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Ties That Bind

Page 37

by Brenda Jackson

  “Why are you trying to find excuses for her?”

  Haywood shrugged. “Because she is your mother and I believe she loves you and doesn’t want to lose you. After thinking about all of this, I think the reason she did what she did was because she didn’t want to lose you.”

  “She wouldn’t have lost me.”

  “But she had no way of knowing that. According to Randolph she’s an only child. Maybe that had something to do with it.”

  “All I can see are the actions of a manipulative and spiteful woman who didn’t stop at anything to hurt my father, even using her own son.”

  Haywood knew at that moment there was nothing she could say in Angela’s defense. It would be up to the woman to save face with her son … if that was possible. She had been caught in the worse type of lies.

  Haywood walked across the room to Trey. She smoothed her hands down his chest then leaned up on tiptoes to kiss him. He returned her kiss with a hunger that she knew bordered on need and pain. And then he picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed.

  Trey released her long enough to undress her then undress himself. And when he joined her on the bed, nothing else mattered other than getting inside of her and being a part of her. His attention was focused only on her. He saw her as something wonderful. Something fascinating. Something that he wanted more than life itself. And suddenly, he knew why.

  That knowledge made him look at her in a whole new light. No longer did he see her as the woman sharing his passion but he saw her as the woman who shared his heart. His breath caught when he moved his body in place over hers and kissed her in a way he had never kissed another woman. Surrendering himself completely.

  And then he made love to her in a way he had never done to another woman. Totally and without reserve. He entered her slowly, going as deep as he could as the scent of her body entranced him. The sensations of being inside of her were flooding every part of him when he began to move inside of her.

  Pressing her hands on his shoulders she helped guide him to where she wanted him to be and he took full advantage of it. With intimate slowness he moved in and out, feeling each and every shiver of pleasure her body made as it mated with his.

  He could feel her bare breasts against his hairy chest and feel her stomach completely lined with his. They were connected from head to toe and he couldn’t imagine her not being a part of him forever.

  He broke off their kiss. He had to see her this time. He had to look into her eyes while he made love to her. “Open your eyes for me, Haywood. I want to see you.”

  He watched her lids flutter open and saw the darkness of desire that clouded her pupils. He looked closer and wanted to see if he saw in her gaze what he knew was in his, whether she could decipher it or not. He saw her blink and refocus on him. And finally as that part of him went even deeper inside of her, stroking harder, he saw what he wanted to see. Passion and love.

  Then he completely lost it as sensations, to a degree he’d never felt before, rammed through him. He automatically exploded inside of her as she bucked wildly, almost out of control. Her eyes seemed to have rolled to the back of her head when she screamed out her pleasure at the same time he groaned out his. He pushed further inside of her, wanting her to feel him. Know him. Want him and love him.

  And as their passion began subsiding, he held her tightly in his arms, knowing there was no way he would ever let her go.


  “So,” Leigh said as she blew out a breath after listening to what Jenna had just shared with her regarding Trey and Randolph. “What’s next?”

  Jenna shook her head. “I don’t know. I’m just glad Trey has finally learned the truth. But even so, Randolph didn’t tell him everything. He didn’t tell him about the drugging or coming home to find her having sex with another man.”

  “Don’t you think he should have told him everything?”

  “No, I think Randolph did the right thing by not telling him. Those two things really don’t involve Trey. What Randolph wanted was to make sure Trey understood that I didn’t break up his marriage and that he didn’t turn his back on him.”

  “How did Trey take the news?”

  “Not well. He went back to the hotel and Haywood went with him.”

  Leigh lifted a brow. “Haywood? You mean they’ve learned to tolerate each other that much on Glendale Shores?”

  “You don’t know the half of it.” Jenna shook her head, smiling. “But maybe you will later if they still come tonight.”

  Before Leigh could ask what she had meant the doorbell sounded. “Excuse me for a minute. I have to take up my post as hostess.” She glanced around. “By the way, where is the man of the hour? I haven’t seen him since you and Randolph arrived.”

  Jenna chuckled. “That should tell you something. They’re in Noah’s office talking business as usual.”

  Leigh crossed the room and opened the door. She smiled when she saw it was Randolph’s grandparents, Robert and Julia Fuller. She gave Robert a kiss on the cheek and gave Julia a big hug. As usual the older woman looked stunning. “Come on in. Randolph and Jenna arrived a few minutes ago. Can I get the two of you something to drink?”

  Jenna helped Leigh place trays of hors d’oeuvres on the table.

  “So, how does it look?” Leigh asked, eyeing the table.

  “Gorgeous as ever.”

  “Did I tell you that Zach is bringing some young lady tonight?”

  Jenna shook her head. “No, you didn’t mention it. He’s back to dating again?”

  “I guess so. He arrived in town today from a business trip and called to let me know he’s bringing a guest. I have no idea who she is or how they met.”

  Jenna grinned. “Does it matter?”

  Leigh smiled in a way that told Jenna she was pleased about something. “No, I’m just glad he’s seeing someone. Shaun’s death was so hard on him.” She glanced across the room at Haywood and Trey. They had arrived a few moments ago. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on with Haywood and Trey?”

  Jenna smiled. “Oh, so you’ve noticed something?”

  Leigh lifted a brow. “How could I not notice? They have all but been in each other’s pockets since they got here. And I can’t help noticing how they keep smiling at each other and they’re so touchytouchy.” She smiled. “They remind me of you and Randolph when the two of you were a hot item at Howard.”

  Jenna shook her head laughing. “We weren’t ever a hot item.”

  “I thought so and so did others.” Leigh checked her watch. “I hope Zach hurries up and gets here. I can’t wait to see the girl he’s bringing with him.”

  Jenna glanced across the room to where Haywood and Trey stood. Haywood had laughed at something he’d said, moments before holding a piece of food up to his mouth for him to bite into. They seemed happy together and she hoped everything worked out for them.

  The first thing Anna noticed about Zach’s family’s home was just how big it was, and then she noticed how many cars were parked out front. “I thought this would be a small birthday dinner, Zach,” she whispered as they strolled up the walkway leading to the front door.

  “This is my mother’s definition of small,” he said as he pressed the doorbell. He looked at her thinking she looked absolutely stunning in the outfit she was wearing. They had arrived in town earlier that day and he had convinced her to stay at his apartment and use his guest room. He knew she still had misgivings about coming tonight but he knew it was time the thirty-four-year search ended.

  He took her hand in his and squeezed it lightly. “Nervous?”

  Anna nodded as she smiled at him. “Yes.” She liked him. Over the past few days they had become friends.

  His hand on hers tightened. “Everything will work out, Anna. You’ll see.”

  The door opened and Noelle gave her brother and the beautiful woman at his side a squeaky-clean smile. “Well, hi, Zachary.”

  Zach grinned and said to Anna, “This is my sister Noelle
.” To Noelle he said, “I’d like you to meet Anna.”

  Noelle extended her hand to Anna. “It’s nice to meet you, Anna.” Zach had told Anna all about the younger sister he adored.

  Anna took Noelle’s hand in hers and returned Noelle’s warm welcoming smile. “Thanks.”

  Zach looked down at Anna and his smile widened. “Ready to meet everyone?”

  She nervously smiled back at him. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “I think that was Zach at the door,” Leigh whispered to Jenna. “I’m glad he’s finally here.”

  No sooner had she said the words, Zach and a beautiful woman dressed in a stunning white dress entered the room. Leigh’s attention was diverted when she heard the sound of a plate crashing to the hardwood floor. She looked to her right to see that it had fallen from Julia Fuller’s hand and there was a look of total shock on the older woman’s face. The room became deathly quiet as everyone tried to figure out what had startled the woman so.

  Leigh followed Julia’s fixed gaze to where Zach stood with his date and when she looked into the young woman’s face—which was at the same exact second Jenna did—both women simultaneously uttered a quick intake of breath. Except for her slanted eyes, the woman who stood at Zach’s side was the spitting image of Ross Fuller. The features were distinctively clear, and like Trey, her features had the Fuller print stamped all over them.

  “Go get Noah and Randolph quick!” Leigh whispered to Jenna. “They’re still in the study.”

  Leigh placed her hand over her heart, not sure how much excitement she could take. Knowing that as hostess she had to bring order back to the party, she began crossing the room to her son and the woman with him.

  Anna nervously glanced up at Zach when the room became deathly quiet. “This may not have been such a good idea,” she said, grabbing hold of his hand.

  He leaned over and whispered, teasingly, “Just think of how dull the party must have been before we arrived.” He had seen the shocked look on Julia Fuller’s face and didn’t have any pity for the woman.

  He saw his mother walk toward them at the same time his father and Randolph Fuller came out of his father’s study. He turned to Anna. “Here they come. Just let me handle the introductions.”

  She nodded nervously, tightening her hold on his hand. “All right.”

  He turned when his father reached them with Randolph Fuller at his side. His mother and Jenna Fuller quickly joined them. Everyone’s eyes were on Anna.

  Noah shifted his gaze from Anna to Zach and looked up at him, questioningly. “Who—who is this?”

  Zach smiled widely. “Dad, Mom and Mr. and Mrs. Fuller. I’d like all of you to meet Dr. Adrianna Ross-Fuller.” He then placed a hand on his father’s shoulder. “Happy birthday, Dad.”

  A light sheen of tears suddenly formed in Noah Wainwright’s eyes. He glanced over at Randolph and saw tears had formed in his eyes as well. He looked back at his son and the woman by his side. Shock was evident on his face. “But how?”

  Zach chuckled. “We’ll talk in your office later, after the party is over.”

  Noah nodded. He then returned his full attention to Anna, and taking her hand in his, he asked, “Do you know how long your uncle and I have been looking for you? You are the best birthday present I could ever receive. This is more than I could ever wish for. My prayers have been answered.”


  “Are you sure you don’t want anything to drink, Anna?” Zach asked before sitting beside her on the leather sofa in his father’s office.

  “No, I’m fine, just don’t leave me,” she whispered, holding his hand tightly as she nervously glanced around the room. The senator and Randolph had wanted answers immediately and had refused to wait until after the party to get them. She and Zach, along with a few family members, had quickly been ushered into the senator’s office.

  Zach smiled down at her. “Don’t worry about that. I won’t leave you.”

  The clearing of someone’s throat made the both of them look up. The senator was looking down at them, still smiling in utter disbelief. “I apologize if I made you nervous a few minutes ago, Anna. It was just such a shock seeing you after all this time.”

  Anna nodded and drew in a deep breath. “I admit things were overwhelming at first but I’m fine now.”

  Tension was beginning to slowly leave Noah’s shoulders. Zach had told them about receiving Patrick Sellers’s report while they were away and how he’d made the decision to go to San Diego and meet Anna himself. “I know tonight has been taxing for you, Anna, but if you don’t mind we would like to ask you a few questions.”

  “No, I don’t mind.”

  Noah then took the time to introduced the other people in the room. “This is Randolph Fuller, your uncle, and his wife Jenna. This is my wife Leigh and this couple here is Robert and Julia Fuller, your great-grandparents. The young man sitting on Randolph’s left is his son and your first-cousin Trey. But his real name is Ross Donovan Fuller III. He was named after your father.”

  Anna nodded, smiling softly at Trey, noticing how much the two of them resembled each other. “I see.”

  “And of course you know me,” Zach said teasingly.

  Anna turned and captured his gaze, grinning fondly at him. “Yes, I know you, Zach.”

  With introductions made, Noah sat in the large chair behind his desk and faced Anna and Zach. “My question to you, Anna, is that if you knew all along who your father was why didn’t you ever try to contact his family?”

  Anna met Noah’s stare. “It was my belief all these years that the Fuller family had rejected me once by not acknowledging my existence. I had no desire to be rejected a second time. I do have my pride.”

  “Of course you do. You’re a damn Fuller,” Zach grumbled teasingly, trying to keep the mood in the room light although the issue at hand was serious.

  Noah smiled at his son’s attempt and looked over at Anna. “And you believed they rejected you?”

  Anna didn’t want to look at the others in the room so she kept her gaze solely on Noah. “Yes. My aunt told me when I was a little girl, and she told me again right before I left Vietnam to come to America. She also gave me a piece of paper that was signed stating I was not Ross Fuller’s child.”

  “Do you have a copy of that paper?”

  “Yes. It was in my father and mother’s belongings that my aunt kept for me.”

  Randolph Fuller, with barely restrained anger in his voice, spoke up and asked, “Was there a family Bible with their belongings?”

  Anna met his gaze and thought about how much he resembled the picture of her father. “Yes. There was a family Bible. There were also letters and a picture of my father and my mother.” She glanced around the room at the large picture that was framed on the wall and pointed. “It’s that same picture but mine is only a snapshot.”

  Noah smiled. “That’s the picture taken the day your parents got married. I’m the third person in that picture.”

  Anna chuckled softly. “Yes, I know. I figured that out after meeting Zach. He favors you a lot.”

  Noah smiled brightly. “Yes, he does, doesn’t he?” he said, looking at Zach and taking note that Zach had his full attention on Anna. He cleared his throat again to regain Zach’s attention. “Earlier you mentioned something about a document, Zach.”

  Zach nodded then turned to Anna. “Tell them about the document you have, Anna,” he said. “The one you let me look at.”

  Anna tensed and the hand holding Zach’s tightened. “Yes, it was among the things, too, and it clearly stated that the Fuller family did not wish to claim me as Ross Fuller’s child.”

  Randolph’s jaw tightened and he crossed the room to stand in front of her. “And can you tell us whose signature is on it?”

  Anna hesitated a moment before answering. “Yes.”


  Anna’s gaze moved from Randolph to Zach. Pain flared in her dark eyes. “Go ahead, Anna, it’s okay. You ca
n answer his question,” Zach said quietly.

  Anna’s gaze returned to Randolph’s but only briefly. It moved across the room to someone else. “It was signed by a Julia Fuller.” She held the older woman’s gaze, challenging her to deny it.

  Julia did. She quickly got out of her seat. “No! That’s not true!” she said when all eyes turned to her. “I swear it. I would never have done that to Ross! I loved him! I finally accepted how much he loved that girl after Randolph shared his letters with me,” she said, dragging in a pained breath as tears came into her eyes. “I wanted my great-grandchild home as much as anyone. I would never have done that.”

  Randolph’s body began shaking in anger as he stared across the room at his grandmother. He remember her doing some devious and malicious things in the past, but a part of him could not believe she would be that cruel and turn her back on Adrianna. Mainly because one thing she had said was true. She had loved Ross. There had never been any question of that. And even with her prim and proper ways, she would not have defied his wishes and prevent his daughter from coming home as he would have wanted.

  Randolph turned his attention back to Anna. “Do you remember what year the document was signed, Anna?” he asked quietly.

  She met his gaze and nodded. “Yes, it was signed in nineteen seventy. June twenty-fifth, nineteen seventy.”

  Randolph frowned. He turned around to his grandmother and saw her tear-stained face that pleaded for him to believe her. He turned back to Anna. “My grandmother had a stroke in February of nineteen seventy which left her slightly paralyzed in both her hands. She remained that way for a year. She didn’t get the full use of her hands back until November of nineteen seventy-one. Are you absolutely sure the document was signed in nineteen seventy?”

  Anna nodded her head. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “That means someone forged Julia’s signature,” Noah said angrily. “Who would have done such a thing?”

  “Angela,” Robert Fuller’s deep voice filled the room. He stepped forward. “During the time of Julia’s illness I had asked Angela to handle any type of correspondence that may have come in as a way to help out. I didn’t see anything wrong with it at the time. After all, she was your wife, Randolph.”


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