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Troubled by the Texan (Perth Girls Book 3)

Page 10

by Bree Verity

  Jack’s cock stood proud. Desiree could see he was straining for release.

  “Condom?” he asked.

  She rolled over a little and pulled a plastic packet from her nightstand. Ripping it open, she rolled the rubber down his cock. His head fell back, and a moan escaped his lips.

  “Come, Jack,” she murmured seductively, and his head snapped back so he could look her in the eye. “Come inside me.”

  He didn’t need any more invitation. Desiree felt the pressure of his manhood breaching her most feminine parts, and she welcomed him in with a long groan as he slid smoothly inside.

  “Desiree,” he moaned, as he pulled back and pushed inside again, this time with a little more force.

  “Fuck me, Jack,” Desiree encouraged, her eyes bright and all her senses on overload. “I want to feel you hard inside me.”

  Jack raised his eyebrows, and at Desiree’s silent encouragement, he thrust into her, both of them grunting as their bodies met violently. Desiree tried to keep looking at Jack’s eyes, but the force of his thrusts felt too good, and she lay her head back and arched her neck, closing her eyes. She pushed her hips up to meet each thrust, grinding herself against Jack, listening to his pants of pleasure, and scenting their mix of sexual perfumes. She didn’t want to come again until Jack was with her, so she held herself back, her face twisting into a grimace.

  Jack’s eyes were unfocused now, his own pleasure taking over every muscle and every nerve in his body. He slapped against her, his fingers digging into her thighs. She started to gasp, “Jack… I can’t… I can’t…” when all of his muscles tensed for a long moment, and then he roared, pushing his pelvis forward and emptying himself into her.

  Desiree came too, her twitching muscles milking Jack even more.

  Then the two of them slumped down, Desiree against the bed, and Jack over the top of her. His head rested on her shoulder, and his breathing was shallow and fast, as was Desiree’s.

  She smiled and ran a gentle hand over his arm and down his side, feeling suddenly languorous and sleepy.

  This is how sex should end, she thought, satisfied and totally drained of energy.

  “Am I squashing you?” she heard Jack’s muffled voice say, and she replied, “No, not at all.”

  “Good. I’m going to have a quick rest here, and then we should probably go to dinner before they cancel our reservations.”

  “Fuck dinner,” replied Desiree. “I’d much prefer to stay here with you.”

  She could hear the amusement in Jack’s voice as he replied, “Whatever you want, darlin’.”


  It seemed to Jack that Desiree settled into the relationship-instead-of-friends situation much more easily than him. She was a surprisingly sensual and giving lover, despite her choice of clothes and jangling jewelery. Although Jack thought he had noticed she wasn’t wearing quite as much black anymore.

  Jack knew that he would have to have a serious talk with Faith. It wasn’t one he was looking forward to, especially since he had all but assured her that he and Desiree would only ever be friends.

  He knew Faith didn’t want a woman in their lives, unless it was her own mama. And sadly for Faith, he knew that would never happen. Maureen’s words about securing his own happiness as well as Faith’s rang loud in his ears, but his conscience prickled every time he went out with Desiree and left the kids with Marissa.

  Jack had a feeling Faith knew more than she was letting on. And it all came to a head one evening, when they were all sat around on the sable suede corner lounge in the big family room, TV on, and surrounded by bags and bowls of snacks. Well, at least they started off in bags and bowls. After adding two five-year-old boys into the mix, many of the snacks were now strewn across the floor and mashed into the carpet. But Jack didn’t mind. He’d learned how to use the vacuum over the past eighteen months, and it was worth it to see how happy and relaxed his kids were.

  “When are you going to fire Marissa?”

  The question took him by surprise, firstly because it wasn’t the one he expected her to ask, and secondly, she had seemed quite content with the arrangement. Since Jack’s secondment to the office in Perth, he’d been at home more, but he still worked long hours, and more often than not, he needed Marissa to pick the boys up, and make sure they were fed and put to bed before he even made it home.

  Besides, it had been handy to be able to call her and ask if she could stay on a few hours later, so that he could meet up with Desiree. Marissa was flexible like that – she was only too happy to hold on to the reigns until ten or eleven, if the situation warranted it.

  “I’m not going to.”

  Faith frowned. “I thought when you were working in Perth we’d be getting rid of her.”

  “Well, you thought wrong. I still need her.”

  “I don’t.”

  “No, but the boys definitely do.”

  “She treats me like I’m one of them.”

  “Like one of the boys?”


  “She hardly ever even takes care of you, Faith. She doesn’t need to.”

  “When you’re out, she treats me like one of the boys. I have to go have a shower and go to bed when she says. And it’s always early.”

  Jack raised one disbelieving eyebrow at her. “Early by your standards or hers?”

  “Why don’t you come home earlier? Then we could get rid of Marissa after the boys have gone to bed.”

  “Sometimes I need to work late. Or I’m out.”

  “Out.” Faith’s expression turned suspicious. “With Miss Jackson?”

  “Yes, with Miss Jackson.”

  “You’ve been out with her a lot lately.”

  The real reason for Faith’s dissatisfaction suddenly clicked into place. “I told you we were going to be friends.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “I’m not a baby, Dad. I know the difference between being friends and actually going out with someone. Are you going out with her?”

  Jack couldn’t lie to Faith. “Yes. I’m seein’ her.”

  Faith was quiet for a moment, her brows drawn together and her jaw visibly tightening. She threw Jack a look of what he thought was disgust, mixed in with a little bit of panic. Jack’s eyes flicked over to the boys. Luckily enough, they were far too preoccupied by the dragons on the television screen to notice what was being discussed. And he wanted to keep it that way. He turned his eyes back to meet his daughter’s.

  “Let’s you and I go to the kitchen and get some more drinks.”

  Faith unwillingly uncurled from the couch and stalked ahead of her father into the kitchen, a gleaming, aluminum monstrosity that Jack hated for its industrial look.

  But right now, the ambiance of the kitchen was the last thing on his mind.

  “Out with it, chickadee.” He leaned against the bench and crossed his arms, gaze fixed firmly on Faith.

  “You can’t go out with her.” Faith threw her head up, her eyes defiant.

  “I’m not sure that’s your call.”

  “She’s my teacher.”

  “For three hours a week. For one semester.”

  “It’s humiliating, Dad.”

  Jack shook his head. “How can it be? It’s not like I come to school to see her.”

  “No, but what if my friends find out?”

  “How could they?”

  “You said you would just be friends.” Faith’s tone had turned accusatory, and Jack knew he had to take control.

  “We were just friends. Then it got more serious. That’s how these things work, Faith. Adults have relationships. And I’m having a relationship with Desiree – Miss Jackson. Whether you like it or not.”

  Faith’s expression crumpled, and tears formed in her eyes. “I don’t want you to have a relationship with Miss Jackson. I want Mom to come back.”

  “Oh, honey.” Jack opened his arms, and Faith walked into them, sobbing. He kissed her hair, getting a hint of the flowery shampoo she had sta
rted using. “I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t expect Mama to come back. After all, it’s been a year and a half. I think it’s something we’re going to have to get used to.”

  “I don’t want to get used to it. You should ask her to come back.”

  “It doesn’t work like that, chickadee. Your Mama made her own decision. We have to live with it, and move on as best we can.” He took her gently by the shoulders and pushed her back a step so he could look in her eyes. “It’s been a tough time, but we’ve done pretty good, haven’t we? In the last eighteen months?” Faith nodded, but her face was a study in misery and Jack pulled her in tight against him again.

  “Why does it have to be so hard?” she asked, and Jack could hear the tears starting again in her voice. “Why did Mama leave? Didn’t she love us?”

  His heart broke for Faith, and a stab of white hot anger passed through him at Susan’s callous disregard of her daughter’s feelings. “Of course she did. And she still does. But her way of dealing with things is different.”

  “Sometimes I hate her, Dad. And then I want to see her so bad it hurts. But then I don’t want to see her, because I think I’ll just yell at her.”

  Jack sniffed. “I suspect you wouldn’t be the only one yelling, chickadee.”

  Faith suddenly hugged Jack close. “I’m glad you’re here, Daddy.” It had been a long time since his little girl had called him that. He felt a glow pass through him, and a tender smile crossed his face. “I’m glad I’m here too, honey.”

  “But I still think you should get rid of Marissa.” Faith looked up at him with teasing eyes.

  “You’re a harsh and arbitrary woman, Faith Duncan.”

  She giggled. “Alright. We can keep her. And Dad?”


  “I guess it’s okay for you to see Miss Jackson. I like her.”

  “Thanks. That means a lot to me. Now, should we get those drinks?”

  “Can I have a beer?”


  He relayed the conversation to Desiree when he called her later that night while getting ready for bed.

  “I was wondering what Faith had been thinking. She’s been a bit quiet with me of late.” Jack thought he could hear a little guilt in Desiree’s voice.

  “Things should all go back to normal now. She’s given you the big thumbs up.”

  “I wonder if I should take her aside and have a word?”

  “Only if you want to, sweet. If you think it would do good.”

  “Well, I should probably clear the air with her. I might grab her tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” Jack let his tone turn to honey. “What are you wearin’?”

  Desiree laughed, then joined in the fun. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

  “Couldn’t be better than my imagination.”

  “Oh, baby, it really could.”

  Jack took in a swift, sharp breath, and said, “Tell me.”

  “I’m wearing… nothing.” She breathed the final word, but Jack could hear her teasing tone, and he didn’t know if she was telling the truth or pandering to his desires. Either way, his body stiffened at the mental picture. He sat down on his bed, swinging his legs around, and put an arm up behind his head, trapping the phone beside his ear.

  “Jack? Are you still there?”

  “Yes, darlin’, I’m still here. Just getting comfortable so you can tell me more.”

  “Comfortable? And by that you mean?”

  His answer was a growl. “Laying in bed with a hard on, thinkin’ about your body.” Actually, that was pretty much his default these days.

  “So not that comfortable really.”

  “Not really, no. But I’m spectacularly uncomfortable.”

  “I bet you are.” He could hear the yearning in Desiree’s voice.

  “Why don’t you come on over? The kids are asleep.” He poured every bit of enticement into his voice that he could manage.

  “Oh, Jack, don’t tempt me.”

  “But I want to tempt you.”

  “I have a heap of marking still to do.”

  “Can’t it wait?”

  “No, it can’t.” Desiree sighed over the line, but then said, “But I’m marking it naked.” Jack could almost see the sexy smile on her face and her single eyebrow raise.

  “You’re a tease, that’s all it is. A horrible tease.”

  “Yes. Yes I am. Now, Mister Spectacular, I really have to go. Seriously, this stupid marking.” He could hear the disappointment in her voice, and matched it with his own.

  “So, when can I see you?”

  “Aren’t we on for the weekend?”

  “The weekend? That’s still two days away.”

  “Oh, poor Jack, you’re going to have to play on your own for another couple of days.”

  “I will be, you know. Think of me when you’re marking.”

  “I do Jack. I think about you all the time.” She was suddenly soft and serious. “I really do have to go, babe. But believe me, if I could, I’d be over there in a shot.”

  “Well, the thought of that’ll keep me warm tonight, sweet.”

  “Okay. See you on the weekend.”

  “See you.”

  She hung up, and Jack took himself in hand. There would be no sleeping tonight until he took care of business.


  Happily, for Desiree the massive amount of marking she had to do meant that the weekend came around quickly. She hadn’t seen Jack in three days, it felt like she hadn’t clapped eyes on him for weeks.

  She had caught herself wanting to ring him to share small things that happened during the day, things that no one else would care about, but that she knew he would appreciate the humor of. She daydreamed about him, and had almost been caught once by a colleague just staring at a picture of him on her computer – one she’d taken with her phone on one of their nights out.

  With a happy laugh, she realised she had fallen for him. She examined the feeling with interest. It was different to her other boyfriends. She wanted to talk to Jack, to share her moments and feelings. She never had that before. Even in her childhood, she could never do that. No one ever had the time, or was interested in the thoughts of a eight-year-old girl. That had been where her protective shell had started. Jack had managed to not only pierce her shell, but explode it.

  And she was reveling in the feelings.

  She pulled Trudy into a car park and went to buy a parking ticket. They were having dinner at The Subiaco Hotel. Afterward they would probably stick around the hotel and have a few drinks. She loved the idea of a nice, relaxing night with Jack, and she loved the old-world ambiance of the Subi. She was looking forward to a great night.

  And she was pretty sure she could persuade Jack to come back to her place.

  Lost in pleasant daydreams as she walked into the hotel, she didn’t notice a guy look startled at seeing her, then follow her into the hotel. She was far too fixated on Jack, who was already there, looking amazing. He kissed her quickly and pulled her chair out for her. She sat with a smile, taking her napkin in her hand and flicking it out, making her bracelet jingle.

  “Feels like forever since we’ve seen each other, doesn’t it?” She placed the napkin across her knees.

  “I dunno. It’s only been a few days.” She looked up quickly, surprised by his dismissive tone. His cheeky smile gleamed at her from across the table.

  She reached over and smacked his hand. “Jack. Don’t be mean.”

  “Okay, okay. Yes, it feels like it’s been ages. I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too.” She couldn’t shift the beam from her face. Where a second ago she had smacked him, now she took his hand in hers and just stared at him across the table, spellbound by his good looks and the emotions that swirled through her.

  Just when she found her tongue, a shadow fell over the table. They both looked up, Desiree’s face changing from its smile to one of surprise.

  “Aaron!” She jumped out of h
er chair, ignoring the napkin falling to the ground. She threw her arms around the tall, dark haired man who stood there grinning at her, and hugging her back.

  Desiree realised in a moment that Jack had no idea who Aaron was. She turned back to him, to surprise a scowl on his face, which he replaced with a bland expression as soon as they turned back to him. Still, she laughed inwardly at his consternation.

  “Jack, this is my brother, Aaron.” Jack’s expression cleared to a smile, and he jumped up to shake Aaron’s hand.

  “Aaron, this is Jack, my… well, I’m not really sure what you are.” She turned to Jack, a question on her face. Jack didn’t look at her, but said to Aaron, “Her boyfriend.” She beamed at him.

  “How have you been Desiree?” Aaron asked. His voice was deep, with a strong Australian twang. Desiree noticed that he had a few more tattoos than the last time she had seen him.

  “Good, bro, good. What about you?”

  “Yeah, alright I suppose. We thought you must of moved or something.”


  “Cos of Mum.”

  “Why would I move because of Mum?” Desiree was confused, not only because of the conversation, but also the accusing light she could see shining out of her brother’s eyes.

  “Nah, because you haven’t come to visit.”

  She sighed. “You know I don’t get along with her.” She flicked her eyes to Jack, who had taken his seat, and was watching the scene with brows drawn. Desiree realised that she had never gotten around to explaining her family situation to Jack.

  And Aaron seemed to be peeved with her as well. “Seriously, Des? You don’t get along? Don’t you think you could put that aside for a bit? Considering the circumstances?”

  “What circumstances? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “She’s dying, Des.”

  Desiree’s throat constricted and she took a sharp breath in. Groping for her chair, she sat down shakily and, looking up at her brother, said, “Dying?”

  “Yes. She has cancer. But you wouldn’t know that, cos you can’t even get up off your prissy arse and give her a call.” Aaron shook his head in disgust. “Nice daughter you are.” He went to walk away, but Desiree grabbed his arm. “Wait. Aaron, talk to me. How long does she have? How do they know it’s terminal?”


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