A Touch of Passion (boxed set romance bundle)

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A Touch of Passion (boxed set romance bundle) Page 72

by Uvi Poznansky

  The awe in his voice gave Charity goose bumps. “So, Dad, what do you want? A boy or a girl?”

  “I want a healthy baby and a healthy wife. I don’t care beyond that. Maria wants neutral colors in the nursery and that’s where the bunnies come in. They’re a pale green and yellow. She has some other samples, but I’m telling you. It’s the bunnies.”

  Charity giggled at his comical expression. “I get it. I get it. It’s the bunnies.”

  The remainder of the trip passed quickly. Before Charity knew it, she and David were pulling into the garage of his ocean front house. As soon as they had all her luggage out of the trunk, they headed into the house. Maria was waiting on the sofa in their vast living room, a wide open area that had an enormous window for an outer wall. All Charity could see was ocean, and the view was breathtaking. The room could have been empty of furniture and decorations, and no one would notice because of the outside view.

  Maria was laid back with her feet propped up on the sofa. She tossed aside the magazine she had been reading and stood. “Charity! Come sit down. How was your flight?”

  Charity let go of the luggage and ran over to Maria. She hugged her tightly before pulling back to get a better look at her face. She wanted to see for herself how Maria looked. After reassuring herself that all was well she answered, “The flight was fine. I had the cutest little grandmother sitting next to me. I thought that she would drive me crazy at first, but she finally settled down and the rest of the flight wasn’t too bad.”

  Charity patted Maria’s still flat tummy. “How’s the mother-to-be and her baby?”

  Maria grimaced. “Getting fat. David won’t let me do anything. So I just sit around all day and eat. I’m going to be as big as this house before the baby is born.”

  With the customary reassurances over how everyone was doing so well, they finally sat. Charity claimed the spot next to Maria so she could look over all the wall paper samples that she had lying around. She immediately saw the wall paper with the baby bunnies. She picked it up and gushed about it. “This is adorable. It is just too sweet.”

  Marie took the sample away from her, and gave David a withering look. “He told you. Didn’t he?”

  Everyone laughed while David pointed a finger at Charity. “Can’t you have some tact? What’s wrong with you girl? Haven’t you ever had to deal with a pregnant woman before? You let them think that it’s their idea.”

  He threw his hands up in the air and then leaned back into his seat. “It will be months now before she ever decides on the wallpaper or border.”

  Maria threw her magazine at him. “Why don’t you make yourself useful and show Charity to her room.”

  Maria turned back to Charity. She ducked expertly as David threw the magazine back at her. “I hope you like your room. Why don’t you get settled in and then we will have some time to get caught up. I would like to know how your mom and dad are doing.”

  It only took Charity a few minutes to put her belongings away in the guest bedroom. The view from her room was just as spectacular as the view from the living room. As soon as she was finished unpacking, she opened the two glass French doors that went from her room to the patio overlooking the beach. Charity sat in a lounge chair for a long time just soaking up the scenery. It wasn’t often a girl from Tennessee was able to see the ocean. She had been to Florida a couple of times as a child, but those two trips had been the family vacations where there was always too much to do in too little of a space of time. She had never really had the time to sit and appreciate how beautiful such a large body of water was. It was so peaceful to just sit, watch the rolling water, and listen as the waves crashed into each other. With enough time in this place she could heal, and find out who she was and what exactly she wanted to do with her life.

  The afternoon went by too quickly while Maria showed Charity around her beloved painting studio. Maria’s talent was all too evident in each and every painting. In all the time they had spent together, she had never let on her painting was any more than a pleasant hobby. She had always been so into David’s career and Charity had never guessed Maria was well known in the art world for her bold abstracts. The time spent away from her work must have been excruciating.

  After touring the studio, Charity took a shower and a short nap until it was nearing the time Michael was due to arrive. He arrived a few minutes before eight. During their phone conversations Charity hadn’t known what to expect in regard to his appearance but had grown to trust his rich, deep voice. He had been full of great ideas to boost her career.

  She was standing, gazing out at the ocean view again, when David answered the door and invited Michael in. Upon hearing voices Charity turned as the two men entered from the foyer. Michael made a beeline over to Maria and didn’t seem to notice Charity standing over by the sliding glass doors leading out to the patio. That gave Charity plenty of time to observe her dinner date. She hadn’t expected him to be so boyishly handsome. She wasn’t certain why she found that to be so alarming. Maybe it was because she had assumed he would be older, potbellied and bald, but instead he was tall, tan, and blonde.

  After checking on Maria’s health he turned toward Charity as if knowing she had been there all along. A slow grin spread across his face before he walked over to take her offered hand. Instead of shaking it though, he raised it and pressed his lips against the ridge of her knuckles. “Your audition photos don’t do you justice. I swear your entire face just glows. You’re breathtaking.”

  Charity managed to reclaim her hand and tried to remember how to breathe again. She chanted silently, smooth talker, smooth talker, smooth talker, but out loud she said, “Thank you.”

  They stayed for a while talking with Maria and David before Michael suggested that they should leave if they were going to arrive at the restaurant in time for their dinner reservations. Once in the car it was easier than expected to fall into a pleasant conversation. He was so charming that he set her at ease right away. For some reason she couldn’t take her eyes off of his long blond hair. Maybe because it was tied into a long pony tail and while she had seen men on television with a pony tail she had never seen anyone in real life with one. The hair style gave him a devilish appearance. His light blue eyes had an intelligent gleam in them. They had a way of settling on Charity’s face in the most quizzical manner.

  Once they arrived at the restaurant, all the ladies looked his way as if they found him tempting and fascinating. Even though he never let go of Charity’s arm, he returned the interested stares. It was easy to tell he was a man who enjoyed women a little too much. She doubted that he was the type to find that special someone and settle down for the long term. He could be a dangerous man if a woman decided to take him seriously, but she had no intention of falling into that trap. She needed an agent and not another man she couldn’t trust.

  The evening passed by quickly. Michael didn’t bring up business until after they had eaten, the waitress brought Michael a cup of coffee, and refilled Charity’s water. He was suddenly all business. The playboy facade was replaced with a man who knew exactly what he was doing and the terms he wanted to negotiate. “What do you think of the terms of the contract? Can you think of anything you would like to change?”

  Charity sipped on her ice water. “It’s all very well thought out. I’m ready to sign whenever you are.”

  Michael pushed his plate toward the center of the table and folded his hands on top of the table. He leaned forward in his seat. He seemed anxious to get started. “Good. I will drive over to David and Maria’s tomorrow around ten o’clock and pick you up. We’ll go back to my office. I will have all the paperwork printed out and ready for you. I already have two auditions lined up for you next week.”

  Charity laughed at his eagerness. “You were certain I was going to sign weren’t you?”

  Michael had a smile that was big and toothy, but quite charming. “I’m the hardest working agent in town. If you’re not making money then I’m not making money. It
’s really pretty simple.”

  Charity leaned forward in her chair. “Michael. I’m ready to go after whatever part that you think is right for me. I don’t care how small it is. I want to get as much experience as possible. I don’t ever want to walk into another situation where the cast thinks that I didn’t earn the right to be there. I did a good job with my last role, but I had to fight the entire time to let everyone know that I didn’t sleep my way there to get it. It was quite frustrating.”

  He propped his elbows on the table. “Okay. I’m taking your word for it that you don’t care how small. Of course this will be for the short term, because once Charles’ film comes out, you will be offered some major roles with some hefty wages to go with them.”

  Charity propped her elbows on the table, mirroring Michael in her own resolve, and leaned closer to him. “If David trusts you then I trust you. I’m putting my career in your hands”

  Michael offered his hand to her. “I have a feeling this is going to be a very profitable relationship.”

  Charity took the offered hand and they shook.

  After the hand shake, Michael played with the crumpled napkin lying on the table before him. He seemed to be making a hard decision. “What do you think about going out some time?” He grinned boyishly. “I mean like a date or something.”

  Charity sat back. “I believe we are going to have a very good working relationship, but I would like to keep it as business-like as possible. The ink on my divorce papers has just barely dried and I’m not ready to begin dating yet.”

  He leaned back into his seat but didn’t appear to be offended. “Okay. I can do business-like, but if you ever change your mind just let me know.”

  After taking a short side trip to a nearby infant boutique, Michael dropped Charity, and her three large bags filled with baby items, off at the beach house. Standing in the front foyer to let her eyes adjust, she realized just a few lights were left on and thought everyone had gone to bed for the night. Since she was still too wound up from her night out on the town, she decided to sit on the deck and listen to the sounds of the ocean. She looked through the cabinets in the kitchen and found some instant coffee. She carried her coffee out to the deck and was in the process of sitting down when Maria spoke. Charity jumped and spilled some of her coffee onto the patio table.

  “I hope you had a good time tonight with Michael. He’s very sweet and not bad to look at either.”

  Charity held a hand to her thumping chest. She took one of the napkins she had brought with her, and cleaned the spilled coffee up as she spoke. “You almost scared me to death. I didn’t see you sitting there. I thought you and David had already gone to bed.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. David has already gone to bed. I wasn’t very sleepy. I find it very relaxing to sit out here and just listen to the waves come in. It’s quite peaceful.”

  Charity moved her coffee over to the table where Maria was sitting. After she sat down, she answered Maria’s first question. “I had a great time! Michael was a great dinner date and yes, he is nice to look at. Every woman at the restaurant thought so too.”

  “He does attract the lady’s attention and he loves it.”

  Charity could barely make out the tide rolling onto the beach through the darkness of night. The breeze blew the curls along her forehead. “I don’t know what I expected from him, but he is really quite charming. Maybe a little too much, but I have no doubt in my mind he’ll find me another acting job. David thinks a lot of him. That goes a long way for me. He has a good head on his shoulders about his career.”

  Maria smiled in the darkness. “My David has a good head on his shoulders about everything, but I guess I am a tad prejudice on the subject.”

  Charity jumped out of her chair and headed towards the living room. She called over her shoulder. “I bought you something.” She brought the stacks of baby things out to the patio. She took everything out of all the shopping bags and laid all the baby items on the table for Maria to see.

  Maria picked up a comforter and exclaimed. “Baby bunnies!”

  She hugged the comforter to her chest. “It’s all so adorable! I just love everything. Now that it’s settled on baby bunnies, I’m going to call tomorrow and get someone started decorating the baby room. This is exactly what I wanted. I guess David does know me pretty well.”

  Maria reached across the table and took Charity’s hand. “Thank you. That was very sweet of you to take time out on your first night here and buy gifts for the baby. It means so much to me. You mean so much to me, Charity. I haven’t had a better friend than you have been to me. I’m so happy we met and became friends.”

  Maria let go of Charity’s hand and looked through the other assortment of baby items on the table. She picked up a pair of baby booties that had little bunnies attached to the toes. Tears came to Maria’s eyes as she looked at them.

  Charity jumped up, went around to Maria, and put her arms around her. “I’m sorry. We can exchange the bunnies for something else if you rather.”

  Maria wiped away the tears. “It’s not the bunnies. I’m so worried lately, and I have been trying not to let David find out. You know how he is. He would only hover more.”

  Charity pulled her chair up so she was sitting directly in front of Maria. She took both of her hands into hers. “What are you worried about? Do you want to tell me? I will help anyway I can.”

  Maria squeezed her hands. “I know. I’m worried about what will happen to the baby if I don’t make it through the delivery.”

  Charity gripped Maria’s hands even tighter. “Of course you’re going to make it through the delivery. You are going to be just fine.”

  Maria leaned in closer and whispered, “I don’t think I am.”

  Maria patted Charity’s hand as if she was the one in need of comforting. “David doesn’t want me to talk like this, but I need to talk to you about the baby’s care if I don’t make it.”

  Maria pushed her chair back and stood up. “Just humor me. Okay?”

  Both women walked over to the edge of the patio railing and leaned their arms onto it. They stared off into the blackness of the night.

  “Would you do me a favor and promise me that if I don’t come through the delivery, that you will help David out with the baby? Just for a little while. Until he’s comfortable taking care of a newborn.”

  Charity nodded and then said, “Certainly. You know I would help if the need ever arose, but there’s no reason to believe that you won’t make it. You are looking good, and David said on the way here from the airport that the baby’s doing just fine.”

  “Everything is fine right now, but things could change rapidly as it gets closer to the delivery date. I don’t know if I ever told you about my mother, but she died during the delivery of my baby sister. The baby was too little and didn’t survive but a couple of days after my mom died. I was around three at the time. My dad died of a stroke right after David and I married. David and I have wanted a baby for so long. I didn’t want to believe that history could repeat itself. David and I love each other so much, and we knew that a baby in our life would make our family complete. I want this baby. I want this baby more than anything else in the world. David would have never agreed to me having one if he knew I was already having trouble with my blood pressure. So when I discovered a few months ago my blood pressure might be giving me problems, I didn’t tell David. The doctor wanted to put me on blood pressure medication, but I was afraid the medication might hurt the baby if I was to become pregnant.”

  Maria put her hand on her stomach. “I have the baby I want, but I’m not sure if I will be here to raise and love this baby. I want to be here for the baby. I know David will be a wonderful father. That will have to be enough.”

  Maria took Charity’s hand. “If you will just promise me that you won’t mention my fears to David, and you’ll help him if the need arises. Then I will be able to rest better at night knowing my baby will be well taken care o

  Charity hugged Maria. It broke her heart to feel her tremble, because she knew then that Maria was truly afraid. Charity pulled back and looked her in the eyes. “I promise you that I will take care of your baby. I promise, but you have to promise me that you are going to not think about not being here. You are not doing yourself any favors by believing the worst is going to happen. Promise me that you are only going to concentrate on having a healthy baby, and how happy the three of you are going to be after this baby is born.”

  Maria looked solemn. “Okay. I promise. Now that I know you are going to be here. I’m certain everything is going to be alright.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Which dress do you like best?” Charity twirled one more time for Maria. This was the third and final dress she had to try on.

  From her spot on the sofa, Maria tilted her head in thought. “This one is very elegant. It will come in handy later for other occasions. Every woman needs a simple black gown in their closet, but I really love the last dress. That shade of blue was so beautiful against your alabaster complexion.”

  The living room was now the center of Maria’s world since her doctor had restricted her to total bed rest. Her blood pressure had steadily climbed over the past few months, and while no one ever discussed the ever present danger, a smothering fear hovered over them like an unwelcome guest.

  Over the past few weeks Charity had done everything within her power to keep Maria’s mind off her failing health, and from dwelling on the what ifs. The impromptu fashion show was her latest attempt at keeping things normal.

  After several moments of Maria saying nothing, she finally said, “Do an old pregnant woman a favor and try the blue dress on again.”

  Charity slid out of the long black gown, threw it over the back of the sofa, and ran into the guest bedroom. She quickly changed back into the delicate blue dress. She loved the feel of the chiffon against her skin, and the floor length gown was a lovely shade of midnight blue. She tugged at the bodice and looked into the nearest mirror at her reflection. It really was the most beautiful gown she had ever seen, but she had never worn a strapless gown before. She wasn’t certain she was bold enough to be in front of the world in such a revealing dress.


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