Acts of Congress

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Acts of Congress Page 20

by Red Snapper

  Special Agent Decker immediately retorted, “Yes…but keep your distance...I want to see where they lead us.”


  Early that next morning, the temperature in the city had reached a record high. The one-hundred degree temperature was actually making things problematical for Renita while she was packing up her things to leave the motel. The heat was so overwhelming it was making the sweat trickled down her physique as if she had returned to the shower while she sat there. She searched through the white pages trying to find out the location of the office of Congresswoman Watanabe. She finally found the information she needed which gave her directions to the Congresswoman’s office and her phone number.

  She recorded the information and then she gathered her belongs and left the motel. While she was strolling toward the office, she happened to glance in the window and noticed the desk clerk was watching the television that was airing the news about her again. She ducked ensuring she didn’t see her observing her in the window. When she peeped around the corner to see what she was doing, she quickly noticed the desk clerk picking up the phone and dialing the local authorities. Now she panicked as she tried to get away from the area as quickly as humanly possible.

  She was pacing down the street away from the motel. She continued to walk away to make sure she wasn’t being followed as she flagged down another taxi. She opened the door and got in, giving the driver the address, they quickly speeded off onto the busy street. Just as she left in the taxi, an unmarked police cruiser swiftly pulled into the motel-parking foyer with two plain-clothes officers. They got out speaking with the desk clerk.

  Meanwhile, Congresswoman Watanabe wasn’t coping with the demise of her dearest Caramel Love too well. For the past few days, she just sat there in her room crying while drinking plenty of alcohol and taking in excessive amounts of cocaine. Her administrative assistant had been trying to encourage and persuade her to come out of her room the whole time, but was totally unsuccessful. Not comprehending why she had been acting in this manner, her admin assistant finally called in a locksmith to remove the lock from the door so that she would be able to enter into the room. She now stood just outside her bedroom door, still trying to get her to open it.

  “Congresswoman…please it’s been several days and you haven’t eaten or had anything to drink…please open the door…let me in…I need to talk with you…”

  She waited for several seconds, but there was no answer coming from within.

  Finally, the assistant gave the order to the locksmith to remove the lock while they stood by observing him. They waited patiently while the locksmith removed the lock from the door.

  After about twenty minutes, it opened and the assistant and the paramedics immediately rushed into the room. They searched diligently trying to find the Congresswoman, when suddenly there was an earsplitting scream coming from the bathroom. Everyone went rushing in to find Congresswoman Watanabe lying in the bathtub, water spilling over the edges of the tub with her body submerged in the water. Her eyes were open, gazing up toward the ceiling. There were no bubbles coming up from the water to indicate that she was breathing. The Assistant yelled out, “Somebody please call 911…NOW!”

  One of the male assistants instantaneously pulled her out of the bathtub; gently laying her on the floor and immediately began administering Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation while one of the other women grabbed some towels and began to dry her body. While he made every effort to revive her, she was lying there with no signs of life. He glanced at the woman who was trying to dry her body while he continued to resuscitate the Congresswoman, but he knew deep down that it was too late. After about ten minutes, he ceased his efforts, standing up and turning away from her. Just as he did, the paramedics finally arrived rushing into the room and rapidly starting working on her. They put her on oxygen while placing her on the stretcher, but they were just going through the motions. She was already dead. They were just were just trying to ease the pain of those present.

  Several of the women in the room were crying when they began to roll the Congresswoman’s body out of the room. They hurriedly rolled her out to the ambulance, placed her in and turned on the sirens to rush her to Walter Reed Army Medical Center. While the ambulance speeded out of the driveway and down the road, one of the ladies came up to the assistant and spoke, “Jill…are you gonna go to the hospital?”

  “Of course…I need to be there…she may need me to do something and I’ve just got to be there.”

  Both women quickly began to stroll toward the parking area when Jill said, “I don’t know what happened Monica…she was fine several days ago when we were attending the Willard Rice Charity Drive. She was upbeat and full of life…I just don’t know what could have caused this change to take place.”

  Monica sighed while she put her arm around her as they continued to make their way toward the car. Jill sighed while she responded, “What am I gonna do…if she dies…it will be my fault…my fault because I didn’t recognize that she had a problem…”

  Monica opened the door while she responded, “Stop that, Jill…it’s not your fault…whatever happened had nothing to do with you. You know she had been under lots of pressure and stress lately…we just have to wait and see what’s gonna happen.”

  With that, they got in the automobile, started the engine, put the car in gear and drove out of the parking lot into the street. While Monica drove down the street toward the interstate, Jill couldn’t help but to think, “I will not be able to live with myself if she doesn’t make it…I should have been more proactive…”


  Riiiinnnng….riiiiinnng, Decker immediately jumped up out of his light slumber, rolling over in his bed, glancing at the clock on the nightstand, noticing it was three-o-clock in the morning. He sighed heavily while he reached for his cellphone trying to open his crusty eyes to recognize who was calling him so early. He recognized the private number so he promptly answered it without delay.

  “Yeah…what’s up?”

  “Tell me that you’ve got the fuckin’ Metro pukes off this case…”

  “It’s three-o-clock in the morning Jake…do you ever fuckin’ sleep?”

  “Answer the question Decker…I need to know if you’ve got the local police off the case…if you don’t…than good.”

  “What…I thought you wanted them off the case?”

  “There’s been a change of plan…I need the police on this because when the shit blows up in their face…the Bureau will come in riding their white horses and get the credit for closing this case.”

  “That sounds heroic…so what do you need me to do in the meantime?”

  “Who are the detectives assigned to this case?”

  “Detective Sergeant Patrick Briscoe and a newly promoted little bitch…uhhh a Detective Ashley Arceneaux…”

  “Good…I know that Briscoe character…he’s been a fucked up cop who has a really bad drinking problem. He tried several years ago to get on with the C.I.A. but he couldn’t get pass the physical examination because of his excessive drinking habits and his unruly attitude. The girl…I don’t know much about her…I want you to watch them…let them find out things…I’ve got some evidence that will put their focus on a certain individual that’ll help them solve this in no time. You just do what I tell you and you’ll get what you were promised…is that clear?”

  Decker sighed while he responded, “its crystal Sir…I’ll back off just enough to make them think they got it, placing any of your evidence in their path to lead them to your suspect…”

  Jake quickly chimed in, “When they solve the case…that’s when you come in and take over. I need you to put this individual under the jail and everyone will be pleased…I’ll get with you later on more details. Don't fuck this up!”

  Decker smiled while he hung up the phone. He lay back on the bed while he thought, “Now this’ll be interesting…I can’t wait to see who he’s setting up to take this fall.”

  Jake put down th
e cellphone on the nightstand while he put his arms around Lauren. She cooed while she closed her eyes and said, “You know you’re always taking care of business….MY business baby.”

  He chuckle while he responded, “That’s how you stay three steps ahead of your adversaries …if you don’t take care of business…the business will take care of you and the next thing you know you’re face down in a pool of blood.”

  She sighed and then responded, “Well…let’s not get behind then because I need your dick in me all the time.”

  He looked up at the ceiling when he asked, “So…how are you planning on getting Whetstone off the hook?”

  She smiled while she responded, “This is the way this is gonna go down…Samerra Jefferies is gonna be charged with killing her own brother or sister Caramel Love. You see several months ago…I got word from a close friend who told me that Ms. Caramel Love worked in a local establishment…so I went and checked it out for myself and she was there.”

  Jake smiled while he retorted, “You knew this Caramel bitch?”

  “Yeah…we had a few drinks and we got to know each other really good…”

  “You slept with her?”

  “Let me finish…so after we got to know each other Caramel told me that she was interested in getting into the escort business, so that she could make enough money to get a full reconstructive surgery. So, I had my private investigator, Dex check out some places and he found out about this business called Absolutely Luscious Escort Service.

  So later…I had him arrange a meeting with the owner so I could discuss having Caramel hired. When I spoke with the owner, Ms. Dorena Gentry who I thought was a nice woman, I told her all about Caramel and her situation. At first, she told me that she wouldn’t hire her because she was a Tranny, but I told her if she’d hire her that I’d remember her and give her a big favor in return. So I asked her what she wanted because I wanted to get Caramel this job. You see, I knew I needed her to do some other business for me in the future. That’s when she told me about Samerra Jefferies. Now Samerra, as you know was Caramel’s twin sister and was this Dorena Gentry’s love interest also. So, she said that if I’d hired her friend she’d hire Caramel, so I agreed. Now…of course, I spoke with Caramel and told her about the arrangement and I told her about me hiring this woman to work on my staff…but when I told her about this woman that Dorena wanted me to hire it just so happened that this woman was Caramel’s twin sister. I couldn’t believe it, so Caramel begged me to hire her twin sister, so I did, but on one stipulation, that she set up Whetstone so I could get these photographs on him so I could blackmail him into voting my way in our Congressional hearings. I told her that if she would work at this escort service and find a way to get close to Whetstone that I would get her the money plus enough to leave the country and live comfortably. Caramel agreed and she got up close and personal with Whetstone’s ass, which made it better than I had ever imagined. I really didn’t think she could make him go for her, especially since she was an Tranny, but she pulled it off so all has been going according to plan thus far. Later I found out through Dorena, that Caramel and Samerra were having sibling issues with one another which really gave me this eminent ideal that this could be an excellent motive for murder…”

  Jake sighed and then responded, “So…the murder piece to this…was part of the plan?”

  Lauren smiled, while she put her finger on his lips to silence him. She then slowly rotated onto him taking his erection and sliding it deep into her tight wet sex. She cooed while she exclaimed, “Just let me ride you…and I suggest you do the same…ride this out with me, baby…wait and see what’s gonna happen.”

  The way she was stroking his shaft, he couldn’t help but to grab her by her ass cheeks and began to grind his rod into her so deep until his nut sack were now slapping her asshole. As the sensitivity was becoming intense, all he wanted to do was to close his eyes as he pondered, “She’s really a ruthless old bitch…but I like that…the problem with this is I know I’d better watch my back, because you never know what she has planned for me next…right now I’m just gonna ride it out but you best believe I’m not gonna let my guard down.”


  Meanwhile, across the metropolitan area, Detective Briscoe was sitting at his kitchen table, going over some of his case notes when suddenly the doorbell rang. Puzzled on who would be coming over to visit without calling first, he picked up his revolver and slowly strolled over toward the door. He slowly peeked out of the peephole and he couldn’t believe his eyes, it was Detective Ashley Arceneaux. He immediately put away his weapon, cleared his throat and then asked, “Who is it?”

  “Briscoe…it’s me Detective Arceneaux…do you have a minute…I’d like to discuss the case with you.”

  “Ahhh…hold on…let me get a shirt…wait a minute.”

  He sighed while he tried to figure out what she was doing there at his place after hours. He quickly regained his composure and then he opened the door.

  When he opened the door, he could believe his eyes while she stood there dressed as if she had just came from the club. She was absolutely stunning and for the first time Briscoe really recognized her beauty. She smiled while she asked, “Can I come in?”

  He beamed while he finally come back with, “Oh sure…sure come on in…excuse my mess…I rarely have company so please come on in.”

  When she strolled into the apartment, he could smell the fragrance of her scented perfume, which was hypnotic. Her flawless make-up and her nice-looking hair just made it harder to resist.

  “Please come in and have a sit here in the living room…would you like something to drink…I don’t have any more alcohol…”

  She smiled slightly while she replied, “I’ve had enough liquor for one night…did I caught you at a bad time?”

  “Ahhh…no…I was just going over some of the case notes…was there a question?”

  She cooed while she stepped over toward him, setting next to him on the love seat while she respond, “Look…Patrick…may I call you Patrick?”


  “I’ve got to be completely honest with you…can I be completely honest to you Patrick?”

  “Yeah…what is it that you want to be honest about?”

  “Look…I don’t know why I feel I have to tell you this but…Captain Parker is not what you think he is…he’s corrupt and doesn’t have you or this case’s best interest at heart. One of the reasons he allowed me to be on this case was to sort of spy on you. He wants me to report everything that we find out and then he takes the information to the Feds. At first, I thought I could handle doing this because of my cousin and I wanted to make sure she was okay. But, when I met you and saw that you really want to solve this case, I became so attracted to you. I know that I’m extremely younger and you have more experience…I wanted to ask you…but I know that we work together…but I just wanted to…I really need to…”

  Before she could get the words completely out of her mouth, Briscoe reached over and began to French kiss her and taking her tongue deep into his throat. She just melted into him; making her tongue dance in unison with his as he slowly began to fondle her breasts.

  After a few minutes of this, he broke the connection and said, “You’re extremely beautiful, Detective.” Shrugging out of his jacket, Briscoe smiled lazily, his fingers going to unfasten his shirt. That movement seemed to fascinate his lovely guest for she continued to stare. When he pulled it off and tossed it on the floor, she stood. Presenting her back, she said curtly, “You’ll have to undo my dress for me, but I can do the rest.”

  His erection was already becoming rigid, bulging in his tightly fitted trousers, stretching the confining cloth. Obliging her request, he unfastened her party dress, smoothing his hands over her caramel shoulders while he pushed it off as it pooled around her feet. He pulled the pins from her hair immediately, letting the silken tresses drift over his hands, the heavy mass falling to her waist in ebony waves.

  Urging her to turn around, he said “Allow me,” and tugged the tie loose on her bra, letting it fall to the floor, his gaze going to the enticing exposed flesh there, her large breasts now visible. They were firm and high, the nipples a tantalizing dark color. Reaching down, he cupped both of them in his hands, savoring the luscious weight of her flesh and rubbing his thumbs over the soft crests.

  “How long has it been, Ashley, since you've lain with a man?” he asked, watching her expression as he stood there and fondled her, gauging her reaction.

  Lowering her lashes, looking like a sumptuous young video vixen from some naughty music video with her tumbled dark tresses and caramel smooth skin, to his surprise she answered easily, “Not since my fiancé’s death...about three years ago.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that…do you miss it,” He already had his answer; her nipples puckering under his gentle ministrations, turning into enticing medium hard buds in his palms.

  “I’m a young woman with strong desires…I’m flesh and blood, what do you think?” She swallowed, her heavy-lidded gaze focused on where his chocolate fingers molded and stroked her mounded fullness.

  “So you choose me…why me?”

  “Because…you have a sort of swagger that I just can’t resist…and you would appreciate me as a woman and not just a fuck like some young bastard would do. I need you to make love to me…I don’t want to be fucked…I need you to take you time with me…can you handle that?”


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