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Hard Hats

Page 20

by Neil Plakcy

  Well, he was already on his knees. “To you. No farther. Right?” Conrad asked, his voice shaky.

  Rafe pumped his cock as he waited. He didn’t bother to answer.

  Conrad crawled forward, inch by agonizing inch. If he could have figured out how to get there flat on his belly, he’d have been doing that. When he made it to the blanket his teeth were chattering so hard he couldn’t speak. Oddly enough, his cock was still stiff. Still throbbing.

  “There’s my boy,” said Rafe. He rolled onto his back and opened his arms.

  Conrad leapt on him, kissing and biting his way down that perfect brown body to that perfect brown cock. He swallowed as much as he could—almost three quarters. Spit ran down his chin as he bobbed.

  “Whoa. Slow down.”

  “Fuck you,” he lifted his head to groan. Then he ducked down again, working harder, sucking deeper. Rafe’s scent was sweat and sex. So good. He tasted like salted tequila. Also good.

  Rafe laughed and sat up. He tossed Conrad onto his back like he weighed nothing. “No. Fuck you. Which is why you gotta slow down.” He looked down at Conrad with what could only be called predatory intent. “You are so pretty, kid,” he sighed, running his hands over Conrad’s torso. Rafe gave both pink nipples a gentle tweak. “I wanna see all of you.”

  He suited action to words and made quick work of Conrad’s loafers, socks, and pants. When all that remained were his white briefs, Rafe shifted himself between Conrad’s legs. His strong, wet tongue followed the underwear’s downward progress. It swirled into Conrad’s belly button, slicked over the hollows of his hips, gave his cock a single, unsatisfying lollypop lick, and then slithered down his inner thighs. His knees. His calves.

  By the time his underwear was off, Conrad was a writhing, moaning mess.

  Rafe spread Conrad’s legs apart and began a tortuous return journey, interspersing tongue play with love bites as he worked his way back toward Conrad’s groin.

  “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon,” Conrad grunted, trying to get a handhold on Rafe’s smooth head and shoulders to haul the man up his body. There wasn’t one. “Would you quit screwing arou- Ahhh, fuck!” He couldn’t finish the sentence because Rafe had reached the apex of his thighs and, in a lightning-fast move Conrad was completely unprepared for, shoved his knees back against his chest. That wicked tongue thrust hard into Conrad’s ass.

  “Fuck!” Conrad cried again. He gave up trying to pull Rafe up his body, reaching for his own cock, instead. This was too much. He had to come.

  Rafe caught his hands before he had a chance to put them to good use, and held them firmly against the blanket. His tongue probed and lapped. Conrad’s head thrashed. “Jesus Christ, would you just fuck me already?” he hollered. When he heard Rafe laugh he could have happily killed the man.

  “Well…but…here’s the thing,” Rafe said, crawling up farther between Conrad’s thighs. His mouth stayed on Conrad’s flushed skin. As he moved, he spoke, punctuating his words with bites. “We haven’t…made as much…progress…as I’d hoped…to.” When he got to Conrad’s nipples he rasped his chin across the sensitive peaks and smiled.

  Conrad dry-humped his sternum. “What do you mean?”

  Rafe let go of Conrad’s hands to rear up above him. “I mean…” His attention wandered while he searched the roof to his left.

  Conrad almost wept with relief when Rafe pulled a tube and a condom from the rumpled blanket.

  “I mean,” Rafe said again. He smoothed the latex over his cock and squirted out a dollop of K-Y onto his fingers. “I’d like to move closer to the edge, pretty boy.” One long finger slid into Conrad.

  Conrad bit his lip and bore down on the intrusion. Then there were two. “I’d rather not,” he gasped. He gasped again when he was suddenly empty.

  Rafe looked down to swirl his cock around Conrad’s sphincter. “Yeah, I get that,” he said, his voice smoky. “I do.” He pushed…pushed…until the blunt head popped inside.

  When Conrad tried to raise his hips and bring him in deeper, Rafe leaned forward, curved his arms under Conrad’s shoulders and then, easy as pie, lifted him into his arms. He held Conrad’s weight up high, preventing him from sliding down his cock. The man really was inhumanely fucking strong.

  “Just a little bit closer,” Rafe whispered. His arms trembled, but Conrad wasn’t sure if it was from the strain or from the fact that Rafe was as anxious to hurry this along as he was.

  When Rafe began to knee-walk forward Conrad couldn’t protest, because every move sent that wonderful, thick cock farther into his body. “Okay. A little bit.”

  “Good boy.” Rafe’s smile was tender when he kissed him. Conrad squeezed his eyes shut and passionately kissed him back. He didn’t know how far they traveled, and he didn’t care. The delicious ache of Rafe’s cock stretching his ass was a helluva distraction. When Rafe was buried as far as he could go, he abruptly laid Conrad down against the sticky, tar paper roof. His cock retreated and then stroked deep.

  “Oh, yeah,” Conrad moaned. He set his feet and thrust back, encouraging Rafe to quicken the pace.

  Rafe’s breathing was strained, his balls smacked the curve of Conrad’s ass. He peppered kisses on Conrad’s temple, cheek, and mouth. “Look at me,” he said.

  Conrad did. Rafe looked amazing. His pupils were huge and his lips were curled back in a primal sneer of pleasure.

  “I can’t last much longer.” Rafe twisted one hand in Conrad’s hair and dropped the other between their bodies to circle Conrad’s cock. “You about ready?”

  What a stupid question. Conrad had to laugh. “Man, I was ready down in the car.”

  Rafe grinned. “Keep your eyes open,” he said. His hips began to snap, each thrust skidding Conrad a few inches higher. His hand moved to the same frantic rhythm as his hips.

  “Oh, God,” Conrad groaned. “I’m gonna…”

  Rafe thrust once more. The skin on Conrad’s back burned at the friction. Suddenly, there was air instead of roof under his head. Rafe pulled hard on his hair, bending his neck back.

  Adrenaline ricocheted through Conrad’s body at the exact same moment that his cock began to pulse. Conrad clung to the lifeline of Rafe’s shoulders, sobbing. His orgasm’s intensity seemed directly proportionate to the panic he felt. He’d never come this hard. Rafe hilted one last time and held himself still. The feel of that big cock jerking in his ass cranked Conrad’s pleasure up another notch. His body bowed. His hips lifted, and his head fell back even farther. Conrad screamed Rafe’s name to the skewed horizon. Vertigo warred with ecstasy. And he came, and came, and came.

  The built-in credenza was gorgeous. Polished maple stained coffee-black, almost the exact same shade as Rafe’s skin. Conrad swiveled in his desk chair, leaned back and plopped his shoes on top of it. He admired the view for a second before his eyes dropped to the note that had been tucked into the credenza’s top drawer.

  I’m working late tonight on the RDA building. (Downtown—9th Ave) Don’t keep me waiting.


  Conrad pressed the slightly rumpled, Perry Ellis-scented paper against his lips. “I won’t,” he murmured.

  In the two months they’d been seeing each other Rafe had “encouraged” Conrad to conquer his fear on a number of occasions and locations: the Skyview Bridge, Trenton Park’s ferris wheel, hanging over the balcony of Rafe’s twelfth-floor apartment.

  The RDA building was thirty stories high, though. Much, much higher than any of those. Conrad’s stomach rolled in fear.

  His cock swelled in anticipation.


  William Holden

  It was a quick, unconscious glance that started it all, just a simple look that turned into a stare, a self-indulgent fantasy. A solitary moment in time became something more. It pulled me in. All I could think about was the stranger outside my window on the twenty-seventh floor. I became attached to him, relying on his presence to get me through the day.

  My life as an accounting
manager in international finance can be summed up in one word—repetitive. Calculating and analyzing numbers until my eyes grew blurry, I was saved by two compensations: my salary and my office. It was a corner location with floor-to-ceiling windows with breathtaking views. I could watch storms come in across the horizon miles before they actually hit the city. I often sat there staring out the window when I should have been working.

  I first noticed Frank when I was on an early morning conference call with a client from Germany. I was in the middle of a complicated explanation, when I saw something move outside my twenty-seventh-floor window. I quickly glanced at the new high-rise condominium complex going up across the street and saw a man walking across a steel beam. He appeared as confident and sure-footed as if he were walking on solid ground. I lost my train of thought as I watched him move with grace high above the concrete surface below. Every few minutes I let my eyes drift in his direction.

  The rest of that morning I spent being shuffled between meetings. At midday, with the office quiet, I locked myself in my office to enjoy a quiet hour of eating a salad with Philip Glass playing in the background. As I sat there listening to the rise and fall of the tempo, Frank walked into view. I watched him as he moved effortlessly across the metal beam. He stood in the center and raised his hands over his head. His hands moved in small circles as if motioning to someone above him. A large metal cable soon emerged from above. He grabbed the cable and slowly pulled it, one hand over the other, guiding it downward.

  Strands of jet-black hair, wet with his sweat, hung out of the yellow construction hat. I watched the muscles in his light blue T-shirt tighten and relax as he continued to pull the cable. He paused, still gripping the cable tightly. He looked down and then out across the street, as if he had felt my eyes upon him. I quickly looked down at my lunch, hoping he hadn’t seen me staring at him. I kept my head down as I began to eat my salad.

  I wanted to look up, to continue to watch him. I felt like a child who had almost been caught doing something bad. The feeling excited me all the more. Seconds felt like minutes as I waited, trying to analyze my next move. I couldn’t take it. I looked up. His firm, hard body moved in the reverse direction, guiding the cable as it was brought back up. A large metal beam soon came into view. He let go of the cable and moved his hands onto the beam, steadying it in the gusting wind. It soon moved over his head. My eyes moved instinctively to the dark circles of sweat under his arms. The fabric of his shirt blended from a light blue to a deep royal at his armpits.

  I imagined the warm scent radiating off his body as he continued to reach upward, holding the beam in his large hands. The edge of his shirt soon pulled free from the binding of his tan work pants, and I focused on his newly exposed skin. His torso was the same deep bronze as his arms and face. A small, thin trail of dark hair lay wet against his stomach. I felt a pang of desire deep inside. I licked the Italian dressing off my lips as I imagined running my tongue through those sweat-dampened hairs. The urge to touch him churned and knotted inside me before moving into the nerves of my cock.

  I reached down to adjust my lengthening dick and let my hand linger between my legs. My finger ran up and down the thickening shaft trapped within my pants. As I thought of unzipping and masturbating in front of him, a jolt of nervous excitement rushed through me. I could feel my armpits getting damp. I raised my arm and lowered my head. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, enjoying the scent of my body as the warmth of my skin activated the deodorant.

  A primal urge erupted in me. I moved my face further into my pit and grabbed hold of the damp material with my teeth. I sucked on the cloth trying to extract my body’s flavor from the fabric. I looked out across the street with a small amount of sweat-dampened fabric still in my mouth. He was looking back in the direction of my building. I didn’t stop, nor did I try to hide my actions. At that moment I didn’t care if he could see me; in fact, I wanted him to. I wanted him to see what he was doing to me.

  I watched as he looked forward. Then his movement stopped. It appeared as if he was focusing his attention directly into my office window. A smile crossed his face and at that moment I knew he could see me. I pushed deeper into my pit and took another deep breath. The sweet smell of desire invaded my senses as I let him watch me. I let my arm fall and rested it in my lap. I raised myself briefly to make room for my fully erect cock. He looked at his watch then back at me. He raised his hand and took off his hat. His hair hung in wet streaks around his face. He shook his head, releasing some of the sweat, yet all the while remaining sure-footed on the steel beam.

  We looked out at each other; him from his hot, open-air office, and I from my comfortable air-conditioned one. He smiled and nodded his head in a backward motion as if signaling me. Words suddenly became unnecessary. I knew what he wanted. I stood up and walked to the window. I could see the movement in his eyes now and I watched them move down my body, then stop. I looked down and realized he was looking at the large, swollen bulge in my pants. He ran his tongue across his lips and looked back up at me. I could feel him wanting me. My body trembled with nervous energy as I thought about him touching me, kissing me, fucking me.

  He slipped a hand under his T-shirt. I watched the impression of his hand move underneath the material. He raised his arm up and slid his hand into his armpit. He looked at me and smiled. My pulse ripped through my body as I saw the tips of his fingers appear out of his sleeve. He pulled on the opening, exposing the sweat-soaked hair that covered his armpit. His fingers ran through the mass of hair, pulling and tugging on it, teasing me into a fit of passion. I slapped my hand against the window and rested my head on the heated glass, desperate to get closer to him as he continued to taunt me with his body.

  He suddenly stopped what he was doing and removed his hand from underneath his shirt. He looked at me, then off to the left, then back at me. I could see a seductive smile appearing from across the distance. He turned away from me and began to leave. My heart stopped. I pounded on the glass trying to get his attention, to get him to stay a bit longer. I turned my head and pressed it as close as I could get to the window, trying to absorb every moment I could of his body as he walked farther away from me. Soon he was out of sight.

  I hit my head on the window several times and closed my eyes against the empty view. I could feel the sexual tension rushing through my body, trying to find a release. I touched myself, wanting relief, but realized it wouldn’t be the same without him to look at.

  As I stood there trying to burn the vision of him forever into my mind, I felt the faintest of vibrations coming through the panes of glass. It became stronger. I opened my eyes and looked out and then down. He was rising up in a construction bucket, looking up at me with a grin.

  My breath stopped as I watched him rise, his eyes caressing my body. He stopped for a moment when he became eye level with my crotch. I looked down at him. His hand touched the glass as if trying to get to my cock. I pressed it against the glass. The pressure forced my precome to the surface, dampening the material of my slacks. He licked the window as if licking the moisture from my cock. His tongue was large and spread out across the glass. I wondered what it would feel like in my mouth, sliding, twisting, and rubbing against mine.

  He pushed the button inside the bucket and began to climb once more. His hands touched the glass, and we stood face-to-face at last. Less than an inch separated us, but that inch seemed infinitely thick. His dark masculine features stole my breath: the small black hairs on his jawline forming his soon to be five o’clock shadow, his full lips inviting me to kiss him, and his deep green eyes ripping away my clothes to pierce my body. I wanted nothing more than to feel his body next to mine, to feel his breath against my face as we lay naked on the floor of my office. We stood motionless, staring into each other’s eyes. The sexual energy between us seemed to penetrate the glass that kept us apart.

  I placed my hand against the window. He placed his over mine. A smile lit up his face and caused the most beautifu
l dimples to appear. I touched my face and then pointed to his as I mouthed the words, “You are beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” He spoke slowly so I could follow the movement of his lips. “You are, too. I’m Frank.”

  “I’m David,” I mouthed back to him.

  He raised his eyebrows quickly and winked at me before stepping back from the window. Blood rushed through my body as I watched him pull his shirt up over his head. My desire for him grew as his bronzed, hairy chest was exposed to me. He dropped the shirt in the floor of the bucket and raised his hand above his head and leaned on the window. I could see the beads of sweat forming in the mass of dark hair of his armpits. I watched as one formed and rolled down the side of his body. I licked my lips, wishing I could taste him.

  He motioned with his head for me to follow his lead. I stood back and removed my tie and then began to unbutton my shirt. I watched as his eyes moved quickly over my body as each button was released. His smile grew as I let my shirt drop to the floor exposing my smooth, hairless torso. He pressed his body to the glass. His large erect nipples flattened against the window. The sweat of his body matting the hair left swirls of damp streaks across the glass.

  He moved his left hand down and groped the window in front of my crotch. I slowly unzipped my pants, teasing him with the thickness that lay beneath. He began to mouth something, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. His throat appeared to be strained as he spoke again; all I could hear was a deep muffled sound. His chest rose and fell quickly.

  He pounded on the glass as if begging me to remove my pants. I slipped off my shoes, my socks damp in the cool air of the office. I undid the clasp of my pants and let them fall around my ankles. My light gray briefs were stretched to their capacity. A large damp spot covered the left side where the head of my cock rested. I pulled them down and released my swollen cock. It fell against the window with a loud, wet smack as precome splattered across the glass.


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