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Dinosaur Killers

Page 11

by Popoff, Alexander

  Well, now you know who killed off the dinosaurs and will terminate humanity. Her name is Gaia, a living cybernetic system. She is part of a much larger cybernetic system, monitoring and controlling the Galaxy, the entire Universe, and you, as you read now.

  13. Dinosaurs didn’t exist.

  The so-called dinosaur skeletons at the museums are plaster casts.

  Bernard Brauer claims that a dinosaur is “a bunch of shattered bones held together by a couple of tons of plaster sitting in a museum display.”

  Dinosaurs discoveries are just bones of various animals mixed and matched together to construct a man-made prehistoric animal called dinosaur.

  The bones being displayed at the museums have been mistaken for bones of other animals like giant crocodiles, alligators, etc. The bones of those animals got bent into different shapes by the great weight of the dirt and rock above. Scientists could have easily used a whale bone to construct a huge dinosaur. Some researchers have made complete pictures of extinct species, including dinosaurs, based on a single tooth or bone.

  If dinosaurs existed, they would be mentioned in the Bible.

  14. Cosmic dust.

  Volcanic eruptions in the past have caused a detectable cooling. Dust particles settle in a few months, causing short-term cooling.

  The effects of cosmic cloud influx can last several hundred thousand years and cause nearly a mass extinction, according to research from the University of Florida and the Carnegie Institution of Washington. However, this theory also needs anasteroid collision to make the final blow. Separately, the cosmic dust and the asteroid impact are not enough to finish off the dinosaurs.

  Our planet gains nearly 30 million kilograms of cosmic dust a year.

  “The influx of interplanetary dust could remain at high levels for extended periods [of] several hundred thousand years and therefore any associated cooling would also persist for this length of time,“ said Stephen Kortenkamp.

  “You would have an asteroid that would have been in a collision. The type of asteroid is called a rubble-pile asteroid. It’s just a collection of debris that ranges in size from dust particles to 2-kilometer bodies.”

  Asteroid collisions in space can create a wave of dust particles that reach Earth several hundred thousand years or even one million years before the asteroid hits the terrestrial surface. In the period before the fatal, final catastrophic hit of the asteroid, the dinosaurs and other species declined gradually as a result of significant cooling of the climate.

  15. The dinosaurs never existed.

  The fossils found scattered all around on Earth were planted by aliens for a joke or to stimulate human science.

  16. Seasonality finished off the dinosaurs.

  The dinosaurs lived in a Mesozoic climate paradise. It was warm all the time and there were no seasons. Because of climate disturbances, seasons appeared and it became hot in the summer and cold in the winter. The dinosaurs and most of the other species couldn’t adapt to such significant temperature variations and died out in a very short period of time.

  17. Selenium poisoning.

  In 1967, in Journal of Paleontology, Neil Koch suggested that the dinosaurs and other species were poisoned by selenium, which was deposited all over the world from volcanic lava and gases.

  The plants and the waters became toxic, and the herbivorous animals began to die off. Carnivores, eating the harmful meat and drinking the bad water, died out, too.

  Selenium and volcanic gases thinned the shells of the dinosaur eggs so they broke even by gentle touch. The eggs of the dinosaurs were large, and they would need a very thick shell to not collapse under its own weight.

  18. Dinosaurs mutated and became warm-blooded.

  Dinosaurs evolved and became warm-blooded. But, with this more advanced metabolism, they become overheated because they were huge and gradually died off. Only avian dinosaurs could adapt to the new metabolism because they were much smaller.

  Paleontologists have long suspected that dinosaurs close to the end of the Cretaceous period were warm-blooded.

  19. Alien-visit contamination.

  Sixty-six million years ago, an alien manned spaceship or biorobotic spacecraft or unmanned probe with extraterrestrial biota accidentally contaminated Earth with harmful microorganisms. The immune system of the local species was not able to recognize and fight back the alien bugs, and they died off massively.

  20. Changed gravity.

  Because of interstellar and interplanetary lensing or close approach of massive space objects like planetoids, dark stars, black holes, etc., the gravitation of Earth temporarily could change greatly, becoming too strong or too weak.

  The gravitational constant, G, also could become different. It has been suggested that G has varied with time throughout the history of the universe.

  When gravity temporarily decreased greatly, animals were almost weightless for a very short periods of time, say several minutes or hours, and became airborne because they made in panic chaotic movements with their limbs. Part of the atmosphere abandoned the planet, which greatly changed the climate. A lot of volcanoes erupted due to the decreased gravity, greatly affecting the atmosphere and the climate. When the gravitation disturbance was over, the species, waters, and other airborne stuff fell back to Earth. All large animals were smashed—their eggs, too. Only smaller animals and the flying avian dinosaurs survived.

  If the gravity temporarily becomes very strong, large animals get crushed under their own weight.

  A variation of this hypothesis states that the dinosaurs began to adapt to the gradually increasing gravity getting smaller, but not fast enough. The dinosaurs became too heavy to move easily and couldn’t find enough food. Most of the dinosaurs perished because of slipped vertebral discs due to overweight. The mammals were small, fast, and active, and outcompeted the dinosaurs because of their better metabolism.

  The gradual increasing of gravity is a consequence of 40,000 tons of space material that is added to our planet each year by meteorites, asteroids, and cosmic dust. Earth’s mass increased significantly, and so did gravity. The huge dinosaur species in the past were possible because of the much lower gravity during that period. Now modern animals can’t reach the giant sizes of the Mesozoic species because gravity is much stronger.

  According to John Stojanowski, the formation of Pangaea reduced gravity so much that dinosaurs and flying reptiles were able to grow huge, and the breakup of the supercontinent killed them off because gravity returned to the higher normal levels.

  The Moon can also cause gravitational changes on Earth.

  Some scholars suppose that the existence of megafauna in the Mesozoic was a result of a large celestial body, which was in proximity to the Earth during that period of gigantism, because it was decreasing the gravity. Not only the dinosaurs were big but, in fact, a great amount of animals and plants were supersized.

  Dixie Rinehart, a design engineer, suggested that the Earth was penetrated by a small sphere of super-dense matter or heavy matter, and it was captured in the Earth’s core, increasing greatly Earth’s mass, thus preventing large dinosaurs from performing their life functions due to excessive weight. Such enormous dinosaurs could exist only if gravity was much lower. The huge Mesozoic reptiles could fly only if gravity was much lower.

  They were too heavy to survive the global alteration of Earth’s gravity.

  21. Toxic algae.

  In 2009, two Clemson University researchers, James Castle and John Rodgers published in the journal Environmental Geosciences their idea that toxins from algae played a major role in all big five mass extinctions, killing off 50 to 90 percent of the species.

  Authors claim that catastrophic events such as massive volcanism, changes in water chemistry, increased ultraviolet radiation, bolide impacts, drought, changing of sea levels, and global warming may have been a source of severe environmental stress that might cause, or contribute to, increased production of algal-produced toxins.

, these microscopic plants usually exist in small concentrations in the rivers, ponds, seas, and oceans and are harmless, but a sudden stress like warming in the water or an injection of dust can cause a fast bloom that kills fish, birds, marine animals, or even people by algal-produced toxins.

  Some types of human illness, resulting in death, are attributed to toxins produced by algae. Authors wrote that, “In addition to direct effects of these toxins, the large mass of organic material produced by algal blooms can result in dissolved oxygen depletion during decay and indirectly cause death of some biota. Toxin-producing algae occupy a wide range of modern marine, brackish, and freshwater environments. Their growth in aquatic environments is favored by warm water temperatures, increased inorganic carbon concentrations (e.g., CO2), and abundant bioavailable nutrient supplies. Modern, toxin-producing algal blooms are occurring at increasing frequency, which may be related to global warming.”

  The fallout from a space impact or volcanic eruption sinks in the water and mixes with the food of the algae, and they explode in population, releasing significant amounts of chemicals that can cause a variety of health problems or death by neurotoxins. The vegetation near the waters of rivers, seas, and oceans assimilates the toxic molecules and passes them on to plant-eating animals.

  According to Castle and Rodgers, the fossil record demonstrates a pronounced increase in algae abundance, coincident with mass extinctions.

  22. Stress.

  Heinrich Erben of Bonn University in Germany discovered that the eggshells of the dinosaurs near the K-Pg boundary were too thick (the embryo asphyxiated inside the egg, or the chick can’t peck its way out and die) or too thin (eggs broke easily or the embryo dried up).

  According to Erben, the dinosaurs lived comfortably in their beloved swamps, where the climate was warm and constant and the food was plentiful, which led them to “Biological Prosperity,” which in turn was leading to overcrowding, overeating, and stress. Under similar stress the hormonal balance of modern birds gets unbalanced; stress could have increased estrogen in female dinosaurs too, resulting in thin eggshells.

  Researchers reported that fossilized dinosaur eggshell fragments found in Europe showed two sorts of disorders—some had multiple shell layers, while others were pathologically thin. Either situation was lethal.

  Of the eggs discovered in the western part of the breeding ground in the state of Gujarat, India, none had embryos inside. Scientists claim that during the late phase the female population vastly exceeded the male, and dinosaurs were producing unfertilized eggs in large quantities.

  23. Impotency finished them off.

  Chaoqun Yang, a Chinese scholar, claims that massive climatic and geological changes, due to severe earthquakes and massive volcanic eruptions at the end of the Cretaceous, resulted in the terminal infertility of male dinosaurs.

  His theory is based on the fact that too many well-preserved dinosaur egg fossils were found in the Xixia basin in central Henan province. The egg fossils by far outnumber fossils of fully grown dinosaurs.

  Chaoqun Yang believes that dry weather during the Cretaceous Period caused water levels in lakes to drop, leading to higher concentrations of salt and minerals in the water. The large amounts of minerals, especially sulphates, in the drinking water, the much hotter and dryer climate damaged the reproductive systems of dinosaurs. And they died off.

  24. Biblical period was over.

  According to the Bible, in ancient times everything was different. All creatures lived much longer. Methuselah lived almost 1,000 years. He was the oldest person in recorded history. All animals and plants during these ancient times continued to grow throughout their very long lives. That’s why many creatures, including the dinosaurs, grew so “terribly” large. Sir Richard Owen called these creatures dinosaurs, meaning terrible lizards, deinos for “terrible,” sauros for “lizard.”

  When the Biblical period was over (because the Almighty said so), the super-longevity was over, too, and the body size of the species could no longer reach the gargantuan proportions of the past, but many animals, including the dinosaurs, failed in that process.

  25. Dinosaurs never existed—quantum explanation.

  The act of looking at something makes it happen. If you don’t believe this, you don’t understand quantum mechanics. If you don’t understand quantum mechanics, you will never understand the mechanism of dinosaur existence and extinction. The dinosaur fossils (ergo, the hypothetical ancient dinosaurs themselves) don’t really exist until someone takes a look at them. Only when an observer appears (human beings in the case of our planet) and looks at them, they spring into existence as if they had existed for many millions of years. This is one of the mind-bending paradoxes of quantum mechanics.

  26. Expanding Earth.

  Catastrophic continental breakups and drifts, and/or increased gravity due to Earth’s expansion killed off the dinosaurs and many other species.

  In 1834, during the second voyage of the Beagle, Charles Darwin, investigating stepped plains in Patagonia, came to the conclusion that a huge area of South America had been uplifted, and suggested that uplift at this continental scale required the gradual expansion of the Earth.

  In 1888, Ivan Yarkovsky proposed the idea that some sort of aether (space-filling substance or field) is absorbed within the Earth and transformed into new chemical elements, that way increasing its mass, and forced our planet to expand.

  In 1889, Roberto Mantovani published his theory of Earth expansion and continental drift. He assumed that in the past a single continent covered the entire surface of a smaller Earth. Thermal expansion led to volcanic activity, which broke the land mass into several smaller continents. These continents drifted away from each other because of further expansion.

  In 1956, the Australian geologist Samuel Warren Carey Starting proposed a mass increase of the planets and said that a final solution to the problem is only possible in a cosmological perspective in connection with the expansion of the Universe.

  Neal Adams, a comic artist, has also proposed a mechanism of expansion. Positron particles, a form of antimatter, appear continuously inside Earth’s globe and combine with other particles while releasing gamma rays, forming new matter. Adams made a nice video and we can see that present continents can be rejoined perfectly together by placing them on a smaller-diameter Earth. They all fit together neatly in a single continent.

  Nikola Tesla was convinced that he had experimentally proved that the space bodies are expanding.

  Tesla wrote in his article “Expanding Sun Will Explode Some Day,” published in New York Herald Tribune in 1935, the following, “Condensation of the primary substance is going on continuously, this being in a measure proved, for I have established by experiments which admit of no doubt that the sun and other celestial bodies steadily increase in mass and energy and ultimately must explode, reverting to the primary substance.”

  There are also suggestions that Earth periodically shrinks and expands.

  27. The dinosaurs committed mass suicide.

  The dinosaurs developed a civilization and they could observe stars, planets, asteroids, etc., with sophisticated astronomical instruments. They knew that a huge space body was coming and it would hit the Earth, killing all living creatures. And they committed mass suicide. The few surviving dinosaurs died because of the stress.

  28. Dinosaurs farted too much.

  Dinosaurs farted their way to extinction, British scientists say.

  The animal biomass density (kg/km2) during the Mesozoic was the highest biomass density in Earth’s history. The produced quantities of metabolic methane were enormous.

  In the article “Could Methane Produced by Sauropod Dinosaurs Have Helped Drive Mesozoic Climate Warmth?,” published in Current Biology journal in 2012, Graeme Ruxton, Euan Nisbet, and David Wilkinson, using cows’ digestive processes as a starting point, worked out just how much of the greenhouse gas the billions of dinosaurs would have generated during the Mesozoic era.
r />   British scientists have calculated that the amount of methane produced by farting dinosaurs would have significantly affected the atmosphere and noticeably warmed Earth’s climate.

  The team has worked out that sauropods, the group which includes Brontosaurus, would have produced around 520 million tons of methane annually.

  The methane release was even more increased by earthquakes and continental drifts during the Cretaceous.

  A variation of this theory states that because of the farted methane there was not enough oxygen to breath.

  Another variation claims that the excessive amounts of methane in the air caused huge wildfires, which destroyed almost all vegetation and changed the climate. With not enough food most of the herbivores died out, the carnivores, too.

  Like many modern herbivores, dinosaurs hosted a diverse community of microbes in their guts to help break down and digest their food, producing methane in the process. At the end of the Cretaceous many new microbial species appeared: some of them were mutated microbes, other were brand-new to the ecosystem.

  Some of the new microbes in the guts of the dinosaurs were hyperactive and produced immense quantities of methane, and sometimes dinosaurs even exploded. Researchers found fossilized dinosaur skeletons with the bones of their offspring strewn in all directions, and came to the conclusion that the parents (sometimes the mother or the father only) must have exploded. A buildup of gas in the adult dinosaurs’ bodies as they fed too much or decomposed after death created such a pressure that they burst open, causing their eggs, embryos, and body parts of the infants to fly out in all directions.


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