A Touch of Passion (boxed set romance bundle)

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A Touch of Passion (boxed set romance bundle) Page 73

by Uvi Poznansky

  She grimaced at her reflection one more time, before hurrying back to Maria. “Here it is. What do you think?” She ran a finger across her bare chest and looked down to see how much cleavage was exposed.

  Maria laughed. “Stop. I can hear your thoughts from over here. This is the gown you’re wearing. You look beautiful in it and no, you are not showing too much cleavage.” She patted the spot next to her on the sofa. “Where did you buy the gowns from again?”

  Charity lifted the skirt a little to keep from dragging the hem as she walked over and sat down. She pulled Maria’s feet into her lap and began rubbing them. With still five weeks to go before her due date, it was troublesome that her feet and ankles were always swollen and painful. Charity and David had been taking turns rubbing them whenever possible. It was just one of the many little things they did to try and make Maria more comfortable.

  “Have you ever been to Daniel’s Fashion Boutique?”

  At the mention of the boutique, Maria leaned forward and released a long sigh before answering. “I love that place! Every year David and I make at least one trip to New York, just to catch a couple of plays and shop.”

  It was refreshing to see Maria excited about something so Charity settled back to relive as much of the experience as she could remember. “Since it was so close to The Plaza Hotel, right after I did my last morning talk show for Touchdown of the Heart I walked over to look for something to wear to the premiere. Since I couldn’t decide between the black, blue, or red gowns, I decided to buy all three.” The entire time she was talking she continued to massage Maria’s feet.

  Maria wiggled her toes and sighed. “That feels so good. Thank you.” She laid her head back against the tall stack of pillows, stared up at the ceiling, and sighed again. “As soon as the baby’s born I want to go shopping. I want a slinky new outfit.” She grinned. “The truth is, I would love anything that can’t be bought in the maternity section.” She rubbed her stomach. “I can’t believe how excited I was to wear my first maternity top! Of course, that newness wore off about two months ago and I’m ready to dress in something sexy again.”

  It was reassuring to hear Maria making plans for the future. “It’s a date. We’ll fly to New York City. We can shop and see a few plays while we’re there. It will be fun. Can you believe I was walking the streets of New York City all by myself? A year ago I would have been scared to death to go to a city that large without someone by my side, and there I was, walking around among strangers like it was something I did every day. I can’t believe how much my life has changed this year.”

  David had left the house at dawn to be on a morning talk show in Los Angeles. Both he and Charity had split the responsibilities that come with being a star in a major motion picture like Touchdown of the Heart had become so someone would always be at home with Maria.

  “You’ve changed so much over the past few months. Your confidence has soared through the roof since coming out here to stay.”

  Even Judy had commented on the change the last time she had flown out for a short visit. It was true that with each time Charity won an acting roll over a better known actress, it reinforced the belief that she belonged in show business. “I no longer feel the need to prove myself. I think I could even work with Christopher again and not let him bully me like last time.” She shrugged. “I guess I have changed a bit.” She patted Maria’s foot and a playful smile lit up her face. “David said you two decided on names last night. He also said he couldn’t tell me what they were, because you wanted to tell me yourself.”

  “If it’s a boy we both agreed on naming him after David but we disagreed on the girl’s name. I like the name Suzette but David wants to name the baby after me. I had to do a lot of pouting before he finally pinky swore on naming her Suzette. Of course, I did have to remind him that I’m the one doing all the work here. My daughter’s name will be Suzette.”

  “Suzette is a beautiful name.” Sliding out from under Maria’s feet, Charity stood and held her arms away from her body. “So what’s the verdict?”

  Maria shifted onto her side and curled into a ball. “Definitely that one.”

  Charity unzipped the dress, stepped out of it. Throwing it across the back of the sofa, she grabbed her old yellow housecoat and pulled it on over her underclothes. With that accomplished, she plopped back onto the sofa. “I forgot to tell you. Tuesday night Michael joined me in New York. We went out to dinner and then over to the art gallery to see your show. You know your painting titled Midnight?”

  Maria nodded. “The painting’s done in mostly dark blue swirls. It’s one of my favorites. What about it?”

  Charity tucked her feet underneath her. “I bought it.”

  Maria lifted her head and stared at her. “Why? All you had to do was ask for it, and I would have given it to you.”

  The unbelieving expression on Maria’s face made Charity giggle. “I know. That’s why I didn’t ask. I love that painting.” She leaned back and a warm smile slowly formed as she remembered the outraged expression of the old geezer’s face she had been bidding against. “You should have been there to see me going head to head with this little gray haired guy. He was a determined old coot but I finally out bid him. I was so proud of myself.”

  Maria gave a playful kick in Charity’s direction. “Don’t you ever go out and buy another painting of mine again. It would have made me very happy to give you any painting you wanted. Did everyone appear to be enjoying the show?”

  “Are you kidding? People were fighting over who was going to buy what. You would have gotten a kick out of it. I wish you could have been there. But you will be there for your next show. Next time I’m going to stake out what I want here so I don’t have to fight the general public for it.”

  Maria chuckled and changed the subject. “I didn’t know Michael was going to meet you in New York.”

  Charity recognized a trap when she saw one. She held up a hand in protest. “Oh no! You’ve got the wrong idea about him flying out. He had a business meeting in the city and asked if I wanted to go out to eat afterwards. Don’t be getting any thoughts of match making in that pretty little head of yours. We just went out to dinner and then to your exhibit.” She leaned forward and tapped Maria’s foot. “He bought one of your paintings too, the large orange and blue one that takes up an entire wall. He said it would look great in his bedroom.”

  Maria smiled devilishly. “Well maybe you will find out one day if it does.”

  Charity slapped at Maria’s foot. “I’m going to leave that pleasure for one of his tall lanky blondes he drools over so much. He has way too much of a roving eye for me. We are just business acquaintances, and hopefully we are becoming friends. I don’t know what his intentions are, but mine have nothing whatsoever to do with anything other than remaining friends.”

  For an uncomfortably long minute Maria stared at Charity before finally saying, “Are you ever going to start dating again? You know you need to get on with your life. You can’t let the breakup of your marriage stop you from living your life to the fullest.”

  It wasn’t possible to sit still with Maria staring so intently at her, as if she could see clear through into her soul. To get out of her direct line of fire, Charity stood and began gathering the discarded dresses to carry them back to the bedroom. She talked while gathering. “I don’t know if you have noticed or not, but I’m getting on with my life. I’ve moved out here to California. I’m working steadily. I may not be dating, but I want to get my professional life headed in the right direction before I get involved with another man. I’ll know when he comes along. I’m not in any hurry. It’s not like I’m ancient and my child bearing years are just about over. I have plenty of time. I just don’t want to make all the same old mistakes all over again.”

  She stopped and pointed a finger at Maria. “And don’t you dare tell me that I didn’t make any mistakes, because I know that I must have had some part in my marriage breaking up. It takes two people to destroy a mar
riage. We might have set a record in destroying it, but we did a wonderful job of seeing it to its utter destruction.”

  As soon as she had the shoes, slips, and dresses in her arms she dropped into the nearest chair. “When is David going to be home?”

  “He should be here in another hour or so. When’s your mom’s flight due in?”

  A high heel slid out of her hand and hit the floor so she grabbed it before answering. “It should arrive around three this afternoon. That’s why I was asking about David. I wanted to make sure he was going to be back before I leave.”

  Maria pouted. “I wish the two of you wouldn’t fuss about me so. I’m not a baby.”

  A snort escaped before she could stop it. “We’re not going to leave you alone for any reason so give it a rest. Just enjoy all the attention. Get your bottom lip back in. We are going to watch you carefully, and that’s that.”

  Charity stood and almost tripped over the slip that had fallen to the floor without her noticing. She scooped it up and slung it over her shoulder while casting a sweet, yet defiant smile, towards Maria. “Thanks for letting mom stay here. I wish Dad could have made it out here too, but he’s teaching this summer at the University. I can’t wait to see mom.”

  “I can’t wait to see her too. She’s the sweetest person ever. Maybe she can stop you and David from fussing over me so much.”

  Charity snickered. “Like that’s going to happen. My mom fusses over people better than anyone I know. Your goose is cooked missy.” She pointed a red high heel in Maria’s direction. “My mom is far worse than I will ever be.”

  Charity turned to leave the room. She was still talking as she walked away. “I can’t wait. Just try complaining. You don’t stand a chance.”

  She had just about reached her room when Maria called out to her. “I have to break out of this joint soon. I’m living with an entire house full of crazy people.”

  Charity called over her shoulder. “I heard that!”


  Charity and Judy walked through the front door just in time to hear a loud and matter of fact David voicing his decision about attending the movie’s premiere. “I’m not going and that’s final.”

  Charity carried her mom’s luggage into the living room with Judy following close on her heels. Hastily, she dropped the luggage producing a thud to announce their presence.

  David turned toward Charity and Judy with a look of desperation that begged for support. “Tell Maria that I’m not going tonight. I have no intention of leaving her all alone so I can attend a social function.”

  Charity stood by David to give her support. “Either you or I will stay.”

  Maria glared at both of them. “Will the two of you quit talking about me like I’m three years old? I don’t have to be babysat!”

  David knelt in front of Maria. “I’m not treating you like you’re three. I’m treating you like you need to be cared for. You know as well as I do someone needs to be here with you. I thought all of this was settled this morning. I have already told Charles I wouldn’t be there.”

  Maria reached and touched David’s cheek. “I’m just fine. I can make it a few hours without anyone here. You know as well as I do that it would look bad if you don’t show up tonight.”

  Judy meandered around a love seat and into Maria’s line of sight, nearer the discussion.

  The moment Maria finally noticed her, she turned into the perfect hostess. “Judy! I’m so happy to see you! How was your flight?”

  Judy hugged Maria before answering. “I’ll stay with you tonight. I’m exhausted from the plane ride.”

  Maria and David simultaneously answered. “No!”

  Judy looked back and forth between her good friends and smiled. “But you would really be doing me a favor by letting me stay. Flying makes me queasy and as much as I would like to go, to be with my daughter, you would be doing me the favor by letting me stay here with you.” To emphasize her point, she sat in the nearest chair, took her shoes off, and sat back as if she was all done in.

  Judy turned toward Charity apologetically. “I hope you don’t mind? I really don’t feel well. I know I promised to go with you tonight, but right now I just don’t feel up to it.”

  Charity warily eyed her mom. Not once during the entire car ride from the airport to the house had she mentioned not feeling well. She was just doing what she always did, she wanted to be useful and help her friends. “By all means stay here if you’re not feeling well, but it’s up to David if he wants to go to the premiere or not. He may still want to stay home with Maria too.”

  Maria gave David’s shoulder a shove. “Now get up and get ready. Your clothes are already pressed and laid out on the bed. I had Charity get everything ready this morning, just in case. You can escort Charity to her first movie premiere. I don’t want to see her go alone.” Maria and Judy smiled at each other as if the subject was closed.

  When David didn’t move, Maria turned her attention to Judy. “I’m sorry that you don’t feel well, but I’m glad you are going to stay. I would just feel awful if David didn’t go tonight. You can rest on your bed, and if I need anything I can just call for you.”

  David stood and looked sternly at Maria. She grinned and fluttered her eye lashes. “But I’m sure I won’t need you. I have been feeling just fine all day.”

  He sat on the end of the sofa and tried reasoning with her again. “I don’t want to leave you tonight. Your face is swollen. I don’t want to not be here and you need me to run you to the hospital again. The last time you swelled up like this your blood pressure was up.”

  She sighed. “I’ll ask Charles to send Stanley back after he drops everyone off at the theatre. He can run back to get you if I need you or he can run me to the hospital. That way two people will be here if I need help.” She held up a hand to forestall him from interrupting. “Please, go. I feel fine. Charles will be here in about an hour to pick Charity up. Go get ready. If in that hour I begin feeling the least bit dizzy or sick, I’ll let you know and you can stay here. I won’t argue with you then.” She made a slashing motion in front of her chest. “I swear. Cross my heart and I hope to die if I’m lying.”

  Maria looked over to Charity for help but she shook her head. There was no way she was going to get caught up in this discussion. She was going to be happy with whatever decision was made.

  David opened his mouth as if to protest, but closed it again. He finally shook his head in defeat. “I want it to go on record that I don’t like this at all.” He stood. “But I can see when you have that hard head of yours made up.” He sighed. “Okay. I’ll go get ready.” He turned to leave the room but stopped and turned to face her again. “If you feel the least little bit like something isn’t right, I’m staying and I don’t want any more argument from you.”

  Maria smiled as he left. “Thanks Judy. I’m sorry to ask you to miss the opening of Charity’s movie. I know that’s why you came all the way to California. I’ve been nothing but a bother to everyone these past months.”

  Charity went over to Maria. She knelt down and put her arms around her. “You haven’t been any such thing. David just wants to know for himself that you are okay. I’m sure mom doesn’t mind staying. I don’t mind staying. In fact, if you would like, we could make it a girl’s night, see what’s on TV, order pizza, and pig out.”

  Charity patted Maria’s stomach and leaned over to talk to the baby. “Baby loves pizza. Don’t you?”

  Maria slapped the top of Charity’s head. “You know I don’t want any such thing. Now go get dressed before Charles gets here and nobody’s ready.”

  Judy came over to the two women. “She’s right, dear. You need to go get ready. I will order the pizza when Maria wants dinner if that’s what she wants. Now go get ready. If you don’t mind, I’m just going to sit and talk to Maria for a little while. Maybe once I sit down, I will start to feel better.”

  Charity stood up and hugged her mom. Judy returned the hug before pushing her away. “
I’m fine. Now go get beautiful. This is an exciting night for you. I want you to enjoy every moment of it.”

  Charity recognized the steel tone in her mom’s voice. She went off to the bedroom to get ready before her mom decided she wasn’t moving fast enough. Her mother could make her feel like a child again in seconds.

  Charity took a quick shower, dressed, and then looked at her hair in the bathroom mirror. She positioned two red ringlets along her temple, applied the barest of makeup on her eyelashes, and almost added a touch of eye shadow before finally deciding she didn’t need it. The quick makeup job was about all she knew about applying makeup.

  Judy knocked on her door and called out. “Charity! Charles is here.”

  Charity looked at her reflection one last time. Everything seemed to be in place. She grabbed her shoes out of the closet and ran to the living room. She was out of breath by the time she got there and found Charles and Sonia standing over Maria. Everyone was chatting and laughing. They all turned around as she dashed into the room.

  Charles laughed and said, “I thought you might be glad to see me, but you didn’t have to run in here. I would have waited for you.”

  Charity leaned on the door frame as she finished putting her shoes on. “I’m sorry to keep you waiting. Hi Sonia. How have you been? I haven’t spoken to you since we had lunch a couple of weeks ago.”

  Sonia was holding Maria’s hand. She turned and smiled at Charity. “Hello dear. Were you able to get out that mustard stain my little Melissa got on your slacks? I hope she didn’t ruin them. They looked so cute on you. They made you look like you were twelve years old.”

  As soon as Charity finished slipping on the heels, she joined the group hovering around the couch. “Oh yeah. The stain wasn’t any problem at all to get out. Thanks for letting me know I only looked twelve in them. I will be sure never to wear them again. At least I’ll wait until looking twelve sounds like a good thing.”


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