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The Sidekick Chronicles: Sixx and the Fae

Page 9

by Becca Vincenza

  “There is much about this world that neither you nor Ana understand. I do not even know where to begin.” Olezka leaned his head back.

  “Just go for it.”

  “My parents were not allowed to be together. Their love, their mating, was forbidden. The joining of two lower fae of different races, which had the potential to create a more powerful fae, was not allowed. But my parents knew from the moment they met that they were destined to be together. They left this world behind, but the repercussions of their actions still followed them. Erebus was the third son of the former King, and he and I are roughly the same age. We have known each other for a very long time.

  “We decided together that the Dark fae Kingdom needed to change. Unfortunately, my parents made a bargain with the King so they would be allowed to leave the Veil. That bargain meant they were indebted to him, but it also put me in servitude to the King’s whims. Erebus’s father wanted to use me as a weapon since I had inherited both the powers of a hellhound and the fires of a rarog. When I was sent to live in the Veil to begin my training, Erebus and I became close.

  “As the third son, he knew he had no chance of gaining the throne. But he trained as a warrior, willing to fight for his court and home. He explored the nature around the palace as well as the surrounding villages. We fell into an easy friendship; he became like a brother to me. The High fae believe they are better than the Lower fae. Erebus saw things differently.”

  Olezka stiffened, and I leaned against his shoulder to provide him comfort to continue his story.

  “In those days, we had idealistic dreams of what we could achieve in the Veil. When Erebus’s father passed, his eldest brother took over as was custom. This brother wanted to force the Lower fae into battle with the Light fae with the intention of weakening their forces so the Dark Court could take over. Erebus, while he had no great love for the Light fae, understood that our world depended on the balance that was achieved by having both Light and Dark. Not long after, the eldest son died in an assassination.

  “The second son should have taken over the throne after the assassination, but he had gone missing a few years after their father died. Some whispered it was by the hand of his elder brother, the King. Erebus assumed the throne, but some within both the Light fae Court and the Dark fae Court believe he doesn’t have the right to be King. After I left the Veil, more factions of the Dark fae and even Light have been plotting to usurp Erebus’s throne.”

  I waited for a beat after Olezka finished speaking, trying to narrow down one question out of the hundreds I wanted to ask. “Why did things change when you left? If I understand things correctly, Timur took over your position when you left the Veil. He is certainly intimidating enough.” I’d come to care for Timur, and while I didn’t want to place him in jeopardy, it was obvious that he would constantly be in danger due to his parentage and the bargain they struck with the former King. Besides that, my selfish wants dictated that I also didn’t want Olezka in the line of danger.

  “Erebus and I displayed a united front when I was here, and it was that front that discouraged others from trying to outwardly sabotage his reign. Erebus is not the most trusting of males, and he only allows a few into his circle of trust. Timur has not gained that from him yet. As a result, the reign has been weakened, and Erebus is fighting a war on his own.”

  Olezka wasn’t telling me everything. Before he revealed the next piece of his puzzle, he took a moment to think and sift through his memories, discerning what he wanted me to know and what he didn’t. The worst part was that I didn’t want to ask because I was overwhelmed as it was.

  “Olezka, I have a feeling I know where this is going, so before you say any more, can we have tonight?”

  Olezka was quiet for a moment before he nodded. “Da.”

  Relief flooded me as well as prickles of shame for not hearing him out. “Thank you. I know it’s selfish. Weak…”

  “Nyet. You are anything but,” he insisted firmly. When I didn’t look up, Olezka pressed his finger under my chin and lifted it to face him, his other hand cupping my cheek. “You are generous, brave, and strong. The fates could not have gifted me with a more perfect mate.”

  “You’re just saying that so you can get into my pants,” I said even as tears pricked the back of my eyes.

  “Hmm, but Sixx?” Olezka trailed his hand over my leg, slowly gathering the slinky material. “You are not wearing any pants.”

  That made a smile creep over my lips.

  His voice took on the husky tone that sent warmth flooding throughout every inch of my body. I bit my lip, glancing down before peeking up at him through my lashes.

  “Oh, well, it would appear I’m not,” I replied. This territory felt easier, lighter. It was the first moment since all of this began that I felt a bit of normalcy, no matter how small.

  “Does my un-glamoured appearance here bother you?” Olezka asked, sounding more annoyed than anything else. I blinked and looked at him. I had forgotten that he appeared different in this realm. He had always just been Olezka to me.

  “You’re breathtaking,” I whispered, brushing my fingers along his stubbly jaw. I leaned in to kiss him, throwing my leg over his hips. He gripped my thighs, keeping me in place, but I had no intention of leaving him. The more I learned about him, the more I cared for and respected him.

  He had the mate bond to tell him he wanted me. He had complete faith that we were meant to be. I didn’t have that. I had to trust my instincts and his actions. Hearing his story about how he fought in the Veil for a better world for what he called Lower fae made me respect him even more. While I might not completely understand the politics of this world, I was biased toward Olezka’s cause. Deep down, I knew he was doing the right thing.

  Olezka flipped us again and leaned down, peering into my face intently.

  “I lost my mind when I realized you were gone. I would have killed to hear that laugh coming from your room at your house. Anything just to know you hadn’t been taken.”

  “You’re here now. And as much as I can recognize a gilded cage and very supervised visits, I know I’m safe. I know you and Ana wouldn’t let any harm come to me. And so far, Erebus seems to want to keep us all comfortable.”

  “Hmm. I would be more comfortable to remain here with you in your gilded cage,” he grumped.

  “Can you?”

  “Nyet. Erebus promised me this evening only. Those were the terms of our deal, and unfortunately, in this world, there are specific rules that bind agreements.”

  His words reminded me of the throne room when he cut Ana off in the middle of her tirade.

  “Such as me being a guest instead of being kidnapped?” I asked, raising my brows.

  Olezka sighed contentedly. His warmth pressed closer, and my eyelids got heavy.

  “Exactly that. If the High fae of the Dark Court realize you were stolen, you would be free game to any of them who chose to abduct you. The Dark fae have begun to think less harshly of the Lower fae in their court, but humans are a different situation entirely.” Olezka paused. “I should let you sleep. You’ve had a long couple of days, da?”

  “Nyet,” I said with a terrible faux Russian accent.

  He laughed and bestowed a beaming smile.

  “I missed you.” The feeling hit me suddenly. Though we were together now, it felt like we had been separated for years. What I had with Z felt right. I hated knowing I probably wouldn’t get to be alone with him again until we left this place.

  “Do not fret, pchelka. We will not be separated for long.” Olezka leaned down, his weight gently pressing against my body.

  I shivered as I felt the extent of his desire pressed softly against my stomach. My body responded with a flood of lust. I looked up at him and pulled him down to kiss me once again. Olezka quickly took over, taking control of the kiss and in turn, me. I melted under him, gripping his shoulders. I fervently wished for more time but knew we were running out of it by the pace with which he moved. Olezk
a gripped my thigh and tugged the dress further up my hips. His callous fingers brushed my skin, sending tiny electric bolts arcing throughout my body.


  He growled and trailed his lips down my throat in a fiery caress. Stopping where the pulse fluttered wildly in the hollow of my throat, he lightly nipped at my skin. My body responded with a pleasure-filled shiver.

  “Olezka. Your time is up,” a cold voice interrupted from the doorway.

  I gasped and tried to cover myself even though all Erebus would be able to see was Olezka’s massive body blocking mine and maybe my leg.

  Z snarled, “Get out!”

  “You made a deal, Olezka. And do not forget that certain sides of you become a little more … aggressive in this world.” Erebus’s voice held a tinge of warning.

  When Olezka pulled back, I was startled to see his eyes burning with his inner fire, his canines elongated and sharp. “He is right, Sixx. It is time for me to leave.” He searched my face pleadingly as he stood and put more distance between us.

  I immediately felt the loss of his heat, his body, and his presence.

  “Olezka…” I knew it was wrong to plead for him to stay. He didn’t have a choice in the matter. But I couldn’t deny how safe he made me feel in this unknown world. I must be brave even if I didn’t feel it. Instead of begging him to stay, I straightened my shoulders and said, “I understand. I will see you soon.”

  “Da,” Olezka promised.

  Chapter 13

  Three days had passed since Olezka and Ana arrived in the Veil to rescue me. After Erebus ejected Z from my room, he returned Ana. Erebus didn’t explain why he was keeping us in the same room, but I guessed there were several reasons. For one, it would be easier to pacify Olezka if he knew Ana was guarding me. For another, it would settle Ana’s mind to have me in her sight and know I was as safe as she could make me. Or it could simply be because he didn’t want to spread his guards out across three separate people to watch me, Ana, and Olezka.

  As the pale sun dawned each morning, breakfast was carried into our room on large silver trays. As the sun made its way to the center of the sky, lunch was brought to us, and the morning dishes were whisked away. Dinner was the only time we were allowed out of our room. To break up the monotony of staring at the walls, we sat outside on the balcony, taking in the foreign landscape. The air had a bite to it even with the weak sun streaming down at us at different hours of the day.

  Each night, Erebus insisted that we have dinner together. Ana expressed her concern about me eating food here in the Veil; Aunt Lola had told us many times about the dangers of eating fae food and how it could unwittingly make you a slave to the fae. However, Erebus assured her that I was getting human-safe food.

  A different collection of High fae joined us each night, but the one constant was Tess. She and I forged a strange, tentative friendship. Ana liked her well enough, but since she spent most of the dinner grilling and annoying Erebus, it left me plenty of time to socialize with the green-haired fae.

  Once, Tess had swung by our room for a visit, though she couldn’t stay long. Other than a couple of stolen minutes before or after dinner to visit with Olezka, Ana was my only companion. Olezka looked tired, and God only knew I felt the same. Sharing a bed with Ana was fine and all, but I missed my personal heater. I missed Olezka.

  Tonight, Ana was pacing around the room, obviously agitated. She was just as stir-crazy as I was. She’d been cooped up with me in this room every night besides the evening I got with Olezka… which she repeatedly asked me about. She didn’t believe that the furthest we got was some serious making-out even when I tried to explain I didn’t feel safe enough in this world to be caught with my pants literally down.

  It was bad enough that every time one of us bathed, the other had to act as the guard.

  Ana finally stopped pacing and whirled around to face me. I got nervous when I saw the twinkle in her eye. The one that said she was about to do something really dumb. Or really smart. Usually, it was a mixture of the two.

  She strode over to the door and pounded on it. Isa was the one who typically guarded our door, but occasionally, a different guard would relieve her for a few minutes at a time.

  “Help! Please!” Ana cried, winning herself a fake Oscar award with her dramatic performance. Unfortunately, I had a feeling I knew where she was going with this.


  “Please!” she shouted at the door. Then, she turned to me and mouthed those dreaded words.

  Pina Colada.

  I jumped off the bed and hissed a constant stream of no’s. Ana wiggled her eyebrows with a dangerous smirk on her face.

  “Oh, yes. Just play along,” she said, waving me away.

  “No!” I whisper-shouted.

  “Yes! Now, hush. They’re coming.”

  I glared at her. I’d heard her say a hundred times she needed to get out of there and would do it by any means necessary whereas I was willing to play the long game a bit longer. Erebus had brought books in for us to read, and while I wasn’t content, at least I was placid. Granted, they read like textbooks so it got boring quickly even after Ana and I tried to make a game out of it.

  “What’s wrong?” a muffled voice asked through the door. Definitely not Isa.

  The door swung open into the room, blocking my view. Ana stood in a voluminous royal blue gown, a style preferred by the Dark fae, looking utterly distraught.

  “My friend – the human – is having an allergic reaction. She needs medication!”

  “No,” the guard said gruffly, pulling the door shut.

  My mouth dropped to the ground. Is he really going to let me die? I mean, sure – I’m not actually having an allergic reaction. But he doesn’t know that!

  Ana rushed forward and slammed her hand against the edge of the door before he could shut it. “You are not going to let her die,” Ana said, power lacing her words, the force rippling the air. Suddenly the full force of her glamour hit and she practically glowed. I’d felt the draw of her Lure before, but being in the Veil had taken it to a whole new level.

  The fae behind the door must have felt it too because he stumbled into the room, grabbing at Ana. The guard was tall, and where most of the fae were slender, he was thickly muscled and sturdy. Ana managed to jump out of the way of his frantic grabbing, but her Lure must have unleashed a wild lust, and he kept clawing at her relentlessly.

  They scrambled around the room, Ana trying her best to steer him away from me. She shoved one of the chairs at him, but the dark-haired fae grabbed it before it could hit him. When he lifted it and swung it out of his way, it hurtled toward me with a whistle.

  “Eep!” I ducked down just in time as the chair struck the wall behind me. I looked back up to see Ana still glowing with the effects of her power. “Ana, power down or whatever it is you do,” I warned, a bit of hysteria creeping into my voice, but it was too late.

  The guard deployed a burst of speed that I’d only seen with vampires and cornered Ana against the fireplace. My panic rose as she frantically searched for a weapon, coming up empty. I looked back at the chair that had smacked the wall behind me. It lay in shambles, the legs splintered and jagged. I hiked up the edge of my deep green gown and wrapped my hands with the excess material. Gripping the rough edges of the chair, I pulled at the legs and tried to free one for Ana to use as a club.

  The fabric of the dress wasn’t thick enough to protect me completely from splinters burrowing under my skin, and I hissed in pain but finally managed to free a leg. Twisting back around, I saw that the guard had Ana pressed against the wall.

  A blind rage hit me. No one hurt my best friend. No one.

  I rushed forward with the leg of the chair as my only weapon against the beefy fae. I swung with all of my might, reaching to hit him over the head, and cringed when my stunted aim fell woefully short of his head and hit the top of his shoulders instead. Momentarily stunned, he turned to glare at me. I dropped my weapon, sho
cked now that I had his attention and frightened by the rage that clouded his features. I could practically feel the intensity of his anger.

  “Shit.” I took a couple of steps backward as he shifted his body to face me.

  “You will pay for that, human,” he snarled.

  “Run, Sixx!” Ana pounced on his back and wrapped her arms around the fae’s neck. I heard a sizzling crackle, and her arms lit up with her power, but I didn’t stick around to watch the show. I ran out of the room with a single-minded focus of finding Olezka, Erebus, or even Timur. Barefooted, I raced down the hallway. I ran across a small group of fae and skidded to a stop in front of them.

  “I need help, please!” They all appeared humanoid, but I noticed scant differences that showed they weren’t human. Lacking the unearthly presence of the High fae, I guessed they were the Lower fae.

  “What’s wrong, human?” one of them stepped forward and asked, taking in my wild appearance.

  “There’s a fae in our room… He… I’m not sure what happened! I think my friend has her Lure cranked up a little too high, and now he’s in there trying to hurt her!”

  The others took several steps away from me, giving each other warning looks like they didn’t want to get involved.

  “Look, if you can’t help, I understand. But please help me find Olezka or even Erebus!”

  The assembled group gasped in unison, and their eyes darted to the hallway behind me.

  “It is King Erebus to you, human,” a chilling voice snarled from over my shoulder. Without turning to look, I knew to whom the voice belonged. “One of your lowly stature should not be asking for the King or for his right hand.” The voice turned snobbish.

  My annoyance skyrocketed. Ana needed help, and this guy was going on about how I didn’t have the right to speak my own mate’s name?

  A headache swept over me suddenly and quickly. Whipping around with my lips twisted in annoyance, I glared up at the white-haired fae who always had a dirty look for me on the rare times he managed to tear his eyes away from Ana.


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