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The Sin Trilogy Bundle: A Necessary Sin, the Next Sin, One Last Sin

Page 43

by Georgia Cates

He moves his hand from mine and I feel him growing hard inside his trousers as I work to free him.

  I push his pants to his knees before I get up. “Trade places with me.”

  We rotate so he’s sitting on the edge of the bed and I’m standing over him. “Relax and enjoy. You don’t have to do a thing.”

  “Wait. Will you put your hair up for me?”

  He’s never asked me to do that before but I know why. “You want to watch me.”

  “Aye. I can’t help myself. I love seeing you do it. It’s one of the best parts.”

  I come out of the bathroom with my hair in a messy bun. “Approve?”

  “One hundred percent.”

  I go back to him and place my palms on his knees, moving them upward until they reach his groin. I kiss his stomach, slowly moving my mouth in a southern direction. He jolts when I lick the pattern of his V.


  “You know I am.”

  I grasp the base of his cock and lick the tip of the head. I taste pre-cum. I like it.

  I move my tongue to the base and drag it up the underside of his shaft. He twitches when I get to the sensitive area just beneath the head. When I reach the end again, I take him into my mouth and grasp his base with my fist. I move my mouth and hand in unison.

  “That feels incredible.”

  I alternate between slow and fast. I occasionally stop and circle my tongue around the head. It isn’t long before he pulls the bun on top of my head. My jaws didn’t even have time to cramp. “Stop, Bonny.”

  I take my mouth off him. He pulls his shirt up so his stomach is bare. That’s where he comes—on himself instead of in my mouth. One day I’m going to ask him why he believes that’s the better alternative.

  I go into the bathroom for a towel and wipe him clean before climbing onto the bed next to him.

  We’re lying face to face. He pulls me close for a kiss. “Thank you.”

  “Any time.”

  Sin’s wearing a lopsided grin when he runs his finger over my bottom lip. “I love you,” he whispers.

  I kiss the pad of his thumb. “I love you too.”

  “I’m very happy about the baby. Or babies.”

  He’s right. There’s a chance we have more than one in there. “The possibility of two hasn’t escaped me.”

  “I wouldn’t mind twins. Would you?”

  I’m barely used to the idea of one. “The thought of caring for two babies at once is a little overwhelming.”

  “You aren’t going to be doing this alone. You have me. And I know my mum is anxious to help. Lorna and Westlyn have become your good friends. I’m guessing they wouldn’t mind helping.”

  It’s not reassuring when you subtract Isobel from the equation, combine the experience of the remaining three, and get a sum total of zilch. “Isobel is the only one with experience.”

  “We can hire a nanny if you’d like.”

  What if she mistreated my children? That kind of stuff happens every day. I’d have to kill her.

  “I don’t know if I want to do that.”

  The person I really want helping me will be missing. “I wish my sister could be in our lives. She’ll never have the opportunity to know this baby. Or babies. She’ll only see us a few days here and there. She’ll be like a stranger to our kids.”

  He touches my lower stomach. “I will make sure you and whomever is in there will see Ellison as often as possible.”

  “That means the world to me.”

  “I’m excited to tell my parents. Can we do that tonight over dinner?”

  I don’t think you’re supposed to tell people for several weeks. “Shouldn’t we wait? Just in case?”

  “We can wait on telling everyone else. I want them to know now, but only if it’s all right with you.”

  I suppose it makes no difference. “Whatever you want is fine with me.”

  “They’re going to be very happy.”

  “Ellison will be too.”

  Speaking of … I need to call my sister. She’ll kill me if she’s not the first to know.

  “I told her we were finding out today so I need to call her.”

  “Of course.” He kisses me quickly and stands to do up his trousers. “I have to go back to the office. I had a few things I didn’t finish. I’ll probably be a couple of hours.”

  I knew we wouldn’t get to steal the rest of the day away from The Fellowship. There’s always going to be business that needs tending.

  I suppose I should be happy he was able to get away long enough to go to the appointment with me. “Okay.”

  “Can I tell Mum and Dad to meet us at seven?”

  “That’s fine.”

  I note the time. Ellison has left work by now so it should be the perfect time to call.

  “Did the rabbit die?” That’s the greeting I get. So typical.

  “No animals were harmed during my pregnancy test.”

  “Spill it.”

  “It worked. I’m pregnant.”

  “Bam! Fuck all those doctors who said it wouldn’t happen.”

  “I still can’t believe we were successful on the first try.”

  “That’s because your husband made sure you had the best doctor. Oh my God, Bleu. A baby!”

  “Or babies.”

  “How many little shit machines are we talking?”

  She’s calling my offspring shit machines. “How classy.”

  “Come on, Bleu. Are we talking a litter or what?”

  “No more than two.”

  “I hope you have two mean-ass boys. What did Sinclair say?”

  “He’s ecstatic.”

  “I bet. Have you had an ultrasound?”

  “It’s too early for that. They wouldn’t be able to see anything right now. The doctor said I would get a scan at six weeks to make sure there was a heartbeat.”

  “God, Bleu. I’m your sister. I should be there.”

  If this were happening back home, she’d be up my ass so far I’d never dig her out. And that’s exactly where I’d want her. “I wish you could be.”

  “This sucks! I’m going to miss all of it.”

  I won’t let that happen. “Don’t worry. Sin has promised he’ll let us come see you as often as I want.”

  “It’s not the same. I’m going to miss seeing your mean-ass boys grow up.”

  “You won’t. Sin promised.”

  “I’m coming.”

  Umm … that’s not happening. “You can’t take off work to come here.”

  “I will not miss you bringing babies into this world. Not happening.”

  Oh boy. This should be fun when the time comes. “We have a long time to figure everything out.”

  How in the world will I ever keep her away when it’s time for this baby to come? I know Ellison MacAllister. She doesn’t take no for an answer. That’s going to be a problem.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Sinclair Breckenridge

  My parents haven’t mentioned a word but I’m certain they suspect the reason we’ve asked them and Mitch to dinner. Dad’s his usual collected self but Mum looks like she’s on pins and needles. We should probably put her out of her misery before she has a heart attack.

  I love this restaurant. I brought Bleu here for our first date. That was nine months ago. Seems a lifetime between then and now.

  I reach for Bleu’s hand beneath the table and give it a squeeze. She raises her shoulders and gives me the eyes. I’ve come to know my wife’s expressions and body language well. This is her asking me if I’m ready to tell them.

  “Ready if you are.”

  My mum sits more upright. “Ye have our undivided attention.”

  “Have a look at this, Torri. It seems the other Breckenridges thought it was a good idea to come out for dinner as well. I suppose great minds do think alike.”

  Dammit. I’m not sure how Abram knew we were having dinner here tonight. I suppose my Dad could’ve told him but I’m certain he’s here with a plan in mind.
Nothing he does is by accident.

  He snaps his fingers to summon the host. “We’ll be seated with this party.”

  Bleu and I look at one another as Abram, Torri, Jamie, Westlyn, and Evanna are seated. I see the anger and disappointment in Bleu’s eyes. “He’s ruining this special time for us.”

  I strongly suspect he knows he’s ruining something, although he can’t possibly know what. “Do you want to tell them or wait?” I whisper.

  “I’m afraid your mother will keel over if we don’t tell her now. It’s going to eventually come out.”

  Bleu’s right. We can’t let Abram ruin this for my parents or for us. It’s even possible he’ll see Bleu in a different light after he learns she’s possibly carrying a Fellowship leader.

  “So. What brings everyone out tonight?”

  I squeeze Bleu’s hand again. “We asked Mum, Dad, and Mitch out because we have some exciting news to share. Bleu’s pregnant.”

  A chorus of oohs and ahhs erupt from the women around the table. The group swarms Bleu. My mum is tearful as she cups her hands over her mouth. She gets up from her seat and comes to me. She kisses the side of my face and whispers in my ear as she embraces me. “I knew it would work. I never doubted it for a moment.”

  Jamie gives me a congratulatory slap on the back. “Breeding ’em quick, aren’t you? I suppose The Fellowship will be pleased about that.”

  “Our decision to have a baby has nothing to do with the brotherhood.”

  “I’m not judging. I’m happy for you and Bleu if it’s what you want.”

  Jamie’s a good mate. Nothing like his father. If he says he’s happy for us, then he is. “Trust me. You find the right woman and it’ll be what you want too.”

  “I don’t know about that. I’m pretty determined to be an eternal bachelor.”

  “That’s because you haven’t found your Mrs. Breckenridge yet.”

  Abram doesn’t appear happy but I guess he wouldn’t be. He wants Bleu gone. Her being pregnant with the next generation of Fellowship leaders only solidifies her place within our family.

  “How can we be certain the baby is Sinclair’s?” Everyone around the table goes quiet and looks in Abram’s direction.

  This is fucking unacceptable. “Are you suggesting my wife has been unfaithful?”

  “No. I’m suggesting the clinic you used for your in vitro procedure might have made a mistake. It’s been known to happen before. If that’s the case, your wife isn’t carrying the next Fellowship leader.”

  He shouldn’t know we used a fertility clinic. But he does so I can’t dispute the fact that we didn’t conceive naturally. “We used the best clinic available. There was no mistake.”

  “But how can you be sure? There’s always room for human error in medicine,” he argues.

  He’s being absurd. “Is there not the same risk with every wife of a Fellowship member? Couldn’t she be unfaithful and conceive a child with a non-Fellowship member? Do you paternity test every child born within the brotherhood?”

  “Not every child born within The Fellowship is intended to be a leader as your child will be.”

  “This is ridiculous!” Bleu tosses her napkin onto the table. “I’m not going to sit here and listen to his bullshit. Please take me home, Sin.”

  I don’t try to convince Bleu to stay. I already know my words will be wasted. Frankly, I want to be away from Abram as much as she does. I’m afraid I might do something I’ll regret if I have to listen to him say anything else about the paternity of our child.

  Without another word, we leave the celebratory dinner we organized.

  I phone Sterling and he pulls to the curb to fetch us. We get in, neither of us saying a word on the short drive home.

  We enter the front door and I pull Bleu into my arms. “I’m sorry.”

  “He ruined what should have been a happy occasion with your family. Instead, he turned it into something ugly. I hate him.”

  Right now, I hate him too.

  Her hurt is my pain. I feel it in the center of my chest as tangible as someone squeezing my heart without mercy.

  “I know adoptees can’t become leaders but is there some kind of stupid rule stating babies conceived with medical assistance can’t be head of The Fellowship?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Then why did he ensure everyone knows we didn’t conceive this baby on our own? Was he doing it to be cruel?”

  It was a stab at Bleu. “Yes.”

  “He’s a psychopath, Sin.”

  I don’t think she’s joking. “That’s a strong accusation.”

  “I’ve studied them. They can’t form emotional attachments or feel real empathy for anyone. That’s why he can say the things he does without regard for the way his words affect people. They often have very charming personalities, are very manipulative, and easily gain trust. They pretend to have emotions, yet they don’t feel them. Some are so good at manipulation that their families never suspect their true nature. I know what I’m talking about and he fits the profile perfectly.”

  “I can’t argue with you.”

  “A person exhibiting those characteristics has no place leading The Fellowship.”

  I’m confused. She has said on numerous occasions that she wants us to have time together before I take my place. “You know what you’re suggesting?”

  “Yes. As much as I’d like to postpone, it may be something you need to consider for the good of the brotherhood. To lead is to serve. He’s no servant. He hurts people. I’m not the only one.”

  “What has he done?”

  “He instructed Linsey to fuck you until you forgot me.”

  It all fits now. Linsey never showed any interest in me. It’s one of the reasons I accepted her request to be my paralegal. I needed an assistant who was interested in working and doing a good job.

  “He’s family. You want to see the best in him but he’s evil. Allowing him to be in control of the people who place their trust in him is irresponsible.”

  My wife is right. Our people deserve better. Even loyalists like The Fellowship can be pushed too far. We can’t afford a rebellion. But am I ready to knock Abram out as a top runner?

  “You can’t wear blinders and refuse to acknowledge his true nature forever. Or what he’s capable of.”

  We’re back to her believing Abram could be her mother’s killer.

  “I need proof, Bonny.”

  “I understand. I’m working on it.”

  “If it’s proven that he’s the murderer, my father will kill him without hesitation.” I have no doubt about that.

  “No! I have to be the one to do it.”

  I wouldn’t let her go through with it even if I hadn’t made a promise to Harry on his deathbed. “You’re pregnant. No way I’m letting you do that.”

  “I won’t be pregnant forever.”

  Is she even thinking ahead? “What’s the end result when you’re no longer pregnant? You’ll be a mother, and not to just any child. My child! There’s no way I’ll allow you to put yourself in a dangerous situation like that.”

  She’s shaking her head in disagreement. “You’re my husband but that doesn’t mean you get to dictate what I do.”

  “You’re wrong if you think I don’t get a vote.”

  I can predict with one hundred percent accuracy that what I’m about to say will cause problems between us. “As your husband, I won’t command you to do anything, but as your Fellowship leader, I will.”

  “Oh. I see now. You’re my leader before you’re my husband.”

  “Never. I’m always your husband first. That means I protect you above anything else and I’m telling you that you won’t do this no matter what you prove.”

  “I’d like to see you try to stop me.”

  She doesn’t understand the repercussions for killing a brother. I think it’s time she had a lesson. “Bonny. If you kill Abram and you’re caught, they will kill you. And I can’t stop them. Is there any part of that
you don’t understand?”

  “I won’t be caught.”

  “Bleu! Don’t ignore what I’m telling you.” I don’t enjoy raising my voice at my wife. I enjoy the expression on her face as she looks at me even less. It’s a melting pot of hurt and anger.

  “Or what? I’ll have to pay penance? You’ll send me to Sangster and have me beaten within an inch of my life?”

  I grab Bleu firmly by her upper arms. “Listen to me. We’re having a baby. You’re going to be a mother. There’s no room for stupidity where our child is concerned. I will not let you jeopardize our family over your obsession.”

  I release her arms and head for the door. She’s being irrational and unreasonable. I’m furious so I shouldn’t be around her right now. Fighting fair—it’s not something I’ve ever learned to do so I fear what I might say or do. I don’t want to create regrets.

  “Where are you going?”


  I stop in the doorway and turn back to look at Bleu. “Keeping you and our child safe is number one. Always. Maybe you should think about what your priorities are while I’m gone.”

  * * *

  I’m angry with Bleu but I’m furious with Abram. His actions are feeding her addiction for revenge, taunting her at every opportunity. It has to stop. Now.

  I storm into my parents’ house and call out for my father.

  “In here, son.”

  I find my parents in the living room—together, watching television. I’m surprised they’re in the same room by choice. “What’s going on?”

  “We were discussing Abram’s actions at dinner. It was unacceptable and I told him so,” my dad says.

  “How is Bleu?” my mum asks.

  “Not great.”

  I sit next to my mother, facing my father. “Tonight wasn’t the first time Abram has acted out at Bleu. He’s taunted her on other occasions.”

  “He’s a bully,” my mum says.

  “He may be but he’s not going to upset the mother of my child like that. I can’t be expected to accept that kind of behavior directed at my wife by any Fellowship member, even if he is your brother.”

  “I don’t expect you to tolerate Bleu being mistreated, even if he is my brother. Now is the time to put a stop to it. With Abram, what you allow him to do is what will continue. I learned that lesson the hard way.”


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