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Georgia on Her Mind

Page 24

by Rachel Hauck

  Our society focuses a lot on food as an emotional medication. Macy falls into this trap when she learns about her job situation. What would have been a better comfort?

  Macy dated a man who was not a Christian. She let her desperation to be married dictate her heart. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were compromising your faith with a nonbelieving boyfriend? What advice would you give to a person in that situation?

  Macy and Lucy have a long-term, special relationship. How can you be a better friend? Friendships must be about giving as much as receiving.

  Macy’s career became her idol. She forgot to consult God about her plans. Are there plans in your life that need to be submitted to the counsel of God? Why or why not?

  We have three commodities in this life that we can exchange for eternal currency: time, money and words. How does Macy realize she’s not used some of her “currency” wisely? In what situations does she realize she needs to make a change?

  Even when we are adult children, the Lord may use our parents to speak His will into our lives. Does this happen to Macy? What is her response? Has this happened to you? How should you respond?

  When Dylan Braun shows up in Macy’s life, it messes with her heart’s desire to be a Chicago executive. How is Dylan a Christ-like picture of love, patience and acceptance?

  Once Macy surrenders her will to the Lord, what happens to the desires of her heart? Has this happened in your life? If not, are there issues you need to surrender?

  Discuss the end of the book where Macy leaves Melbourne for Beauty. Think of situations in your life where you’ve closed one door and walked through another. What lessons have you learned? What lessons did Macy learn?


  ISBN: 978-1-4268-5760-7


  Copyright: © 2006 by Rachel Hayes Hauck

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  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, incidents and places are the products of the author’s imagination, and are not to be construed as real. While the author was inspired in part by actual events, none of the characters in the book is based on an actual person. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional.

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