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A Bear Shifter for Christmas: An Interracial Alpha Male Holiday Paranormal Romance

Page 5

by Jasmine Wylder

  It was easy to see where Derek got his sense of humor from. Bill seemed to possess that rare trait that he always knew what to say to turn an angry room laughing.

  Of course, Beth and I were the only ones not laughing.

  Chapter Five

  “Are you sure you are up for this?” Derek asked.

  I took another look down the ski slope and felt the surge of uncertainty ringing in my head. I was absolutely not sure about this at all. I had been a fairly capable skier but it had been almost three years since I'd been on a slope. It was something fun I did with my college friends, not something that I was dedicated to continuing. Although, I did miss it quite a bit. It was one of those things that I was hoping was kind of like riding a bike where you didn't ever really forget how to do it, but if it was something I had to relearn this was not the time to do it.

  “I’ll be ok,” I said.

  “I understand that you and Beth are both insanely competitive, but you don’t have to get your neck broken to prove it,” Derek said. “You know she is just jealous you are so much hotter than her.”

  I looked at Derek as if he was crazy. He had never really said that I was hot before. He’d implied it, but he had not come right out and said it explicitly. It was kind of cute. I wondered if the presence of Tony was forcing Derek to step up his game a bit. Was I the only one who didn’t think that Tony was that interested in me anymore?

  A part of me wished that there could be something there, but I still was not going to actively pursue a man who was with someone else, especially a psycho woman like Beth.

  I was not afraid of her by any means, but I didn’t want to be put in the annoying position of having to really deal with her. I had too many other things on my plate. Women like Beth were drama queens and I can’t stand drama. It is childish, and it annoys everybody around you.

  “Well, thanks, but I am doing this because it is fun. No other reason,” I said. I was almost convinced of that. Beating Beth’s ass on the slopes was going to be fun, so I wasn’t totally lying there.

  I had watched Keith and Bill take their turns racing against each other and it looked like a blast. Bill won of course, but Keith was no slouch.

  “So are we tapping into shifter strength here or is it all human?” I asked.

  “I don’t need any shifter strength to beat your ass,” Beth responded.

  “Well, I guess that answers that question,” I said to Derek.

  “We can’t use shifter power here. If someone happens to be paying too much attention to us and sees that we all look like Olympic skiers, it’s going to draw the wrong kind of notice.”

  “I got ya,” I said.

  Of course, I wasn't putting it past Beth to do whatever it took to win. She was just ostentatious enough to revel in the whole world knowing that she could turn into an eight hundred pound bear whenever she wanted to. How about that people?

  “Ok, you girls ready?” Bill said.

  I could tell that he was getting way too into this whole thing. It was refreshing though to see someone who loved competition as much as I did but did not take it so seriously. Derek was right about that. I’ve always had a real problem with losing. Maybe it was because I’ve always felt like I was fighting against something. One day I might go talk to someone to “Dr. Phil” that stuff out of my head.

  I pulled my goggles on and assumed my position. The mountain was suddenly looking a lot steeper than it had before. I felt a twinge of fear rearing its ugly head, but I decided that I needed to just relinquish myself to the moment. If I ended up getting hurt or possibly dead, then at least I went out having fun. That was the way I looked at it. Except now there was baby Devon.

  I thought about my sweet, little guy back at the resort. Debra had volunteered to stay behind and look after him. I really appreciated it. I was leery about leaving him with a woman I'd just met, but there was something so sweet about her that I felt I could trust her. Besides, I trusted Derek and Debra had raised a great family already. Well, except for Beth, but I was convincing myself that Beth was not her fault and maybe not even her kid.

  “Oh, I’m ready to win!” Beth said pulling up beside me.

  She was so damn cocky. I was once again filled with the sudden urge to rip her damn head off. I took a deep breath and just played along.

  “Oh, then you are going to be so disappointed,” I replied.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tony cover a laugh in his hand. I smiled at him just as he looked back up and he smiled at me. I caught a look in his eyes just then. It looked almost…naughty.

  Was he having some impure thoughts about me? It was a nice thing for me to think about. And I was pretty sure that he was looking at my ass as I was semi-bent over in my starting position. I felt a huge blush coming on, but I tried to stave it off and stay focused.

  “Get set!” Bill yelled. He signaled the start with his arm yelling “Go!”

  I was off in the blink of an eye. The second I started down the mountain I began to feel myself in trouble. I had not been on skis for a long time and they were feeling a bit awkward. I’d lost my rhythm. I’d forgotten how to move and how to counter move, anticipating the terrain and the overall flow of it.

  Beth was kicking my tail. She was way out in front of me and I could practically hear her smug laughter all the way back where I was. The anger welled up inside of me quickly right then. I suddenly felt my body shifting and changing, my whole attitude was taking over.

  I began to move the poles harder as I propelled myself down the slope going faster and faster. I was careful to take long, steady, deep breaths allowing the cold air to invade my lungs. It had a great calming effect on me and I could feel the nervous tension that had been holding me back slowly releasing its grip on me. It was almost like some magical oil had just been shot into my body and now I was moving fluid and smoothly.

  The trees, the ground, the rocks—all of it began to move past my field of vision in a blur, but it was so exciting. I felt the adrenaline releasing from behind some invisible floodgate in my body and the overwhelming rush was miraculous, sending tingles of warmth all over me.

  I was gaining on her. I didn’t know how, but I was. I suddenly felt like the old me on a pair of skis, but better. I didn’t think I was using any of the bear inside of me. As far as I could tell it was all just my normal human adrenaline that was working its magic through my body and propelling me to the heights of my athletic ability. I guess the competitive nature that I have always possessed was even stronger than I realized.

  I was now almost neck and neck with Beth. She didn’t stand a chance. I knew that I was about to overtake her. It was going to feel so good to rub all of this in her smug face. I pictured crossing the finish line and seeing the angry, sad look in her eyes. I imagined it would feel better than actually punching her lights out. Humiliating defeat was always better than that, especially to a woman like Beth.

  I could see the ending ahead. It was fast approaching and I was wondering in the far back of my mind how I was going to stop at this speed. So far I had managed to stay on course and avoid rocks and trees off to the side. The path was fairly clear, but it would have been all too easy to lose your balance and crash into a pine tree.

  I wondered if Tony was cheering for me or for Beth. I really hoped he was watching me and rooting me on. I realized right then that I had a bit of a problem; I hadn’t been able to think of anything else all day except for Tony. The man did something to me. He made me feel that I was the most beautiful and most amazing woman in the world.

  And he did it all with just a look. How the hell did he do that? He was so perfect. Why the hell did he have to end up with a mega bitch like Beth? She was going to end up breaking his heart eventually. Or he would wise up and leave her high and dry after realizing what kind of a hag she really was.

  And then her heart would be broken into a million pieces, providing that she actually had a heart somewhere in the ice box that she called her chest.

nbsp; Beth looked over at me right then. She noticed I was just starting to inch past her. I stared her down for a second. I was not going to give her the satisfaction of intimidating me in any way. The look on her face was priceless, though. It was total shock and awe. She could not believe that I was actually so close and was probably going to win.

  Her face twisted just then for a brief second and I saw the bear emerging. The eyes were red and wild, the teeth were sharpening and the snout was beginning to form. A low, guttural roar escaped her lips, and then she was Beth again.

  And suddenly she jerked forward ahead of me by ten yards. She was cheating. She had just tapped into the bear strength and used it for a little extra boost. For a second I was terrified that she was going to totally shift right there. It would have been disastrous.

  It was dangerous to do what she just did. If anyone had happened to glance at her at the wrong moment or if she’d been caught at just the right second in someone’s camera it would have been very bad. There were tourists all over who were taking pics of the snow and the mountains. There were people from Florida who routinely came up this way this time of year for a traditional White Christmas and some skiing.

  She was going to cheat to beat me and I knew it was going to happen. I’m not sure why it surprised me at all. Maybe I was just angrier than surprised right then. Well, I wasn’t going to let her get away with it.

  I summoned the inner Bear within me and felt it come to the surface. The shift wanted to happen. It needed to happen. The anger and rage were suddenly there out of nowhere and I thought for a second that I had let it come too far and I wouldn’t be able to keep the shift back.

  I shouldn't have tried to play Beth's game. I should have just let her have her stupid victory. In my heart, I would have known she cheated and that she could not beat me fairly.

  But I had to win. I was not a cheater. I believed in fairness. At least until the other person didn’t. If they cheated, then all bets were off and it was no holds barred.

  The bear wanted to break through and I could feel my claws beginning to emerge inside of my gloves. I was in trouble. This was a bad idea.

  I thought of Devon just then. My innocent angel. I could not afford to let anyone find out what I was because I would have been locked up for some government experiments and my baby would grow up in an orphanage. No that could not happen.

  The image of my baby in my mind right then propelled the real me to come back and the bear to relinquish back inside of myself.

  I breathed a sigh of quick relief. It was then I realized that I was passing Beth quickly. It had worked. The little bit of bear I had tapped into and almost lost control of had given me the extra strength to pull ahead of Beth.

  I heard her growl and curse behind me as I crossed the finish line about twenty yards in front of her. I started to slow down right then, allowing myself to coast the rest of the way stopping just in front of a thick group of pine trees.

  I inhaled deeply, enjoying the sweet smell of nature that I missed living in the big city. But country living got old too. I was a city girl and I was happy to be where the action was happening. Even if it hadn’t been happening to me for quite a while.

  “Way to go!” Keith said giving me a high five. I could see Derek and Bill coming down the side of the slope slowly to greet us, but they were still a little way away.

  Beth came to a stop behind me, coasting away from me with her hands on the top of her head. She had even cheated and could not beat me. She apparently misjudged me and thought I was way too nice to do the same thing. Well, I guess I showed her.

  “That was awesome!” Derek said arriving on the scene. He gave me a big hug and did his weird little victory dance.

  “Congratulations!” Bill said shaking my hand.

  “Thanks,” I replied. “I didn’t know I still had any of that in me.”

  “Oh, it’s like falling off a log,” Bill replied. “You did great.”

  I was not sure if either he or Derek could tell that both Beth and I had used bear strength, but I wasn’t sure if they would have said anything if they had noticed.

  I did not expect Beth to say anything to me, but she didn’t even shake my hand on a good race. That was pretty pathetic, but it was showing Tony more of what her true colors were like. So, it actually felt like a double victory for me.

  "Great run," Tony said. He was standing right behind me somehow and my heart almost leaped into my throat.

  When it came to him I was always a little on edge. He had the uncanny ability to make me feel like a fourteen-year-old schoolgirl again with a crush on the Homecoming King.

  “Thanks,” I said. I wished I could have thought of something cool or clever to reply with to downplay what actually was a pretty awesome display of skiing but I had nothing. Thanks was all I could come up with. The attorney who used her verbal skills every day for five years to argue cases for large sums of money was tongue tied. What was this man doing to me?

  “Now, it’s our turn!” Derek said. He assumed his ‘let’s get it on’ fake posture.

  Tony laughed. “Ok, you are on,” he said.

  “Wait, you guys are going to have a race now? Oh, I have got to see this,” I said.

  “Well, don’t blink because it will be over already,” Derek joked.

  “Over, because you’ll be on your face already,” Tony added.

  I decided to stay at the finish line so I could take in the race properly. I had to see the end. I would never tell Derek this, but I was totally rooting for Tony. Although just watching him ski was going to be a victory for me.

  Beth also decided to stay by the finish line, but she was keeping her distance from me. I wasn’t sure if she was afraid that I would out her in front of everyone for cheating and using her powers, or if she was just so mad that she lost that she couldn’t bear to be anywhere near me. I hoped it was a bit of both. Making her paranoid and angry was starting to get really fun.

  Ten minutes later and Bill was yelling “Go!”

  I could not believe how fast they both flew down the slope. The start of it all was exhilarating, to say the least. Tony was off to a commanding lead right at the start, but Derek was not to be done in so soon. The man was just as strong-willed and competitive as his siblings were.

  He was catching up to Tony quickly, but I had faith that Tony was pacing himself. I could see the way that he moved how powerful and athletic he was. His moves were so fluid and shapely as if he was just twitching with the idea of moving one direction or the other and then his body just responded because it knew exactly what he wanted out of it and it performed perfectly for him.

  I envied that ability and that prowess. I imagined that Tony had been an athlete at the collegiate level. I did not know this, but I could just tell by his build, his movements, and now seeing him competing in a physical endeavor it was apparent.

  I made a mental note to later ask him what sport or sports he had played. Yea, I didn’t see him as committing to just one type of sport. His commanding, alpha nature combined with his strong body and his agility said that he might have done football, wrestling, maybe even baseball or basketball.

  As these thoughts rolled through my brain and my eyes remained fixed, almost trance-like on Tony and Derek’s race I realized that I was becoming a bit obsessive and sounding like a gushing teenager. I knew that it was wrong; he was involved with another woman and as far as I could tell, he was happy with his relationship. I needed to just leave this one alone and turn my feelings off about it. The whole thing was silly.

  But it wasn't so easy. Usually, it was. Usually, if I made up my mind to forget about something or to forget about a man who did not seem to be what I was looking for then I had no problem shutting the door on the topic. But Tony was different. His essence had burrowed its way inside of me, entrancing my mind, my body, and I couldn't stop thinking about him. What would it feel like to have his strong arms wrapped around my naked, quivering flesh… pulling me close, kissing me, c
aressing me, and penetrating me…?

  Derek was closing in on Tony, but I still did not think he was going to be able to overcome him. Or maybe I just didn’t want him to. If Derek won the race would that have changed my feelings about Tony? Would it make him less perfect somehow?

  No. I didn’t think so. Well… maybe…Ugh! What was I doing? It was silly to be so infatuated with a man that I could not have.

  But maybe I could have him. There had been obvious moments where the spark, the chemistry between us had been real. The others had almost seen it. The thing at lunch... then Tony leering at me at the start of the race… those things had been real. I did not imagine them. I was not the type of woman who supposed things that were not real, even though I wanted them to be.

  I tried to shift the thoughts out of my mind and just enjoy the crisp, cold air and the fun race unfolding in front of me.

  The guys were getting close to the final stretch. They would be crossing the finish line soon. Tony was still in front of Derek, but not by much. Was Tony tired or was he holding back?

  I couldn’t tell. Maybe he didn’t care to humiliate Derek so he was making it look close just for his benefit? Or he might have been continuing to pace himself because when you got right down to it—winning was winning.

  Suddenly Derek jerked out of control. His ankle looked like it twisted about one hundred and eighty degrees the wrong way and his body veered off course. His arms flailed wildly as he tried to regain his balance.

  I don’t know if he might have hit a jagged boulder sticking out from under the snow that was missed, or if he was just trying to go too fast for his abilities, but he was not getting himself back under control. And Tony was not aware anything was wrong.

  He didn’t see Derek’s body suddenly fling towards him. I saw what was going to happen in my mind a split second before it did.

  Derek collided into Tony with a sickening smack. Tony’s body flipped off the slope as he went head first down the side, tumbling and falling hard. I could hear his body hitting the ground with sickening echoes. This might have been very bad.


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