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Art of Deception (The Black Diamond Series Book 4)

Page 14

by D. Camille

  Trent spread his hands in frustration. "What do you expect me to do Callie?"

  She turned to him with angry dark eyes. "Am I hiding something from you Trent? Hell yeah I am. A whole damn lifetime that I'm completely ashamed of," she snapped.

  "Am I trying to hurt you or use you?" She gave a short laugh. "You have to figure that out for yourself baby."

  Callie turned her back to him. "You should do your work before Ray gets really mad."

  Trent watched her for a few moments before turning and going into his office. Callie waited until he was in his office with the door closed before she dropped her head to the desk. "You're not going to understand why I had to do this..."


  Sage and Lily dropped Isabelle off at the museum and she entered her office carrying her laptop. Quickly she locked the door behind her while wondering what the two women had in store for Shana. From the tone in their voices, it wasn't good. She made a mental note to try to stay on their good side.

  Taking a seat at her desk, she set up the laptop and turned it on. While she waited for it to boot up, she thought back over the past three days. Three days of being worshipped by a god and her body still craved him.

  Isabelle had insisted after the second day that Ray take her home. He'd managed however, to convince her to stay one more and it had been worth it. She smiled to herself. She'd never imagined that being with a man could feel the way she’d felt with Ray. He thought that he didn't want to be conquered, but she was committed to doing everything to contradict that thought.

  On her laptop, she pulled up a Google search. She'd brought her laptop because she didn't want any traces of what she was about to do on her work computer. She'd also locked the door because she didn't need any unexpected visitors. In the search bar, she typed in Things Men Like in Bed and pulled out a pad of paper and pen.

  Clicking on one of the links she began to read and her eyes widened before she lifted a hand to her mouth.

  "Oh my..." she whispered.

  She began taking notes quickly scribbling on the pad. She was so engrossed in her research that she nearly jumped out of her seat when her phone rang. Glancing at the screen, she licked her lips.

  Breathlessly she answered, "Hello?"

  "Belle?" Ray inquired.

  "Yes Ray."

  "Are you okay?" he asked.

  She smiled and blushed while glancing at her notes. "Yes, I'm fine."

  There was a brief pause.

  "How did the meeting go with your father?" he asked.

  "Fine. I'm meeting with Shana on Friday. I'm so glad Sage and Lily were there," she told him.

  "They'll take care of you."

  Isabelle tapped her pen on the pad as she scanned her notes again thinking about the man on the other line.

  "What were you doing?" Ray inquired.

  "Just some research," she answered quickly.

  "Hmmm...Because when you answered you sounded exactly the way you do when I taste you."

  Isabelle blushed again as she dropped her pen on the floor then quickly bent to pick it up. "What sound is that?" she asked softly.

  "I'll show you tonight."

  She smiled and glanced at the item listed as number five on her list, Talk Dirty to Him...tell him what you want him to do to you…

  "You know what I want tonight?" she whispered.

  "Tell me Goddess."

  Isabelle leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. "I want to feel your hands on my breasts. I want you to grab them and squeeze them then I want to feel your tongue licking my nipples. I want you to turn me around and do the same to my backside. I want you to grab it, squeeze it and lick it until I moan, then I want you moving deep and slow inside me until I scream your name over and over. You know just how I like it."

  The line went silent for a few minutes and Isabelle opened her eyes.

  "Ray?" she called.

  "I'll see you soon Isabelle," he said gruffly before he disconnected the line.

  Isabelle stared at the phone then smiled. She picked up her pen and put a big star next to number five. That one seemed to work pretty well. She happily went back to making her list.


  Sage and Lily arrived at the gallery after dropping Isabelle off at the museum. They went inside and took a seat in the office.

  "I want to kill her Lily," Sage told her.

  Lily smiled. "Sage, we've gone over this. Jordan and Sean don't want you to kill her."

  "They just think that now, but once it's done I think they'll be cool with it."

  "Sage Black, stop that now." Lily laughed.

  Sage shrugged. "Whatever. Maybe Isabelle will kill her." Her brown eyes lit up. "She has a reason to."

  Lily shook her head. "Sage, you know good and well Isabelle is not going to kill her half-sister."

  "She's killed before apparently." Sage reminded her.

  "That was an accident."

  Sage smiled. "Accidents can happen more than once."

  "Let's just get the information please."

  Sage laughed in her seat. "Okay. You want to kill her too though."

  Lily joined her in laughter. "I've never said I didn't."

  "Maybe we can get Carolyn to do it? She likes pointing guns at people," Sage suggested laughing.

  "Stop, do not talk about my mother-in-law like that. Besides, she got help for that," Lily scolded smiling.

  Sage leaned back in her chair. "Let's not even talk about mother-in-laws."

  Lily looked at her friend. "Where is she now?"

  "Jordan has here somewhere. He hasn't even told me where she is. I think he's scared I'll go finish the job or something."

  Lily looked amazed. "I still can't believe you did that to his mother."

  Sage frowned. "She was trying to hurt Jordan. I don't give a damn who she was. That wasn't happening."

  "You two scare the hell out of me. You know that?"

  Sage smiled. "Who? Me and Jordan?"

  Lily nodded. "Yeah. Sean and I wonder if we're going to find both of your bodies after you kill each other."

  "I would never kill Jordan. Jordan is my everything..." she paused. "But I will threaten him because he has to be kept in check sometimes."

  "Still you two are scary," Lily told her.

  "Everybody can't be the Goddess and her warrior living in their little freaky kingdom," Sage teased her.

  Lily's eyes widened. "What?"

  Sage laughed. "I heard you on the phone at my house when Sean was trying to protect Jordan from whatever he was doing that he wasn't supposed to be doing."

  Lily pointed at her. "That's just wrong, wrong and nosey."

  Sage continued laughing as she picked up the mail on the desk. She flipped through it until she came to an envelope addressed to both her and Lily. Lifting a brow, she turned it over.

  "Lily, we've got some mail addressed to both of us."

  Lily looked confused. "Both of us, who's it from?"

  Sage turned the envelope over to the front. "No return address." She went to open it when Lily grabbed it out of her hands.

  "Sage, don't!" Lily said sitting it on the desk. She quickly pulled out her phone and called Sean.

  "Hello beautiful," he answered.

  "Sean, a card is here addressed to me and Sage. It has no return address on it," she told him quickly.

  "Don't move. I'm on my way down."

  Sage looked at Lily. "What do you think it is?"

  "I don't know, but I don't want to take any chances."

  Sean arrived in minutes and walked swiftly into the office. Lily pointed to the note on the desk and both women watched as he walked over retrieving the envelope. He held up it to the light and smelled it before opening it slowly. He pulled out the card inside and read it before quickly stuffing it back inside. His eyes narrowed as he replaced it.

  "What is it Sean?" Lily asked and Sage watched them.

  Sean didn't look at her. "It's fine Lily. I'm glad you called me," he
said evasively.

  Lily went to him. "What does it say?"

  "You don't need to see it." He looked down at her with angry dark brown eyes.

  She placed a hand on his chest. "Please, tell us. We need to know," she implored him.

  Sean lowered his head and handed the note to Lily who took it carefully. She opened it and pulled out the card. At her gasp, Sage called her name and she turned to her friend.

  "What does it say Lily?" Sage demanded.

  Lily turned sad eyes to Sean. "It says that both of our husbands are dead men."


  That evening Trent was at his study group thinking about Callie. He should have been smarter. She'd busted his ass like a veteran detective investigating a petty thief. He’d hacked her computer and found nothing and Ray’s records were clean as well, too clean. What he needed to know, he'd have to find out from Callie herself and she was pissed at him right now, with good reason. Spying on her wasn't cool.

  She'd told him to figure it out if she was trying to hurt him and he'd already determined that could not be true. Callie hadn't asked for anything, yet she'd been there for him at all times. He wasn't going to lose her, no way in hell.

  One thing Trent had learned in his short life was that if you wanted something you had to go get it, no matter what the consequences might be. He'd wanted to find his family and he'd traveled across the country alone to get to them. He'd wanted to know his brothers and now he had a close relationship with them. Both had been scary experiences but he wasn't a coward and he wasn't about to start being one. His brothers handled their business and he would too.

  He may not know everything that was going on, but the one thing he knew for sure was that Callie loved him and he loved her. Nothing was going to stop them from being together. He was making sure of it.

  Pulling out his phone, he sent her a text.

  Trent: Hey Callie

  Callie: Hey Trent

  He winced. Usually she said 'hey baby'. Tonight it was 'hey Trent'.

  Trent: What r u doing?

  Callie: Nothing

  Damn she mad, he thought.

  Trent: I miss you...

  No response.

  Trent: I'm sorry Callie...

  No response.

  Trent: Damn Callie, come on!

  Callie: I'm not going 2 fight with you. It's a waste of time.

  Trent: I don't want 2 fight with you Callie. I can't concentrate right now. I haven't even eaten.

  Trent waited.

  Callie: You need 2 eat baby

  He smiled and let out a breath.

  Trent: I can't leave and we're only breaking for 15 minutes. Not enough time 2 get food.

  Callie: I'll be there in 20 minutes with some food 4 you.

  Trent: You don't have 2 do that Callie.

  Callie: I'll see you in a minute.

  Trent smiled happily. Whew! He'd dodged that bullet.

  Trent: Thank you Callie

  Callie: Don't thank me. It might be poisoned.

  Maybe not just yet...

  Chapter 12

  The play Isis was starring in had been extended for another six months at the University Theater, so she arrived on campus early for her rehearsal. She was still concerned about her father and whatever trouble he was in with the FBI. Her daddy was just about her everything. She loved him unconditionally and she was his baby girl. She had to find a way to protect him.

  As she was crossing the campus from the parking area, she spotted Agent Graham with Callie. The two appeared to be having an argument from their body language. Agent Graham stood with his arms folded in his dark glasses while Callie held a bag in her hand. Callie was animated in her conversation with her head moving with each word she was saying to him. Agent Graham responded to her tilting his head in her direction.

  Isis watched as Callie turned and walked away. She was closer now and she heard Agent Graham call out to Callie. Callie turned and he said something in rapid Spanish. Callie responded just as rapidly in the same language then stalked away from him.

  Isis caught up with Callie as she walked towards one of the buildings.

  "Callie," she called.

  Callie turned and spotted her. "Hey Isis. I need to drop off some food for Trent," she said still walking.

  Isis walked with her. "Why were you arguing with Agent Graham?" Isis asked.

  Callie stopped and turned to her. "Were you watching me?"

  Isis shrugged. "I just saw the two of you and you looked angry."

  "Marc works with Ray and we were discussing a case. Any more questions?" Callie asked raising a brow.

  Isis shook her head watching Callie. "No, I just thought you were upset."

  Callie smiled. "I'm fine. Trent's food is getting cold."

  Isis nodded. "See you later."

  "Yeah, see you later Isis." Callie waited until Isis walked away and watched her go. When she turned to head into the building Trent was coming out to meet her. He walked up to her and hugged her while she returned his embrace holding him tightly.

  "Here's your food baby." She held out the bag.

  Trent looked down and touched her face. "Thank you Callie."

  She smiled. "I'll always take care of you."

  He pulled her closer and lowered his head to kiss her. From one vantage point, Isis watched the pair wondering just what Trent had gotten himself into. From a different point, Agent Graham watched and wondered what Callie had gotten herself into.

  Trent lifted his head. "You still mad at me?" he asked.

  "You can eat your food. It's fine," she told him.

  Trent locked dark eyes with hers. "I want you to know that when this guy tells you he loves you, he really does."

  She smiled slightly. "Go study baby."

  Trent held on to her. "Tell me you believe me."

  Callie tried to turn away but he held her tightly. "Trent..."

  He shook his head. "Right now Callie," he said firmly. "Tell me you know that I love you."

  Callie looked away. "Sometimes I wish you didn't."

  "I'll never stop. You know why?" he asked taking the bag from her hand and sitting it on a nearby outdoor table.

  He held her and lifted her face to his. "Because no one has ever loved me the way you do and I'm not losing you over any bullshit. So whatever the hell we need to deal with, let's do it because nothing and nobody is coming between this right here." He motioned between the two of them and waited.

  Callie eyes widened as she stared up at him. She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest holding him tightly while Trent held her stroking her back.

  "I promise you, we can handle it. Just talk to me," he whispered to her.

  One of Trent's classmates came to the door to let him know they were reconvening and Callie looked up at him.

  "Go finish your group and we'll talk later," she told him.

  He raised a brow still holding on to her.

  "I promise we'll talk. Okay?"

  "I'll be over later," he confirmed.

  Callie stopped. "You want to talk tonight?" she asked warily.

  "Yeah. Tonight," he told her succinctly.

  He waited watching her. "Do we need to leave right now?" he asked tilting his head.

  "I don't want you to leave your session. I'll see you later,” she promised.

  He watched for another minute before lowering his head and kissing her completely holding her tightly against him. Trent finally released her and stepped back.

  "I'll see you later." He picked up his food and disappeared into the building as Callie watched him go.

  "Oh baby." She walked back to her car. At her door, a black limousine pulled up beside her. She watched as the window was lowered.

  “Get in Senorita Jones,” the heavily accented voice told her.

  Callie lowered her head and took a deep breath before turning and entering the vehicle. When she was settled inside, it took off and Callie glanced at the handsome Latin gentleman, befo
re connecting her gaze with Agent Marcus Graham.


  Isabelle took one last glance at her notes before hiding them away inside her coffee table drawer. She knew that she would see Ray sometime this evening as she’d learned that when he told her 'he’d see her soon', he meant it. She’d memorized the items on her list for tonight and her breathing increased thinking about it. She was working her way up to number one but tonight was items number four and three.

  Her doorbell rang and she looked up surprised. Lately Ray just appeared in her apartment out of nowhere. She answered the door to find the object of her every desire holding a bouquet of jasmine flowers. He was wearing tailored dark slacks and white shirt and he was so incredibly beautiful to her from his beautiful brown eyes to his groomed mustache and chin beard. His dark waves were soft to her touch and his full lips gave her endless pleasure.

  “Hello Belle,” he greeted in that baritone that gave her shivers.

  She smiled. “Hello Ray.”

  He looked her over in a skirt and blouse with her feet bare. “You look beautiful Goddess.”

  She stepped back as he entered into the hall.

  “These are for you.” He handed her the flowers and she took them bringing them to her nose to inhale.

  “They’re beautiful. Thank you.” She sat them on the hall table and turned to him.

  She placed a hand on his chest. “And this is for you…” With her hand she pushed him against the wall.

  Item number four…Be Spontaneous…give it to him when and where he least expects it…

  Isabelle pulled his shirt from his pants while pressing her lower body against him. She smiled up at him as she began to unbutton his shirt.

  “What…?” Ray began watching her.

  She placed a manicured finger over his lips and shook her head. “No talking…just feeling.” She finished with the buttons and spread the two halves apart revealing sexy brown muscles. Lovingly she ran her hands down the warm flesh stopping at his waist. Ray stood frozen as she lowered her gaze to the task of loosening his belt and unfastening his pants. She slipped her hand inside his underwear and grasped him firmly. Looking back up at him she said, “This is what I want to feel…” She dropped his pants and underwear from his hips.


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