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New Title 1

Page 28

by Loren, Jennifer


  I have to return to Ireland soon, as I was asked to be in a British film when I was there previously. It is different from my usual. This time I get to play the seductive evil killer but I die early on, since the movie is more about the small town I committed the crimes in. No one believes I am actually dead and therefore, is haunted by my character until they go insane. It is intriguing, and at the time that I agreed to do it I was looking for any kind of distraction. Now I am wishing I hadn’t. I asked Ava to come with me but she is busy with work of her own and cannot afford to take the time off. So to make up for my soon to be absence, I am trying to spend as much time with her and Lillah as I can. Ava tries to ease my guilt but her sadness is apparent every time I mention it. It is the night before I have to leave and after we put Lillah to bed, I put Ava to bed. Lillah was kind enough not to wake up during our grand send off. I am concentrating on memorizing every detail of us together to take with me. However, Ava seems intent on making the night last as long as possible by asking me random questions and talking about the most absurd things. “What are you doing? You’re not even making sense now.” I asked her with a questioning expression.

  “I don’t want you to go, I’m sorry. I’m trying to be supportive and understanding but instead all I can do is ramble hoping the night won’t end.”

  “I don’t want to leave you either but this is my job and I’m going to have to leave sooner or later. I am going to miss you every time I have to go.” She leans up hugging me tight as I rub her bare back. “I will be back annoying you before you know it.” I said kissing her weepy eyes, “be careful while I’m gone, don’t let anyone in the house you don’t know and don’t go anywhere without Kyle or someone with you.” She mocks me while nodding. “I have a right to be worried and you know it. If I hear anything about him, I am coming back here to get both you and Lillah and we are leaving the country. I don’t care how much kicking and screaming you do.” I said hoping she understands my concern. “Oh and there has been a reporter calling Ethan to try to setup an interview with you. I told Ethan to tell him no. So if he somehow gets a hold of you let me know and I will take care of it.” I said, thinking nothing of it, until I notice her tension and long silence. “No Ava.” I groan at her.

  “But Sean, maybe I should do it.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because I get tired of hearing things made up about me. Like I am an alien, trying to possess your body with my alien husband.” I hide my mouth with my hand trying not to laugh while recalling that magazine picture, it was funny as hell. “I know it won’t stop all the ridiculousness but maybe it will, at least give me a chance to give my side of what happened … they got his.”

  “I know they did but are you sure you would want to bring all that up again?”

  “I think it will be good for me to let it go and move on - for good. Does that make sense?” She asked working her southern sweet magic on me.

  “I guess so but I worry that it might not turn out like you want it to.”

  “Ethan can help me make sure they ask only certain questions and we can ask to see the final edited version to make sure it’s agreeable.”

  Wow, she pays attention to me more than I realized. “Okay, but make sure you talk to this person and you feel comfortable with him first. There are others to choose from you know?”

  “I will, I promise.” She smiles kissing me again. “Thank you for understanding and … I love you.”


  I don’t like leaving my girls behind but Ireland is as beautiful as ever and the movie is going as scheduled, so the days are going by fast. I spend most of my free time communicating with Ava and Lillah through the computer in my hotel room. The rest of my free time, I spend purposely looking for the little old house I found the last time I was here. I am not sure how I found it the last time, so it is difficult to find it again. Luckily, I finally found some locals to help and after explaining the details of the house, I find it. This time I take the time to walk the grounds and look through the house before that same little old man reappears out of nowhere.

  “You are back,” he said startling me again.

  This time I know I am not sleep deprived, so I am hoping I am not crazy and talking to myself. “Yes, I was curious.”

  “How is your heart?” He asked.

  “She’s wonderful, and waiting for me at home.”

  “Ahhh that’s wonderful news,” he said with not an ounce of surprise in his voice.

  “Why do I think you knew that already?”

  He smiles sheepishly, “you like the house?”

  “A lot actually. I was hoping it would be for sale. You wouldn’t happen to know who I could talk to about it?”

  “I do.”

  “That would be great. I know Ava would love this house as much as I do.”

  “This is the man you should see.” The old man holds a piece of paper out to me and I take it from him reading the name, number and an address of a local man.

  “He owns the house?”

  “He will be able to help you.” He insisted.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said looking suddenly concerned as to what sounds like whispers coming from behind me. “You are heading back home soon?”

  “Yes, this Thursday, why?” I asked when the whispers from behind me become more frenzied. Soon as I turn, they go silent. I look back at the little old man who is suddenly staring fixedly at me.

  “Five o’clock Thursday, no later in getting home,” he said with no sign of a smile.

  I laugh, “ummm, okay. Why is that?”

  “You know what to do Sean. You can save her.” I hear the whispering from behind me again and turn but again they go silent and when I turn back, the old man is gone too. Shivering. Not sure I want to live with ghosts but something is drawing me to this place, despite all the weirdness around it. I get back into my car reviewing the piece of paper the old man gave me and program the address into my GPS following its direction attentively. The directions lead me to a small old shop in the town nearby. I park the car eyeing the old broken down place carefully before deciding to get out and go in. Once inside, I take in the crowded space of antiques and odd pieces, of all sorts.

  “Can I help you?” The man said with a stiff posture as he looks me over.

  “Yes, I was told I could find a man named Deaglan …?”

  “That would be I, Deaglan Quinn, what can I do you for?”

  “I was curious about the old house on Glendon Hill?” I asked becoming more at ease as he does.

  “Curious, or interested in purchasing?”

  Nothing like cutting to the chase. “Purchasing.” Deaglan pulls out an old book of information about the house and bargains a good price on the land and house. He even tells the same story of the original owners that I heard from the old man but when he shows me pictures of the couple, chills go up my spine. I recognize him immediately. I read the names below the picture realizing he never did tell me his name, Finn and Nora Glendon … 1902! My legs become weak and I forget to breathe until Deaglan laughs.

  “So you have met them?” He asked with a superior smile. I hesitate to answer, unsure whether to admit to my delusions. “You’re not the only one.”

  “Well that’s … reassuring.”

  “Don’t worry they’re harmless, nosy but harmless. Angels making sure their property is taken care of, I suppose.” I smile even though chills are still rushing through my body. Deaglan exits to the back to make copies of the information for me, while I lean on the glass in front of me reviewing the items within the case, and that’s when I see it, Ava’s ring glaring at me. When Deaglan returns, I have him take it out for me.

  The bright, sparkling ring has a beautiful softness to it but the center stone holds it position strong and defiant. I negotiate with Deaglan for the ring and return to my hotel eager to finish this movie and get back home to Ava and Lillah. It is all I can do not to tell her everything
when I speak to her at the end of the night. Luckily, she reminds me about her interview with a reporter named Cole Brinkman and we spend most of our time discussing the interview instead. She seems nervous but excited about the opportunity, so I promise her I will try to make it in time to be there with her. Although I am sure I will be late, I have plans to see a house that I hope will become a permanent place for us to live, getting Ava out of the white fortress for good. It is the perfect time to see it while she is distracted, so I can surprise her later.


  Once I arrive in Atlanta and make a quick call to Ava to let her know I made it okay, I approach Randy, enjoying my car a little too much. “Who said you could drive my car?” I asked him with a cold stare.

  “If you want me to pick you up in style then you need to let me have a car. Besides Ava said it was okay.”

  “Oh now, what Ava says goes?”

  “When it’s what I want to hear,” he smiles wide.

  “That’s what I thought,” I said taking my keys from him and climbing into my car to drive, despite his huffs. I drive straight to the prospective house to meet the realtor. As soon as we pull up to the gate, I know it is the one. As we tour the home, the warmth of the house embraces me and reassures me even more but the wooden bridge over the organic pool with the fully-grown trees surrounding it, gives me an idea. Everything is perfect, even the master bedroom has skillfully designed double doors leading to its own personal patio that overlooks a beautiful garden and stream. A fireplace in the bedroom and bathroom and most importantly … a large separate shower for two, as well as, an exceptionally large bath. There are several extra rooms for my office, for Lillah, a gym, plus additional rooms we may find we need later, like room for a least one more little brother or sister for Lillah, if not a couple. The house flows effortlessly, as it embraces the environment surrounding it naturally, it is a perfect combination of her and me. I tour Randy around with me explaining every detail.

  “I like it, I think you’re right she is going to love it. There is even room for the boys to run,” he said as I stare at him in amazement.

  “Yes, there is. There is a great tree to put a swing in for Lillah. There is even a huge in-law house out back which part of can be turned into a studio for Ava and the other part into a game room for us … after hours,” I said nodding with him in agreement.

  “Do you have the ring?” Randy asked. I pull the little intricate box from my pocket and open it. “Wow! Now that’s nice.”

  “Now that I have the house for us, I can propose properly.”

  “You’ve been waiting to give her a house? Trust me Sean she knows you have money. You don’t need to impress her with it any further.”

  “I’m not trying to impress her asshole, I’m trying to give her the perfect night. Proposing in our house, the house we are going to raise a family in.” He looks at me with a blank face. “I’m trying to be romantic … fucking sentimental and shit.” Staring at me and still possessing the annoying blank face. “Damn, are you doing this on purpose?”

  He starts laughing. “Yes, I get it. It is a great idea, making your first memory here your proposal. I get it.”

  “I was beginning to worry about you.”

  “Yea, whatever. Hey can we stop and get some food after?”

  “As soon as I sign the paperwork and get everything I need.” I said thinking it would be just that simple, however, the paperwork takes longer than expected. I could have counted the seconds, by Randy’s sighs but now I am even starting to get anxious. Eventually all the paperwork is completed and the keys and codes are handed over. I take one last look around our new house, envisioning my plans for tomorrow night.

  “I’m hungry, can we go now?”

  “Yes, we can go,” I said listening to the bear like growl coming from Randy’s stomach. “So what is it you want to eat?”

  “I don’t know what time is it?” He asked rubbing his stomach.

  “What time is it? What the fuck does time have to do with food?”

  “Because Sean, traffic, I would like to go to one place in midtown but if it’s close to rush hour, I’d rather not.”

  I check the time, “it’s 4:25, so rush hour for sure,” I said suddenly remembering Ava’s interview today. “Actually, can we pickup something close to my house? I want to be there before Ava’s interview gets started. I am sure she’s nervous.”

  He shrugs, “are the boys there?”

  I stare at him in amazement. “No, they’re at my Mom’s with Lillah, so they’re out of the way.”

  “Alright,” he sighs pouting.

  “What is with you and the dogs suddenly?” Randy huffs ignoring me. We stop by a restaurant and while Randy goes in to get the food, I stay in the car and try calling Ava but it goes straight to her voicemail. I check the time again, 4:40. I wish he would hurry I would like to get out of here before traffic gets any worse, it’s almost 5 and traffic gets even .... The realization begins sending strange waves of uneasiness through me. I stare at the time until I remember the conversation I had with Finn and my heart begins to beat in triple time.

  Randy jumps in the car with an armful of food, “okay I got you …”

  “We need to go,” I said trying to remain calm since I don’t understand what it is I am feeling.

  “Why what’s wrong?”

  “I’m not sure but I have to get to Ava … by 5:00?”

  “What?” He asked even more confused than I am. My phone begins ringing and I reach for it too quickly to keep Randy calm.

  “Can I call you back Ethan, I’m trying to get a hold of Ava?”

  “Sean. I didn’t know until just now Sean, it was unexpected for all of us.” The regret in his voice begins to make my hands shake. “Spencer Jefferies was released from prison yesterday.” With my heart halted, he continues. “A reporter apparently hired an attorney for him and he’s getting a new trial. As if that wasn’t bad enough he was granted bail and it was posted. He hasn’t been seen or heard from since.” I can’t breathe, as I listen to the words. “I’m sorry Sean, it was all done under the radar and quickly. The police think he is in Massachusetts somewhere, he used to live there with his mother.”

  I shake my head unconsciously, “he’s in Atlanta.”

  “I wouldn’t worry Sean, he would need a lot of help to get down here and find her this quickly.”

  “He got it Ethan … from us.”

  Chapter 32: Ava

  Sean arrived back safely and I am hoping he finishes his errands earlier than expected for more than one personal reason. My interview is today and despite his encouragement, I need him here. My daughter, my dogs and everyone else including my comforting boyfriend is absent from this white fortress and I do not know whether to wish for the time to fly by or to slow down. Even my hot shower is not helping, all I can think about is the questions, my answers, and the responses to them. I take my time getting ready, checking, and triple checking my entire look, marking off my checklist that Sean’s stylist gave me. I look sophisticated but alluring which is how the professional put it but I feel like an idiot and I hope I am not being a fool. My consistent pace becomes more agitated, until I force myself to sit down and not wear out the floor over something so unimportant. Now I have to sit, watching the devilish clock, dance around in its concentric circles, flashing its brilliant numbers around the room … 4:15 … 4:16 … 4:17. Finally, the gate security calls to let in the reporter. I begin shaking harder but with a nervous breath, I allow them in despite them being over an hour early. Their truck drives up in an instant and Cole Brinkman, the reporter is at my door even faster. He seems nice but eager. Both Ethan and Sean talked to him about what was allowed to be asked and what was not, and both were reasonably happy with him.

  “Hi, Ms Kelley,” Mr. Brinkman said with his hand held out and his smile blinding me.

  “Ava,” I said shaking his hand.

  “Ava, great,” he said loudly as he follows me in, outwardly checking every inch
of the white fortress. “I’m so happy you agreed to finally do this Ava. Are you ready to get started?”

  “I think so but honestly, I am a little nervous.”

  “No reason to be nervous, we will go slowly and take breaks whenever you need too, I promise.” He said, feeling righted in putting his hand on my back and sending chills through my body for the first time in awhile. I nod as he introduces me to his cameraman, Joseph, who is nervously hurrying his equipment into place. It is only the two of them, a small crew it would seem but I do not know enough to be certain. “Sooo, Sean will be here soon? He’s scheduled to come back from Ireland today, correct?”

  “He is on his way, he has some errands to run before, but he should be here soon,” I said watching him form a restrained smile.

  “Well let’s get started and maybe we can be finished before he gets here.” I look at him oddly. “I mean that way it will be ready for him to review and then we can get out of your way and let you two enjoy your night together.” He expresses his minor reassurance, with an overbearing hover around me. “Okay Ava, if you will take a seat here, then we can get started.” I sit checking the rhythmic, radiating numbers once again … 4:30 … 4:31, my hands continue to shake. The lights come on and the crude set is in place. Cole sits near me, suddenly placing a microphone on me himself, while jerking the piece into place, he nearly causes me to come unglued. Joseph gives Cole a cue and Cole’s smile takes form once again. He introduces himself, then me and dives right in with questions. He asks me about Sean and I first, how we met, do we plan on getting married, when did I know I was pregnant, which is a question he is not suppose to ask. No questions in regards to Lillah, other than she exists. I eye him silently and he moves on. “Do you believe Sean is in love with you?”

  “Yes. I do,” I said hesitantly, unsure why he would ask such a question.

  “So I assume you are equally in love with him?”


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