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Monstrous Kink

Page 7

by Tuesday Morrigan

  Body bowed over her straining figure, he wrapped his lips around her nipple and suckled it, using his lips, teeth, tongue to tease her into a frenzy. The soft whimpering sounds of her delight drifted above his head.

  “Zacharias… We shouldn’t…” she murmured even as her body sought out the wet heat of his mouth.

  His hand trailed over her stomach until he reached the heat between her plump thighs. The fire there almost scalded him. Mila bucked her hips at his touch. “No.”

  Zacharias released her nipple with a wet pop. His hands slipped deeper between her thighs, pressing at the satin panties, stroking the moist fabric into her wet cunt. He lifted himself until his face hovered over hers. He watched her for a moment. “This time I am the one in charge.” He growled, a rough, tortured sound, before capturing her lips in a harsh kiss. His tongue snaked between her lips parted in shock, as one long finger glided underneath her panties to thrust into her pussy. The shrill sound of Mila’s satisfied scream was muffled by his ardent lips.

  Mila climaxed immediately, coming hard and fast around his finger, coating him with her cream. She was so passionate, so receptive to him that for a moment the white hot light of her response blinded him. “By the gods, I cannot let you go.” His groaned words were a promise and a threat.

  Quick, determined hands shed Mila of her panties and raised her skirt. In a few moments Zacharias had opened his slacks and released the hard length of his cock. He surged deep into the wet heat of her cunt in one stroke. Mila lifted her hips for his thrust, meeting him halfway, reinforcing his belief that they could not do without one another.

  The passion that swirled between them was insane, irrational, and determined.

  There was no denying the lure that drew them to one another.

  He would not let Mila deny it.

  His fingers captured her face. “Look at me.” He surged into her. Her passion-glazed eyes fluttered for a moment before connecting with his gaze.

  “Tell me you want me.”

  Her lips parted and she stared at him in surprise.

  He withdrew only to slide back into her. Hard. “Tell me. Tell me the truth, Mila. Tell me how you feel about me.”

  “No,” she moaned, even as her fingers dug into the cheeks of his ass, pulling him closer to her. She shook her head wildly, midnight silk flying around her moist, heated face and lifted her hips for his down thrust. “It is not what you think.” Her murmured words whispered over the sweaty skin of his corded neck.

  “Look at me, damn you.” He growled, low, deep, and feral. The sound of a beast being pushed past its limit. Her gaze lifted to his. It took a moment for the cloud of passion to dissipate. He saw understanding in her eyes.

  “It’s just sex, Zacharias.” She moved her hips sensually beneath him, rolling them so his cock moved against the moist, sensitive walls of her pussy. She shivered beneath him and her eyes fluttered shut at the action. “Just sex,” she breathed out on a gasping moan.

  A cold, dark heat surged in Zacharias’s blood at Mila’s words. He grasped her thigh and lifted her left leg high, placing it against his shoulder. He immediately sunk deeper into the wet folds of her cunt.

  She bowed beneath him, her nipples scraping pleasurably against the planes of his chest. He moved above her purposely, increasing the desirable friction against the swollen points.

  A racked shudder went through her body. A flinted, savage smile danced across his face.

  Zacharias slowly withdrew from her. The nails clutching his ass dug in deep, almost breaking the skin with their need. The slight pain spurred him on. He surged into Mila. Fast. Hard. Deep.

  His fingers tangled in the ebony strands of her hair. He tugged just hard enough to force her to look at him. He slid out of her and stilled. Only the bulbous head of his thick cock remained sheathed inside of her. He watched Mila’s face. Her eyes darkened in anger and lust.

  Zacharias’s smile widened to a smug grin. “I know your secret, Mila.” The gruff words were whispered against her neck seconds before his tongue fluttered against her rapid pulse. He stroked into her at the same moment.

  His head lifted and his gaze once again caught hers. He moved within her. “You play the part of the Mistress because you want to know how far you can push a man before he pushes you back.” He allowed some of the power that surged beneath his veins free. “Well, I’m pushing back, Mila.”

  The words seemed to be what she was waiting for. One of Mila’s hands clutched his shoulder, the nails tore into his skin, moon-shaped proofs of her pleasure as her satisfaction ripped through her.

  Zacharias watched, mesmerized, as her breath caught in her throat and her body stilled. Her eyes slammed shut and her chest heaved, taking in a deep breath. Then every inch of her voluptuous frame shook with the force of the shivers that racked her as she climaxed.

  The fingers in her hair tightened. His lips brushed against her. “That’s it, Mila. Come for me.” He whispered the words over her parted lips as he thrust through the tight, fluttering walls of her cunt.

  Her eyes snapped open in shock as his thrust precipitated another, more powerful orgasm. Feral satisfaction ripped through him as he watched the glazed look of passion enter her eyes. He tightened his hold on her, pulling her closer to him. “That’s it, Mila. The night has just begun. Tonight the Mistress meets her Master.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Runaway Lover

  Mila lay beside Zacharias, heart thumping wildly in her ears as she reconsidered her decision. The soft sound of her lover’s blissful sleep drifted through the air. She turned slightly and glanced at the gentle giant who had snaked his way into her heart. It made no sense how he had come to mean so much to her in so little time.

  And she was not a woman given to rash impulses.

  For the last hour she had thought long and hard over what she had realized. Every time she glanced at him, she wavered from what she knew she had to do. But she had never truly turned away from the hard decision. It was the only choice available to her, really. She could not stay here, in this place Zacharias called home, and pretend to be the queen to a bunch of misfits who thought they had supernatural powers.

  She had to get back to reality. Back to home. And this time she really did mean home. She had to go back to her mother’s house in Philadelphia, rest and relax. Because it was becoming painfully obvious to Mila that staying in his castle, being around him was making her lose her mind.

  For a moment there, as he told her about his supposed ability to shift, she had believed him. And that just couldn’t be.

  Mila pushed aside the insistent memory of his teeth lengthening as she and Zacharias made love.

  Yup, she was losing it.

  She slowly rolled off the bed, landing on the balls of her feet so as to not make a sound. She concentrated on quickly making her way across the creaky wooden floor. Coward that she was, she did not want to confront Zacharias. Like a thief in the night, she wanted to creep out while he slept. That way there would be no attempts to change her mind, no fights, no arguments, and no tears.

  Mila was deathly afraid that one look in his emotion-filled green eyes would shatter her resolve. And then she would be the one begging him to let her stay.

  Somehow she managed to ignore the nagging voice in her head until she reached the middle of the hallway. It spoke up then, more determined, and insistent that she was making a mistake. By the time she made it to her car, it was screaming, voice thick and hoarse in anger.

  Mila opened her car door and sat inside. Zacharias had made sure it was fixed and ready to take her wherever she wanted to go the previous day. The problem was the only place she wanted to go was to the bed she had left. The bed where a man claiming to be a gargoyle lay.

  Twenty minutes later, Mila was still sitting in her car. She could not bring herself to start the car and leave. With a heartfelt groan, she admitted the truth. She wanted and needed Zacharias.

  He was right. Whatever was going on between them
was not something she could walk away from. Shape-shifting gargoyle or not, she was his woman. And he was her man. Only he understood her need to dominate and submit at the same time.

  He could always call a halt to their games. She was always at his mercy between the sheets. Just as she was at his mercy in regard to her heart.

  “Damn.” She opened the car door and stepped out of the vehicle. The shadows surrounding the moonlit driveway moved to reveal a man. For a moment all she could see was his chilling smile.

  “You should have taken off, little human. It would have saved me the trouble of cutting your throat.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Belly of the Beast

  For a moment, a single, utter moment, Zacharias considered letting her go. Then reality intruded. He could not let her be. Somehow he had to make Mila understand that running from their relationship would not make it go away.

  He had to bind her to him.

  He had spent the night deep inside her, trying to prove he owned her. Now he understood that, although his actions had spoken loud and clear, he needed to explain himself to Mila.

  He needed to tell her exactly what he was. What it meant to be a gargoyle.

  A gargoyle in love.

  He sighed.

  He had to show her his bestial form. And hope she didn’t run screaming from the room.

  His gaze drifted to her side of the bed. The last vestiges of her body heat still clung to the sheets. She had not been gone long. Twenty minutes at the most. He glanced at the bathroom, wondering when she would return to his arms.

  The slight sound of movement caught his attention. The soft sound of gravel being crunched underfoot drifted to him. Someone was taking a predawn stroll.

  Thoughts of another vigorous activity to welcome the day lightened through his mind. Zacharias turned toward the bathroom. A smile lit his face. He had never made love in his shower.

  And his stall was decadence itself with three different heads that titillated as they invigorated.

  One rough hand had just wrapped around the doorknob when the sound of a woman’s fear-filled scream shattered the air. Zacharias stilled. There was such terror in the sharp sound that he felt his blood chill.

  And Zacharias knew without being told that the scream came from Mila.

  He turned, ran through his room and burst through the glass doors that led to his private balcony seconds after changing shape. Monstrous wings spread, he leapt onto the ledge and flew toward the area the sound had come from.


  The dull, sick sound of flesh hitting flesh pierced the air seconds before he dropped to the ground.

  His roar of pain-filled anger tore through the air. He was too late. The air fluttered as the Magician took flight, spreading his ghastly wings and soaring through the night.

  Zacharias immediately flew after the beast who had stolen his bride-to-be. Rage spurred him on, energizing him, allowing him to close the great distance between them quickly. Just as his long, dark fingers were about to curl around the Magician’s ankles, the fiend disappeared.

  He stilled in the air, great wings beating at the charged air that swam around him. Anger and fear like none he had ever felt before filled him, making his blood chill with the almost disabling emotions. Zacharias turned at the sound of hurried feet hitting the ground.

  “You must change now,” Hugo yelled as he ran toward him.

  Zacharias looked up just in time see the sun rising, shining its golden light across the castle. He flew into the shadows. That single fact saved him from a stony outcome. He shifted form immediately, plummeting toward the ground. Hugo leapt up and caught Zacharias just before he would have hit the ground, body broken.

  Naked and determined, Zacharias quickly righted himself to stand beside Hugo. Liana came rushing around the corner. She threw him a pair of jeans. He caught them easily and turned to Hugo.

  “He has taken her.”

  Hugo sighed, a painful, broken sound. “I had hoped it would not come to this.”

  Zacharias’s gaze snagged the other man’s. “You knew he would take my mate and you said nothing.” The words were forced through clenched, sharp teeth. He could not fully leash the beast that lay inside. His animal was intent on finding his woman and would not be denied. As it was, Zacharias was finding it difficult to stay in his human form.

  Hugo cracked his knuckles, the only indication he was feeling any emotional strain. His dark, emotionless eyes stared back at Zacharias. “He has been increasingly vocal about his ideas regarding the place of humans and the others, the un-naturals. He has told me that he thinks the handfasting tradition is abominable.”

  Zacharias hastily stepped into his jeans and strode toward the forests surrounding the monstrous stone castle. Hugo and Liana followed.

  “What will you do, my lord?”

  He didn’t bother to turn to answer Liana’s question. He threw the words over his shoulder as he ventured into the deep, dark Obsidian Forests. “I am going to meet the beast in his lair, of course.”

  The ten minutes it took Zacharias to make his way through the Forests to the shrouded, dilapidated building was the longest ten minutes of his life. The only thing that kept him from screaming in frustration was the reassuring thought that the Magician could not make his way through the Forests any faster than he.

  The Obsidian Forests, like all the land of Krim, had been spellbound. The area was unique because it did not allow any being to move through it in any other form but their human form. No sorcery or magick could allow him to move Mila more quickly to his dark home.

  The Magician was bound to his human flesh.

  Zacharias counted it as a benefit to him. The Magician was not as strong in the form of a man.

  When Zacharias, Hugo, and Liana finally reached the middle of the Obsidian Forests, the area where the Magician’s shelter stood, the sight that greeted them made Zacharias’s eyes widen in shock.

  Spellbound, he turned to Hugo just to make sure he was not imagining what he saw. He realized, when he saw the vampire’s face filled with blatant disbelief, that he wasn’t imagining things.

  The whispered rumors were true. The Dark Moon Queen had finally arrived in Krim.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Return of the Queen

  Mila’s rage was like nothing she had ever felt before. She could not explain the powerful emotions swirling through her. She only knew that she couldn’t shake off the man’s disgusting touch.

  The man had spit at her and called her disgusting names as he dragged her through the dark forests and into his ancient house. And then he demanded that she service him. As if she were his to do aught with. As if she were a whore.

  Her gaze darkened as she glared at him, his uttered words rolling through her. “You were good enough for that cursed king, you are good enough for me,” he said with a chilling laugh as he reached for her.

  As his fingers wrapped around her ankle and he pulled her across his bed, something inside of her snapped.

  His lecherous touch was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

  The fear that had swam under Mila’s skin ignited into a relentless, raging fire the moment he put his hands on her. The emotional shift had been so quick that she hadn’t been able to control the jagged sensations swirling through her body. A sense of calmness and unabridged power filled her before she could put up a barrier and keep the rolling emotions at bay. For the first time in her life, Mila had not run from the powers she knew lived inside of her.

  A dark chuckle slipped from her full lips as she lifted her arms. The air around her moved with shocking speed, leaving her in the middle of a powerful tornado. She regarded the man who had brought her to this place.

  “Rufus, I must say, if not for you I would not have let myself free. I must properly thank you.”

  “Mila,” Zacharias yelled, and lunged for her. She automatically jumped back, evading his outstretched arms. But when Mila moved back, out of the reach of
his long arms, she didn’t land on the ground. She hovered above him, standing several feet in the air, peering down at Zacharias.

  “Damn it, Mila. Stop it,” he growled.

  Mila watched Zacharias for several moments, feeling the anger inside her battling with something just as powerful. But the anger, the pain inside, won out. For too long, for too many years, she had run from what she knew was true.

  She was not like others. And for once she was going to bask in it. She would not let Zacharias or anyone else put her in a cage.

  Mila lifted her hand, palm up. Zacharias stopped in his tracks. She watched him try to break her hold. She smiled when he found he couldn’t. At that moment Hugo and Liana ran toward them. She turned her gaze to the runners. They slowly lifted from the ground to levitate in the air.

  “I do not want to fight you.” She turned back to her target. Rufus. The gargoyle Zacharias trusted. With his life. With her life.

  One dark eyebrow arched. Rufus was lifted several feet in the air. “How can you…?” he choked out. “Only a Moon royal can break past the Obsidian barrier and use their magicks.”

  Her smile widened. “One of these is not like the others,” she said softly. Rufus paled. “Why do you want me dead?”

  The silver-haired man watched Mila for several moments with fear in his eyes. For a moment, she simply relished the pleasure that came when the hunter became the hunted.

  “Mila, don’t do this.”

  “Listen to your king, Mila,” Hugo yelled.

  “I have no king.” Her voice was soft. Deadly. The air surrounding her stilled at the sound.

  “Now, Rufus. You will answer my question now. Why do you want me dead?”


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