl on the floor, with a collar around her neck and the leash leading to her owner’s hand, actually wagged her tail, like some kind of happy dog. She liked being here. She liked being out with all of these people. She was exploring with her Master, and nothing could have made her happier.

  Obviously, the girl didn't say anything. Really, none of the females were speaking. And yet, she still conveyed that sense of excitement.

  Erika didn't know how these guys got away with this, but she told herself that she wouldn't be part of it.

  A short time later, they finally made it to the salon.

  It seemed that this place didn't actually come with any kind of formal name. On the window, there was just the lettering for The Salon, each letter written out in stylized, gold paint.

  Erika thought those pretentious and stupid, but no one asked her for her opinion. In fact, no one was really interest
ed in talking to her at all, even as she stepped through the main entrance.

  Erika thought this place looked pretty normal. There were chairs, mirrors, and all of the equipment a stylist might need to modify a woman's appearance. Makeup, different kinds of shampoo and conditioner adorned some of the shelves. The vents pumped in a strawberry sweet scent, almost like someone was making pies in the back somewhere.

  Erika’s escort walked right up to the front receptionist. "We have an appointment. This is for David's wife," she said.

  David's wife. Not Erika. Erika didn't get a name, not here. These people weren't interested in her as a woman; no, she had been demoted, downgraded to the status of property.

  Again, she waited for that rush of anger. She wanted to feel the heat cascade through her body, flooding her system like acid.

  It didn't happen.

  The collar did its job, suppressing those sorts of violent impulses. She was going to be a good girl. She was going to be obedient and docile. She wasn't going to fight or speak up. Why would she want to speak up? Erika was a good girl.

  Somehow, she couldn't even grit her teeth. For some reason, that seemed even more frustrating the rest of this.

  A stylist approached Erika. It was another woman. Erika had to wonder how these females did all of this. Technically, they all wore collars, but this girl, just like Miranda, and just like Erika's escort, seemed perfectly content with the situation. What were they? Collaborators?

  Erika wished she could have spoken, but the words refused to form. She couldn't move her lips or her tongue. She couldn't say anything. Instead, she just looked around blankly, like a mildly confused young woman.

  "Don't worry, we're going to make sure you look gorgeous for your husband. He's going to be so proud of you," said the stylist.

  Erika managed to get a glimpse of the woman's name tag. "Candy."

  Right away, Erika decided that she hated this woman. Candy? That wasn't a real name. Besides, the girl had big breasts, long, flowing blonde hair, and bright blue eyes, a little bit like Erika's.

  Candy grabbed Erika by her wrist and pulled, guiding her over to one of the chairs. She sat Erika down.


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