Acts of Congress

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Acts of Congress Page 21

by Red Snapper

  Sure…I can handle that…It’ll be an honor,” he said truthfully, “to be the one to remind you of the joys of the flesh.”

  “I am sure no one could do it better,” she murmured suspiciously. “The women around here have done nothing but whisper about you and you’re …so called talents. You’re known…you’ve got this reputation of being this great lover in the precinct among the women, Patrick. I really want to see if what they were saying is really true.”

  “Aren't you very curious to know if they are right,” he asked, feeling the evidence of arousal in the heaviness of her breasts with triumph.

  Tilting her head and back giving him a challenging stare, she said, “I must say that my intrigue is clear and my desire gives me no choice but to be here.”

  He smiled while he responded, “If you had to make a choice, you just made the accurate one...I don’t know if my abilities are whatever they say they are but I guess you’ll see.”

  He smiled while reaching down, taking her by her hand, he guided her down the hall toward his bedroom. When he reached the bedroom, Briscoe wasted no time sweeping her up in his arms, laying her on the bed and stripping off her diminutive thong and removing her stilettos and stockings. Once she was completely nude, he studied her physique with undisguised thorough inspection, taking in everything from the top of her dark shining head to the delicate arch of her instep. Her breasts, still erect from his handling were full, her stomach flat, and her buttocks was round and firm.

  She was, in a word, exquisite. “You are even perfect here,” he said, skimming his finger over the cold black strip of pubic hair in the middle of her mound, his gaze salacious. “An equal strip of trim, so small and inviting, your pubic hair so soft and perfumed with your hypnotic aroma,” he whispered to her seductively.

  His fingers dipped lower, slipping between her sexy curvy legs, finding the warmth of her cleft; feeling the betraying moisture of her now arising sexual arousal.

  “You’re already damp, baby…I know you can’t tell me you don't wanna be with me.”

  All she could do was moan while she leaned her head back while she felt Briscoe’s hands in her hair, as she lowered her head farther until it rested in his lap. His arousal was a potent scent in the air, the brush of his erection against her cheek making her pant with the idea of tasting him. She began kissing and caressing around his inner thighs rotating from thigh-to-thigh until she reached his throbbing hard shaft. She gazed up at him while she took his dick in her right hand and commenced to consume his shaft, deep throating him until she reached his mount. She did this several times making him go into a complete frenzy.

  After she sucked him for what seemed like hours, he finally stopped her, motioning for her to bend over in front of him, she happily obliged. He gently pulled her toward him, while she quickly observed his juices awaiting at the tip for her to climb on board.

  She moved closer toward him, bending to mischievously kiss his awaiting member. She placed her eager tongue right at the tip of his sex, opening her mouth wider, she cover him from head to shaft, thrusting up and down while making sure to squeeze her jaw muscles around his thickness.

  She began to hear him sighing as she hungrily flickered against and around his rod. She continued making that vein pop up, sighing while he played with her clit.

  He whispered, I really want you to ride this rod.”

  This inspired her so much that she immediately climbed on top of him, surrounding his pole with her warm juices. While she lowered herself onto him slowly, feeling the muscles in her tight hole wrap around him, she felt him attempting to thrust upward while she moved up and down. She placed her index finger onto her clit and gather the juices as the intensity grew, sucking the juices from her finger. She cupped each breast and begin to lick one at a time while grinding back and forth, round and round on him.

  He whispered, “Damn…this makes me feel sooo good.”

  He immediately grabbed her ass cheeks and began to caress them pulling her closer for deeper penetration. Now in complete heat, their bodies melted into one anothers while Briscoe gave Arceneaux a profound kiss so passionate that they both surrendered to each other. This just made her turn on her stomach, raised up to position on all fours, back at an arch, beautiful sight of roundness in the air, awaiting his entrance. While he entered her, she begin to moan and reach underneath to feel the masculine tightness of his balls. While touching herself, she could feel the print of him inside her while he picked up the rhythm of his thrusts, listening and feeling the impact of his balls on her backside.

  While he thrusted harder and faster, the sound of his body meeting her juices could be heard in the room. She cooed while she just turned her head to the side, taking her hands, and spreading her cheeks for a deeper sensation.

  Viewing his expression, she simply asked, “Is it wet enough for you?”

  He nodded his head in the affirmative while they both give a modest glance and exploded in pure, unadulterated ecstasy. Their body chemistries exuberated a heightened sensuality. When Arceneaux whispered sweet words in his ear, she suddenly climbed off his semi-hard shaft while they just gazed into each other’s eyes without speaking a word, just knowing that much more lies ahead was intense enough.


  The emergency room was uncommonly congested during that time of day. That was mainly due to the fact that the media had previously been notified of the dreadful developments concerning Congresswoman Tamako Watanabe’s medical condition which impelled them to be camped out about all over the hospital grounds.

  Jill Tanner, the Congresswoman’s administrative assistant and Monica Bridgeport, Jill’s closest colleague, rapidly drove up toward the filled to capacity parking facility at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

  When they realized that they couldn’t go any further, they parked their car on the street and quickly got out running toward the hospital entrance. While they were making their way toward the entrance, they were absolutely astounded by the massive media circus that had stationed itself outside the hospital. All around the vicinity were numerous neighboring television, as well as national and radio remote sites set up everywhere you turned.

  Jill was now trying to decipher what disturbed Congresswoman Watanabe in such a manner that she had to do such a horrific unpleasant incident.

  “What possesses someone to take their own life… why didn’t she try to at least converse with me before making such a insensible and callous decision as to trying to kill herself…damn…what about those that love her that she’d be leaving behind because of her own heartless reactions. I hope…just hope it’s not too late and she can at least tell me why she did this to herself,” thought Jill.

  When they walked into the emergency room, wading through the enormous crowd of reports, the paparazzi was busy flashing cameras in every direction. Suddenly the whole hospital appeared to go into a panic-stricken frenzy when spontaneously it seemed that all the reports instantaneously recognized Jill, while they all migrated over toward her direction. They were yelling out her name, asking questions about the incident trying to get some indications to what had taken place.

  “Ms. Tanner…Ms. Tanner…can you tell us anything?”

  “I can’t I just got here myself…as soon as I know something I will make sure the media knows…”

  “Ms. Tanner…was the Congresswoman ill before this happened?”

  “Ms. Tanner…Ms. Tanner…”

  Both women kept striding through the crowd until they at last reached the nurse’s station where they were immediately ushered into a private waiting room with the Congresswoman’s personal physician, Dr. Jason Monroe.

  “Doctor…please tell us the whole true...don't sugar coat it…just tell us the deal okay.”

  The Doctor sighed heavily while he responded, “She’s stable now…but only because we had to put her on life support.”

  “Life support…what do you mean life support Doctor?”

  “Yes…I’m afraid I have
some bad news… Congresswoman Tamako Watanabe has suffered from severe brain inflammation, which has caused her brain to swell tremendously…, I’m afraid she’s now brain dead. We tried everything we could but during our test we didn’t detected any brain wave activity whatsoever…I’m afraid she gone.”

  “Oh no…Doctor this can’t be…this can’t be!”

  “I’m sorry Ms. Tanner, but it’s what we’ve got…the amount of time she was under the influence of the drugs and alcohol coupled with the time she was without oxygen going to her brain while she was submerged in the bathtub just didn’t give her brain the time to recuperate. The only thing left to do was to wait for her family to make the decision when to remove her from life support…also she has a living will that specified to do not resuscitate so...well if you have any more questions I’ll be in the ER.”

  Jill did everything in her power to hold back her tears but it just wasn’t enough while she just broke down, hugging Monica while she lamented, “Why did she do this…why did she take this cheap way out?”

  Monica sighed while she responded, “I don’t know Jill…but you’ll need to make a statement to the press after the family gets here.”

  “What family…she had no one…I was the closest person that she called family…I don’t know what to do…I don’t want to have to make this decision.”

  Meanwhile the taxicab carrying Renita Arceneaux pulled up just outside the offices of Congresswoman Watanabe. As she got out of the taxicab, she noticed a massive gathering of supporters standing out in front of the offices holding candles. Several people were tearful while holding up portraits of the Congresswoman and hugging one another while they waited for any news. She strolled up to one of the woman that was standing in the crowd and asked, “What’s going on…did something happen to Congresswoman Watanabe?”

  The woman sighed while she responded, “She’s in the hospital right now…no one knows what happened but one thing we do know is they found her this morning unconscious in her bedroom and rushed her to the hospital…rumor has it that she might have passed away.”

  When Renita heard this news, she became extremely distraught while she replied, “She can’t be dead…no…I need to see her…it’s very important that I talk with her.”

  Suddenly she began to glimpse around the crowd, which seemed as if there were different men gazing at her, watching her while she panicked about the news. Suddenly she became extremely frightened and began to gradually back away from the crowd. Once she was away from the gathering, she immediately turned and ran away as fast as humanly possible. While she was fleeing the scene, she couldn’t help but to think, “What am I going to do now…I just need to get away from here…I need to get somewhere safe.”

  No sooner than she had that notion, two unknown goons from the crowd came charging after her. She swiftly acknowledged that they were in pursuit and instantaneously dashed down the road.

  “Please stop…Federal Agents,” one of the aggressors bellowed out.

  This didn’t faze her because she just kept running down the road, rapidly, ducking into a nearby alley. She kept running down toward the end and then swiftly ducked into a farmer’s market. The two Federal goons continued their pursuit, following her into the market area. The massive market was full of consumers, who were purchasing items from seafood to textiles, while Renita continued to evade her assailants. While she ran through the market, she would pull items form shelves and carts to deter her assailants with the hopes of losing them. Crates were falling with fruit all over the ground while she tried to deter their pursuit, but they just kept coming. She felt her heart beating rapidly while she tried to find an escape that would take them off her path but it just seemed hopeless. Suddenly, she spotted several large crates that were sitting on a semi-truck that was parked at the edge of the market. She swiftly climbed up on the truck, lowering herself into one of the crates and closing the lid. After a few minutes, she can hear the agents outside on the ground around the base of the truck conversing.

  “How did you lose her…we need to find her before she gets away. the area now!”

  Suddenly she felt a large shift, than she could feel the truck starting to move. She was totally startled while she felt the truck gaining momentum, but at the same time, she was relieved that she was making her escape. She just lay in the crate while she thought, “I don’t know where the fuck I’m going, but much as I don’t want to do this...I need to get to my cousin on the police force…Ashley will know how to clear me from this mess.”


  Meanwhile, Samerra was still feeling like most of the particulars were missing from the night Caramel died. She sat there on the sofa playing the details repeatedly in her mind when Dex came strolling in from the kitchen.

  “Baby…what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing I was just thinking about…”

  He rudely interrupted, “That night… Samerra please…when are you gonna let this thing go…you can’t change what has happened…besides if you could what would you do, you two were not exactly on the best of terms you know...he made you lose your job.”

  She gazed at him disappointed because she couldn’t believe what she was hearing him say.

  “What…are you getting an attitude about the way I’m choosing to mourn my brother’s death?”

  “Don’t you mean your sister’s…he was three-forth woman Samerra…he was a woman and you keep denying her place…”

  She promptly interrupted him, “What really happened that night Dex…I can’t remember for some reason and my memory is usually not this cloudy especially when I’ve been drinking. There’s something you’re not telling me…WHAT IS IT?”

  He strolled over toward her while she quickly stood up facing him.

  “I told you…we were expected to go to meet with Kevin and Mocha for night of playing Truth or Dare, but you said you weren’t feeling well. You passed out here on the sofa, so we just stayed here the rest of the evening. Why’re you trying to relive that senseless night…you were nowhere near your sister…ahhh brother that night so what makes you think that I’m hiding something from you?”

  “I don’t know why but…I just feel like I was there…I keep having these outlandish nightmares about this whole incident…I just feel responsible somehow.”

  He interrupted her, “Okay…so what’s happening in these so called outlandish nightmares?”

  “Well…I’m dressed in all black clothing and I’ve got this huge hunting knife in my right hand. I can see Sam and he’s been beaten severely. He’s asking me for help, but instead I take this huge knife that’s in my right hand and I pull his head back by his hair with my left, exposing his neck while I commenced to slice his throat from ear to ear. It was gruesome because I laughed as I watch his blood gushing out of his neck into the Jacuzzi that’s how they found him right…in that Jacuzzi…”

  “Okay, Honey…look…you just need to calm down for a second…don’t you realize what you saying here…you just made a confession…you think YOU killed Caramel Love?”

  “Yes…no…ahhh…I don’t know. Everything’s so ambiguous and vague to me about everything that supposedly took place that night. I know I was angry with him for getting me fired from my job, but I just don’t know why I can’t shake this dream from playing back in my mind.”

  Dex sighed while he responded, “Maybe you should go and see a…you know…a psychiatrist or something.”

  She frowned when she replied, “So you think I’m fuckin’ crazy huh, Dex?”

  “No…not at all Sweetheart, I just want you to get some help…you shouldn’t be going through this much stress like this.”

  “Well…I do feel like if I don’t get some help I’m gonna just die…I just really want to know what happened…is there anything wrong with that?”

  Dex smiled as he responded, “You’re an incredibly strong woman Samerra…you’ll definitely gonna get through this. Have you thought about maybe speaking with Congresswoman Luc
as…maybe you should try to get your job back…it’ll keep you from thinking about all this nonsense.”

  “Yeah…maybe you’re right…maybe I should approach her about that…Well I’m gonna take a shower…care to join me?”

  “I’d love too, but I’ve got some errors to run for Lucas…I runmll see you later okay baby?”

  Samerra kissed him on his lips and then strolled out of the living room. As soon as she was out of sight, his facial expression immediately changed from a smile to a frowned while he thought, “I’ve got to make a call…she’s getting to damn curious about all this whole thing.”

  With that, he hurriedly strolled out of the apartment and got into his car. When he got into his automobile, he immediately dialed the private number to his acquaintance.

  The phone rang several times before the voice on the other end finally responded, “Why are you calling me…what do you want?”

  “This method isn’t working…she’s starting to get too damn curious.”

  “What do you mean…is she remembering details about what happened?”

  “Yeah…maybe the drug wasn’t strong enough or something because she keeps talking about being in the damn room when the Tranny was killed…she really believes she was there.”

  “Okay than…this is the plan…I want you to bring her here, tonight…it’s time to get this taken care of once and for all…”

  Dex just smiled realizing that the caller had hung up their phone. He immediately hung up his cellphone, started the car, put it in gear and then speeded away down the busy street. While he drove away, he thought, “She sure is a nice piece…too bad we have to wax her ass…just can’t take a chance on letting this go wrong…oh well, such as life.”

  He fired up his Montecristo Replica Antiguo Cigar, exhaled several rings of smoke and then exited toward the interstate.


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