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Art of Deception (The Black Diamond Series Book 4)

Page 8

by D. Camille

  Trent led Callie out on the dance floor and pulled her into his arms. She wound her arms around his neck.

  "Are you having a good time?" she asked.

  He smiled. "'s cool. I can't wait until all the old people leave."

  Callie laughed. "What's going to happen after they leave?"

  Trent pulled her closer. "We're going to turn up."

  "Jordan told me to remind you not to tear up."

  Trent laughed. "Sounds like Jordan."

  "Lotus signed me, her and Isis up in your battle tonight," she told him.

  He looked down at her. "For real, what are you guys doing?"

  "Destiny's Child."

  He gave her a naughty look. "I can't wait to see that."

  She smiled. "You still haven't told me what you and Kent are doing."

  "It's the show stopper," he told her. "ATL style."

  "Am I going to see this Michael Jackson, Usher, Chris Brown?" she asked.

  "You know it." He looked down at her. "You can just scream along with all the other girls."

  Callie laughed. "Scream? You think you're going to have them screaming?"

  Trent lowered his head to whisper in her ear. "I always do."

  When Trent lifted his head, he saw his mother coming outside along with Lotus' mother Lavender. He smiled and took Callie's hand leading her in that direction.

  "Where are we going?" she asked.

  "My mother's here."

  Callie slowed down and pulled at his hand. "I'll see you later then."

  Trent frowned. "I want you to meet her."

  "You want me to meet your mother?" she asked confused.

  "Yeah, of course." He kept walking until they came up to Carolyn. She held her arms out to him and he released Callie's hand to return her embrace.

  "Happy Birthday Trent," she said hugging him and kissing his cheek.

  He smiled at her. "Thank you for coming."

  "Thank you for having me here," she said turning her gaze to Callie.

  Trent reached back and grabbed Callie's hand pulling her forward.

  "This is Callie, Callie this is my mother Mrs. Jackson."

  Callie looked at the beautiful woman in front of her and could tell where Trent got his handsome good looks.

  "Hello Mrs. Jackson. It's a pleasure to meet you."

  Carolyn looked from Callie to the smile on her son's face.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Callie," Carolyn said now looking between the pair.

  The deejay announced the start of the lip sync battle asking everyone to either take a seat or stand below the stage. Isabelle came out to the party holding Diamond and took a seat next to her sister. The lights were dimmed and everyone's attention was directed toward the darkened stage.

  Through the speakers everyone heard, "Bad Boy...Bad Boy...Bad Boy." Kent came over to join Trent and Callie. They all were perplexed as the lights began to flash around the stage.

  "Coming to the stage our first act of the night. Bad Boy Entertainment presents... "

  When the first notes of Mo Money More Problems came on the lights came up on the stage. Trent looked at his brothers and sisters on the stage dressed in all black with large diamond chains around their necks. He didn't know what surprised him more, watching his sisters shake their asses around the stage while repeating the refrain; or watching Jordan step to the front and lip sync Mase's verse smooth as hell, like he did this everyday while Sage gave a performance of her own.

  When Sean came to the front transforming into Puff Daddy, Trent was done. His sedate, quiet brother was swagged out rapping the second verse as Lily became his video girl.

  However, the piece de resistance was Ray. He took over the stage as Biggie. The crowd went wild as he moved around the stage spitting the lyrics. He stopped at one end and the girls grabbed at his legs. He bent low and they pulled at him. Ray hyped the crowd and had all the women screaming by the time he was done.

  Kent looked at Trent and shook his head.

  "Your fam is dope as hell dude!" he shouted. "And your sisters, got damn!"

  Trent laughed. "I guess they were really serious about bringing it hard."

  Chapter 7

  Trent met his family on the stage when their performance was done. He gave his brothers a manshake and hugged his sisters.

  "That was dope. I can't even sweat y'all on that," he told them.

  Jordan nodded. "You didn't know we got down like that did you?"

  Trent smiled. "Nah, for real." He turned to Sean. "Bro, what? I couldn't believe that was you."

  "One day I'll introduce to Benjamin Rucker." He winked at his brother smiling.

  Trent laughed. "Okay." He turned to Ray. "You brought it hard Bro."

  "I tried to warn you. It's going to be hard to top that," Ray told him.

  "Not worried, me and Kent got this."

  Ray laughed. "Okay Little Bruh. We'll see."

  As the next act prepared, the deejay played more songs. Kent approached Lotus and stopped in front of her.

  "Come on girl."

  Lotus looked up at him. "Come on girl?" she repeated.

  He smiled. "Come dance with me," he took her hand.

  "Is that how you're asking?" she lifted a brow.

  "Lotus, will you come and dance with me before I ask one of these other women."

  She frowned. "You should do that."

  Kent leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Bring your sexy ass out here and dance with me."

  Lotus looked into green eyes and smiled. "You want to dance with me?" she asked softly.

  "Yeah, I do."

  "Then bring your ass back and ask me right!" She turned and walked away.

  Kent smiled and watched her disappear into the crowd. Trent joined him and looked in the direction he was gazing.

  "You looking for somebody?" he asked.

  Kent laughed. "Nah, I found her."

  Trent shrugged confused. "Are you ready? My family has set the bar pretty high."

  Kent smirked. "Am I ready? You the rich boy now. Do you still know how to dance, or do you waltz or something?"

  "Shut up dude. I'm the star, you're the sidekick," Trent teased.

  "I ain't no damn sidekick."

  Trent laughed. "Just be ready."

  After Isis, Callie and Lotus finished their imitation of Destiny's Child's Lose My Breath they exited the stage. Kent was waiting for Lotus as she walked down the stairs. He held out his hand to help her and she accepted.

  "Will you dance with me now Lotus?" he asked watching her.

  She smiled at him. "I'd love to Kent."

  He laughed. "You're something else."


  Lotus followed Kent over to the dance floor. Out of her eye she saw Isis approaching Marcus and smiled to herself. She wondered what was going to come of that.

  Isis took a deep breath as she walked off the stage and over to where Marcus Graham was standing.

  She stopped in front of him and looked into dark glasses.

  "Miss Martin."

  She cleared her throat. "Um...would you like to dance Agent Graham?"

  Marc lifted a brow over his glasses. "Would that be with you Miss Martin?"

  She smiled. "Yes."

  "Then the answer is also yes," he told her.

  Isis turned and walked towards the dance floor. When she got to a spot, she turned back to him. Marcus placed his hand at her waist as he took her other hand. They began to move slowly to the music.

  Isis looked up at him. "Do you always wear sunglasses at night?" she asked.


  "Is this part of your whole agent persona?"

  Marc stared down at her. "Are you trying to pump me for information Miss Martin?" he asked.

  Isis shrugged. "I've never seen an FBI agent who wears a Patek Phillipe watch, Cartier glasses, and a Lanvin tie clip with matching cufflinks." She glanced down at his tie.

  Marc nodded impressed. "You know your designers."

  Isis watched him. "I like nice things and I also shop for my father."

  "I like nice things as well Miss Martin, especially beautiful things."

  Isis lowered her head as they continued to move to the music.

  "I enjoyed your performance," he told her.

  "Thank you. That was very impromptu."

  He nodded. "I didn't know that you were a dancer as well as an actress."

  She looked up at him. "You know I'm an actress?"

  "It's my job to know."

  "What else do you know about me?" she questioned.

  "What would you like me to know Miss Martin?"

  The music stopped and Isis looked at him. "I want you to know that I'm not going to let you hurt my father."

  Marcus nodded. "Thank you for the dance Miss Martin. Have a good evening." Isis turned and walked to the table where she joined Callie.

  "How did it go?" Callie asked.

  Isis glanced over to where Marcus was standing. "He's"



  Callie lifted a brow. "Sexy?"


  "What then?"

  Isis sighed. "Frustrating, aggravating, irritating, arrogant and smug!"

  Callie smiled. "Well I guess your vocabulary returned."

  Isis looked over at her. "You're not helping Callie. In fact you're making Lotus look like fun."

  Callie laughed. "Chill out Isis. Did you think that he was just going to fall out at your feet?"

  "You're going to have to put in some work girlfriend," Callie told her.

  "Work?" Isis said confused.

  Callie shook her head and put her hand up as Lotus returned to the table. "Trent and Kent are coming on and I don't want to miss this." Both women turned to the stage as Trent came to the mic dressed in jeans, a white button down shirt, a dark blazer, a baseball cap with the Atlanta 'A" on it and white sneakers.

  He smiled as he looked out at the crowd where everyone was gathered to see his 'show stopper'.

  "I want to thank my family for this incredible party and thanks to everybody for coming. We're going to close out the lip sync battle with this last performance. I'm dedicating this to my Diamond girl and to my sexy girl."

  Diamond heard Trent say her name and started clapping. Jordan turned to look at Sean and Lotus looked at Callie who's eyes were glued to the stage.

  "Peace up, A-town down." The lights went dark and the music started. The spotlight hit Trent and he began Usher's Yeah. The women went crazy as Trent glided across the stage with his moves.

  After a minute or two, Ray turned to Jordan. "Damn, that little dude can dance his ass off."

  "Such a damn show off," Jordan shook his head as Sean laughed.

  Kent joined Trent on the stage to sync the rap verse before he and Trent finished their routine.

  "They're really good," Lily said watching them.

  Sage looked at her. "Yeah, they are. Who would've known?"

  "I guess he does know how to turn up," Jordan said frowning.

  They all laughed as the crowd continued to scream. When the performance was over Trent threw his hat into the crowd then jumped off the stage going to find his family.

  He reached them smiling and asked, "Well?"

  They all looked at him seriously.

  "What?" he asked concerned.

  They all looked at each other before Sage screamed, "You were so good!" They all grabbed him and hugged him.

  "This has been the best birthday ever," he told them happily before giving them a look. "But y’all are about to leave now right?"

  Jordan looked at him.

  "I'm just saying," Trent smiled.

  "We're going, but remember we're right inside," Jordan warned.

  "Cool. Thanks." He kissed Diamond and watched as they all went inside. Trent hurried to the stage and grabbed the mic.

  "Time to turn up!" he shouted.

  Ray led Isabelle inside the house and out to the front yard as he checked on security. He held her hand as they walked around the estate.

  "You were very good," she told him as they walked along.

  He looked over at her. "Thank you. Did you know that song?" he asked.

  She shook her head. "Not at all."

  Ray laughed and pulled her closer. "Are you ready for me to take you away tomorrow?" he asked.

  Isabelle smiled. "Yes."

  He studied her for a moment. "What did my sister say to you in the kitchen when I left?"

  "She said she loves you very much."

  He stopped and lifted her face to his. "Did she offend you in any way?"

  Isabelle shook her head. "No. We're fine."

  Ray nodded and continued walking.

  "Do you have any more information on my situation?" she asked.

  "I'm following up on some things."

  She turned to him. "You haven't told Sean and Jordan."

  He shook his head. "Not yet." They continued to walk.

  "Have you heard from Ralph Benson?" Ray asked.

  Isabelle shook her head. "No, I was told he's taken a short leave of absence."

  Ray nodded and she smiled at him. "Did you help him make that decision?" she asked.

  "It became a necessity for him."

  She looked at him and understood his meaning. "Are you telling me where we're going?" she questioned.

  "Didn't we have this discussion before?"

  "Yes, and you didn't answer the question then either."

  Ray pulled her to him and stared down at her. "And I'm not going to answer now."

  She smiled. "Okay. I won't ask any more questions."

  "Instead of asking questions, why don't you do this instead?" He lowered his head and covered her lips with his. Isabelle brought her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer.

  Ray lifted his head. "You should come and sleep in my bed tonight so that we can leave first thing in the morning."

  "I like sleeping in your bed."

  "Tomorrow you won't be sleeping," he told her.

  She smiled at him and bit her lip.

  He watched her. "Not sleeping at all."

  Jordan and Sage sat in their living room along with Sean, Lily, Carolyn and Lavender. The party outside was in complete turn up mode.

  "Do you think he had a good time?" Sage asked.

  "You think? You two did everything except have a damn parade for him," Jordan answered.

  Lily smiled. "He looked happy."

  Carolyn looked at the two women. "Thank you for planning this for him and thank you for inviting me."

  "You're his mother, of course we'd invite you," Sage told her.

  "I haven't been a mother to him at all," Carolyn said sadly looking away.

  Lavender reached for her hand. "Your chance is coming. You need to be ready. He's going to need you."

  Carolyn looked up at her and nodded. Jordan frowned and looked at Sean. Sean shrugged and looked at Lily who shook her head.

  Sage redirected the conversation. "Trent is going to need a truck to take all those gifts to his apartment."

  "I think every girl brought him something," Lily commented.

  "He says he has that effect on females," Sage said shrugging.

  Ray and Isabelle came through the door and joined everyone in the living room. Isabelle took a seat next to Ray on the sofa and he placed his arm around her as everyone turned to look at them.

  "Security all good?" Jordan asked watching the two of them as Sage watched him.

  Ray nodded. "All good."

  "How's your father Isabelle?" Carolyn asked.

  Isabelle smiled. "He's fine Mrs. Jackson. Thank you for asking."

  Jordan and Sean shared a look wondering where Carolyn was going with this.

  Carolyn smiled. "Please tell him you saw me."

  "Yes, I will do that," Isabelle said politely.

  Carolyn glanced at Jordan and he shook his head warning her. Ray raised a brow at Jordan before standing.

  "Let me
holla at you for a minute Jay regarding some security issues."

  Jordan stood. "Of course."

  Ray turned to Sean. "You should come too."

  "Of course." Sean stood as well.

  The three men went into Jordan's office. Inside the room, Ray turned to Jordan.

  "What the hell is going on?" he demanded.

  Jordan took a seat at his desk. "Carolyn was sending Milton a message through Izzy. She's already threatened him and she was just making sure he remembered."

  Sean and Ray looked at him and he continued.

  "She told me at the wedding she'd seen him and threatened him."

  "Why is she threatening him?" Ray asked.

  Jordan sighed. "She knows he's out to get us. He's even sent someone to try to set us up."

  "Who?" Ray asked.

  "His daughter," Jordan answered.

  Ray frowned. "Isis?"

  Sean sighed. "Milton has another daughter."

  "Another daughter? Does Isabelle know this?" Ray questioned.

  Both Jordan and Sean shook their heads. "No," they answered.

  "And you say she came to set you up? How?"

  Jordan spoke up. "Well she came to see Sean, but he was hiding so I saw her."

  "No one was hiding Jordan," Sean told him.

  Jordan continued. "She came and asked me for money. Apparently the plan was to play on Sean's sympathies and break up his marriage to Lily because Milton is still mad about that whole Sean and Izzy thing."

  Ray looked at them both. "How did she end up asking you for money Jay?"

  "When Sean wouldn't see her, she asked for me," Jordan explained.

  Ray was rapidly figuring this out in his head. "So you both know her?" he asked.

  Jordan nodded. "Yeah...Milton's daughter is Shana White, the woman from the restaurant."

  Ray turned to Jordan. "What the hell did you just say?"

  "Shana White is Izzy's half-sister," Sean confirmed.

  "Got dammit!" Ray stormed. "Shana White is involved in blackmailing Isabelle."

  "Blackmail? Who in the hell is trying to blackmail Izzy?" Jordan barked.

  Ray sat in a chair and put his head in his hand. He looked up at Jordan and Sean.

  "When Isabelle was in college some bastard tried to rape her..."

  "What?" Both Jordan and Sean yelled at the same time cutting him off.

  Jordan came around his desk. "Who the hell is it Ray? His ass is dead!"


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