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Art of Deception (The Black Diamond Series Book 4)

Page 11

by D. Camille


  Isis entered her father's house and found him eating breakfast in the dining room. Walking over to him, she bent and kissed his cheek.

  "Good morning Daddy," she said taking a seat across from him.

  He smiled. "Good morning baby girl. Did you come to have breakfast with your old Daddy?"

  "You're not old Daddy," Isis told him smiling at him.

  "I'm sure there's a line of young men wanting to have the company of my beautiful daughter."

  Isis laughed. "No one can replace my Daddy."

  Milton smiled going back to his meal as Isis studied him.

  "Daddy why is the FBI investigating you?" she asked.

  He paused and looked over at her. "They're just fishing for something."

  "If you've done something, please tell me," she implored.

  Setting his fork down, he reached across the table. "Isis, everything is fine." He patted her hand.

  Isis squeezed his hand. "Agent Graham says that you're in a lot of trouble."

  Milton snorted. "That young buck doesn't know who he's messing with."

  "He's very serious about his job Daddy."

  "And how do you know this?" he questioned.

  She removed her hand and sat back in her chair. "I've talked to him."

  Milton's eyes narrowed. "Stay away from him Isis."

  "He's out to get you Daddy. I'm not going to let him do that."

  "I'll handle it Isis. I don't want you anywhere near him. Do you hear me?" Milton warned.

  Isis watched her father. "Yes Daddy."

  Milton smiled. "That's my baby girl." He went back to his food. While he was eating, he missed the look of determination on his daughter's face. Isis knew now that her father was hiding something and she wasn't going to let Agent Marcus Graham send him to prison, no matter what she had to do.

  As Milton continued to eat his breakfast, one of the house staff came in with a package. Delivering the box to Milton, he quickly exited the room.

  "What's that Daddy?" Isis asked.

  Milton surveyed the package. "Not sure baby. It's addressed to me." He opened the box and found a blue package inside.

  "It's from Tiffany's," he said looking up at her. "Are you trying to surprise me?" he asked.

  Isis shook her head. "No, I haven't ordered anything."

  Milton raised a brow and opened the box. Inside was a man's diamond watch. He studied it with a smile on his face.

  "Well, well look at this."

  "Who sent it Daddy?" Isis asked.

  Milton looked inside the box again and located a card.

  "It says that they're asking prominent men to wear these watches as a promotion," he informed her.

  Isis looked at the watch as her father put it on. "It's very nice."

  Milton admired the piece on his arm. "Yes, it is. It looks good on me."

  He turned to her. "I guess my baby girl spends enough there," he teased.

  "I don't spend that much there Daddy," Isis pointed out nodding towards the watch.

  Milton smiled. "Well it's a free watch from Tiffany's so I'll wear it. It can't hurt me."


  Trent answered the door to his apartment that morning letting in Kent and Lotus. The pair came inside and took a seat on the sofa as he looked at them.

  "I don't want to know," he told them.

  They both smiled. "Nah, you don't." Kent responded.

  "Have you had breakfast Trent?" Lotus asked.

  Trent ran a hand over his head. "Nah, not yet."

  "Well, let's pick up Callie and all go out to breakfast," Lotus suggested.

  "Callie's sleeping." Trent told her.

  Lotus shrugged. "So call and wake her up and she'll be ready by the time we get there."

  "I don't want to wake her up yet," Trent relayed. "And we don't have to pick her up because she's here."

  Kent and Lotus turned to each other then looked to Trent.

  Trent shook his head. "Both of you shut up. Callie and I were up late talking and she fell asleep."

  Kent turned to Lotus. "They're the celibate couple."

  Lotus raised a brow. "Really?" She turned back to Trent and looked him over in basketball shorts, T-shirt and socks.

  "Something wrong with the equipment?" she questioned.

  Trent's eyes narrowed. "Don't start Lotus."

  Kent laughed. "Did you break the equipment in Atlanta?" he joked. "Because it was getting a hell of a workout."

  "Both of you can get the hell out," Trent said sitting in one of the chairs.

  Kent and Lotus laughed as they watched him take a seat.

  "Well when can we wake her up because I'm hungry?" Lotus asked.

  Trent shrugged. "She's tired."

  "From all that...talking?" Kent asked smiling.

  Trent smirked. "Yeah, that's what people with brains do." He gave them both a look. "What did you two do last night?" he questioned.

  Kent and Lotus shared a look. "We just hung out and watched movies," Lotus told him.

  "Watched them or made them?" Trent asked Kent.

  Kent looked at Lotus. "Let's just say that it wasn't what I expected."

  Lotus smiled at him. "Me either."

  Trent looked between the two and shook his head. "Let me see if Callie wants to go to breakfast. If not, you two are on your own." He stood and walked into the bedroom where she was sound asleep in his bed. She was curled on her side with her hands underneath her head. Trent smiled as he approached her.

  He took a seat on the edge of the bed and studied her. He'd always thought Callie was fine since the first moment he'd seen her, but she had become so much more than a pretty face and sexy body. Callie had become his heart and his love. He couldn't imagine not having her in his life. Gently he ran a finger down her cheek to her neck. She didn't stir as he replaced his hand with his mouth. He began by kissing her softly before sucking the exposed column.

  Callie moaned softly as she came out of her dreams. She smiled to herself as he continued to rouse her. Trent was her blessing. He was the goodness that she'd never had in life and she hoped that she would not lose him, but she'd learned that good things were rare in her life.

  "Callie?" he whispered her name against her neck.

  "If I answer are you going to stop?" she asked with her eyes closed.

  "If I don't stop then all that conversation last night is going out the window," he told her.

  She smiled and opened her eyes to stare into dark ones. "In that case, I'd better wake up."

  Trent touched her face. "Kent and Lotus are here. They want to go to breakfast."

  Callie stretched and asked about the time. Trent watched her arch her body and lost his train of thoughts.


  She looked at him. "What time is it baby?"


  Callie nodded. "I need to go home to shower and change first."

  Trent smiled. "You can shower here."

  "No, I can't shower here," she told him. "And I don't have clothes here."

  He rubbed his face. "We should do something about that."

  Callie shook her head. "Don't even think it."

  He laughed as he moved away from the bed. "I should get dressed then," he said opening a drawer that held his shirts. Callie watched as he flipped through a couple until a shiny object reflected off the sunlight streaming through the window.

  She frowned. "Trent! What are you doing?" She jumped off the bed and came over to him. Callie reached down in the drawer and retrieved the pistol.

  "What?" he asked as she held the pistol up.

  "Why is it buried in your drawer? You need to be able to get to it quickly," she chastised and he watched as she popped out the cartridge, checked it and expertly replaced it.

  Trent watched her questioningly. "Well I had put it away because I didn't want you to be frightened by seeing it around, but I guess that wasn't necessary."

  Callie looked at him. "Trent, I'm a woman living i
n LA. I have to know how to protect myself."

  "Uh, I've been to the range with Sean and I can tell the difference between a novice and someone with a lot of experience," he pointed out.

  She shrugged and moved over to his nightstand. She opened the drawer and placed the weapon inside. "This is where you need to keep this."

  Trent folded his arms. "Where'd you learn how to use a gun Callie?" he asked.

  "The range is open to everyone Trent." She headed to the door. "You should get dressed baby."

  Trent watched her leave the room with a myriad of questions floating in his head.


  Isabelle laid in the bed naked on her side looking out over the ocean. She felt soothed not only by the sound of the waves but also by the naked man lying behind her. Ray had one arm around her waist stroking the colorful beads as they both watched the rushing water.

  "This is beautiful," she whispered.

  "You're beautiful Goddess." He kissed the back of her head before reaching up to touch her expertly cut short hair. "Do you ever grow your hair?" he asked.

  Isabelle's hand went to touch her short cut. "Do you not like it this way?" she asked.

  "I think it's very sexy. I was just asking a question."

  She continued to gaze out on the horizon. "I used to wear it longer until...he pulled it. After that I kept it cut short."

  "It still haunts you," he commented.

  She nodded. "Every day," she whispered.

  "He's gone Belle. He can't hurt you anymore. No one will."

  Isabelle turned to him. "Thank you and thank you for bringing me here."

  He smiled at her. "You're my first guest."

  She raised a brow. "You've never brought anyone here?"

  He shook his head.

  "Your sister?" she asked.



  He shrugged. "This is my safe place. I come here to think and plan."

  Isabelle turned back to the view. "You are very complex Ray Parker."

  "You are as well Isabelle Martin." His hand moved to travel over her smooth butt cheeks cupping them gently. "And very warm and tight and sweet...all over."

  Isabelle blushed and smiled as she remembered what he'd done to that area. Ray laughed as he kissed the back of her neck. "Come and let me feed you."

  "Do I get clothes?" she asked.

  He shook his head. "No."

  She turned to him. "Underwear?"


  "Ray Parker, I'm not going to sit in your kitchen naked," she objected.

  He lifted a brow as he slid from the bed and retrieved his shorts.

  "Why do you get clothes?" she asked confused.

  He winked at her. "I have to cook."

  Isabelle folded her arms. "I'm not sitting in there naked," she said stubbornly.

  Ray laughed. "I see the stubborn woman is here now."

  She smiled at him. "Yes, she is."

  "Fine, you can put your underwear on." He turned to head inside. "They're coming off in the kitchen though," he yelled as he walked away.

  "Then those shorts are coming off too!" she yelled back and heard his laugh echo through the house.

  Isabelle laughed as she found her bra and panties putting them on quickly. She walked through the massive house with glass windows as walls. She had to admit it was a beautiful structure. Her eye appreciated the design that made you feel as if you were outside while sitting inside. The furniture was expensive yet tasteful. She couldn't believe Ray had not shown this place to anyone. It was too impressive to keep hidden.

  She found him in the kitchen cooking and he glanced over at her snagging her with those brown eyes. There was a glass of apple juice waiting on the counter for her and she picked it up smiling. "I have an affinity for apple juice now," she told him.

  "It used to be my favorite taste," he said cutting ingredients.

  She took a sip of her juice. "Really? What's your favorite now?"

  He looked up and smiled at her. "Your essence."

  She blushed and stared down into her glass as Ray moved to wash his hands.

  "I love to see you blush," he told her turning on the water.

  Isabelle sat her glass down and walked up behind him at the sink.

  "I love to see you, period." She touched the tattoo on his back before placing her mouth on the intricate design. Slowly she traced the pattern with her tongue as he stood immobile. When she was done, she laid her cheek on his warm, strong back while bringing her hands up to caress the chest that she so admired. As her hands ran over his pectoral muscles and flattened nipples, she began to lick the cleft in his back. His dark amber skin was smooth and firm as she savored him.

  "I think you're my favorite taste," she whispered against his back before her hands moved to the waistband of his shorts. She yanked them down and they landed at his feet with a soft swoosh leaving his firm, tight backside on display. Isabelle ran her hands over the magnificence before her for a moment before Ray shut the water off and reversed their positions.

  Isabelle found herself facing the sink with Ray behind her. He reached to a nearby drawer and produced male protection. In the back of her mind she made a mental note to ask why he kept condoms in his kitchen, but that was for another time. Right now, she was having her panties removed and her legs spread apart.

  "Hold on beautiful," he whispered down into her ear as he connected their bodies while caressing her satin covered breasts.

  Isabelle's breath caught and she grabbed hold of the sink bending at the waist. She became lost in the slow rhythmic motion that made her cry out with each thrust. She felt her bra being removed then large hands enfolding her, squeezing and teasing her.

  "Do you know what you have done to me Belle?" he breathed guiding her hips to accept more of his hardened flesh. Isabelle accepted all that he bestowed upon her and readily responded by giving more of her own and spreading her legs further. She moaned as she felt herself climbing closer to her plateau.

  "No...I don't...don't know," she cried aloud.

  Ray separated their bodies then turned her in his arms before lifting her and wrapping her legs around his waist. He carried her over the counter, sending items crashing to the floor as he laid her flat on her back; raising her arms above her head he stared down into her eyes.

  "You've made me want you Isabelle," he said huskily before taking her mouth voraciously. Ray moved from her mouth slowly down her body taking an erotic tour of every nook and curve. When he brought their bodies together again there wasn't a spot on her that hadn't been kissed, caressed or tasted.

  Isabelle's mind was complete mush at this time. If someone had told her she'd be spread out on Ray Parker's kitchen counter with his manhood embedded deeply inside her while she clutched at his beautiful body she would have said they were crazy. She might have hoped for it but never really thought it would be a reality.

  Isabelle bit her lip as Ray lifted her legs higher around his strong back while sliding her to the end of counter. His gaze connected with hers as he drove deeper into her waiting flesh. Those bright brown eyes held her captive until her body could no longer keep up with his pace and she gave in to the exquisite pleasure closing her eyes and calling his name.

  Minutes later Ray called her name and she opened her eyes. Concerned brown eyes stared down at her.

  "Are you okay Goddess?" he asked rubbing her cheek.

  "I don't think I can move," she whispered still lying on the countertop.

  Ray smiled and lifted her easily off the counter carrying her through the house into the bedroom that she had awakened in this morning. Gently he laid her on the bed.

  "Stay right there," he told her before heading into the bathroom.

  Isabelle closed her eyes and put a forearm across her head. She relived what had happened in the kitchen and smiled, oh my...Ray Parker. She could hear water running as he returned. Removing her arm and opening her eyes she saw that he had his shorts on as he came toward the bed.
Ray took a seat on the edge taking her hand.

  "I'm drawing a bath for you and then I'm going to feed you," he told her. "But, if you keep distracting me you'll starve to death."

  She smiled at him. "Am I a distraction to you?"

  "Of the most beautiful kind," he told her lifting her from the bed and carrying her into the bathroom.

  Isabelle's smile widened as she took in the filling tub that was covered with flower petals. The entire bathroom smelled like a garden of jasmine. She turned to look up at him.

  "Thank you. This is beautiful."

  Carrying her to the tub, he let her down into the warm water before shutting off the tap. "I want you to sit, relax and soak while I make you some food. Will you do that?"

  Isabelle sat back in the tub allowing the flowers to surround her. "Yes, thank you."

  Ray leaned down and kissed her solidly before he moved to the glass-enclosed shower. Isabelle's eyes were glued to him as he discarded his shorts and stepped inside. She licked her lips as the water cascaded over his glorious body. He soaped himself and Isabelle watched the play of his muscles as he smoothed the lather over the chiseled flesh. By the time he was rinsing Isabelle had her legs clenched together from the thrill of ogling him.

  Ray exited the shower and grabbed a towel quickly drying himself before wrapping it around his waist. He winked at her and her gaze followed him as he disappeared into the bedroom. He returned a minute later in another pair of shorts and came to the edge of the tub.

  "Is it warm enough?" he asked.

  She smiled. "It's perfect." Her gaze connected with his.

  "I'll be back with your food," he told her. "Do you have a preference?"

  Isabelle raised a wet hand to his handsome face. "I'll like whatever you bring me." She licked her lips while she traced his.

  Ray smiled. "You're trying to start trouble."

  She laughed. "You can trouble me anytime Ray Parker."

  He leaned down and stopped before his mouth met hers. "Make sure you eat all of this food, because you may not eat the rest of the day." He kissed her before rising and leaving her alone in the bathroom.


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