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Prairie Storm (Cowboys of The Flint Hills #4)

Page 6

by Tessa Layne

  The sun must have shot off a flare. That was the only explanation for the heat that was rapidly seeping into her bones.

  “Remember what to do next?”

  Haley was pretty sure it involved kissing. She bit down on her lip, focusing on a bit of stitching on the saddle. It would be so easy to turn around. Relieve the ache that had sprung up between her legs. Press herself against the length of him and let him kiss her until she forgot her name.

  “No.” She shook her head, more at herself than in answer to his question.

  “Liar,” he murmured into her ear. God, she could listen to him talk all day. Just the sound of him sent her libido into a tizzy. And when he was right there, sending electric shocks down her neck straight to her nipples, it was all she could do not to combust on the spot.

  What if she turned around? Took one little taste of him? Just enough to take the edge off her desire. Would it be so bad to give in? Just for a moment?

  His hand tightened at her hip. “Coop.”

  What was she doing? She had a job to do that didn’t involve letting herself get seduced by a sweet-talking cowboy. She cleared her throat. “Help me up.”

  “Sure thing.”

  He let go of her hand, and she immediately felt a wall go up between them. The knot she carried behind her ribs twisted a notch tighter. It was for the best. It had to be. She slid her foot into the stirrup and pushed off the ground with the other. Axel was right there to give her the extra boost she needed. But he stepped away as soon as she’d seated herself, his face unreadable.

  He lifted the reins over the horse’s head and handed them to her. “Let’s go. We’re going to have to hoof it to set your equipment before dark.”

  He mounted up and wheeled the horse around, taking the packhorse lead with him. He looked over at her, jaw tight, and all business. “Your mount is named Lucy. She’s very gentle, and she won’t spook.” He gave his own horse a pat on the neck. “And this is Ricky. Stella’s our pack horse today. Ready?”

  Haley nodded, a wave of remorse washing over her. She’d rarely seen Axel brusque like this. Once, maybe twice the whole time they’d dated, and only because he’d been upset at his dad. To be on the receiving end of this coolness, stung.

  He’d always been so much fun. So willing to go gung-ho with any of her harebrained ideas. Around him, she could be who she wanted. Who she imagined, without all the crazy baggage. Around him, she could lose herself in the moment and forget she was the unwanted foster kid with the fucked up past. The one who had to scramble and scratch for every opportunity.

  Once they were clear of the outbuildings, Axe swung Ricky wide and slowed, waiting for her to catch up. She came abreast of him and peeked over, grateful for the shield her sunglasses provided. He’d asked earlier if they could be friendly, and she’d agreed. Yet they were doing a bad job of it. She was doing a bad job of it. If the next fourteen hours weren’t going to be miserable, she’d have to get over herself and start talking. And jeez, if she’d learned how to do anything when she was working in broadcast television, it was how to talk. Easier said than done when it was someone you apparently still harbored feelings for.

  Haley cleared her throat, extending an olive branch. “So you asked earlier how I ended up in meteorology.”

  For a heart-stopping moment, the lines on his face remained taut. Had he decided to give up on being friendly? Decided she wasn’t worth the effort? A hot lump formed in her throat. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d ruined something.

  Then he flashed her a grin.

  A genuine smile that made her feel light all over, and she sagged from the relief of it.

  “Yeah. You gonna tell me a story while we ride?”

  “There’s not really a story.” Well there was one, but thinking about it gave her nightmares, and most people only wanted broad brushstrokes when they asked questions like that. “I… wanted to make a difference. You know, help people. Save lives.”

  “Curing cancer saves lives.”

  “So does enhancing our predictions of severe weather, and changing how we design buildings.”

  “If your predictions are enhanced, doesn’t it also bring out more crazies? You know, people who have a death wish disguised as a sick fascination with storms?”

  He was referring to the time when she’d dragged him out to hunt a storm and they’d ended up speeding hell for leather away from a twister that nearly caught them. She smiled sheepishly. “Hey, I’ve grown up a lot since then. Not nearly so crazy.”

  “Bullshit,” he coughed into his hand.

  Haley laughed out loud. “Think what you like. I’ve been trained in evasive tactics. And every one of CPARC’s vehicles is equipped with first-aid equipment since we may be first on the scene in the event a tornado hits a populated area.” She grew serious. “Enhanced prediction has created additional problems, as have camera phones and social media. Everyone fancies themselves a chaser now. But evidence still shows that improved early warning saves more lives.”

  He stared at her intently, a light blazing in his eyes. “You really love your work, don’t you?”

  She nodded, unable to stop the smile that always appeared when she discussed her job.

  “Then lucky for us. And CPARC. They’re lucky to have someone like you, Coop.”

  She warmed at the admiration in his voice. If she wasn’t careful, she’d find herself falling for him hard and fast, and she wasn’t sure her heart could stand the breaking a second time around.


  God, she was so lovely and animated when she talked about her work. It surprised him how much he enjoyed listening to her. Haley was… deep. How come he’d never noticed that about her before? Maybe because he’d been more concerned about how to get her clothes off. And fluffing his ego. Come to think of it, he’d been pretty self-centered, and it had never occurred to him to find out what made her happy. He’d have to do better this time.

  And seeing her astride a horse again, smiling and laughing as they rode, made his insides melt. Although he’d have to do something about her footwear. She couldn’t go out on the range in little more than tennis shoes. He’d fix that as soon as he got the chance.

  “Are we close, Axe?”

  Her question brought him back to the task at hand. He reached for her map, tucked inside his breast pocket. After studying it for a second, he nodded. “Yep. Top of this hill.” Axel nudged Ricky ahead and dismounted at the top. “Need a hand?” he offered as Haley pulled Lucy alongside Ricky.

  She shook her head, but then groaned as she dismounted.


  She was going to be sore tomorrow. Best to make camp here, then. No sense in adding to Haley’s discomfort. Axel began unloading the packhorse. “I have aspirin with me if you want it. Might help against sore legs in the morning.”

  She grimaced and stretched. “Yeah, I’d forgotten it takes awhile to get used to riding.”

  Axel couldn’t help but admire her as she moved, all lines and curves. His stomach gave a little hop. “You’ll just have to do more of it then.” He liked that idea quite a bit.

  She reached for one of the equipment boxes and brushed against him, and instantly his nerve endings kicked into hyper awareness. He moved to support the box she was working to lift. “Here. Let me help you.”

  “Got it, thanks.” Her voice had gone soft and husky.

  Oh, please let that mean she felt this connection too. This… energy that sprang to life when they touched. He helped her lower the box, and when they stood, she was closer. Her tongue flicked across her lower lip, and he shut his eyes against the sensation that ripped through him. Fisting his hand, he stepped away. Now wasn’t the time.

  Her feet stayed planted behind him. Why wasn’t she moving? He focused one of the knots on the pack. “You get your equipment set. I’ll make camp.”

  Could she hear the rough edge in his voice? Axel stayed put until he heard her pick up the equipment and march off. He was nuts for hatching this
crazy plan. It was an exquisite form of torture, being so close to her and not having her. Bracing himself as her scent invaded him, wound through him, and muddled his brain.

  By the time Haley returned, he’d pitched the tent and was working on a modest fire pit. One didn’t have to dig far to hit rock in the Flint Hills. There were only a few inches of topsoil, and with the recent rains, digging was fairly easy. Wood, on the other hand, was harder to come by unless you were in the river bottoms, which they weren’t. But Axel had planned carefully, albeit quickly, and had packed enough wood for a romantic fire. At least he hoped Coop would see it that way.

  The setting sun lit Coop in a halo of gold as she approached, a look of excitement on her face. Axel rocked back on his heels, his breath sticking in his lungs for a moment. There was an air of confidence and assurance about her that he didn’t remember from their youth. She’d had plenty of swagger back then, but it had matured. Softened. A shot of longing surged through him. He wanted to stand and take her in his arms, brush the stray hair from her cheek, and just… hold her. Okay, kiss her until she begged him for more, too. He swallowed the knot of emotion that seemed to have lodged itself behind his tongue. “What’s got you all excited?”

  She raised her brows, dark eyes glinting. “Now, we wait.”

  “Now, we eat.” He motioned to the pit. “I packed a few treats.”


  “How do bison brats and beans sound?”

  She grinned at him, rubbing her hands together. “Perfect. I’m famished.”

  “Check the cooler behind me.”

  Her delighted gasp was all the confirmation he needed to know he’d scored. “You didn’t.”

  “Thought you could use a refresher after your day.”

  Glass clinked as she rummaged in the cooler, then he heard the hiss of two bottle caps releasing. She plopped on the ground next to him, holding out a beer. She took a long draft, and Axel stared, mesmerized, at her exposed length of neck and the way it moved as she swallowed. Shaking himself, he took a sip, grateful for the distraction of cool liquid on his throat.

  “Thanks for this,” she said, lifting the beer. “I’m surprised you remembered Boulevard Wheat was my favorite.”

  “I remember a lot, Coop.” And just like that, the energy between them shifted again. Grew tense and electric. Like a storm brewing. Damn. Was every interaction between them going to be fraught with landmines?

  He stared off into the distance, letting the quiet seep into his pores. It was beautiful out here in the hills. Otherworldly. He couldn’t imagine a place more serene or living anywhere else. Out here, a man could think. Hell, he’d certainly done his fair share of that. Though some would argue not quite enough, given that he was thirty-two and still no closer to a wife, children, or running his own show. But that was a rabbit hole for another day. He took another swig of his beer, then settled the bottle between two rocks and set about building the fire.

  “So what else do you remember?” she called softly to him.

  He stilled. “Are you sure you want to open that can of worms, Coop?” He balled up a piece of newspaper and poured a little cooking oil over it, then jammed it underneath the kindling. He snuck a glance across the fire pit, surprised to find her watching him intently, a funny expression on her face.

  So she did want to go there.


  The fire crackled to life, and slowly he added more kindling, then one, two, three logs. He stepped back out of the heat, and studied Coop. She’d finished her beer and set it aside. Now, her arms were looped around her knees, but her eyes were still trained on him. He circled the fire, eyes never leaving hers, and held out his hand when he reached her.

  He cleared his throat and sang.

  “Dance with me… under the stars of a moonless sky.” It had been too long since he’d sung just for the fun of it. But her quick intake of breath and widening eyes told him she remembered this song too. “Dance with me… we’ll grow old together, our love will never die.”

  Did she experience the same bone-deep ache when the old Kaycee Starr song came on the radio that he did? Assaulted by visions of the two of them singing this song to each other out under the night sky?

  Axel gestured to her again. “C’mon Coop, whaddya say?” He held his breath, along with every cell in his body as he waited for her to speak. Or move.


  When she lifted her hand to his, he grasped it like a lifeline. Relief and something like hope flooding him. In that instant, he felt like he could shoulder the burdens of the world and still come out on top. In one smooth move, Axel hauled her up and flush against him, spinning her around until she laughed out loud.


  Her laugh.

  The sound went straight to his cock, lighting a fire low in his belly. He’d give a left nut to hear that laugh every day.

  Confidence surging through him, he sang the next line a little more dramatically as he kept spinning them. “Dance with me… in the shade of the old oak tree.”

  Her eyes were bright with amusement as they moved, and together they sang the last stanza of the refrain. “I’ll swing you ’round and carry you home if you’ll just dance with me.”

  An ember of self-satisfaction sprang to life. He’d always enjoyed hearing Coop sing, and as far as he knew – he hoped – she didn’t sing with anyone else. She’d always refused to karaoke. But when they were alone… singing their favorite songs had always come naturally. It meant something that she slipped back into singing with him, didn’t it? “I always thought we should have taken our act on the road.”

  She rolled her eyes, still smiling. “And done what? Played dive bars and county fairs, and lived out of your pickup truck?”

  He shrugged and gave them another spin. “Why not? At least we’d have been together.”

  Her face clouded. “You couldn’t leave the ranch. And I don’t play guitar.”

  He let go of her and staggered back, hand over his heart, and sank to his knees. “You’re killing’ me, Coop. We’d have been the greatest duo since… Reba and Kenny.” He flashed her what he hoped looked like puppy eyes.

  She covered her mouth, shaking with laughter. “You’re crazy.”

  “In case you didn’t know…” He launched into his best imitation of a Brett Young song he’d heard a few times. “Baby I’m crazy ’bout ya.”

  Coop shut her eyes, shaking her head. But a grin curved her full mouth. “Just. Stop.” She shook her head again. “No one could make me laugh like you could.”

  Pleasure roared to life inside him. He didn’t know why it was so important to him to hear that, but it was. Like she hadn’t just walked out of his life and never thought about him again. Like maybe, just maybe, she’d missed him? That maybe there was some reason she’d bolted without a word, and not just that she’d grown tired of him and decided he wasn’t worth loving.

  Axel hopped up and aimed for the cooler that held dinner. “I don’t know about you, but I’m famished.” Why had that song popped into his head? He’d come dangerously close to expressing himself, and while he wanted her – God did he want her – he’d already made his move. And he’d be a fool to go there again while she was making it clear he was to stay at arm’s length. But he didn’t have to make it easy for her to keep him there. Eventually she’d give in. He could see the heat in her eyes when he caught her staring. And he’d felt it when they kissed. She wanted him too. He knew it.

  He jammed the brats onto a couple of marshmallow forks and turned, nearly bumping into her.

  “Here,” Coop offered, holding out her hands. “Let me help.” She took the forks from him, brushing his hand in the process.

  There it was again. That zing of connection sending sparks up his arm and straight to his cock. He was going to have to sleep outside tonight if he was going to get an ounce of shut-eye.

  He set about opening the cans of beans, then nestled them among the coals across from Coop. Maybe they’d have better lu
ck talking with something physical between them. But before he could say anything, she spoke. “So, I have to say I was a little surprised to see you haven’t settled down. I thought for sure you’d be married with kids by now.”

  Why hadn’t he? Lots of reasons, including one very big one across the fire. But he’d be damned if he let her know that right now. So he shrugged. “It’s complicated. Pops keeps dangling control of the ranch in front of me and Gunn, but won’t let go. And at my age I need to offer a woman more than a bunk house on a family operation.”

  Her brows furrowed. “That was enough for you once.”

  “Sure, when I was twenty-three and just starting out.”

  “Why didn’t you strike out on your own? You have the talent and the business sense.”

  He warmed at her compliment. “Prairie’s home. And even though Pops is… difficult, I like working with Gunn.” Everyone liked working with Gunn. He was one of those people that just made you feel important. He’d never hold a candle to his brother, but his life was better with Gunn in it. “And why disrupt the family by finding something close?” He’d heard stories from Uncle Warren about how Pops had treated Uncle Monty when he’d moved off the ranch shortly after marrying his Aunt Peggy. It had only caused heartbreak for everyone.

  Coop’s face twisted and flickered in the glow of the fire. “I always wanted a family like yours.” Her voice was small and sad.

  “You could have had mine.” His voice came out rougher than he’d intended, but fuck it, it was true. He’d wanted to marry her. She was the one who’d kept them at arm’s length.

  She shook her head, eyes dark and sorrowful. “My path lay in a different direction. You know that.”

  “What path were you on, exactly?” he scowled at her. “You never would say.”


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