Jake (Men of Clifton Montana Book 1)

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Jake (Men of Clifton Montana Book 1) Page 11

by Susan Fisher-Davis

  “I can understand why you would think it at first. But remember this…I’m crazy about you, Red. Why would I want to run you off?”

  His low-toned plea made her want to cry. Becca heard him sigh and her heart clutched a bit. Before she could respond, she heard him continue. “Call me if you need me for anything. I’m closer than Sam is. I can get there faster.” Then he hung up.

  Becca’s mind was in turmoil. She felt guilty for even suspecting Jake. When he offered to come to her if she needed anything, she wanted to tell him that she needed him all the time. Instead, she said nothing. Becca’s feelings for him were strong. She could admit that and wanted to believe there was no way he’d ever do anything to hurt her. So why had she hesitated?

  Olivia came down the stairs with the blankets and pillows. “I got yours for you.”

  She dumped them all on the floor. “Let’s get a fire going and have a pj party.” She laughed. “Although I normally sleep in the nude, I’ll wear pajamas tonight.”

  Becca laughed. “Please do. I sure as hell don’t need to see your bare ass first thing in the morning.”

  Olivia laughed as they made up their beds. Once they lay down and the house got quiet, they laid there in silence. The wind started picking up outside and something, probably tree branches, scraped against windows. Almost in unison, Becca and Olivia scooted closer together and finally fell asleep, each with their own Montana man on their mind.

  The next morning, they folded up their blankets and set them in the recliners. It was an unspoken given that they would continue to sleep on the floor for a few nights.

  “I think you should call Emma and have her join us. I like her,” Olivia said.

  “That’s a great idea.” Becca picked up her phone and called her newest friend.

  Emma was excited over the idea and said she’d be there later that afternoon. Olivia and Becca made a big breakfast then decided to take a walk around the property. Once outside, Olivia stood looking at the house.

  “It really is beautiful. Like I told you before, it would make a gorgeous B and B and I bet people would come from all over for a chance to stay here and enjoy horseback riding and camping.” She shifted her gaze to Becca. “You could have some riding trails made and sell riding lessons. I think you could have a gold mine on your hands.”

  Becca’s smile was sad. “What about you? Would you stay and help me run it? You could do the books for me like you do for The Daily Grind. You know I can’t do them. I suck at accounting.”

  Olivia rolled her lips inward and shook her head. “I don’t think I could do that.”

  “I understand. I feel like I’m being ripped in two here, Liv. I don’t know what’s going on with Jake and me but I do know that at least for now, I don’t want to leave him.” Becca’s voice broke.

  Olivia put her arms around her. “I think you’re in love with him and if I’m right, then you need to stay here.”

  They were hugging each other when they heard a car coming up the drive. Emma had arrived. She got out of her car but hesitated before joining them.

  “Is everything all right?” Emma asked.

  Becca and Olivia nodded.

  “Let’s go inside and we’ll talk,” Becca said motioning toward the door.

  Emma followed them inside. After she put her duffel bag of clothes in the living room, she joined them in the kitchen. Becca was already making coffee.

  “Emma, would you be interested in working here if I make this place into a B and B?”

  Emma grinned and her eyes flashed with excitement. “Yes. I’m one hell of a cook and I love doing it.”

  Becca laughed. “I hadn’t even thought of that. We’d have to serve meals, wouldn’t we? I would only be open from May through October, but Liv and I were talking about having horseback riding and camping trips. What do you think?”

  Emma chewed on her bottom lip. “The thing is, with horseback riding you’re going to need to have gentle horses. I’m not saying the Paints aren’t gentle, but they’re not used to strangers. I think you’d need to purchase some horses made for trail rides. I know a few people. I could probably find you some at a good price.”

  Becca frowned. “I never thought of that. If I ever get my horses back, what should I do? I can’t keep all of them.”

  “I also know someone who’s interested in buying Paints. Ryder Wolfe is looking for a few more. He has a ranch just down the road from Wyatt’s ranch. I know he has three mares and one stud. I heard he was looking for more. You could probably sell to him.”

  Sarcasm laced Becca’s laughter. “If I ever get them back,” she reiterated.

  They all fell silent.

  Chapter Eight

  It had been almost a month now and still no word on her horses, or Jake’s. It was as if they’d disappeared off the face of the earth. Becca hoped no harm had come to them. She still didn’t understand how someone had taken them right from under their noses. The culprits had rounded up Jake’s horses in the field and put them in a trailer, but no one had any idea what happened to hers. Someone had to know Stan and the men hadn’t been in the area. That meant the ranch was under surveillance.

  Becca shivered as she looked out the window toward the barn. Could someone be out there right now, watching? How had someone come in with Stan and the men working around the ranch? Apparently, whoever was watching the ranch knew when the men were gone out to the pastures, but there had to be another person watching to see when they were coming back to the ranch. She shook her head. It was almost a given it was the same men that had taken Jake’s horses.

  Her heart continued to tell her it wasn’t Jake and the fact that one of the thieves shot at him just further convinced her he wasn’t involved, but doubt still plagued her. Once all of this was over and they could think clearly, then maybe they could get together and see where this thing between them was going. If he still wanted her after it was all over.

  Becca was too confused about everything. Taking a break from Jake would be the right thing to do. The thought of not seeing him, even for a little while, made her heart ache. Maybe she was wrong about it being about the land. Was it possible someone didn’t want her and Jake together? She just wished she knew the truth. She sighed.

  Olivia sat at the kitchen table playing Solitaire. She glanced up at Becca.

  “Are you all right?”

  Becca shook her head.

  Olivia stood and wrapped her arms around her.

  “I don’t know what to do.” Becca broke down.

  “You can’t be with Jake and think this way. You have to make a decision. Either you continue to see him and trust him, or you cut it off until this is all settled and we find out who really is behind this.” Olivia rubbed Becca’s back.

  “I need to make a phone call. I’ll be right back,” Becca told Olivia.

  Becca sat in the window seat and dialed Jake’s number. He answered right away.

  “Is there something wrong, Becca?” She heard the anxiety in his voice.

  “No…Jake, I think you and I should stop seeing each other until all of this is over.” She tried to keep the tears at bay without much luck. There was silence on the other end. “Jake?”

  Becca heard him clear his throat. “I heard you. Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “No…but I think it’s for the best,” she told him in a soft voice.

  “All right, I’m here if you need me, Red.” He hung up.

  Becca disconnected the call, leaned her head against the wall, and let the tears go. When Olivia sat alongside her, wrapping her arms around her, Becca sobbed as if her heart were breaking, because it was. She could hear Olivia murmuring to her but the words didn’t help. Nothing would until the problems at the ranch stopped.

  * * * *

  The month of March came in like the proverbial lion. Warmer winds blew through the area and kicked dust up into miniature tornadoes along the way. There hadn’t been any more problems at the ranch. Becca and Olivia sat together o
n the front porch enjoying the nice weather. It was early evening. The sky was an array of pink, orange and yellow, the clouds held the promise of a calm, peaceful night, and the pale glow of the moon was beginning to show.

  “Let’s go into town. I need some shampoo,” Olivia said.

  Becca nodded her agreement. They hadn’t left the ranch lately due to Becca being afraid of running into Jake.

  “Okay, we can call Emma and see if she can meet us for dinner,” she suggested.

  Olivia ran inside to get their purses and the keys to the SUV. Olivia made sure to lock the door behind her. They drove to town and met Emma at the diner. While they talked over their meals, Becca noticed Emma’s cheeks turn pink.

  “What’s that all about, Em?” Becca smiled at her.

  “Gabe’s here,” Emma whispered.

  Olivia glanced around. “The other Stone brother? Where?”

  “Last booth in the back,” Emma whispered low.

  Becca looked around and then spun back around. “Shit. Jake’s with him, and so is Wyatt.”

  “Sweet, I’d love to lay eyes on that gorgeous specimen again,” Olivia said as she turned and looked toward the back booth. “Which one is Jake, the one with the moustache or without?”

  “Without,” Becca told her.

  “Wow. All three of them are to die for gorgeous.” Olivia smiled. “But there’s just something about Wyatt.” She sighed and fanned herself. “I’d love to go over there and sit with those sexy men.”

  Becca turned to look toward Jake again. She felt like she was dying of thirst and he was a cool drink of water. He saw her and nodded his head at her. She smiled back at him and then spotted Wyatt glowering at Olivia. Becca turned to look at Olivia to find her laughing.

  “What did you do to Wyatt?”

  Olivia batted her lashes. “Who little ol’ me?” Becca glared at her. “All right…I winked at him.”

  Emma burst out laughing and Becca joined in.

  The patrons in the diner turned to look at them. They all seemed to shake their heads in unison before returning to their meals. Out of the corner of her eye, Becca saw the brothers get up and pay their bill. Together, they walked outside without stopping to speak with the women.

  Becca was so hurt. She felt a pang in her heart and she could see that Emma looked disappointed too. Becca noticed the brothers stopped outside the diner to talk. What had she expected? She’d told Jake they shouldn’t see each other anymore and now she was upset because he didn’t speak to her. She wanted to crawl under the table and hide.

  When Olivia’s cellphone rang, Becca jumped in reaction. She watched her friend answer and after a brief conversation, Olivia hung up. Becca knew something was wrong.

  “What is it, Liv?”

  “I have to go back to Maryland. Beth needs me at the coffee shop. She’s got pneumonia and can’t take care of it.” Olivia sighed. “What can I do?”

  “You have to go back. I hate it, but you have to go,” Becca said not liking the news.

  They finished dinner and went outside, stopping when they saw the brothers were still standing outside talking. The men turned to look at them. All three put their fingers to their hats and nodded.

  “Is there something wrong, Becca?” Jake asked.

  “Liv has to go back to Maryland to run the coffee shop,” Becca told him. She noticed Olivia looking at Wyatt and noticed he returned her stare.

  “Your loss, cowboy,” Olivia said to him.

  Wyatt turned away from her but not before Becca saw his mouth twitch with a small smile as he shook his head.

  “Will you be all right at the ranch alone?” Jake asked.

  “Honestly, I don’t know. I’m not saying I’m not scared, because I am.”

  Jake nodded. “I’m just a phone call away, Red.” Their eyes met and held for longer than either should’ve allowed.

  She blew out a breath. “Thank you, Jake. I may take you up on that.”

  He flashed a bright smile at her that lifted her heart for a moment. “Any time.”

  They all parted ways.

  Becca noticed that Emma and Gabe didn’t speak to each other. She hugged Emma. “If you could stay with me, I’d appreciate it.”

  Emma nodded. “I can. No problem.”

  Becca hugged her again when Emma said she’d be out to the ranch after she went home to pick up some clothes.

  The silence between Olivia and Becca was disturbing. The two never ceased to have something to talk about, but suddenly neither knew what to say. With Olivia leaving, Becca dreaded being alone again. She was happy that Emma was coming to stay with her, but it was Olivia she wanted there for her. Becca was terrified she’d never see her best friend again. Olivia had no desire to move to Clifton and Becca didn’t want to leave. It was a no win situation.

  Becca pulled into the driveway, steering the SUV toward the house when she slammed the brakes on. Olivia looked over at her in shock.

  “What was that for?” Olivia exclaimed as she braced her hand on the dash.

  “Uh, Liv, didn’t we leave a light on?” Becca spoke in a fearful whisper.

  “Yeah, we did.” Olivia looked toward the house. “Oh, shit.”

  The house sat in total darkness. Becca had been leaving lights on any time she left home, even for a walk or ride. “Call that sexy sheriff. We’re not moving out of this vehicle until he gets here,” Olivia told her.

  Becca didn’t argue. She called Sam and told him what was going on. He agreed that they stay in the vehicle and told her he’d be right there.

  After arriving, Sam went through the house but saw nothing amiss. Becca apologized for making him run out to the ranch for nothing. He smiled at her. “I’m just doing my job.”

  As was his custom, Sam tipped his hat and left.

  Still, Becca was sure someone had been in the house. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She rubbed her arms and shivered. Olivia hugged her.

  “I hate leaving you here alone.”

  “Emma will be here soon. You need to call the airport and get a flight.” Becca felt her throat close up. Olivia opened her mouth to say something then closed it, and nodded. Becca tuned out Olivia’s voice as she called the airline.

  “I have a flight out tomorrow morning at nine,” Olivia said in a soft tone when she returned.

  “So soon?” Becca was hoping it would be a few days, at least. When Olivia nodded, Becca sat down on the couch and put her hands over her face. She felt Olivia sit down beside her. Olivia took her hands in hers.

  “I’m going to miss you, Becs.”

  “Same here, Liv. I have an awful feeling this will be the last time we’ll see each other.”

  Olivia leaned back and grinned. “That’s bullshit, girl,” she told her.

  Becca looked at her with tears in her eyes. “It’s true. You don’t want to stay here and I don’t want to leave.” She shook her head. “And I’m in love with Jake…” She burst into tears.

  Olivia tried to laugh, but it came out choked. “I know that. It’s about time you admitted it to yourself, and to him. Tell him how you feel.”

  Becca laughed and cried at the same time. “No way, I’m not telling him. If he doesn’t love me, I’m not going to embarrass myself by baring my soul.” She tried to smile through her tears.

  Olivia grunted. “That man has it bad for you. I can see it when he looks at you.”

  “I wish I could see what you see,” Becca grumbled.

  Olivia laughed. “Look at you with a sexy, hot cowboy.”

  Becca laughed in spite of herself.

  That night after Emma joined them, the three women slept on the floor in the living room. Becca woke up several times during the night. Unsure of what woke her, she’d jerk awake and gaze around the room. The light in the foyer was on and it sent shadows playing over the walls, which forced her to pull the blanket over her head before she was able to get any rest at all.

  The next morning Becca and Olivia drove to the airport i
n silence. Emma had stayed behind. Becca parked the vehicle and together they walked to the terminal. Once inside, they sat and waited for the flight announcement. Anxious, Becca stood and started pacing. She stopped dead in her tracks when she heard Olivia’s flight announced. Turning, she faced her best friend. Olivia stood and hugged her. They held each other tight, neither wishing to let go. Olivia pulled away from her first, and without a single word because words weren’t necessary, she walked away, leaving Becca staring after her.

  Her heart ached and tears rolled down her face as Becca drove home. Home. She was going home to the ranch. It was what the ranch was to her now. She’d never been a big city girl but she also never imagined herself falling in love with the country life either. If someone had told Becca a year ago she’d be living on a horse ranch in Montana, she’d have told him he was crazy. Yet here she was, living on a ranch and totally in love with a rugged cowboy.

  Becca ran her hand over her cheeks but the tears kept coming. Finally, the driveway came into view and minutes later, she was pulling around to the back door. Becca smiled when she stepped up to the door and saw Emma standing in the kitchen whisking batter in a large bowl. As she entered the warm room, the aromas radiating throughout the kitchen could rival a bakery. Finished cupcakes sitting on the counter beckoned to her.

  Becca smiled at Emma as her nose identified the delicious scent that filled the air. It was a delectable chocolate. She walked to the counter and picked up one of the round, moist cakes covered in strawberry frosting. Taking a bite, she let out a groan.

  “Oh, Emma, these are heavenly. You can cook, woman,” Becca said with a deep sigh before she took another tempting bite. The rich chocolate cake melted on her tongue. It was decadent. Nothing had ever tasted so good, except perhaps Jake.

  Emma laughed. “Maybe I should use these on Gabe.”

  Becca giggled and then exclaimed, “Honey, you’d have him on his knees in no time.”

  Emma’s smile faded. “Did Olivia’s plane take off on time?”

  Becca nodded. “I don’t know what to do without her. She’s been there for me since we were thirteen, and now I’m terrified I’ll never see her again.” Just then, the phone rang.


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