Fire Year
Page 18
Kirby Gann and Sarah Gorham fearlessly and tastefully line-edited this book, teaching me a lot about storytelling in the process.
Dylan Glockler has used his formidable technical and visual skills to make me multimedia.
David King honored me with his beautiful cover art.
Sala Levin and Nadine Epstein edited “Blue” and gave me a break and a forum to be read.
Jay Michaelson brought his vast and varied wisdom to the title story and its world.
Tim Pauly was an early reader of most of the stories in this book and showed great forbearance during our photo shoot.
Chris Riscinitti taught me about martial arts as he pumped me up.
Mark Rhynsburger was a skillful proofreader and an insightful reader of these stories.
Salvatore Scibona has my gratitude for choosing my book and showing such interest in me as a writer. His example inspires me to keep on.
Kristina Youso helped me imagine the world of the museum more fully.
Tim Pauly /
JASON K. FRIEDMAN was born in Savannah, Georgia, and earned a BA from Yale and an MA from the Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars. His work has appeared in literary journals and anthologies including Best American Gay Fiction and the cultural-studies reader Goth: Undead Subculture. He has published two children’s books, including the thriller Phantom Trucker. He was the runner-up in the Associated Writing Programs Award Series in the Novel, and he won the Moment Magazine–Karma Foundation Short Fiction Contest for “Blue,” the opening story in Fire Year. Jason works as a technical writer in San Francisco, where he lives with his husband, filmmaker Jeffrey Friedman, and their dog, Lefty.
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