Jake (Men of Clifton Montana Book 1)

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Jake (Men of Clifton Montana Book 1) Page 10

by Susan Fisher-Davis

  Becca shivered. When he set her down and stood up over her, she gazed up at him. He leaned down, scooped her into his arms, and carried her toward the fireplace. He gently laid her down on the rug. The firelight played over her skin, making it glow.

  Jake lay down beside her and touched her lips with his finger then he leaned close and kissed her softly. Becca put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him over onto his back. She let her restless hands roam over his hard chest. Taking little licks and nibbles on his skin, she allowed herself to run her fingers through the light dusting of hair on his chest. Lord, she couldn’t wait to have him. Jake reached for her but she pushed his hands away, and lowered her head to kiss his chest.

  “I’m not through yet.” Her fingers trailed over his nipples, making him quake. The hard muscles beneath his hot skin quivered in anticipation, she presumed. Her fingers moved lower over his six-pack stomach and he sucked in his breath. She knew the muscles came from work and not from working-out.

  “Becca, you’re killing me,” he groaned.

  “I’m having a good time.” Becca’s mouth followed her fingers’ path while her hand moved to the hard bulge behind the zipper of his jeans. “You feel so good.” She undid the snap and slowly tugged the zipper down. Slipping her hand inside his boxer briefs, she wrapped her fingers around him.

  “Damn, Red.” Jake pushed the jeans down and off before reaching for her again. “Come here.”

  “Not yet. I want to savor you,” she said, throwing his words back at him.

  Jake hissed in a breath when she kissed the tip of his hard shaft then ran her tongue just underneath it. A groan came from deep in his chest when she took the swollen head into her wet mouth and suckled. His hips arched uncontrollably. His hands went to her hair and he tangled his fingers through the long locks, holding her captive.

  She peeked up at him and saw him clenching his teeth. He was close and tried to pull her away but she wasn’t going to let him.

  “Becca, please. You have to stop,” he begged.

  Becca lifted her head and heard his sigh of relief. She smiled at him when their eyes met.

  “Why? Why do I have to stop?” She shook her head. “I’m not done with you yet, Jake.” She then lowered her head, drew him back into her mouth, and sucked harder.

  “Jesus, Becca, please…” he moaned as his orgasm hit him. He exploded in her mouth, his chest heaving as she continued to suck him until he was completely spent.

  Becca slowly kissed her way up over his hard body until she lay on top of him. Gently, she kissed his lips. “Did I do okay?” she asked.

  Jake burst out laughing. “Are you serious?”

  Becca couldn’t meet Jake’s eyes as he sat up and took her in his arms. “It was wonderful, Red.”

  Becca smiled shyly. “Good, ‘cause I’ve never done that before.”

  Jake’s eyes widened. He shook his head as if in disbelief. “Never?”

  Becca shook her head. “I never wanted to until…”


  “Until you, Jake. I liked doing it for you.”

  Jake chuckled. “I liked you doing it for me, Becca. And now I’m going to return the favor.” He grinned wickedly as he kissed his way down her body to the red curls beckoning him. Jake moved his tongue through those curls until he moved it against her clitoris.

  Becca arched against his mouth. Jake licked and sucked on her. His teeth rubbed against her. Becca grabbed fistfuls of his hair as she felt the pleasure rushing over her. She cried out his name as she came. After he’d pleasured her within an inch of her life, Becca smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

  “I love the way you taste.” They lay together like that on the rug until the fire was almost out. Then Jake stood and put his hand out to her.

  Becca reached up and took his hand. He pulled her to her feet and hand in hand, they walked to his bedroom. Once inside, he led her to the bed. He pulled the quilt back and lay her down in the bed. Getting in beside her, Jake pulled her close to him.

  With a groan, Becca surrendered to him. How could she want him so much so soon? As he kissed, caressed, and worshiped her body, Becca admitted to herself that she craved him like a drug. With force and passion, he plunged deep inside of her, carrying her to an overwhelming orgasm before he joined her groaning her name as he came. After their breathing slowed, Jake dragged the quilt over them. Becca laid her head on his shoulder and they fell asleep holding each other.

  Chapter Seven

  Two days later, Becca and Olivia took a ride into town to have lunch with Emma. They drove to the feed store, parked, and walked through the front door, hearing the jingle of the bell announcing them. Emma was at the counter waiting on a customer but she waved when she saw them walk toward her.

  “Hi, Emma,” Becca said smiling.

  “I’ll be ready in just a minute,” Emma told them.

  Becca watched Olivia look around the shop and wondered what was going through her head as she took in the old-fashioned store. “Quaint, isn’t it?”

  Olivia smiled. “It does have a certain appeal to it.”

  Emma joined them and the three stood talking. When the door opened, Becca and Emma instinctively looked to see who had entered.

  Becca grinned when she saw Wyatt step in. She discreetly elbowed Liv, nodded toward him, and waited for Olivia’s reaction as she turned to look. Becca heard Olivia’s breath whoosh out of her. Olivia whipped her head back to face Becca.

  “So that’s what drop-dead gorgeous looks like,” Olivia whispered low as she licked her lips. “He is the most gorgeous, sexiest man I’ve ever seen. God! I feel like I’m on fire.”

  Becca noticed how Olivia’s eyes ran all over Wyatt, stopping at the fly of his well-worn jeans. “Get your eyes off his crotch for heaven’s sake, Olivia,” she muttered as Wyatt ambled toward them.

  He stopped in front of them, smiling down at Becca and Emma but when his eyes met Olivia’s, he frowned. Becca saw his mouth tighten into a flat line. What the hell? She watched him put his fingers to his hat and shift his gaze to Becca. She gave him a smile even as she wondered what his problem was. “Hello, Wyatt. This is my best friend, Olivia Roberts, Liv, this is Wyatt Stone.”

  Olivia smiled and put her hand out. He didn’t even acknowledge it, just gave a terse nod of his head, and strode away. Emma and Becca gasped but Olivia smiled as she watched him walk off. She turned toward her friends. “Looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me with this one.” She shivered. “I just about had an orgasm looking into those gorgeous dark eyes.”

  “I have never known Wyatt Stone to be so rude,” Emma exclaimed, setting her hands on her hips. Becca agreed but Olivia continued to smile. Becca watched as Olivia’s eyes followed him around the store. When she glanced at Becca, her silly grin grew. Becca recognized the look in Olivia’s eyes. She burst out laughing.

  “What?” Emma asked with a confused look of innocence.

  “Liv is set on getting him.” Becca laughed.

  Emma shook her head. “A woman hurt him bad, and he has no desire to get involved unless it’s just for sex.”

  Olivia laughed. “Ooh, that, I can definitely do.”

  Emma’s cheeks turned red, but she laughed with her friends as they left the store and headed toward the diner across the street.

  Becca sighed as she thought about being with Jake again. She shivered as she thought about his gorgeous hard body. Oh, yes. She wanted him again, and soon.

  * * * *

  Jake was in the barn when he heard Sam pull up. Throwing down the pitchfork, he went out to meet him.

  “Hey, Sam, is there any news on anything?”

  Sam shook his head. “I was out this way and thought I’d stop by to let you know there’s no news yet. I’m going to stop at Becca’s too…” he said, and then hesitated.

  “What is it?” Jake asked.

  “You know she suspected you in all this?”

  Jake swore. “Yeah, I know.
I told her over and over that I had nothing to do with it. God, I hope she still doesn’t think it’s me—not after we…”

  “After you…what?” Sam raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

  Jake shook his head. “Nothing. It doesn’t matter. Son of a bitch, just her thinking it was me was one second too long,” he exclaimed then glanced at Sam. “You don’t believe it’s me, do you?”

  “Hell no, and I don’t really think she does either. Although, Miss Daniels does strike me as a stubborn kind of gal. It must be that red hair.” He grinned as Jake glared at him. Sam shrugged.

  Jake muttered under his breath. After the night he and Becca spent together, there was no way she could still possibly think he had anything to do with the missing horses. He knew he was falling for her, and he’d hoped she was feeling the same about him. The idea still hurt like hell. He rubbed the spot over his heart. Shit! “I need you to find out who did this…pronto.”

  “As soon as I hear anything, I’ll let you know,” Sam told him as he walked toward his SUV.

  Jake nodded and watched Sam drive off. None of this made any sense, especially how he felt about Becca. Jake had never felt like this before. She’d become everything to him and he wanted her in his life—permanently. But, what if Becca didn’t want the same thing? Christ!

  He didn’t want her ranch. He had his own to run. Damn, what were you thinking, Hattie? He already knew the answer though. She didn’t want her ranch going to a stranger. If Becca hadn’t wanted the ranch, Hattie wanted Jake to have it. Hattie had known that even though he didn’t need it, he’d buy it and take care of it. He needed to make sure Becca understood that. He didn’t want her ranch, but he did want her.

  * * * *

  After leaving the diner, Emma went back to work while Becca and Olivia rode home. Olivia was silent. Becca glanced over at her. “Are you okay? You’re so quiet.”

  Olivia nodded. “I’m fine.” She looked over at Becca. “What are you planning to do here?”

  Becca didn’t have to ask what she meant. “I don’t know yet, Liv. I—I don’t want to think about going back to Maryland yet.” She blinked back tears. The thought of leaving Jake made her heart ache. She shook her head. “I just don’t know.”

  Olivia nodded. “It’s because of Jake, isn’t it?”

  Becca nibbled on her bottom lip and nodded. She didn’t look at Olivia but heard the sadness in her friend’s voice. “I don’t think I can stay here, Becs,” Olivia said.

  “I know.” Becca reached for Olivia’s hand. “But I don’t know if I can go back.” She glanced over at Olivia. “I can always sell you my half of the shop, if I decide to stay here.”

  As the truck made its way along the country road, both women were silent with their thoughts. Becca wanted to cry. Did she stay with the man she was falling in love with and never see her best friend again? Or go home and never see Jake again? Her heart felt as if it were breaking into shards. Pulling the SUV up to the back door, she parked. She shut off the engine but neither she nor Olivia made a move until Becca sighed. She threw open the door and stepped out. Olivia followed a moment later.

  As soon as Becca stepped inside the back door, she knew something was wrong. She hurried into the living room and gasped. Someone had slashed all the cushions and tossed the stuffing throughout the room. Becca couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “Oh. My. God!”

  Olivia came into the room behind her. “What’s wrong?” Looking around, Olivia muttered. “What the hell?”

  Becca shook her head. “I have to call Sam.”

  “Who’s Sam?”

  “The sheriff.”

  Becca took out her cellphone and dialed him direct. After describing what she’d found, Sam told her he’d be at the house within fifteen minutes. He reminded her not to touch anything, and to get out of the house and go to another location. Becca and Olivia got out of house then drove the SUV down to the road. Becca pulled over to wait for Sam. Fifteen minutes later, they heard the siren. Becca saw the cruiser pull into the drive. She waited a few minutes then drove to the house. She pulled up behind the cruiser and hopped out. Olivia was right behind her. Sam came toward them.

  “You didn’t touch anything, did you?” Sam asked her.

  “No. We left like you said and waited down the road for you to arrive.”

  “We?” Sam asked glancing around.

  “My best friend, Olivia, I told you about her. She’s here with me.”

  Sam nodded. “The house is clear but I still have to get prints and go through some things.” He entered the house again. Becca and Olivia followed a few minutes later. He pulled on latex gloves, and after taking pictures of the mess, he dusted for fingerprints. Glancing up when Olivia walked in, his eyes widened a little before he got back to his work. Becca introduced them.

  Olivia elbowed Becca, and whispered. “He’s hot.”

  Becca nodded her agreement, but her mind was running at full speed trying to figure out why this was happening to her. She watched as Sam crouched down to move the stuffing. Becca and Olivia watched him as he stood and came over to them. “I’ve checked all the rooms and this is the only one ransacked.” Sam told them. “Do you have any idea who would do this?” Becca shook her head.

  “Why would she have any idea?” Olivia put her hands on her hips and glared at the sheriff.

  “Calm down, Miz Roberts, it’s normal protocol to ask the victim that question.” Sam towered over her friend.

  Olivia locked eyes with him and apparently saw something there, because she nodded at him.

  “I don’t know what to think, Sam.” Becca sighed.

  “You don’t still think its Jake, do you?”

  Becca knew to an outsider, it would be the only logical answer. “He’s the only one that has something to gain from it…but no, I can’t believe Jake could’ve done this.” Her heart wouldn’t let her believe anything else but her mind was overriding it.

  Sam nodded as he took out his pad of paper and wrote something down. Olivia tilted her head. “You don’t use an iPad for that?”

  Sam smiled. “I like things the old fashioned way. My luck, I’d put something in an iPad and erase it or something. This way, I have it right here.” He tapped his shirt pocket.

  Becca saw Olivia smile up at him, making him clear his throat nervously. He turned his gaze away and looked to Becca. “I’ll run the prints when I get back. It may take a few days for something to come back, but I’ll let you know.”

  He walked to the door with the women following him. “I’m sorry this happened, Becca.” After putting his hat on and nodding to both women, he left.

  Olivia leaned back against the door. “What’s in the water around here? Just about every man I’ve seen is sexy and gorgeous.”

  In spite of the situation, Becca laughed. “I know. I thought the same thing after seeing the Stone brothers and then Sam.”

  “Mmmm, he really is dreamy,” Olivia said licking her lips. “Those blue eyes are beautiful.”

  Becca put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes at her friend. “I thought you were interested in Wyatt?”

  Olivia laughed. “Oh, I’m more than interested in that man but, sweetie, I’m not dead. I appreciate a gorgeous man when I see one and that sheriff is definitely drop-dead gorgeous.” She tilted her head watching Sam climb into his SUV. “Great ass too.”

  “You do have good taste, I have to admit. But neither one of them can hold a candle to…” Becca wasn’t able to complete her thought, even if she’d wanted to before Olivia turned on her and interrupted.

  With her eyes narrowed, Olivia placed her hands on hips. “Speaking of Jake…how could you think Jake would do this? Especially after you two have been over every inch of each other.”

  Becca shrugged. “It made sense at the time. If he could get his hands on the ranch, he’d gain the extra land. Ranchers always want more land.” She glanced out the window, deep in thought. “I just don’t have any idea who could be doing this to m
e. And, whoever it is stole from Jake too. It has to be someone with an agenda but for the life of me, I don’t know who it is.” She shook her head.

  As a distraction from the unsettling conversation Becca started cleaning up the room and after only a slight hesitation, Olivia moved to help her. After restoring some order to the room, they had a quiet meal and spent the rest of the evening watching television.

  Becca called Jake and left a message when he didn’t answer. She didn’t go into detail but just asked him to call her back. The two recliners hadn’t suffered much, so that’s where they sat, using blankets as padding. When it came time for bed, they both hesitated before going upstairs.

  “I don’t suppose you’d be interested in sleeping down here in the living room?” Becca asked.

  Olivia blew out a breath. “I was hoping you’d suggest something like that. I hate the idea of us being in separate rooms even though they’re close to each other. It’s kind of creepy knowing someone was in here.” She gave an exaggerated shiver.

  Becca sighed. “I’m glad we’re on the same page. Let’s go up and get some more blankets and pillows.”

  They started up the stairs when Becca’s cellphone rang. It was Jake. She answered and explained what happened.

  “Are you all right alone?” Jake asked her.

  “Liv is here. We’re going to sleep in the living room on the floor. We want to stay close together.” She took a deep breath. “I’ll admit we’re a little shaken up over this.”

  “I’m so sorry, Red. Is there anything I can do?” Jake was concerned.

  “Not really. Sam is going to run the prints, but he said it could take a few days.” The initial shock was over and anger was setting in.

  “I don’t know who it could be, Becca.” Jake hesitated. “I know what you think, but it isn’t me. I swear it.”

  “I don’t suspect you anymore, Jake. There’s no way you could touch me the way you do and then try to hurt me. And what kind of woman would I be if I slept with you while I had those kind of suspicions?”


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