Wild: Heaven Hill Generations #2

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Wild: Heaven Hill Generations #2 Page 7

by Laramie Briscoe

  “We can be semi-adult when we want to,” I joke with her.

  “I was looking for you.” She points to Caelin. “You mind going to the store,” she points to the new neighborhood grocery that’s about half a mile down the road, “and grabbing a few things? You do that, we’ll call today even. I know you’re not feeling it.”

  He hugs her tightly, picking her up off the ground. “You’re the best mom ever!”

  She laughs as he spins her around. “Stop, I’m gonna get sick!”

  Stopping immediately, he puts her on the ground, leaning down to kiss her on the cheek. That’s right, Caelin’s taller than mom. “I’ll be back.”

  “Do you want to drive the car?” She holds out her keys.

  He’s still got a learner’s permit, but I know her, she’ll watch him until he comes back if he drives.

  “Nah.” He shakes his head, pushing off the keys. “I can use the run. Winter is for conditioning.”

  “I thought that was summer,” I deadpan.

  “When you’re serious about your body, it’s all year. Some of us actually care what we look like without our shirts on.” He gives me shit right back and that’s how I know that everything is okay with the world.

  “Here’s you some money.” Mom holds it out to him.

  “Be back in a minute.”

  The two of us watch as he takes off at a jog, until Mom says something offhand. “The new guy who came to dinner was cute. Don’t you think?”

  She’s talking about Wild, and I don’t know what to say. It’s almost as if no matter what I say, I’ll give myself away. “He was decent.”

  “C’mon, Addie. Decent?” She tilts her head to the side, giving me a look.

  “He’s cute if you’re into the longer-haired, tattooed, pierced guys.” I roll my eyes pretending to inspect my finger nail polish.

  “Which you are,” she points out.

  “Ehhh, he seems like he’d be a hanger on, or whatever. I’m not sure I’d be into a guy who actually wants to be in a MC, and I think he probably would.”

  “The MC life has served you well.”

  “It has, but,” I push my hair back, “I’m leaving my options open.”

  Before she can question me again, we hear the squealing of tires and a loud shout coming from down the road. Immediately we know it’s Caelin, because that shout was unmistakable. He’s disappeared from our sight, and we’re both running to try and see where he is. I take off at a run, Mom not far behind.

  Coming up the road I see a Walker’s Wheels truck, carrying my dad and Jagger. Mom and I are shouting, pointing at the area we think Caelin went down, and just as we’re getting close, he sits up, his body partially hidden behind some bushes.

  “What happened?” I ask, heaving as I make it to him, taking my knees hard on the ground, Mom, Dad, and Jagger not far behind.

  “It was like the car didn’t even see me.” He’s wincing as he’s maneuvering his ankle. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think they were coming right for me.”

  Jagger whistles from where he stands. “Fuckin’ told you not to touch that cup.”

  The Blackfoot’s all look at one another, and relief flashes through Mom’s and Dad’s eyes, but as mine meet Caelin’s, I’m not sure we believe it.

  “C’mon.” Dad leans down, picking him up. “Let’s get you checked out.”

  And as they load him up, something, even if it is a curse just doesn’t feel right.


  I hate that I’ve been watching the fucking entrance, waiting for her to come in. Dying to see her, to tell her that I went by the house today with Jagger, and it’s small, but perfect. I want to share what happened, tell her I’ll be living there. All of this is a foreign concept to me. I’ve never belonged anywhere before, unless you count the small house my grandfather had which had to be sold since he still owed on it.

  Badly I want something that’s mine. A piece of anything that will never be able to be taken away from me. Maybe I’ve been searching for it my whole life. Some stability amongst the chaos. Which is probably why I ended up in this damn bar.

  “She hasn’t come in yet?” Skunk asks as he stands next to me.

  “Not yet.” I shake my head, really needing to get out of here for a while. “Can you watch it while I go out back for a smoke?”

  “No problem. Need something to smoke?” He holds up his joint.

  “Nah, I’m good.”

  Damn this dude and his habit. Walking out back I take in the cool night. Freezing would probably be more accurate, but at least out here there isn’t the huge crush of bodies like inside. Moving down the wall, I prop myself up against an empty spot, take out the fresh Marlboros I bought before coming on shift and beat them hard on my palm to pack them. Once I’m satisfied, I rip open the package, flip up the top and take one out. Holding it loosely in between my lips, I grab my lighter out of my jeans pocket and ignite the tobacco.

  The first inhale for me is always the best. It runs through my body calming me in increments as I inhale, then exhale slowly. Tilting my head back against the brick of the wall, I close my eyes and take another hit. I can hear my grandfather now.

  Those things’ll kill ya.

  My response was always, “I probably won’t live long enough for them to.” Since I was young, I’ve always had this premonition I’ll go young. Maybe it’s the way of the world I live in, or maybe it’s destiny.

  Little do I know I’m about to come face-to-face with my immortality when I hear a scream from the other side of the building.

  Heart pounding, I drop my cigarette before rounding a corner and seeing exactly why Addie hasn’t made it inside yet. Some fucker has her pressed up against the building, a knife at her throat. And that shit, it just won’t do for me.



  I shouldn’t be here. I absolutely shouldn’t be here. The thought keeps running through my head as I exit my SUV, letting the door slam loudly. Truth be told I’m not really in the mood tonight, but I want to see Wild. I’m dying to know what happened with the house Jagger took him to see, and we’ve not exchanged phone numbers, so it’s not like I can text him.

  Tate is out with Remy again, and instead of being stuck alone, I decide very quickly that I’d much rather be watching Wild mix a few drinks behind the bar. And maybe later, I can entice him with the barely-there bra and panty set I have on under this dress.

  A smile on my face, I plant my feet on the asphalt, get my bearings, and start walking for the entrance. It’s a cold night, spitting rain, almost sleet, but I wore this dress and these heels for the man behind the bar, and I’ll be damned if he doesn’t see me in them. My fingers are reaching for the front door when I feel someone grab me from behind and drag me behind the bar.

  “What the fuck?” My voice is loud, and my anger is already out of control. If there’s one thing my parents have taught me, it’s how to defend myself.

  “Little Addie, how’s it going?”

  My stomach rolls as I see the person standing before me. He’s got a sick smile and the smell of someone whose done a little too much heroin. He’s got that look about him too.

  “What do you want, Shane?” My voice is as calm as I can make it, but this guy gives me the creeps. I’ve run into him a few times, and it never seems to be good.

  “Where are my wife and kids?” he demands, his hands holding me tightly. “I know CRISIS helped them get out. Where are they?”

  This isn’t the first time someone’s come to me demanding to know where their family is, but it’s the first time I’ve had to deal with it on my own. Even having been taught how to defend myself, I’m feeling anxious, scared, and wondering how the fuck I’m gonna get out of this.

  “You know I can’t tell you,” I start, keeping my voice level.

  “Yeah, I figured you’d say that, but maybe I can convince you of a way.”

  Part of me wants to ask what he means. Another part wants nothing to do with whatever
it is he’s suggesting. I swallow against the tightness in my throat. “Don’t be stupid.”

  “Like you? Coming to a place like this?” His eyes dance around.

  Even in the darkness of the alleyway he looks fucking crazy, hopped up on whatever he’s shot into his veins, and strong as fuck, judging by the way he’s got his arm at my throat. It’s slightly cutting off my airway and I’m doing my best not to freak out.

  “Maybe this I where I like to hang out,” I defend myself.

  “Dressed the way you are?” He moves his free hand down to where my thigh is exposed. “Looks to me like you’re looking for someone to show you a little more of what you’ve been getting. You came to the rougher side of town to get things a little rougher.” He shoves his leg between my thighs.

  The movement raises me up farther than I would like, taking my feet almost all the way off the ground. It makes me helpless in a way I don’t like. “If I dress this way, it’s not for you.”

  “You and your bitch of a mother and those assholes in that club think you’re all perfect. You think you can run this town and fuck the little people. Wonder what they’d do if I fucked you?” he sneers, running his hand up my dress.

  The only thing I can do is press against him and scream as loud as my voice will carry. Immediately he’s pressing against my windpipe, cutting off my airway.

  “Not so easy to scream when you can’t breathe, is it? I don’t need you breathing to do what I want to with you,” he whispers in my ear, causing me to shudder.

  I try kicking my feet, but without being able to use the ground as a stabilizer nothing happens, I can’t even move him enough to become effective. What happened to all the training my dad and the guys have given me? I’m freezing. In the moment where it fucking matters more than anything, I’m freezing. He moves his hand over my mouth and I do the only thing I can think to do. I bite down and then scream bloody fucking murder.

  Loud footfalls are heard as someone runs toward us. “Let her go, you piece of shit!”

  It’s Wild, and I throw a little prayer up thanking whoever is helping me out in this moment. Shane’s attention is off of me long enough for me to brace against the ground and try to dislodge him. Now though, his gaze is on Wilder, and he’s advancing toward him.

  “Dude, this isn’t your business.”

  Wilder nods toward me. “She is my business.”

  “Oh really?” He looks back and forth between the two of us. “Does your daddy know that?”

  “Eyes back here, fuckface. You don’t mess with her, you mess with me.”

  Shane shifts back on his feet and I know what he’s going to do before he even does it. “Then I’ll take care of you first.” He thrusts the knife at Wild. Instead of getting him in the gut, it gets his side, which is probably better, given everything happening.

  Wild growls in pain, a noise the likes of which I’ve never heard before. Using skills he either has from fighting or self-defense, he grabs Shane’s hand, applying pressure to the wrist, forcing him to drop the knife. Once he’s disarmed, Wild punches him, knocking Shane out cold.

  The whole scenario plays out in less than three minutes, and I’m left looking at an already pale Wild, wondering what the fuck I’m supposed to do.


  This is a pain like I’ve never known before, a burning sensation in my side. Immediately I feel the warm sensation of blood seeping into my shirt. “Oh my God! Wilder!” I can hear Addie screaming, putting pressure on the wound.

  “I’m okay,” I tell her, even though I’m not sure I am. Playing it down, I try to make my way from the alley to the back room. We need to be inside in case this piece of shit wakes up, I need to have her where other people will be able to protect her. “Just get me into the back.”

  She’s on her phone, but I can barely make out what she’s saying. It’s coming in bits and pieces. “Remy…at Mayhem…please don’t tell my dad…need help. Just you, not Tate too.”

  Now she’s worried about her dad, even though I’ve been preaching to her for the last few weeks that she should’ve been worried what people would think about her being here from the beginning. Now she’s thinking of the consequences.

  “Fuucckkk,” I groan as we get inside and I have a seat at one of the tables in what we call the breakroom. Stretching out my entire body, including my leg to get the pressure off my side, I crane my neck to the side to get a good look at what’s doing. There’s a lot of blood, not surprising since I feel like I’m about to pass the fuck out.

  “What the fuck?” I hear Skunk.

  He’s moving around, grabbing whatever he can find to hold to the wound. “Dude, we gotta call 911!”

  “No.” Addie stops him. “Remy will be here soon and he’ll have help.”

  “Help? This guy might not make it that fuckin’ long.”

  “He will.” She grabs my face, forcing me to meet her eyes. “You’re gonna be fine.”

  “I know.” I lick my dry lips, nodding for her. “Did he…did he hurt…you?”

  Fuck, it’s taking all of the strength I have to push the words out. Tears are streaming down her face and I wish like hell she didn’t have to witness this. That she wouldn’t have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  “I’m okay,” she assures me. “More worried about you.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I just wanted to make sure you were good.”

  In the corner, Skunk is watching the security cameras. “Heaven Hill is here and it looks like they got your man.”

  My gaze flutters up to where I see Remy, Jagger, and Layne carrying the guy I decked through the mass of people. A woman is with them, and they look to mean business.

  “Get out of here,” I tell Addie. “Go through the back door and get gone.”

  “I wanna stay with you, make sure you’re okay.”

  “And tell them what?” I point out. She shouldn’t be here and we both know it. Hell, everybody in this place knows it. “Go!”

  She leans down, kissing me softly on the lips. Grabbing for my cell, her hands shake as she inputs something I can’t see. “That’s my number. When you’re okay, use it to let me know.”

  “Addalynn.” My voice is a warning. “Now!”

  As she slips out the back, Heaven Hill comes through the front.

  “Holy fuck, my man.” Jagger appears to appoint himself club spokesman. “We’re gonna get you taken care of.”

  He introduces me to the woman, but fuck if I’ll ever be able to remember her name. She gives me a shot of something, and I’m out like a light.



  It’s quiet when I start to regain consciousness and I wonder if I’m dead. I’ve never been in a place that’s been this quiet before. Back home there was always the sounds of the road. The house sat so close to the state route, sometimes semis would cause the piece of shit shack to shake. There were times, when I’d get a hair up my ass and take off on my bike, that I would sleep on the streets. Never fully asleep, it wasn’t safe to let slumber take you into its depths. As quick as you allowed your body to relax, someone would be there stealing what was rightfully yours. Then my grandpa died and I never heard peace again. Always his words of what I should have done with my life rang in my ears. But this? This is peace and quiet. Surely you can only get that when you’ve reached the other side. Right?

  “Wilder, if you can hear me, wake up.”

  I’m not sure who this woman is speaking to me, but I like her voice a lot. Fighting through what feels like a drug-induced sleep I wake up, gasping for air.

  “You’re okay, you’re okay. Don’t move too quickly, you could bust the stitches,” she cautions holding me down on the bed. “Breathe easy, easy. Inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale. Look at me.”

  I do look at her, and then I recognize her. She’s Addie’s Mom. I briefly met her the night at the clubhouse. God, was that only a few nights ago? Feels like a lifetime right now. Relaxing, knowing I’m safe if I’m with he
r, I lay back against pillows before she motions me up again.

  “Where am I?” I croak out, my throat dry, feeling like I’ve swallowed a whole package of cotton balls.

  She reaches over, turning on a bedside lamp. “You’re at the house you looked at with Jagger. We furnished it for you while you were out. It’s been two days, but Ashley gave you enough pain medication to knock out a horse. She had to do some fancy needlework, but you should be okay.”

  What the fuck? “Who’s Ashley?”

  “A friend of the club. A doctor who’s discreet.”

  This woman fucking fluffs my pillows and helps me lie back on them. “And I’ve been out for days?”

  “Sure have, but you needed it. You lost a lot of blood.” She pulls the blanket up around me.

  “You all moved me in?” I look around seeing the small amount of stuff I’d had at Skunk’s plus some new stuff.

  “Yup, we wanted you to be comfortable when you woke up.” She gets up, opening the curtains to my left, letting some light in. “Another thing, Jagger doesn’t want you working at that bar anymore. As soon as you’re ready, he wants you at Walker’s Wheels.”

  My head is spinning as I try to figure out how in the hell I’ve come to be in this fucking alternate universe. “I don’t even know what to say.”

  “I know it’s a lot to take in.” She grins, looking so much like Addie I have to do a double-take. “But when the club cares about you, they care about you. Just let it happen. They take in all kinds.”

  “Like strays?” I’ve been called that more than once.

  Her eyes flash and she has a seat next to me again. “More like the outcasts, the ones who don’t necessarily fit in everywhere else. Heaven Hill is made up of all the people that society said wasn’t moldable, most of them had no family, so they made their own. I’m seeing a lot of them in you, and I think this is where you need to be.”


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