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by Loren, Jennifer

  “Ava, can you call your dogs?” I laugh.

  “Boys come.” They follow in after her at once.

  “The coast is clear you big baby, you can breathe now.” I yelled to him.

  “I hate you Sean.” He said looking both ways before he enters the house.

  Once we put up the flowers, I explore her warm and cozy place, looking at pictures of her grandparents, friends, and her dogs – there are many of those. Then one framed, sitting right on her mantel where you can see it from anywhere in the room is the same one I put under her locket. I pick it up daydreaming back to our island. Suddenly the front door opens and I turn right before a short, brown haired woman runs right into me. She looks up smiling joyfully, “oh sorry,” she said as I take hold of her to steady her. “AHHHHH!” She screamed. “Oh my God!” She screamed again and vibrating. I take a few steps back from her, putting my hands up in defense.

  “Anna!” Ava yelled running over to grab her.

  “Sean, this is Anna.” I put my hand out cautiously to shake her trembling hand. Taking my hand she begins to giggle hysterically.

  “Nice to meet you - Anna.”

  “Yea … uh huh, I mean you too.”

  “Are you alright?” I asked wondering if Ava invites mental people into her home often.

  “She’s okay, she’s going to be okay,” Ava said escorting her away from me.

  I sit down near Randy who is eyeing both dogs sitting patiently at his feet, one of them with his paw on his leg and staring at a ball resting in his lap. “I hear if you play dead they will get disinterested and leave you alone.”

  “Shut up Sean,” he murmured motionless.

  “You should feel honored. They don’t let just anyone play with that ball,” Ava said from behind us.

  “Yea, they like you, their favorite ball and everything, how sweet.” He glares at me as he mumbles terrible things he is going to do to me. Once the smell of dinner gets to me, I get up to go see who is cooking. I pass Anna carefully since she is still giggling and approach Ava. She chops some vegetables before throwing them in a steaming pan. “Are you cooking?”

  “I was planning to make dinner for Kyle and Anna anyway, so I added a little more for you guys. I hope you like it?”

  Walking up behind her I wrap my arms around her and kiss her neck and her cheek before resting my head against hers, “I’m sure it will be wonderful.” Sighing happily, she leans into me holding my hands to her. “I think everyone should leave now.” I whispered as soft and as deep into her as possible. Suddenly, she stiffens pulling away from me and directing me to Kyle and Anna who are staring at us wide-eyed. “Okay, well do you need me to do anything?”

  “No, I think Kyle and I have it,” she said as Kyle waves some kind of cooking utensil at me. “So sit and relax, watch some TV if you like,” Ava said, grasping my hand one more time before shoving me off.

  I walk into the living room and sit down talking to the boys. “Randy watch, when you talk to them they look like they’re listening to you.” I turn to the dogs, “you guys want to go play?” I asked as they both cock their heads at the same time. “Did you see that? Cute as hell, huh?”

  “Yea … real cute. They’re going to kill you in your sleep tonight, you know that, right?” Randy said, not at all impressed.

  “Are you guys going to kill me? I know stupid question right, you guys love me already.” I throw the nearest toy I can find and watch them slip and slide all over the hardwoods to try to get to it first. I laugh until I hear someone laughing behind me, turning I see only Ava watching me. For whatever reason I earn a kiss bigger than the welcome home kiss. I need to figure out what I did so I can do it again.

  When we sit to eat, it is clear the empty seat next to Ava is for me. The food is wonderful and luckily easy to eat with one hand since my other is holding Ava’s and even though it is obvious, no one is commenting on it. They do, however, tell me stories that are embarrassing her relentlessly.

  “Oh and then there was the time she told us we were going to the spa.” Kyle exclaimed.

  “No Kyle!” She tries to persuade him with her anxiously, shaking head.

  “Oh I am telling this one because he should know this about you. She’s a liar, Sean. I’m telling you if she ever tries to tell you she is taking you somewhere like a spa for instance and she insists on driving, don’t believe a word she says.” Kyle animatedly tells his tale.

  Ava stares down into her lap. “Why?” I asked lifting her chin with my finger and brushing the back of it across her velvet face.

  “Well. One day Ava comes in and tells us she has an exciting surprise for us, you know for working so hard and …” He turns to look at Anna.

  “And being such great friends,” Anna added.

  “Yea that, so she told us she was going to take us to this spa … in Kentucky. Now I had never heard of such a spa but what do I know, I from Georgia. So we got all excited, packed and even got up early so we could get there by what we thought was check-in time.”

  “Where did she take you?”

  “To a basketball game!” Kyle exclaimed crossing his arms.

  “You like basketball that much?” Randy asked.

  “Ava here, is a huge basketball fan,” I said remembering her playing on the island and our almost first kiss.

  “Oh yea, she made us walk forever in the cold too,” Kyle added.

  “It wasn’t that cold,” Ava said shyly.

  “It was February Ava. Then we had to sit through this game. We had to check into some hotel that was not a spa at all and nowhere close to where we had to endure that torturous sport. The worst part is they barely had decent room service.”

  “But I took you guys out horseback riding the next day.”

  “It was Febr … u … ary!” Anna spoke up.

  “Alright, I’m horrible, a horrible person but I couldn’t find anyone to go with me, and I knew you wouldn’t go if I asked you,” She said pitifully as she fumbles with her napkin.

  Pushing her fallen hair out of her face, I lean in kissing her on the cheek. “I would have gone with you baby,” I said enjoying her smile at me.

  “Ohhh, that’s so sweet,” Anna said, gushing, causing me to blush and then to get annoyed by Randy smirking at me.

  “Well I don’t want you to think she is all bad Sean or at least she isn’t totally evil. She did eventually pay for us all to go on a cruise a few months later.”

  “Thanks Kyle,” she smiled at him.

  “You’re welcome,” he said kissing her on the other cheek.

  “Okay, I think it’s time for me to go,” Anna said looking at her watch.

  “Oh yea, you can still take me home right?” Kyle followed as Anna nods.

  “You know I think I am done for the night as well. Ava, Sean said you had some place for me to stay?” Randy asked.

  “Yes, I think you will like it, it’s in the in-law suite in the back. Most of it is my office but the whole upstairs is an apartment with satellite TV and everything. There is a full kitchen and a bathroom. I will show you.”

  While Ava leads Randy out back and the other two leave for home, I grab my bag and search for her room. I assume the location and know I am correct by the softness of the room. It even smells like her. I breathe in, laying my things down in a corner before looking at more pictures.

  “What are you doing?” She asked coming up behind me with her hands making their way up my chest.

  “Looking at your pictures and I was right by the way.”


  “You were super cute,” I said pointing to her in a picture.

  “I was five, everybody is cute at five.”

  “Not that cute,” I said, kissing her blush and feeling the usual electric current run through my body whenever I am near her. Despite the warning that her clothes are difficult to get off. I still have her undressed in seconds and making my way to an enjoyable night. I did not realize how much I have missed her.

hapter 22: Ava

  I awake to darkness, chilled air, and warm arms as I feel the rise and fall of his chest against my bare back. I do not want to get up but I know the choice isn’t mine to make. So giving into my fears, I squeeze out from under his arm, pull on my robe, and cautiously walk through the house. Holding my breath, I open the back door and let the boys outside while I stand stiff watching the yard, the light, the shadows from the moon and listening for anything … but there is nothing.

  “Ava?” Gasping I tense my back up against a wall before realizing it’s Sean. “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you?”

  “It’s okay, I guess I was deep in thought.”

  “Deep in thought about what?” I shake my head ignoring his question. “I watched you Ava. I watched you get up trembling. When you let the dogs out you watched every shadow without taking a breath. You don’t feel safe here?” Safe? The place doesn’t have anything to do with it. No matter where I live, he still could find me. No matter how much my doctor tells me what happened to me, won’t happened again. I can’t help see him around every corner or within every shadow. It is, after all, not the man but the piercing echoes of his voice that haunt me still. “He’s still in jail you know?” Sean said.

  “How do you know that?” I asked pushing back from his chest.

  Sighing and fumbling with my fingers, “my father handled business for many important people Ava and they are more than willing to help my family out whenever we ask, so I asked for the information. I have someone keeping me informed on his every move. I promise sweetheart, I only did it to make sure he never hurts you again.”

  “So you know everything?” He stands tall and silent. “You know everything?” I asked realizing my biggest fear about seeing him has come true.

  “Yes, I saw the whole case file, transcripts from the hearing and even details of his daily records in prison.” Sean confessed shamefully.

  “Even the pictures they took of me and …”

  “I wasn’t trying to invade your privacy, Ava. I didn’t know anything like that would be in there.” He said rubbing his face. “Ava, damn, for what he did to you, I could kill him myself. Please don’t be mad at me.” His voice breaks as he reaches out for me, “you can trust me, you know. You’re not alone anymore, I’m here and I will always watch out for you.” Sinking deep into his strong arms I do feel safe and loved.


  The screaming alarm brutally disrupts my perfect dream. I retaliate harshly before trying to untangle myself from him, making sure to kiss every part that I have to move away from me. I manage to get halfway up before he pulls me back in, smiling his sexy, I am too cute for my own good smile. “Hey, I have to get up and get some work done today, remember?”

  “Call in sick,” he said roughly against my lips.

  “Don’t you think they will get suspicious?”

  With his eyes still nearly closed, he shakes his head. “No? Sean you know better” I said laughing harder as he holds on to me tighter and more determined to convince me. “You have to let go. I’m sorry but I have to work and you are going to have to stay here and be a good boy.”

  Growling at me, “your bed is too small.”

  “My bed is too small?” I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

  “I like big beds that give you plenty of room to …,” he said pulling me back in and maneuvering me around to some secure spot that he can manage me in. “Big enough, to you know … to do things right.” His warm lips move up my neck while his hands pull my legs up around him.

  “Sean, I can’t get a bed any larger than I have, it won’t fit in my room,” I squirm escaping his grasp.

  “I will get you a bigger room and then a larger bed.”

  I lean into his face quickly kissing him. “No, you won’t.” I say before running off to shower, he follows soon after. “And you are most certainly not taking a shower with me, Sean Grant.” His hurt expression nearly causes me to feel bad until I realize his career choice. “No Sean!”

  “Why not, I like taking showers with you,” his bedroom eyes working me hard.

  “Because I will never get ready and get to work.”

  “Fine, can I watch then?” He asks smiling wide.

  “Get out,” I hiss at him. Trying to fight my smile, I shut the door in his sweet face and laugh when I hear him doing the same. After getting ready, I find Sean sitting at the bar, drinking his coffee. “Are you hungry?”

  “Too early for food,” he said as I take notice of his drawstring pants and nothing else. I stick some toast in the toaster and pour some cereal before moving in beside him. Taking my hand in his, we kiss and get a little closer.

  “You guys can stop being so damn obnoxiously sweet, it is too early for that,” Kyle demanded looking half-asleep as usual, when he and Anna arrive for their typical morning breakfast. “Oh good somebody has the coffee already made.” Kyle said taking notice of Sean’s cup. “Thank you,” he says to Sean’s half nod back.

  “Ava, cereal?” Anna said mummy walking towards the kitchen.

  “On the counter.”

  “I guess I should go check on Randy.” Sean kisses me once before walking out the door and taking the boys with him.

  I watch him walk away only to turn back around to see Anna and Kyle doing the same. “Hey!” I yelled breaking their gaze.

  “If you want to keep us from staring then you might want to tell him to wear a shirt,” Kyle said.

  “And some underwear,” Anna whispered into her cereal.

  “Anna!” I yelled.

  “What? The man has been blessed - so I am looking. Sorry. But really, it’s hard not to look at him.” Anna grunted.

  “Find a way. At least you stopped giggling at him,” I said taking a sip of Sean’s coffee.

  “Yea Anna you were embarrassing last night,” Kyle bumps her playfully.

  “Me?” She stands up straight with her chin out but we do not budge in our statements. “Okay, I will try to behave but I’m not making any promises. Oh Ava! Do you think you can get Sean to let me go to one of those celebrity parties? Maybe …”

  “No! Absolutely not! We are not even seeing each other according to the outside world. I certainly can’t have him setting you up with some kind of freaky celebrity fling.”

  “It doesn’t have to be freaky, unless that’s what they are into.” Anna shrugs.

  They both perk up immediately when Sean walks back in. “How is he and where are the boys?” I asked.

  He smiles devilishly and shrugging. “As soon as I opened the door they ran in and got into bed with him. I guess they like him.”

  “You’re cruel,” I said as he sits back down beside me. I don’t think men ever grow out of their little boy games. They mature and find ways to make you not care or forget completely, if they know what they are doing and possibly your own name too, if you’re real lucky. I’m feeling very lucky these days. I smile hoping no one notices but he does and is smiling at me knowingly. What, does he read minds or something? That could be embarrassing. I roll my eyes away from him. Cocky bastard.

  “Okay, let’s get going. We have so much to do and I would love to get out of here early today and I know Ava feels the same way. Right?” Kyle raises his eyebrows at me.

  “Let me get changed and I will be over in a few minutes.”

  Suddenly the boys are by my side. “You are an asshole Sean.” Randy said followed by Sean’s hysterical laughter.

  Shaking my head, I make my way through my closet. I have to meet with a client today so I pull out one of my favorite outfits and slide on some of my favorite heels and admire them on my foot. I find the right jewelry and finish my hair, then begin the custom twisting and turning in front of the mirror and decide I need a different pair of underwear. I pull out a more suitable pair and push my skirt up, slipping my others off and my new ones on when I hear a gasping grunt. I turn seeing Sean watching me from the bed.

  “I could have helped you get that … off.” I throw the ones I too
k off at him, earning a desiring wink.

  “How long have you been there?”

  “You’re fun to watch get dressed, almost as much fun as watching you undress, pink underwear today … mmm.” He crawls over to me grabbing my butt and twirling his tongue in his mouth. “Must be a special client?”

  “Behave,” I said smacking his hands.

  “That’s going to be hard knowing what’s under there. All that lace and pink and ....” He smiles.

  “Try. Please.” I kiss him quickly and release his grasp, sprinting out before he can catch me.

  “Good morning, Randy.” I said laughing at Sean just missing getting a hold of me.

  “Morning.” Randy said eyeing Sean and rolling his eyes at him.

  “There is plenty of food Randy, help yourself.” Sean sits down watching me with his eyes, driving me crazy and he knows it. “So what are you boys going to do today?” I asked trying to hug him from behind to keep away from his hands.

  “Not sure, although where is your Christmas tree?” Sean asked pulling me around into his lap.

  “Oh I haven’t had a chance to get one yet,” I giggled struggling with his hands.

  “Well then that’s what we are going to do today,” he said kissing my cheek. “Unless you would rather me do something else to you?” He whispered.

  “We are? Where the hell are we going to put it?” Randy interrupted looking around at the flower-filled room. “Can’t we just stack some of these flowers in a tree formation and put a star on top or hell let’s tie the balloons to the top. I think there’s a star on one of them?”

  “We will get you a tree today, baby, if we may borrow your car?” Sean asked, laughing at me still fighting his wandering hands.

  “You may. Now stop before you embarrass Randy.”

  “He knows when to leave,” he smiles wide ignoring Randy’s huff.

  “Nice Sean. Now I have to go … now,” I said pushing away to his immediate sadden face.

  Chapter 23: Sean

  Ava obviously loves her car, not a speck of dirt or anything out of place. Randy and I drive around the area until we find a place with a lot full of trees and void of any people except one bear of a man working the lot.


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