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A Sure Thing

Page 12

by Marie Harte

  “Well?” he rasped. “You want me to take this to Claudia?” He ground against her.

  She didn’t have to think about her answer. “No.”

  “Then we agree.”

  “Yes. Wait. What?”

  “You can have your date with Charles,” he sneered the man’s name. “But you’re still coming over for our game tomorrow. We’re going to enjoy it, get to know each other better.”

  She nodded, wanting nothing more, oddly because of his angry attitude and protective, overpowering strength.

  “And when boring Charles doesn’t turn your brain on like I do, you dump him. Deal?”

  Had he not said the word “brain,” she might have been able to reject his claim. But Landon did more than arouse her body. That he did stupendously. The jerk also aroused her mind, and he knew it.

  “You’re on.”

  He pulled her hand to his crotch then and closed his eyes. “One more thing.”

  “Yes?” She gripped him, unable to help herself, and saw his grimace as her tribute.

  “Are you on any birth control?”

  “I, um, yes. Why?” It had been over a year and a half since her last sexual encounter. A casual date that had had the potential to go further, except the sex had been awful, their connection even worse. Another reason to focus on her work instead of a man. But she’d continued to take her pills because she liked regulating her cycle.

  “Because I’ll be getting a checkup. You and me…I don’t think we’ll want to use condoms when the time comes. But tell you what. I’ll leave that decision up to you too.”

  “You’re so generous,” she mocked, wanting to be annoyed. She sure as hell planned on making the decisions when it came to sex. But every time he conceded something important, whether he knew it or not, he conveyed that he valued her intelligence, her worth, and her right to decide.

  “Want to see how generous I really am? Don’t wear panties again tomorrow.” The manipulator ran a finger inside her thigh and into her sex.

  “God.” She gripped his shoulder, worn out yet wanting another go.

  “Yeah, feels like heaven to me too.” He groaned and withdrew his finger, then sucked it clean. “I want more. Don’t make me wait too long.”

  “Or what?”

  “Or my balls might turn blue and fall off,” he growled, kissed her, then set her back. “Now I have to go before I come in my pants. Hope you’re happy.” He left and shut the door behind him.

  Ava stared at the door, motionless, slippery between her legs, and so incredibly sleepy.

  Landon Donnigan gave me three orgasms. For free. The thought made her laugh. Then she remembered him tonguing her and she shivered. He had skills. No question. She totally knew why Claudia wanted him back, and the notion didn’t sit well at all.

  Landon had a gruff charm, despite what she’d said to him. He was protective and commanding at turns, tender and selfless at others. He hadn’t demanded she get him off, nor had he even considered unprotected sex. At least, not until he gets himself checked out by a doctor.

  The idea of Landon and her having sex, skin to skin, set her into another round of erotic fantasies, many of them where she took control in bed. Would he let her? Would she want to, after the pleasure he’d shown her by being in command?

  Ava’s phone buzzed, distracting her. She picked it up and saw his address, along with an order to be on time tomorrow and bring chips and salsa.

  “Jerk.” She smiled. She felt weightless. So good and relaxed. Poor Landon. He had to be hurting. And yeah, he did rock a big hammock.

  Ava turned everything off and cleaned up before going to bed. But once there, she couldn’t fall asleep, thinking she needed to make a few moves of her own to keep Landon where she wanted him. She just wished she knew where that might be. And why the idea of another date with Charles now felt…wrong.

  Chapter 9

  Landon nagged his brothers to hurry up. Hope was coming too, an unexpected addition after her Saturday plans had fallen through.

  He still wasn’t sure why he’d invited Ava to a family gathering, but at least his parents wouldn’t be in attendance.

  You know why you want her here. He frowned, because he did. With his siblings present, he’d be tempted, but he wouldn’t fuck the woman over the couch. Or go down on her in the kitchen, though maybe the dining room table would be at a better height for—

  No. He’d completely lost it last night. What kind of guy went down on a girl on their second date—because he was totally counting that night next to her and Charles as their first—and hoped to get a third? He’d totally pushed her boundaries, with her consent of course, but still. Landon knew better. There was a certain pacing that went with courtship. Had he and Ava been looking to bounce and nothing more, then sure, a one-night stand worked.

  But he wanted more, and now he had work to make up for having no willpower to resist her last night. From Ava, he wanted laughter, teasing, her approval. Fuck. The woman had bewitched him, even after dealing with her attitude and hearing all her nonsense about dating and babies. Plus, she was a therapist. Landon had to be a masochist to want to date a woman who psychoanalyzed everyone she met.

  Yet she hadn’t done that to him. Hadn’t asked him a million questions and demanded he share crap the way Claudia and a few others throughout the years had.

  “You going to stand around staring or help out?” Gavin groused as he sprayed glass cleaner on the TV screen.

  “Are you using the microfiber cloth?”

  “For fuck’s sake.” Gavin grabbed the microfiber and dusted.

  “Just make sure there aren’t any pee stains on the toilet and you’re done,” Landon ordered.

  “Theo, go—”

  Landon cut him off. “No, Gavin. You made the mess, you clean it up.”


  Theo grinned, but his smile faded at Landon’s glare. “What? What did I do?”

  “You’re going to be on your best behavior today. And you keep Hope in line. You get me?”

  “Oh, sure.” Theo smiled. “I won’t let her badger Ava, I swear. I even wore my best sweatshirt. Look. No holes.”

  Landon grunted.

  “So what’s the deal?” Gavin asked. “Are we just impressing her until you get laid or what?”

  “Nice mouth.” He glanced at Theo, still just a boy in his eyes.

  “Please. The kid’s twenty. He might be all virginal, but he’s had the sex talk by now.”

  Theo glared. “Screw you, Gavin. I don’t need any protecting from anything.”

  “Is that so?” Landon studied his youngest brother. “Popped your cherry, huh? Theo’s not a virgin anymore, are you?”

  Theo turned bright red. “What the hell kind of question is that to ask?”

  Gavin blinked. “Oh my God. You aren’t, are you? Theo, you dog. I’m so proud.”

  “Stop talking. Please.”

  Landon smiled. “It was that girl you took to the prom, wasn’t it?”

  “So what if it was? She’s nice.”

  “You two still hooking up?” Gavin asked.

  “Nah. She went away to school.”

  “You miss her?” Landon asked.

  “No. We were just friends.”

  “Friends-friends.” Gavin winked, being a horse’s ass without even trying.

  Theo expelled a loud, annoyed breath. “Does he have to be here?”

  “I’m keeping an eye on him, so yeah.”

  Now it was Gavin’s turn to be annoyed. “The hell you are. I’m fine.”

  “You’re sober, but you’re still not sleeping well.”

  “You don’t know shit.”

  “No, you have a lot of nightmares, Gav.” Theo obviously felt bad about narcing on him, but between them, he and Landon had agreed to care for their brother
, whether Gavin wanted it or not.

  “Nah.” Gavin huffed. “I was probably just talking in my sleep or something.”

  Landon would have said more when the doorbell rang. Crap. The house still needed some sprucing up.

  “I’ll get it,” Theo sang and bolted for the door.

  Landon shoved Gavin toward the bathroom. “Hurry up with the toilet.”

  “Aye-aye, Major Pain in My Ass.”

  He told Gavin to shove it, then took another quick glance around. The room looked neat. He’d cleaned most of it last night. After coming home and jerking off, twice, with the taste of Ava still on his lips, he’d been too keyed up to sleep. But after his head hit the pillow, he’d slept hard…and late. Waking at nine-thirty on a Saturday? He’d wasted too much time on dreams about Ava, when he’d be seeing her soon enough.

  She entered with a chatty Theo, holding a bag.

  “Chips and salsa.” She handed the bag to Theo. “I was ordered to bring them.”

  “‘Told to’ bring them. I’d never order you, Ava.” Landon grinned.

  Theo snorted. “He’s always bossing everyone around. Not surprised he got to you too.” He left for the kitchen.

  Ava looked Landon square in the eye without a blush. Nice. He’d expected her to be flummoxed, embarrassed, a little shy maybe. Apparently his doc was made of stronger stuff.


  He stifled a grin at her formal tone. “Ava.”

  “Theo told me this is a family event?”

  “Sometimes. I like to watch the games with friends,” he said as Gavin walked back in the room. “But today I figured I’d go with family instead, since Gavin’s so pathetic lately.”

  Gavin frowned. “Quit being an ass.” He set down the bin of cleaning crap he should have left under the sink in the bathroom. “Hey, Ava. Brave of you to join us.”

  She smiled. “Well, who am I to miss a college basketball game? Who’s playing, by the way? I forget.”

  “Oregon State against Utah. I thought it was Washington, but they play the Ducks later tonight. My bad.” Landon rubbed his hands together. “But the Utah game is going to be even better. I can’t wait.”

  “He’s biased,” Gavin said. “Landon played football for the Beavers.”

  “Middle linebacker,” Theo added. “It was actually pretty cool. We went to some of the games, and when he played in college, he stopped tackling us at home.”

  “Funny.” Landon smirked.

  “Landon went to college?” Ava blinked. “I didn’t know he could read.”

  His brothers laughed, and Landon knew a sense of satisfaction that Ava would fit in just fine with his family. Today wouldn’t be awkward or weird, and he had a feeling she wouldn’t try too hard to be liked. She’d be her genuine self, and everyone would love her.

  Landon glared at his brothers. “If everyone’s done mocking me—”

  “Not yet.” Gavin smiled and moved to Ava. He took her hand in his, kissed the back of it, then led her toward the kitchen. “What can I get you to drink? You’ll probably need something strong since you agreed to be with Landon here for the game. Or did you agree? Did he force you into coming? It’s some kind of blackmail, right?” He sighed, loudly. “I’ve been trying to get him help for his criminal tendencies.”

  Gavin was such a dick.

  Landon didn’t hear what Ava said back, but he heard his brother’s laugh well enough.

  The doorbell rang again.

  “That’s Hope. I’ll get it.” Theo once again darted to the door.

  Landon took the opportunity to hide the cleaning stuff, straightened up in the bathroom since Gavin had forgotten to set out a clean hand towel, and returned feeling more in control of himself. He hadn’t jumped Ava, thrown her up against the wall for the kiss he was desperate to have, or made a fool of himself. Yet.

  So far so good.

  He returned to the living room to find his brothers on either side of Ava on the couch. Gavin smirked at him. “Hey, Bro. Bring in the chow, would you?”

  Landon frowned and swallowed the Get it yourself he wanted to snarl at his brother. Instead, he played host and fetched the chips and dip tray, as well as the mini pizza pockets he always ate on game day. If the Beavers lost, he refused to take the blame.

  He saw Ava and Theo drinking sodas. To his relief, Gavin had a glass of water in front of him on the table.

  Following his stare, Gavin rolled his eyes, no doubt tired of what he perceived as Landon’s unasked-for interference.

  Everything seemed perfect. Except… “Where’s Hope?”

  “I’m here. Don’t get your panties in a twist.” Hope hurried down the stairs. “Sorry. The bathroom was occupied so I used the one upstairs. In your room,” she said to Landon. “Gavin, yours is gross.”

  “Hey, it’s not me, it’s Theo.”

  Hope just looked at him. “Please. We all know you’re a slob.”

  Ava grinned. “It feels like I’m at my cousins’ for a Sunday dinner.”

  Hope shoved Gavin off the couch, forcing him onto a chair so she could sit next to Ava. “Hi. I’m Hope.”

  Even better.

  “Ava.” Ava held out her hand and they shook. “I saw you at the self-defense class. You were great demonstrating techniques.”

  “Yeah. I’ve had a lot of experience dealing with idiots who can get grabby.” She shot her brothers a look. “That means you too, Theo.”

  “Hey, I’m the good brother.” He smiled at Ava. “I’m the baby of the family.”

  “He gets away with more crap…” Gavin shook his head. “Sad, really.”

  Landon wanted a beer but in deference to Gavin grabbed a soda instead. He took the remaining chair next to the couch, doing his best not to heave Theo out of the way and plant his ass next to Ava.

  He could handle sitting near her, but he couldn’t tolerate the chatter. “Okay, everyone shut up while they announce the start.”

  Ava said in a low voice, “When he says come over and watch the game, he’s not kidding.”

  “Shh.” He glared at her, as well as the peanut gallery laughing at him.

  The game started, and though he tried to be absorbed into it, he couldn’t help spending most of his attention on Ava.

  “I don’t get it.” She sighed. “My cousins watch football for the tight pants and manly looking uniforms. But basketball is all giants rushing around to sink an orange ball in a net. What’s the point?”

  “I’m with you. I especially don’t like how they play.” Hope shoved a bunch of chips in her mouth, obviously at ease with Ava. She wasn’t using any of her “guests are here” manners. “Like that guy. He’s clearly not going to get through the mob of people standing in front of the basket. So why doesn’t he pass it off?”

  “To draw the foul.” Theo shook his head. “We’ve been through this, Hope. Seriously. It’s not hard to follow.”

  Ava sipped her drink. “It’s ridiculous. Why keep plowing through so many people? I’d pass the ball, then move where there’s no one, yell for someone to pass it to me, then shoot. That’s if I didn’t dribble out of bounds. Frankly I find bouncing a ball in place tedious.”

  “I know, right?”

  “Yes.” Ava took some chips. “I mean, that guy right there. He’s shoving the guy right next to him. That can’t be legal.”

  “It’s called playing a physical game.” Theo frowned. “Have you ever played sports?”

  Ava nodded. “I suppose tennis doesn’t count. But at least in tennis, I never shoved anyone out of the way.”

  Hope agreed. “Good point. It’s so much more civilized.”

  “And not so pushy.” Ava pointed. “See? That guy is open right there. Shouldn’t someone be passing him the ball?”

  Theo sighed. “That’s the referee.”

ey, you two armchair quarterbacks.” Gavin frowned. “Can the chatter.”

  “Isn’t that football talk?” Ava asked.

  “It fits,” Gavin answered.

  “Seriously.” Even Theo looked annoyed.

  Landon saw the tiny smile Ava tried to hide. She was such a pain in the ass. Man, he really liked her.

  Hope shrugged. “Just calling it like we see it. I mean, why doesn’t that Oregon guy just launch it down the court to number fourteen?”

  “That’s a good point.” Ava asked.

  “Because he can’t,” Gavin disagreed. “Utah will pick if off if they try. See? Number thirty-three? He’s guarding twenty-two, who’s right in front of fourteen.”

  “Why don’t they just throw the ball up and let everyone jump for it?” Ava suggested. “It looks like Oregon is taller.”

  Landon struggled not to laugh out loud. “Just because a guy is tall doesn’t mean he can jump. And throwing the ball away is just stupid.” He paused at something one of the announcers said and glared at the TV. “What? That wasn’t offensive. Are you kidding me? He friggin’ moved his feet!”

  “Nah. Totally charged.” Gavin pointed to the replay. “See? Utah is planted.”


  Theo jumped in. “I’m with Landon.”

  “Of course you are, brownnoser.” Gavin snorted.

  Landon argued the call, enjoying the hell out of himself.

  “You ask me, there are too many rules. They keep blowing the whistle every three seconds.” Ava turned to Hope. “Hey, do those pizza rolls taste good?”

  “Try some. I love ’em.” His sister handed her the bowl.

  The girls talked appetizers while Landon and Gavin dove into another shouting match, this one about the reversed call on the charge.

  “Seriously?” Gavin yelled. “What bullshit. That wasn’t a foul. It’s called good defense.”

  Theo scowled. “Sorry, Landon. But in slow-mo, even I can see that reverse call is crap.”


  “Whatever. I hope Utah takes the game,” Gavin announced.

  “You’re such an asshole,” Landon growled.


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