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A Touch of Passion (boxed set romance bundle)

Page 71

by Uvi Poznansky

  Charity could only shake her head no.

  “I’m going to say that I was just floored by what a brilliant actress you are. You’re a hard worker and you aren’t saddled with an outrageous ego. That’s a wonderful combination to have in this field. It makes you a dream to work with.” He held up a hand in protest, as if Charity had been able to say something in response.

  Charity was too dumbstruck to move, much less respond. It was impossible to believe that this was the same man who had made her life such a living hell over the past six months.

  He bobbed his head as if she had made some sort of reply. “I know. You never knew I felt that way about your talent while we were working together.” He shrugged and continued to bob his head as if once he had begun the motion he couldn’t stop. “I needed you to believe you weren’t good enough so I could force you to give me everything you had. When I work on a project, I like things to be done my way. I needed you to work at your peak, but I can’t just let you leave without knowing I believe, with all of my heart, that you are going to be a major headline attraction as soon as the film is released.”

  He grabbed her hand and planted a very sloppy kiss on the back of it. Charity waited until he had unsteadily moved away, undoubtedly to search for another drink, before she wiped the back of her hand off on the skirt of her dress.

  A few seconds later, Charles approached with an arm draped around Sonia’s shoulders. They looked cute together since they were both dressed in black. Her long sweeping dress was adorned with a beautiful three strand necklace, covered with flowers created from diamonds. Charles’ tux was simply tailored, but it wasn’t difficult to see that it must have cost a small fortune. When he took note of Charity’s bemused expression he chuckled, “You okay?”

  Charity closed her mouth and set the half empty plate onto the nearest table. No matter how many different ways she turned Christopher’s comments over in her mind, she still couldn’t believe he had been so kind. “Christopher was just here. I’m not quite sure how to take him being nice to me. Maybe that’s the way he is when he’s tipsy. I wish that I had known that earlier. I would have spiked his morning tea with vodka months ago.”

  Charles patted Sonia’s shoulder before reaching over and taking a crème filled pastry from one of the trays on the table. He popped a bite of it into his mouth and chewed before saying, “I know you’ll find this hard to believe, but he really is nice. He never lets the cast see that side of him while he’s working. It’s his belief people will work harder for someone they’re afraid of. I disagree, but he always does such a good job, I never interfere with how he does it. What did he say? Did he tell you that he thinks you’re a great actress? You are.” He placed the half eaten pastry on Charity’s discarded plate. “Sonia and I came over to say our goodbyes. We are leaving first thing in the morning. I knew this would probably be our last chance to talk before everyone headed their separate ways.”

  Charity stood on her tiptoes, kissed Charles’ cheek, and then hugged Sonia. “I’m going to miss everyone so much. Charles, it’s been a great honor working for you. You have no idea how much I appreciate you giving me this opportunity.” She squeezed Sonia’s shoulder. “Sonia, thank you for being so nice to me after that horrible article was written about Charles and me. Not every wife would have been as understanding as you were.”

  Sonia returned Charity’s hug. Her voice was that of a conspirator. “Dear, when you get to be mine and Charles’s age, it’s a great compliment for anyone to believe you’re still having sex. We have been married long enough for me to trust what we have. I know he loves me as much as I love him. You’re a very dear girl, and I have grown very fond of you. You have to promise to call as soon as you get settled in at David and Maria’s. We’ll have to do lunch and go shopping. I would love for my family and friends to meet you.”

  Charity grinned. “Thank you. I would love to meet everyone. I promise to call and let you know when I arrive.”

  In a matter of seconds, Charles’s expression changed from friendly to all business. He cleared his throat as if that would be all it took to switch the mood. “I expect you and David to be at the movie’s premiere. It should be around the end of July or the first of August. I will be in contact with you about the sequel. The writers are in the final stages of having the script completed as we speak.”

  Letting out a long dramatic sigh, Charles shook his head and said, “I expect your salary for this next film to be a little steeper this next time around. I understand you are considering signing with Michael Anderson. He’s one of the best agents in town. You’ll do well to have him representing you.”

  Since Charity still had her arm around Sonia, Charles included them both in a huge hug. When he stepped back, he pointed a finger at Charity. “I will call you when I know the date for the movie’s premiere. Before that date, I’ll be making arrangements for you and David to do some personal appearances for promotion purposes.” He hugged her again. “I know. I’m giving you too much information about business when you’re supposed to be having fun tonight. You’ll be in California soon, so we’ll meet and talk about all of this later.”

  A pleased expression came over his face when he finally noticed Charity’s new dress. He let out a low wolf whistle. “If I may be so bold, you look just absolutely stunning. You’re much too beautiful to be attending a function like this by yourself. Sonia’s good at matchmaking.” He turned to his wife. “Do we know any nice young men who might be suitable for Charity? Surely we know someone worthy of her.”

  Sonia patted his arm and smiled. “She doesn’t need our help. I have a feeling when she’s ready for a new relationship, nice young men will already be coming out of the wood work.”

  The three of them hugged one last time before Sonia and Charles disappeared into the mingling crowd. She was feeling overwhelmed and sad from having to say goodbye to her good friends, when she noticed Betty coming towards her. The tall blonde was dressed in a shimmering silver gown which sparkled in the lights with her every movement. Charity could only feel trepidation as she approached, fully expecting another classic Betty heart-to-heart.

  Betty stopped briefly and eyed Charity warily before finishing her approach. “I guess this is it.”

  Charity picked the discarded plate of food up just in case she needed a weapon to defend herself. “I guess it is.”

  Betty shifted unsteadily in her three inch heels as she balanced on the soft stadium grass. “I’m sorry.”

  With a pastry midway to her mouth, Charity stopped and waited for the other shoe to drop. With Betty there was bound to be more and she doubted it was going to be good. To play it safe and have at least one hand free, she placed the pastry back onto the plate.

  Betty continued with what seemed like a well-planned speech and without ever looking Charity in the eyes. “I was very rude to you when you arrived. I didn’t have any right to be treating you that way. It was wrong to embarrass you in front of everyone like I did.” She looked over her shoulder as if making certain no one else could hear her before continuing. “I know now that you didn’t sleep around to get this job, and I’m sorry I made your first days here so awful.”

  With Christopher’s confession, Charles and Sonia’s goodbyes and now Betty’s apology it was almost too much to handle at one time. Charity took in a deep breath to quiet her emotions before answering. “Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. I’m sorry we couldn’t have gotten to know each other better while we were here in Dallas. Maybe we will have the opportunity to work together again sometime.”

  Betty took the discarded pastry off of Charity’s plate and started chattering away like they had been friends forever. “I hear Charles has a sequel in the works. I hope we’re able to work together on that project, too. I don’t blame you for being angry at me for the way I spoke to you in the beginning, but I hope we can leave all of that in the past. I would appreciate it if you didn’t mention the way I treated you to Charles. I wouldn’t want him to leave
me out of his next film because of what I may have said to you.”

  That was a light bulb moment for Charity. The apology now made sense. Betty was hoping she might recommend her for the sequel. Never having been a person who held a grudge, yet not wanting to commit to doing any favors for Betty either, she decided to offer a token olive branch. “I’m sure our next film together will be a great experience. Maybe I will see you at the premiere in July.”

  Betty placed the half eaten pastry back onto the plate in Charity’s hand before turning to leave. A look of relief was evident on her face. “Sure. I’ll see you then.”

  Out of nowhere, David emerged out of a crowd of guests several feet away. He waved when he was close enough and not in any danger of poking anyone’s eye out. Every time it looked as if he was making some headway, someone would stop him to chat and it took him several minutes to finally reach her. “Are you having a good time?”

  Not needing to keep her hands busy any longer, Charity set the plate down for the final time. “It’s been fun. Can you believe I met John Wayne earlier this evening?” She touched her cheek. “I’m never going to wash my face again.” She held up two fingers. “I was this close to Robert Redford, but before I could make eye contact, a swarm of women appeared and surrounded him. I don’t know if he made it out alive or not, but I gave up trying to meet him. I was afraid of getting hurt in the crush.”

  David grinned at her childlike enthusiasm. “You met the Duke, huh? He’s a character. I worked with him once. He’s an outstanding person on and off the set.” A short bald guy bumped into David so it took a moment for apologies to be exchanged and for him to move on before David could refocus his attention back to Charity. “What did Betty want? I saw the two of you having a little chit chat, and I thought maybe I should come over and be a referee between the two of you. No fighting? I take it the two of you called a truce?”

  The woman in question was a few feet away, leaning forward and doing her best to expose as much cleavage as possible to an older gentleman Charity had never seen before. He was dressed in an expensive looking western style suit, black cowboy boots, and a handsome cowboy hat. The older gentleman was all smiles, and he looked as if he couldn’t believe his good luck at having such a tall, leggy blonde notice him. Charity wished the man the best of luck, because if he fell for her act, he was in a world of trouble. “I guess you could say that we weren’t fighting. She wanted to apologize, and say she hoped we could work together soon.”

  David raised an eyebrow and turned to watch Betty in action. “I see. She’s hoping to be in the sequel? Uh?”

  “Yeah. I believe she thinks she is smoothing her way into the next movie. I don’t know why she thought I would be the way to go about getting hired again. I’m not the person she needs to be kissing up to. She should have taken her routine to Charles before he left.”

  David leaned across her. He took a tiny morsel off of her half-eaten plate, and popped it in his mouth. “Oh. I’m sure she has made her rounds to everyone she believes will be of some help. I wouldn’t give her a lot of thought. My guess is that Charles won’t hire her again. It was common knowledge on the set what a trouble maker she was. He hates friction of any kind. He’s big on giving people a chance, but if you blow it, then he’s pretty much through with you.”

  He scanned the party before grabbing another bite from the plate. “Why don’t we blow this party? I want to go back to the hotel and pack. My plane leaves very early in the morning. Of course you don’t have to leave just because I do. Maybe you would like to stay and have some more fun? I could send Stanley back for you later if you like.”

  Charity linked her arm through his. “Are you kidding me? My feet are killing me, and I can’t wait to change into something more comfortable. This has been fun, but I’m ready to call it a night. My plane leaves tomorrow too you know.”


  The week spent with her parents had been too brief for all three of them. They had tried to focus on enjoying each and every moment with Charity before she was scheduled to leave again, but the knowledge that their time together was going to be over so soon was always at the back of all their minds. At the end of the visit, her parents went to the airport with her, trying to lengthen their time together. Right before she boarded, Judy promised to fly out before Maria’s baby was born. Her mother was just as anxious over Maria’s health and for the baby’s arrival as everyone else was.

  Charity had been so lost in her own thoughts that she jumped when Mrs. Edwards tapped her on the shoulder. She took the headphones off so she could hear what the little old lady was saying.

  “The captain just announced that we will be landing soon. I thought you might want to buckle up.”

  Charity fastened her seat belt. “Thank you.”

  Mrs. Edwards leaned in with her elbow on the armrest separating her and Charity. “Would you take the time to meet my family when we land? I know my granddaughters would just love to meet you. They have never met a movie star before.”

  Charity smiled. “I would love to meet your family, but I’m really not a movie star. My first movie hasn’t even been released yet.”

  The older lady just smiled as if Charity didn’t know what she was talking about. “Of course you’re a star. I have been reading all about you for months now and Touchdown of the Heart is being advertised on television almost every day now, showing your face to the world already. I know a rising star when I see one.”

  Charity couldn’t help but think about what most of the articles had been about. “I hope you didn’t believe everything you read. Most of it wasn’t true.”

  The older lady patted her arm. “I know. No one believes any of that garbage.”

  A short time after disembarking and finding their luggage, Mrs. Edward’s family arrived to pick her up and introductions were made all around. It turned out that the granddaughters were just as wonderful as described and Charity was glad to have taken the time to meet them. A few minutes into the introductions and David arrived to pick her up. Of course, the family turned all of their attention to him. While no one at the airport recognized Charity, David always drew a large crowd. Leaving the airport turned into a huge adventure of him signing autographs and meeting people.

  As soon as they could break free of everyone, David smiled at her mussed hair and flushed face. “You do know that from now on this will be how all your plane trips will go. There’s always one person who will recognize you and want to talk. They will want to know all about you, and of course you have to meet their family before you leave. Mrs. Edwards will probably be your biggest fan from here on out. You made a huge impression on her today by taking the time to meet her family.”

  As soon as they finally reached the car, they threw everything in the car’s trunk and headed towards the airport’s exit. Charity took a moment to really look at David after she’d settled into the passenger seat and watched him navigate smoothly through the busy traffic and out onto the interstate. It seemed as if he was more relaxed than the last time she had seen him in Dallas. That was reassuring and so she asked, “How’s Maria?”

  David shrugged but didn’t take his eyes off the busy road. “She has good days and bad days. She’s so excited to see you.” He took his hands off of the steering wheel long enough to make the sign of quotation marks in the air. “She has some ideas for the nursery and wants a woman’s opinion.”

  He looked at her briefly before turning his attention back to the traffic in front of him. “Trust me. Pick the baby bunnies. I know that’s what she wants, but she keeps pretending that she doesn’t know which border to choose. I see her looking at the one with the baby bunnies on it. I keep saying, ‘Honey, if you want the bunnies, just tell me, and I will put it up for you.’ She keeps saying, ‘I’m not sure. Maybe when Charity gets here she can tell me what she thinks.’ Trust me. She wants the baby bunnies.”

  They both laughed. She nodded and grinned, suddenly feeling very lighthearted and free. “Okay. We’re go
ing with the baby bunnies.”

  It felt good to be in the California sunshine, speeding down an interstate in a beautiful place she had never been before. It was such a great adventure! Who knew what was going to happen next? She was going to stay with her best friends while starting her life over in a new state, was excited by the idea that her whole life was suddenly open before her. A clean slate and she could do anything she wanted to.

  Remembering the phone conversation she had with Michael before leaving Tennessee, she said, “I’m meeting with Michael around eight tonight. He wants to take me out to dinner and discuss our contract. I hope you and Maria don’t mind. Michael said he would call you and let you know so you wouldn’t make any dinner plans for the three of us tonight. He seems pretty efficient. Did he call you?”

  David put his signal on and zoomed past a slower car. Charity was a little surprised by how fast everyone was going. She kept her anxieties about the speeding vehicles to herself.

  “He called yesterday. He invited me and Maria, but I thought it would be better if the two of you had your first meeting alone. We will all get together at a later date.”

  She watched the scenery glide by and took in a deep relaxing breath. “How have you been doing? Baby bunnies and all else aside. You look well.”

  He looked over for just a moment before looking back at the road again. “I’m good. I’ve had a few projects here in town I’ve been working on. It gives Maria some time alone so she doesn’t feel as if I’m smothering her with kindness, and I can still be close enough to the house where I can be certain she’s taking proper care of herself. She doesn’t like me worrying about her so I try not to hover over her all day. Even though that’s what I want to do. We heard the baby’s heartbeat the other day. It was amazing. It didn’t really hit me until then that it’s a baby. A real baby.” He looked over and smiled. “I’m going to be a father. I can’t believe it.”


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