Acts of Congress

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Acts of Congress Page 19

by Red Snapper

  “So Samerra…I must say…you look…stunning. Does he make you do this for him?”

  “Do what…look like a lady…Naw girl; I’m doing this for me. Lately…I’ve really started to feel real good about myself…despite me losing my career and of course losing my brother. I have really had time to do some soul-searching and my man…my man has really been a great support.”

  Now furious Dorena abruptly chimed in, “See now that’s the part of this bullshit act that I just don’t understand…who’s this guy and when did you get a fuckin’ man…you don’t like men.”

  Samerra beamed while she responded, “Where did you get that idea from…I’ve never told you that I wasn’t interested in men…where’s that coming from Dorena?”

  “Wow Samerra…did you just conveniently forget that I know you…it’s funny how you seemed to erase that from your mind that we met when you were coming out of the projects in the Northeast quadrant of Shaw. We were college roommates at Howard…and you were my secret lover for several years…now you’re telling me that you have always been interested in men?”

  Samerra frowned while she responded, “What difference does it make…I’m interested in Dex so back off…I thought you wanted to have a sensible lunch…after all I just buried my brother…”

  Dorena abruptly interrupted, “Hold it…let’s just calm down for a sec.”

  She sighed and then she continued, “Samerra…let me apologize to you…I didn’t invite you here to have lunch so that we could argument …I just wanted to know since you’ve decided to be with this…this man...where does that leave us?”

  “Us…what do you mean us?”

  “Just like I said…where does this leave our relationship?”

  Samerra sighed heavily than responded, “Dorena you have always been a great friend to me…I’d like it if we could still be friends…”

  “Friends? That's what you want from just be your fuckin' friend…a FRIEND?”

  Samerra sighed, “Yeah Dorena…what more do you want from me?”

  Tears ran down her face while she responded, “I’ve love you so much for so long…I’ve put up with you bullshit for many years…I’ve agreed to stay away from you when you was chasing your political dreams and now all you’ve got for me is you want to be just friends? I can’t just be your friend, Samerra. I want what I deserve…you’re supposed to love me unconditionally…you’re supposed to be telling me that you want to be with me, Samerra. Not telling me that we can just be fuckin’ friends…I don’t need no more fuckin’ friends…I need you to recognize me as your lover, your lady, your love of your life…why can’t you understand that?”

  Samerra gazed at her for a few seconds allowing the tears from her eyes roll down her cheeks while she unhurriedly rose up from her seat. She gazed down at Dorena when she slowly put her right hand on her left cheek, rubbing it ever so gently while she responded, “At one point in my life that would have been all I lived for, but now…I want to go on to something exciting and new…this is a chapter in my life that has ended. I’m turning the page to the next chapter Dorena…turn the page my friend…turn the page and start on a new chapter. My life is nothing like it was two months ago…I just want to go forth and see where it is leading me…so I ask you to turn the page my friend turn the page.”

  After she said that, she slowly stepped backwards still gazing at her while she cried. Samerra nodded her head slightly, suddenly turned around, and hurriedly strolled out of the restaurant. Dorena sat there for a few minutes until the waitress came up to her table and said, “Ma’am…is the lady returning?”

  Dorena slowly wiped her eyes and then replied, “No…just bring me a shot of Hennessy VSOP on the rocks.”

  “Yes Ma’am…I’ll get it right away.”

  While she waited for her drink Dorena became extremely angry…her heart hardened while she allowed the scene to replay several times in her mind. She was not gonna just stand by and let some man take her lover. That is when she decided at that point, if she could have her, no one could. The waitress brought her the drink and she sat it down on the table. Dorena didn’t acknowledge her as she picked up the glass and gulp the drink down and then slammed the glass on the table. She stood up, dropped some cash on the table to cover the drink and slowly strolled out of the restaurant. While she promenaded out to the parking lot she thought, “I’m gonna find out about this Dex…something is just not right with him…I just don’t trust him. When I find out the truth about that bastard she’ll never believe me…that’s okay…I’m gonna find out who you really are!"


  Meanwhile across the metropolis, Thomas and Jake were stepping out of the elevator into the penthouse suite of a major hotel. Jake took out his personal key and unlocked the door to the private entrance and they both walked into the suite. The floor plan of this luxurious residence was absolutely phenomenal. The décor and the view from the panoramic window of the Potomac River were tremendous. Several of the guests present were people who were celebrities in their own right, but for now, they were not the focus. Jake motioned for Thom to follow him down the hall to another day on the other end of the suite. He took out his key again, opened the door and they both strolled in.

  When he got inside the lavish secret room and stepped in, there sat Congresswoman Lucas on the couch. She was stunning, sitting there with an extravagant evening dress, flawless make-up, and gorgeous hair. She was quite the looker for a woman who was in her early sixties. When she recognized their presence, she immediately stood to her feet and greeted them.

  She hugged Jake while she said, “Awww Jake Towson…It’s good to see you.”

  After a few seconds, she finally acknowledged Whetstone.

  “Well…Thomas…Thomas Whetstone…I must say it’s a pleasurable surprise seeing you here.”

  “Lauren Lucas…It’s been a minute in a setting like this I must say that you look…”

  Before he could finish his seductive dialogue, Jake promptly interrupted him.

  “Thom and I have been discussing his current state of affairs and I really think he needs some help…I conveyed to him that you may be kind of attentive in sort of aiding his think you would be interested in helping someone like Thomas Whetstone?”

  “That depends heavily on what I can get in return for aiding his interests…I have my own concerns that need attending as well,” she said promptly.

  Thom quickly responded, “What concerns do you have that I can possible aid you with Lauren…you always have a handle on all your concerns.”

  She beamed while she responded, “Normally that would be true but there is a matter that is really pressing in my great state that really needs the attention of the Power and Industry Committee, which you have control. It would huge if I could get a positive vote in favor of investigating certain power plants in my state concerning power-line issues.”

  “If I get this vote for you…you can guarantee getting me cleared on this murder predicament and saving my marriage?”

  She laughed while she retorted, “Damn…you want me to save your marriage too…now that’s gonna cost you extra…how much is she worth to you?”

  Whetstone sat down putting his hands on his head while he responded, “I don’t know…I just don’t need this to happen right now with the re-election coming up…”

  Jake interrupted, “Let me talk with alone for a minute Congresswoman…”

  She sauntered over toward the bar and poured herself a glass of champagne while they spoke quietly.

  “Look Thom…you need to make her an offer…”

  “What kind of offer Jake…I can’t think of anything that I can offer her…damn it why is this happening to me…”

  Jake smiled when he made his suggestion, “The only thing left to do is offer some of your Middle-Eastern assets.”

  “What,” Thom said astonished.

  “Yeah…if you give her a piece of the action…you’ll always have control of this and sh
e won’t be able to tell anyone because she’s got her hand in the cookie jar too…think about that Thom.”

  “Yeah…you know Jake that sounds like a plan, but I was trying to keep this deal for us…I just…”

  Jake interrupted, “Look…I understand your intentions, but you’re really not in a posture to do anything but this…take her this deal Thom or suffer the consequences.”

  Thom sighed heavily while he thought about what Jake had just suggested. He gazed at him deep in his eyes and then he stood up and said, “Look Lauren…I really need your help on this…I’ve got this really sweet deal working…I can cut you in on it if you can get this monkey off my fuckin’ back…can you really do that?”

  She sauntered over toward the couch, sat down and then crossed her legs while she answered, “Sure.”

  “How…how are you gonna do that?”

  “Not so fast…I tell you how I’m gonna fix it after I know what I getting for my troubles.”

  Thom began to pace the floor while he made his offer, “I’ll cut you in for say…fifty million?”

  She laughed while she responded, “Now you I know that I was born after you but I’m no fool…I’m sure if you offering fifty…you got to be making at least five-hundred million, so I’ll just take two hundred fifty million and call it a day.”

  Thom gazed at her with a malicious expression on his face while he retorted, “Are you serious…really?”

  Jake swiftly stated, “Thom…your political career as well as everything and I mean everything you’ve worked for the last thirty-five years is in jeopardy now man…what are you waiting for…make the deal.”

  Thom shook his head in the affirmative, which made Lauren beam. She gazed at the infamous Thomas Whetstone, who for years had been this political powerhouse, an icon in the political world, one who all politicians emulated, and man who has clout like E.F. Hutton…when he spoke everyone listen. But, now he was standing before her, crying and begging her to help him get out of the circumstances that only she could fix. At that very moment, she was the head bitch in charge. At that very moment, she felt as if she ran Washington, then she responded, “Leave this up to me…what I need you to do now Thom is to remain silent. You’ve already given a statement to the media, so now you just sit back and wait…I have a plan in motion that will solve this and you will prevail. You have my word and I want my money, agreed?”

  Thom slowly lifted his head in her direction, reaching his hand toward hers as they connected in unison, sealing the deal. Jake glanced at Lauren while she glanced back toward him. Their facial expressions were so passionate and extreme that it was as if they were one in each other while the sensations of them finally breaking down their giant made them feel on top of the world. Now it was the time to set everything in motion. Now was the time to bring everything out in the open.


  Dorena was more meticulous than usual when she put on her make-up that evening. She must look perfect for Samerra she told herself. Of course, Samerra had no intentions of coming to her place. After several hours of sulking and ranting to herself over her former lover, her lipstick had worn off on the stubs of the cigarettes. Dorena had nervously chain-smoked, and hot, angry tears had ruined her mascara. She was a total wreck. When, she suddenly heard the intonation of her doorbell ringing, she couldn’t believe her ears. She sat up on the sofa and listened again to ensure she heard the sound or was it just in her wishful mind. The doorbell rang again and with anticipation, she jumped up and immediately went to answer the door. She now stood by the door, looking in the mirror next to it to ensure she looked presentable, and then she quickly opened it. She stood there with a big smiled on her face for a few seconds, but when she realized that it wasn’t her lover of four and half years, she immediately went into disappointment because it was the police. She instantly turned around while she gestured for them to come in.

  Briscoe and Arceneaux strolled in behind her, shutting the door and then following her into her living room.

  Ms. Gentry…I know that we’ve been here before to speak with you on the manner of Ms. Jefferies and…”

  When she heard that she instantaneously interrupted him, “Ask me anything…anything you want to know…I’ll tell you.”

  Surprised, Briscoe glanced over toward Arceneaux while he took out his notebook and began to ask his questions.

  “Ms. Gentry…how would you describe your relationship with Ms. Jefferies?”

  She sighed while she picked up her glass of Hennessy, sipped it and then sat it down on the coffee table. She picked up a pack of cigarettes that was lying on the table, took one out and lit it. After she took a drag, she exhaled and then she commenced to answer his inquiry.

  “We were once lovers…”

  “And now…”

  “She's with someone else…a man of all people.”

  “How does that make you feel?”

  “Outraged…pissed off…angry at the world. I put everything in our relationship, but because she was into the politics, she didn’t want our relationship to jeopardize her career.”

  “How did that make you feel?”

  “I felt abused, manipulated, and exploited…I felt deceived…I couldn’t comprehend how you can say you love someone but you’re ashamed to be with them because…of your career.”

  “Did you know this new lover of hers?”

  “No…he’s some guy she met while working for Congresswoman Lucas…I think he works for her as well…his name is Dex or Dexter…something like that.”

  Detective Arceneaux immediately chimed in, “When you hired Ms. Caramel Love…Ms. Jefferies twin…did you know that they were siblings?”

  “At my establishment…I have a human resources department…can you believe it a whorehouse with a human resources department…anyway…I don’t get into the hiring process usually…so no…I didn’t put it together that he was kin to her. It’s funny…Samerra often told me about having a twin brother, but I’d never met him over our time together and she never gave me any indication that he was gay or a cross-dresser, transvestite, whatever.”

  “So how well did you know, Caramel?”

  “I didn’t know her that well…”

  “You didn’t know her that well?”

  “No…I don’t get to close to my employees like that…I just speak with them when necessary which isn’t often.”

  Briscoe sighed and then began his dialogue, “So it’s not true that you have been secretly trying to start a relationship with Ms. Love?”

  Arceneaux quickly interposed, “Yeah…some of your employees said they’ve seen you on numerous occasions flirting with Ms. Love…it seems that you were infatuated with her…is that not true Ms. Gentry?”

  “Look…I don’t know who or where you’re getting all this from hearsay from but…I may have spoken to her a few times, but nothing ever came of it….look bottom line up front…I didn’t put it together the connection that Caramel and Samerra were relatives…and I’m glad I didn’t because that would have been total chaos.”

  Briscoe sighed while he continued his questioning, “So how did Ms. Love get involved with Congressman Whetstone?”

  “She was requested.”

  “By Whetstone?”

  “Well, not directly…but someone from his office made the transaction. You see she was at this benefit dinner the night before and Whetstone was in attendance…he must have been with his spouse or something because he could make contact that night…that was the reason he requested her the following evening.”

  Arceneaux promptly chimed in, “By chance do you think you can remember the name of the staff member who requested her?”

  “Yeah, sure…it was a Jake Towson…I think he’s like Whetstone’s personal assistant or something; anyway…he was the one who requested her.”

  Briscoe glanced over at Arceneaux while he said, “Well…I think that’s all we have for now Ms. Gentry…but if we have more questions we will be stopping by to see you again.”
r />   “Sure…I’ll do whatever I can to help D.C.’s finest!”

  Both detectives glanced at each other smiling while they strolled toward the door. Dorena looked at them while she shouted, “I’ll get the door…don’t worry about it.”

  While they left the apartment, now strolling down the hall toward the elevators Detective Arceneaux glanced at Detective Briscoe as she spoke, “So do you think she knows more than she’s letting on?”

  “Maybe…she just seems a bit delusional to me…she’s so obsessed with Samerra Jefferies…she would do almost anything for her. That’s why it seems she may have hired her brother prior knowingly…maybe for revenge or to cause some tension…something.”

  “So what now,” Arceneaux asked

  “Let’s go and have another chat with Samerra Jefferies…I really think she knows more about this crime since she has a motive….also we need to find out who this Dex character is. He may not be involved but we’ve got to at least clear him from this.”

  The elevator doors open and they both stepped in. As they rode down to the lobby, Detective Arceneaux couldn’t help herself from staring at Briscoe’s ass and then moving up toward the back of his neck. She couldn’t keep her mind from thinking about wanting to kiss the back of his neck while she reached around to grab his dick from behind. The chime of the elevator reaching their floor brought her back to reality as they exited the elevator and making their way out of the apartment building to their vehicle. As they strolled to their car, two figures in a black sedan was parked about two hundred yards away and was observing their every move. They continued to watch them until they got in the car and started the engine to drive out of the parking area onto the street. The driver of the black sedan then inquired this question, “Shall we follow them, Sir?”


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