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The Secret Pond

Page 28

by Gerri Hill

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  “I can’t believe I let you and Jack talk me into this,” Hannah said as she helped Lindsey set up Jack’s tent near the river.

  “Your fault,” she said. “You asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday, remember.”

  “Yes, but I didn’t know that would involve chaperoning six boys for two days.”

  “At least we won’t be sleeping out with them,” Lindsey said.

  No, they would be staying at her parents’ cabin. They’d spent the last few weeks getting it cleaned out and rearranged. She and Hannah were using the master bedroom and they’d fixed up her old room for Jack. There had been a few tears but not many. Hannah had been patient with her as she’d taken her time sorting through everything. They had it like they wanted it now. Come next summer, she imagined they would spend more time here.

  But for this weekend—Jack’s birthday—they’d spent four days getting ready. They’d hauled large rocks from the riverbank to make a fire ring, and she’d cut up a dead oak tree to use for their campfire. Jack had wanted to have hot dogs over the fire and roasted marshmallows for s’mores. Tomorrow, five of his buddies were coming over. He was as excited as she’d ever seen him to show off his river playground to his friends. He’d already asked if he could have “the guys” out in the summer for a play day. Lindsey had been all for it, but Hannah had balked. “What if somebody drowns?” So they’d compromised. Jack could invite three friends, and they’d also invite their parents for a day on the river and burgers afterward.

  “You spoil him, you know,” Hannah said, interrupting her thoughts.

  “Is that right?”

  “And don’t expect me to get up at the crack of dawn to go fishing.”

  “No. You’ll get up to cook breakfast for everybody.”

  “Six is too many. We should have said three.”

  “Quit worrying. No one will sleepwalk at night and fall into the river. No one will get attacked by a mountain lion. No one will accidentally start the woods on fire. No one will get lost on a hike.” She laughed. “Did I miss any of your other concerns?”

  “I know. I worry too much.”

  “You do. They’re kids, and I’ll watch them like a hawk.”

  Hannah walked over to her and hugged her. “I know you will.” She kissed her. “I’m only happy I’m not being subjected to hot dogs for dinner.”

  “Got your eye on that steak, huh?”

  “That was an excellent idea you had.”

  “Well, they’re not going to have any fun if we’re hovering about. The house is close enough to watch them. Besides, Jack knows how to behave.”

  “I can’t believe y’all practiced having a fire and cooking hot dogs.”

  She laughed. “It was fun.”

  Hannah’s smile faltered a little. “I need to talk to Margie, you know. It’s time.”

  Lindsey’s smile faded completely. “She’s not going to take it well.”

  “No. But I need to tell her. It’s time.”

  “We can both tell her,” she offered.

  “Honey, you don’t want to do that, trust me. I was thinking that maybe Jack and I should tell her. Together. She may be more accepting of it then if she knows that Jack is okay with it all. Actually, I’m surprised that Jack hasn’t already let it slip. He talks about you all the time. She knows that we stay at your house some nights too.” She shook her head. “I swear, the kid can’t keep a secret.”

  “It doesn’t matter who tells her, she’s not going to accept it.”

  “I know. And when I tell her we’re planning to move in with you, she’s going to go berserk.” Hannah smiled. “Unless, after I tell her about you and me, she throws me out. Then I won’t have to tell her we were going to move anyway.” She came closer again, moving into her arms. “Are you sure it’s not too soon?”

  “We’re together all the time anyway, either at your place or mine. Jack is all for it. Max and Barney are all for it.”

  Hannah smiled and kissed her. “Well, if the dogs think it’s okay, then I guess I shouldn’t worry.”

  “What are you worried about?”

  “I don’t know. I’m so blissfully happy, I’m afraid it’s not real. I mean, everything is perfect. You and me…Jack. What if—”

  “We can’t live with ‘what ifs,’” she said. “We live for today. Tomorrow is never guaranteed.” She held her tightly. “I love you. Being with you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I want us to be together. Always.” She pulled back, meeting her eyes. “I’m ready to move forward with our little family.”

  Hannah touched her cheek, then pulled her closer for a kiss. “I love you too. So much pain we had to go through to find each other. There is no more pain in my heart, Lindsey. Just love. For you.”

  Lindsey hid her face against Hannah’s neck, trying to keep her emotions under control. She knew Hannah loved her, yes. But sometimes, when she told her, when she could see it, hear it…yes, it made her realize that there was no more pain in her heart either. Just love.

  “We should probably go,” she said finally. “The school bus will be around soon.”

  “Yes. And tomorrow is our little man’s birthday, and we’ll be chasing after six boys for two days.”

  They held hands as they walked back up to the cabin. She turned, looking back toward the river. The dogs were splashing by the shore, and Jack’s red tent stood out against the fading green of November. She smiled, her gaze going to the fire ring and the stack of wood and the old picnic table they’d hauled out for the boys to eat on. It looked like a real campsite. It looked like…well, it looked like it used to when the kids would camp out. She was pleased that that thought made her happy and not sad.

  “You okay?”

  Lindsey turned back around and nodded. “Yeah. I’m good. Everything is perfect.”

  Hannah leaned closer and kissed her cheek. “You make everything perfect. You always have.”

  Lindsey smiled and continued on their walk. “Well, what can I say? It all starts with having perfect breasts.”

  Hannah laughed, the sound bouncing through the air around them. “That, my love, you most certainly do.”

  Lindsey arched an eyebrow teasingly. “You want to see them?”

  Hannah was smiling as she kissed her. “How much time do we have?”

  “As much as you want. We’ll just leave Jack at Margie’s longer than usual.”

  Hannah laughed again. “Oh, God…he’ll kill us.” But she pulled Lindsey inside the cabin. “He’ll get over it.”

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