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Acts of Congress

Page 22

by Red Snapper


  The news traveled hastily around Capitol Hill about the unexpected passing of Congresswoman Tamako Watanabe. Although many believed that there might have been some foul play surrounding her inexplicable death, the F.B.I. investigators eventually ruled her demise as a senseless suicide.

  Congresswoman Lucas sighed while she watched the news unfolding when her secretary buzzed her. She pushed the button on intercom in response, “What is it?”

  “Ma’am there is a Ms. Dorena Gentry here to see you…she insists that its urgent…I…wait…Ms. Gentry you can’t…just go in…”

  Before she knew it, Dorena had busted into her office with her secretary following close behind her.

  “Should I call security Ma’am,” shouted the secretary.

  Lauren motioned to her to leave while she spoke, “That won’t be necessary…hold all my calls until I’ve finished speaking with Ms. Gentry.”

  The secretary sighed heavily while she sluggishly strolled out of the office, shutting the door behind her.

  As soon as she was certain that they were alone, Lauren immediately began to converse, “Ms. Gentry…what are you doing here…I told you to never come here…”

  “Look…I just wanted you to explain something to me…why is it that your little wanna be cop on your payroll is fuckin’ my bitch…she’s my bitch!”

  The Congresswoman laughed while she responded, “You came barging into my office, trippin’ because you don’t have control of your little piece of ass?”

  That damn…private investigator, Dex wasn’t supposed to be fuckin’ my girl…that wasn’t supposed to be part of the plan…or WAS IT?”

  Lucas sighed while she responded, “Look…I don’t control where my employees put their dick…you have some nerve coming over here to discuss this shit…don’t you know that people are watching this place? You better get a handle on this before you find yourself in deep trouble.”

  Dorena sighed while she sat down in the chair directly in front of Congresswoman Lucas’ desk.

  “Why did you fire her…you said you would keep her on the payroll…”

  Lucas abruptly interrupted, “I had to let her go…if I’d have kept her on here…how that would help the plan that WE put in place? Look..,you said you wanted to make her suffer…well this is part of the plan to will do just that…makes her suffer…to make her fall. Remember…your exact words. You know Dorena…this sounds to me like you’re getting a little soft on me…is that it…you’re gettin’ soft?”

  She frowned while she responded, “Naw…I’m not getting soft… I just thought…”

  Lucas immediately interrupted again, “That’s the problem…you were thinking…you did your part by hiring that fuckin’ Tranny and putting her in touch with you need to just chill out…I’ll talk with Dex…I get him to keep his dick in his pants.”

  “Okay…I guess I just need to relax but I can’t help the way I feel about her…”

  She quickly stood up and began to stroll toward the door. While she was making her way toward the door, Lauren quickly responded, “Don’t you ever come to my office over some pure bullshit like this again…If you do I swear…you just may disappear without a trace?”

  Dorena stopped just before she opened the door and said, “Well…I know I don’t want to do that….you know just vanish into thin air...that would be ugly…besides that’s not good for business.”

  She opened the door and then strolled out leaving the door open behind her.

  Lauren sighed while she thought, “This is beginning to get out of hand…tomorrow…I need to get these loose ends fixed by tomorrow.”


  When the semi-truck finally came to a halt, she waited for a few minutes before she opened the crate and looked outside. As she opened the crate, she immediately knew she wasn’t in Washington D.C. She began to survey her surroundings, looking for clues until she quickly noticed a building that had a sign on the side of it that read: The Bison Transport Incorporated, Ontario, Canada.

  She sighed heavily while she thought, “Damn…I’m in Canada…how am I gonna get to Ashley?”

  She made sure no one was watching while she climbed out of the crate and then jumped off the truck. She surveyed around the area, trying to discover if there were an area where trucks were manifested with a destination to return to the United States. She read most of the signs that were up on the building until she found one that said, “Outbound…US Freight.”

  She moped while she thought, “I need to find out when and where those trucks are going. Also…I need to get to a phone so I can let Ashley know that I’m okay.”


  Meanwhile, back in the Nation’s Capital. Special Agent Decker was in his office when he received an ominous phone call on his private cellphone. He instantaneously without thought, picked up the phone to answer it, “Hello”

  “Rumor has it that you found out that there’s an acquaintance of the Vic still running around loose…is that true?”

  Not recognizing the voice Decker abruptly responded, “Who is this…how did you get this number?

  Breathing hard, the voice on the other end continued, “Briscoe found this out…while you’re just keeping a low profile and watching his movements from afar he’s gonna make the Metropolitan Police come across extremely well…I know the media would just love to see the F.B.I. screw up a high profile case like this one, huh?”

  Before he could retort the question, the caller on the other end terminated the call. Decker was now furious wondering who the unidentified caller was and why all of a sudden they need to speed up the process. Making sure, he dialed the private number of Jake Towson. He waited while the phone rang. Suddenly he answered, “Jake Towson…how I can hope you?”

  “I just received a call from some number I didn’t recognize did you give somebody my private number?”

  Puzzled Jake responded, “Hell no…what are you talking about man?”

  “I just received a call from somebody using a voice scrambler telling me that the Briscoe had a lead on an acquaintance that was romantically involved with the victim and is on the loose…this grieving secret lover could cause quite an issue if they have information about what is really going on here…the truth will put many behind bars depending on what they know.”

  “You’re right…I want you to get rid of that problem…all of these loose ends need to be tied before tomorrow…we need to get this closed before Friday. If you want what you were promised…I need this handled and I need it done by tomorrow, is that clear. The Bureau must come out on top so that it’ll look legit.”

  Decker sighed while he responded, “We’ll get this done…mark my words, it’ll be taken care of so…”

  While Decker tried to continue the conversation, all of a sudden all he could hear was the intonation of the dial tone.

  He sighed while he called one of his colleagues.

  “What’s the status on Briscoe and Arceneaux? Has surveillance picked up anything new on their investigation?”

  “No Sir…but we just got some prodigious information on the Vic’s fuck’re not gonna believe this but the Vic’s little friend’s name is…get this…Renita Arceneaux…and yes you’re thinking right…she’s kin to Detective Ashley Arceneaux…who just happens to be assigned to this case.”

  Decker smiled while he responded, “Interesting…I knew that little bitch was dirty…get someone to keep a close eye on them…as soon as they find this girl…we move in and take over the case. We’ll move in so fast, they won’t know what hit ‘em.”


  While Towson was putting his cellphone away Lauren turned away from her picturesque window while she spoke, “What’s going on…you seem a little agitated?”

  Jake frowned while he responded, “There’s a slight problem…it seems our little Tranny had an inamorata that she was engaging a little pillow talk with…we don’t know what this whore knows…this could be a problem.�

  Lauren chuckled while she responded, “What’s the dilemma…we get someone to find her and shut her up…I’m sure she can be bought…”

  “No…we need to shut her up permanently…we don’t need nobody hanging around for years milking us for millions about this scam…”

  “Calm down baby…we’ll get her and close this up by Friday…I need you to get Whetstone to close his part of the deal and get the assets he promised in our account by Saturday or he’s gonna be taking the fall for ALL this shit.”

  Towson laughed while he thought, “I’m not gonna be satisfied until I know that little bitch is dead…then I’ll still counting my paper.”


  Meanwhile back in Canada, Renita was still waiting on getting on one of the semi-trucks that would take her back to the United States. While she was waiting, trying to keep from being spotted, a black stretch limousine came rushing into the warehouse area. She tried to keep herself hidden as the limousine made it approach. Suddenly she realized that the limousine was coming toward her direction and she immediately began to run. While she was trying to make her escape, the limousine suddenly caught up with her, stopped in front of her tracks, with two large muscular men jumping out grabbing her. She tried with all of her might to fight them off but of course, the men were too strong. As soon as she was taken to the rear of the limousine, a black gloved hand with a syringe instantaneously stabbed her left shoulder, pushing in the narcotics into her system.

  Suddenly, she was commencing to go into convulsions while she begun to hallucinate. Everything began to just gyrate out of control and then her legs gave out as she just passed out in one of the goon’s arms. They chuckled while they put her into the limousine and then drove away leisurely as if nothing had transpired. Renita was now unconscious and at the mercy of an unidentified assailant in a limousine going to what could be her uncertain end.

  After all her efforts to deter such a horrific culmination, she still ended up in this lame predicament. I guess this is just one manner in which one with the power can make someone just disappear off the face of this Earth...


  It had been several hours before she discovered the answer, but Dorena knew she couldn’t hold it in much longer. Dorena put down her drink and in a voice so slurry she said, “I’m really not gonna be right after this… Samerra…it’s all you’re fuckin’ fault bitch…”

  Trying to decide what would be best for her to do she thought, “I’ve got to tell somebody about this…I just can’t sit back and let her go out like this…I love her and she don’t deserve to suffer like this…”

  She barely reached for her cellphone, slowly dialing the number on the card that Detective Briscoe had left with her prior. She sat there, tears commencing to roll down her bronze face while the phone rang and rang.

  Finally, Briscoe answered the call, “This is Detective Briscoe.”

  “Look…I know what you need…I can help you, but you’ve got to come now if you want to know the truth.”

  Briscoe sighed while he responded, “What truth Ms. Gentry? Tell me what you’re talking about?”

  “I’ll tell you but you’ve got to come over and get it here…I can’t move…”

  “Where are you, Ms. Gentry…me and my partner can come to you right away.”

  “I’m in my apartment, but I’m kinda plastered so you better hurry before I pass out…”

  Suddenly, the sound of items falling on the floor indicated that she had fell, which made Briscoe jump up from his desk.

  “We’ve got to get over to Dorena Gentry’s residence ASAP…Call for paramedics to meet us there.”

  Ashley gazed in concern as she thought, “I wonder what she has to tell us…whatever it is I’m not gonna tell the Captain…”

  Twenty minutes later, with sirens glaring Briscoe and Arceneaux rushed into the parking area of the Flats at DuPont Circle. While they were jumping out of their automobile, the paramedics were making their approach. While Briscoe and Arceneaux were entering the apartment complex, Special Agent Decker pulled up with his unit of F.B.I. cronies while they jumped out of their vehicles and quickly surrounded the building. Decker sighed while he and his assistant strolled up toward the apartment and entered in.

  Briscoe and Arceneaux were now standing outside Dorena’s apartment when Ashley shouted, “Ms. Gentry…it’s the Metropolitan Police…please open the door…” There was no answer, which prompted Detective Arceneaux to remove her revolver from her clip. She knocked on the door and said, “Ms. Gentry…we know you’re in there…please open the door.”

  After a few more minutes, Dorena finally opened the door, allowing them to come into the apartment.

  “Ms. Gentry is you alright?”

  She strolled over to the sofa and sat down while she responded, “I’m fine…I just need to sit here.”

  “Detective Arceneaux quickly chimed in, “What is it that you have to tell us Ms. Gentry?”

  “It funny…you think you know a person, you are around them for several years, but you really don’t know them at all…”

  Detective Briscoe responded, “What is this about Ms. Gentry?”

  She sighed heavily then she began to explain, “I know who did it…”

  Arceneaux responded, “You know who did what Ma’am…what do you know?”

  Dorena smiled while she sat up straight and then said, “I know who’s responsible for the murder of Caramel Love…”

  Arceneaux glanced over toward Briscoe and then back toward Dorena when she asked, “Who…who killed Caramel Love?”

  “I know it’s crazy but…I think it was her sister…she hated her some much…she had a motive…”

  Decker who was standing just outside the apartment listening and heard what Dorena just said. He whispered to his assistant, “Let’s go…we need to find Samerra before they do.”

  They both quickly strolled back outside to their vehicle and got into it. While they immediately drove out of the parking lot, Decker hurriedly made a call to Jake Towson. The phone rang and then quickly Towson answered, “Whatcha got?”

  “We followed Briscoe and Arceneaux back to Dorena Gentry’s residence…I just heard Gentry snitch to Briscoe that Caramel Love’s murderer was in fact Samerra Jefferies…the victim’s own twin sister. We’ll need to apprehend her before the Metropolitan Police do if we want this to stick…”

  “Okay…look…I want you to come to Congresswoman Lucas’ office right now…you’ll have your suspect here waiting for you on a silver platter…trust me the Bureau will get the credit for this bust.”

  “Sweet…I’ll see you in thirty.”

  He hung up the phone while he thought, “I’m gonna get what I deserve…Briscoe’s ass ain’t gonna get nothing out of this. That Director’s position will be mine…I can taste it.”


  Meanwhile across town at the Lucas Congressional Office, Dex and Samarra entered the building. While they were heading down toward Congresswoman Lucas’ office Dex tried to explain, “If you just listen to what she has to say I think she’ll give you your job back.”

  “I just don’t understand why she didn’t give me a chance to explain to her in the first place about Sam…I tried to tell her but she thought I was trying to set her up or something like that…it’s ludicrous.”

  Dex smiled while they stepped up toward the secretary’s desk while he said, “She’s inspecting us…”

  “Go right in…she’s waiting for you.”

  When they walked into the office, Congresswoman Lucas was standing by the picturesque window overlooking the Washingtonian skyline, with the United States Capital building illuminated directly outside the window as well as the Washington Monument in the far distance. She slowly turned toward them, allowing eye contact with Samerra for the first time since their last encounter. Before that, she had briefly seen her from a distance at the interment of her twin brother.

  In the corner sitting on one of the sofas sat Jake Tow
son who Samerra immediately recognized while she responded, “What’s going on here…why is he here Congresswoman?”

  When she said that, he immediately stood, strolling over toward Lauren, finally grabbing her by her right hand. Samerra glanced over toward Dex who was now looking down at the carpet while she said, “Congresswoman…what is going on…this man isn’t he with the Whetstone camp?”

  “Yes…he is…but that is not your concern…you have a larger dilemma to deal with…you see I know the truth. I know what happened the night your twin died.”

  Samerra sighed while she began to cry, “Tell me…tell me what happened.”

  “It was a long night and you Dex, Mocha Cream, and Kevin were going to Dex’s place to get into each other when you kept talking about getting your brother back for getting you fired. So Dex, tell your lady here what happened…tell her what really happened that night.”

  Dex sighed then he began to explain the details of that night, “You were extremely upset…all you kept talking about was getting Caramel Love, getting Caramel Love…so Kevin made a suggestion to you that if you really wanted to get back at him, why don’t you just go and scare him a bit, you know we could pose as robbers looking for something, we find Caramel we ruff her up a little, but we leave. So everybody agreed and we all got dressed in dark clothing. Before we left you called your girl Dorena and asked if she knew where Caramel was working that evening and of course she was working over at the Whetstone’s villa. So when I told you where Caramel was, you began to drink heavily, taking Patron shots after shots and then you were ready. We took a black SUV over to Congressman Whetstone’s house, but while we were about to drive up to his estate, we saw Whetstone and some Sheik getting into his Congressional Limousine and they drove away. I thought it was odd that Caramel was not with him so, "That “when I said maybe she had already left. But, you Samerra insisted that we go in and raid the place away, because you said that she was still in the place. I could never really figure out how you knew she was still there, but you did and we followed your lead going up to the villa and breaking in using the patio entrance.


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